121 research outputs found

    Handling Ambiguity in Emotion: From Out-of-Domain Detection to Distribution Estimation

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    The subjective perception of emotion leads to inconsistent labels from human annotators. Typically, utterances lacking majority-agreed labels are excluded when training an emotion classifier, which cause problems when encountering ambiguous emotional expressions during testing. This paper investigates three methods to handle ambiguous emotion. First, we show that incorporating utterances without majority-agreed labels as an additional class in the classifier reduces the classification performance of the other emotion classes. Then, we propose detecting utterances with ambiguous emotions as out-of-domain samples by quantifying the uncertainty in emotion classification using evidential deep learning. This approach retains the classification accuracy while effectively detects ambiguous emotion expressions. Furthermore, to obtain fine-grained distinctions among ambiguous emotions, we propose representing emotion as a distribution instead of a single class label. The task is thus re-framed from classification to distribution estimation where every individual annotation is taken into account, not just the majority opinion. The evidential uncertainty measure is extended to quantify the uncertainty in emotion distribution estimation. Experimental results on the IEMOCAP and CREMA-D datasets demonstrate the superior capability of the proposed method in terms of majority class prediction, emotion distribution estimation, and uncertainty estimation

    Altered glycosylation of glycodelin in endometrial carcinoma

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    Glycodelin is a major glycoprotein expressed in reproductive tissues, like secretory and decidualized endometrium. It has several reproduction related functions that are dependent on specific glycosylation, but it has also been found to drive differentiation of endometrial carcinoma cells toward a less malignant phenotype. Here we aimed to elucidate whether the glycosylation and function of glycodelin is altered in endometrial carcinoma as compared with a normal endometrium. We carried out glycan structure analysis of glycodelin expressed in HEC-1B human endometrial carcinoma cells (HEC-1B Gd) by mass spectrometry glycomics strategies. Glycans of HEC-1B Gd were found to comprise a typical mixture of high-mannose, hybrid, and complex-type N-glycans, often containing undecorated LacNAc (Gal beta 1-4GlcNAc) antennae. However, several differences, as compared with previously reported glycan structures of normal human decidualized endometrium-derived glycodelin isoform, glycodelin-A (GdA), were also found. These included a lower level of sialylation and more abundant poly-LacNAc antennae, some of which are fucosylated. This allowed us to select lectins that showed different binding to these classes of glycodelin. Despite the differences in glycosylation between HEC-1B Gd and GdA, both showed similar inhibitory activity on trophoblast cell invasion and peripheral blood mononuclear cell proliferation. For the detection of cancer associated glycodelin, we established a novel in situ proximity-ligation based histochemical staining method using a specific glycodelin antibody and UEAI lectin. We found that the UEAI reactive glycodelin was abundant in endometrial carcinoma, but virtually absent in normal endometrial tissue even when glycodelin was strongly expressed. In conclusion, we established a histochemical staining method for the detection of endometrial carcinoma-associated glycodelin and showed that this specific glycodelin is exclusively expressed in cancer, not in normal endometrium. Similar methods can be used for studies of other glycoproteins. Glycodelin is a major endometrial glycoprotein. The authors analyzed glycan structures of endometrial carcinoma associated glycodelin and established a novel glycodelin-glycoform specific histochemical staining method. With this, they showed that glycodelin is differentially glycosylated in endometrial carcinoma tissue, as compared to normal endometrium, representing a neoantigen with potential clinical applications.Peer reviewe

    Gravitational anomalies signaling the breakdown of classical gravity

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    Recent observations for three types of astrophysical systems severely challenge the GR plus dark matter scenario, showing a phenomenology which is what modified gravity theories predict. Stellar kinematics in the outskirts of globular clusters show the appearance of MOND type dynamics on crossing the a0a_{0} threshold. Analysis shows a ``Tully-Fisher'' relation in these systems, a scaling of dispersion velocities with the fourth root of their masses. Secondly, an anomaly has been found at the unexpected scales of wide binaries in the solar neighbourhood. Binary orbital velocities cease to fall along Keplerian expectations, and settle at a constant value, exactly on crossing the a0a_{0} threshold. Finally, the inferred infall velocity of the bullet cluster is inconsistent with the standard cosmological scenario, where much smaller limit encounter velocities appear. This stems from the escape velocity limit present in standard gravity; the ``bullet'' should not hit the ``target'' at more than the escape velocity of the joint system, as it very clearly did. These results are consistent with extended gravity, but would require rather contrived explanations under GR, each. Thus, observations now put us in a situation where modifications to gravity at low acceleration scales cease to be a matter of choice, to now become inevitable.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, Astrophysics and Space Science Proceedings 38, 4

    Decidual glycodelin-A polarizes human monocytes into a decidual macrophage-like phenotype through Siglec-7

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    Decidual macrophages constitute 20-30% of the total leukocytes in the uterus of pregnant women, regulating the maternal immune tolerance and placenta development. Abnormal number or activities of decidual macrophages (dMs) are associated with fetal loss and pregnancy complications, such as preeclampsia. Monocytes differentiate into dMs in a decidua-specific microenvironment. Despite their important roles in pregnancy, the exact factors that regulate the differentiation into dMs remain unclear. Glycodelin-A (PAEP, hereafter referred to as GdA) is a glycoprotein that is abundantly present in the decidua, and plays an important role in fetomaternal defense and placental development. It modulates the differentiation and activity of several immune cell types residing in the decidua. In this study, we demonstrated that GdA induces the differentiation of human monocytes into dM-like phenotypes in terms of transcriptome, cell surface marker expression, secretome, and regulation of trophoblast and endothelial cell functions. We found that Sialic acid-binding Ig-like lectin 7 (Siglec-7) mediates the binding and biological actions of GdA in a sialic acid-dependent manner. We, therefore, suggest that GdA, induces the polarization of monocytes into dMs to regulate fetomatemal tolerance and placental development.Peer reviewe

    Dual-gated graphene devices for near-field nano-imaging

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    Graphene-based heterostructures display a variety of phenomena that are strongly tunable by electrostatic local gates. Monolayer graphene (MLG) exhibits tunable surface plasmon polaritons, as revealed by scanning nano-infrared experiments. In bilayer graphene (BLG), an electronic gap is induced by a perpendicular displacement field. Gapped BLG is predicted to display unusual effects such as plasmon amplification and domain wall plasmons with significantly larger lifetime than MLG. Furthermore, a variety of correlated electronic phases highly sensitive to displacement fields have been observed in twisted graphene structures. However, applying perpendicular displacement fields in nano-infrared experiments has only recently become possible (Ref. 1). In this work, we fully characterize two approaches to realizing nano-optics compatible top-gates: bilayer MoS2\text{MoS}_2 and MLG. We perform nano-infrared imaging on both types of structures and evaluate their strengths and weaknesses. Our work paves the way for comprehensive near-field experiments of correlated phenomena and plasmonic effects in graphene-based heterostructures

    Performance of Monolayer Graphene Nanomechanical Resonators with Electrical Readout

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    The enormous stiffness and low density of graphene make it an ideal material for nanoelectromechanical (NEMS) applications. We demonstrate fabrication and electrical readout of monolayer graphene resonators, and test their response to changes in mass and temperature. The devices show resonances in the MHz range. The strong dependence of the resonant frequency on applied gate voltage can be fit to a membrane model, which yields the mass density and built-in strain. Upon removal and addition of mass, we observe changes in both the density and the strain, indicating that adsorbates impart tension to the graphene. Upon cooling, the frequency increases; the shift rate can be used to measure the unusual negative thermal expansion coefficient of graphene. The quality factor increases with decreasing temperature, reaching ~10,000 at 5 K. By establishing many of the basic attributes of monolayer graphene resonators, these studies lay the groundwork for applications, including high-sensitivity mass detectors

    The role of spermatozoa-zona pellucida interaction in selecting fertilization-competent spermatozoa in humans

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    Human fertilization begins when a capacitated spermatozoon binds to the zona pellucida (ZP) surrounding a mature oocyte. Defective spermatozoa-ZP interaction contributes to male infertility and is a leading cause of reduced fertilization rates in assisted reproduction treatments (ARTs). Human ejaculate contains millions of spermatozoa with varying degrees of fertilization potential and genetic quality, of which only thousands of motile spermatozoa can bind to the ZP at the fertilization site. This observation suggests that human ZP selectively interacts with competitively superior spermatozoa characterized by high fertilizing capability and genetic integrity. However, direct evidence for ZP-mediated sperm selection process is lacking. This study aims to demonstrate that spermatozoa-ZP interaction represents a crucial step in selecting fertilization-competent spermatozoa in humans. ZP-bound and unbound spermatozoa were respectively collected by a spermatozoa-ZP coincubation assay. The time-course data demonstrated that ZP interacted with a small proportion of motile spermatozoa. Heat shock 70 kDa protein 2 (HSPA2) and sperm acrosome associated 3 (SPACA 3) are two protein markers associated with the sperm ZP-binding ability. Immunofluorescent staining indicated that the ZP-bound spermatozoa had significantly higher expression levels of HSPA2 and SPACA3 than the unbound spermatozoa. ZP-bound spermatozoa had a significantly higher level of normal morphology, DNA integrity, chromatin integrity, protamination and global methylation when compared to the unbound spermatozoa. The results validated the possibility of applying spermatozoa-ZP interaction to select fertilization-competent spermatozoa in ART. This highly selective interaction might also provide diagnostic information regarding the fertilization potential and genetic qualities of spermatozoa independent of those derived from the standard semen analysis

    Asia-Pacific working group consensus on non-variceal upper gastrointestinal bleeding: An update 2018

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    Non-variceal upper gastrointestinal bleeding remains an important emergency condition, leading to significant morbidity and mortality. As endoscopic therapy is the 'gold standard' of management, treatment of these patients can be considered in three stages: pre-endoscopic treatment, endoscopic haemostasis and post-endoscopic management. Since publication of the Asia-Pacific consensus on non-variceal upper gastrointestinal bleeding (NVUGIB) 7 years ago, there have been significant advancements in the clinical management of patients in all three stages. These include pre-endoscopy risk stratification scores, blood and platelet transfusion, use of proton pump inhibitors; during endoscopy new haemostasis techniques (haemostatic powder spray and over-the-scope clips); and post-endoscopy management by second-look endoscopy and medication strategies. Emerging techniques, including capsule endoscopy and Doppler endoscopic probe in assessing adequacy of endoscopic therapy, and the pre-emptive use of angiographic embolisation, are attracting new attention. An emerging problem is the increasing use of dual antiplatelet agents and direct oral anticoagulants in patients with cardiac and cerebrovascular diseases. Guidelines on the discontinuation and then resumption of these agents in patients presenting with NVUGIB are very much needed. The Asia-Pacific Working Group examined recent evidence and recommends practical management guidelines in this updated consensus statement

    Rhesus macaque MHC class I molecules show differential subcellular localizations

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    The MHC class I gene family of rhesus macaques is characterised by considerable gene duplications. While a HLA-C-orthologous gene is absent, the Mamu-A and in particular the Mamu-B genes have expanded, giving rise to plastic haplotypes with differential gene content. Although some of the rhesus macaque MHC class I genes are known to be associated with susceptibility/resistance to infectious diseases, the functional significance of duplicated Mamu-A and Mamu-B genes and the expression pattern of their encoded proteins are largely unknown. Here, we present data of the subcellular localization of AcGFP-tagged Mamu-A and Mamu-B molecules. We found strong cell surface and low intracellular expression for Mamu-A1, Mamu-A2 and Mamu-A3-encoded molecules as well as for Mamu-B*01704, Mamu-B*02101, Mamu-B*04801, Mamu-B*06002 and Mamu-B*13401. In contrast, weak cell surface and strong intracellular expression was seen for Mamu-A4*1403, Mamu-B*01202, Mamu-B*02804, Mamu-B*03002, Mamu-B*05704, Mamu-I*010201 and Mamu-I*0121. The different expression patterns were assigned to the antigen-binding α1 and α2 domains, suggesting failure of peptide binding is responsible for retaining ‘intracellular’ Mamu class I molecules in the endoplasmic reticulum. These findings indicate a diverse functional role of the duplicated rhesus macaque MHC class I genes

    Effect of real-time computer-aided polyp detection system (ENDO-AID) on adenoma detection in endoscopists-in-training: a randomized trial

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    Background The effect of computer-aided polyp detection (CADe) on adenoma detection rate (ADR) among endoscopists-in-training remains unknown. Methods We performed a single-blind, parallel-group, randomized controlled trial in Hong Kong between April 2021 and July 2022 (NCT04838951). Eligible subjects undergoing screening/surveillance/diagnostic colonoscopies were randomized 1:1 to receive colonoscopies with CADe (ENDO-AID(OIP-1), Olympus Co., Japan) or not (control) during withdrawal. Procedures were performed by endoscopists-in-training with <500 procedures and <3 years’ experience. Randomization was stratified by patient age, sex, and endoscopist experience (beginner vs intermediate-level, <200 vs 200-500 procedures). Image enhancement and distal attachment devices were disallowed. Subjects with incomplete colonoscopies or inadequate bowel preparation were excluded. Treatment allocation was blinded to outcome assessors. The primary outcome was ADR. Secondary outcomes were ADR for different adenoma sizes and locations, mean number of adenomas, and non-neoplastic resection rate. Results 386 and 380 subjects were randomized to CADe and control groups, respectively. The overall ADR was significantly higher in CADe than control group (57.5% vs 44.5%, adjusted relative risk 1.41, 95%CI 1.17-1.72, p<0.001). The ADRs for <5mm (40.4% vs 25.0%) and 5-10mm adenomas (36.8% vs 29.2%) were higher in CADe group. The ADRs were higher in CADe group in both right (42.0% vs 30.8%) and left colon (34.5% vs 27.6%), but there was no significant difference in advanced ADR. The ADRs were higher in CADe group among beginners (60.0% vs 41.9%) and intermediate-level endoscopists (56.5% vs 45.5%). Mean number of adenomas (1.48 vs 0.86) and non-neoplastic resection rate were higher in CADe group (52.1% vs 35.0%). Conclusions Among endoscopists-in-training, the use of CADe during colonoscopies was associated with increased overall ADR. (ClinicalTrials.gov: NCT04838951
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