104 research outputs found

    Electrophoretic study on intraspecific variations and interspecific relationships of marine catfishes (Siluriformes, Ariidae) of Cananéia (São Paulo, Brazil): 2. Isozymes of skeletic muscle

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    Ten enzymatic systems of skeletic muscle of four species of marine catfishes were analysed by Polyacrylamide flat gel electrophoresis. Out of 17 loci examined, six were polymorphic. The heterozygosities varied from 0.0018 to 0.0755, the proportions of polymorphic loci, from 0.0588 to 0.2353 and the genetic identities I of Nei, from 0.242 to 0.822. The degree of genetic identity among the species is illustrated by UPGMA dendrograms.Dez sistemas enzimáticos do músculo esquelético de quatro espécies de bagres marinhos foram analisados eletroforeticamente em géis de poliacrilamida. As heterozigosidades observadas variaram entre 0,0018 e 0,0755, as proporções de loci polimórficos, entre 0,0588 e 0,2353, e as identidades genéticas I de Nei, entre 0,242 e 0,822.0 grau de identidade genética entre as espécies foi ilustrado através de dendrogramas UPGMA

    Electrophoretic study on intraspecific variations and interspecific relationships of marine catfishes (Siluriformes, Ariidae) of Cananéia (São Paulo, Brazil): 1. General proteins of eye-lens and skeletic muscle

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    Eletroforeses de proteínas gerais de cristalinos e de músculo esquelético de seis espécies de bagres marinhos foram realizadas, respectivamente, em membranas de acetato de celulose e em géis de poliacrilamida. Polimorfismo genético ocorreu apenas em um locus de eletroferogramas do cristalino de Cathorops spixii. Variações ontogenéticas nas concentrações relativas das bandas foram observadas nos eletroferogramas do cristalino e do músculo esquelético. As seis espécies de bagres marinhos podem ser identificadas através das diferenças quantitativas e qualitativas nos eletroferogramas. Coeficientes de similaridade foram determinadas pelo método de contagem de bandas e dendrogramas UPGMA foram construídos para ilustrar as relações interespecíficas entre as espécies.Cellulose acetate electrophoresis of eye-lens proteins and Polyacrylamide flat gel electrophoresis of skeletic muscle proteins of six species of marine catfishes were carried out. Genetic polymorphism only occured at one locus of the electropherograms of eye-lens of Cathorops spixii. Ontogenetic variations in the relative concentration of bands were found in the electropherograms of eye-lens and skeletic muscle proteins. The six species of catfishes can be identified by means of quantitative and qualitative differences in the electropherograms. Coefficients of similarity were determined by the band-counting method and UPGMA dendrograms were constructed to illustrate the interspecific relationships among the species

    Estudo bioquímico e fisiológico sobre os bagres marinhos do Brasil: I. Sobre padrão eletroforético do plasma em gel de poliacrilamida dos bagres da região estuarino lagunar de Cananéia

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    The possibility of the use of electropherogrames of plasma proteins in polyacrylamide slab gel in the study of populations of marine cat-fishes was examined. A total of 176 samples of plasma from four species. Sciadeichtys luniscutis. Arius spixii, Genidens genidens and Netuma barbas was used. Inter-specific as well as intra-specific differences were found and the locus E of the plasma of all the four species showed a typical dialelic variation. The locus is recommended as one of alternatives which deserve due consideration in the planing of studies of populations of these species by means of biochemical methods

    Cataract occurrence in Micropogonia furnieri (Desmarest, 1822) in the area between Capes Frio and Torres (23° S and 29° S), Brazil : investigation of causes and electrophoretic studies of total proteins of the eye lenses

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    The frequency and distribution of these specimens were analysed and the electrophoretic patterns of soluble eye-lens proteins were determined. This cataract is not of parasitic origin and was rare in specimens from the coastal area. In the lagunar region it occurs mainly in specimens of the River Baguacu from April to November

    Karyotypes of three species of marine catfishes from Brazil

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    Os cromossomos de 3 espécies de peixes da família Ariidae - Netuma barba, Genidens genidens e Arius parkeri - foram estudados após coloração convencional com Giemsa. As três espécies apresentaram número modal diplóide de 2n = 56. O cariótipo de N. barba compreende 18 pares de cromossomos metacentricos (m), 18 submetacêntricos (sm), 18 subtelocêntricos (st) e 2 telocêntricos (t); o de G. genidens compreende 12 pares m, 20 sm, 20 st e 41; o de A.parkeri compreende 16 m, 16 sm, 22 st e 2 t. Os resultados obtidos são comparados entre si e com os de outros ariídeos encontrados na literatura.The chromosomes of three species of fishes belonging to the family Ariidae -Netuma barba, Genidens genidens and Amis parkeri - were studied after conventional Giemsa staining. All three species have a diploid chromosome number of 2n = 56. The karyotype comprises 18 metacentric (m), 18 submetacentric (sm), 18 subtelocentric (st) and 2 telocentric (t) pairs for N. barba; 12 m, 20 sm, 20 st and 41 pairs for G. genidens; 16 m, 16 sm, 22 st and 21 pairs for A. parkeri. The results obtained from these three species are compared with each other and with those found in literature

    ViCLEVR: A Visual Reasoning Dataset and Hybrid Multimodal Fusion Model for Visual Question Answering in Vietnamese

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    In recent years, Visual Question Answering (VQA) has gained significant attention for its diverse applications, including intelligent car assistance, aiding visually impaired individuals, and document image information retrieval using natural language queries. VQA requires effective integration of information from questions and images to generate accurate answers. Neural models for VQA have made remarkable progress on large-scale datasets, with a primary focus on resource-rich languages like English. To address this, we introduce the ViCLEVR dataset, a pioneering collection for evaluating various visual reasoning capabilities in Vietnamese while mitigating biases. The dataset comprises over 26,000 images and 30,000 question-answer pairs (QAs), each question annotated to specify the type of reasoning involved. Leveraging this dataset, we conduct a comprehensive analysis of contemporary visual reasoning systems, offering valuable insights into their strengths and limitations. Furthermore, we present PhoVIT, a comprehensive multimodal fusion that identifies objects in images based on questions. The architecture effectively employs transformers to enable simultaneous reasoning over textual and visual data, merging both modalities at an early model stage. The experimental findings demonstrate that our proposed model achieves state-of-the-art performance across four evaluation metrics. The accompanying code and dataset have been made publicly accessible at \url{https://github.com/kvt0012/ViCLEVR}. This provision seeks to stimulate advancements within the research community, fostering the development of more multimodal fusion algorithms, specifically tailored to address the nuances of low-resource languages, exemplified by Vietnamese.Comment: A pre-print version and submitted to journa

    Notes on electropherograms of eye-lens, muscle proteins and zymograms of muscle esterases of fish collected during the first Brazilian expedition to the Antarctica

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    A preliminary study was carried out on electropherograms of eye-lens, muscle proteins and zymograms of muscle esterases of ten Notothenia larseni, six Notothenia nudifrons and one lanternfish, Electrona antarctica. The fish were collected by the R/V "Prof. W. Besnard" of the Institute of Oceanography, University of São Paulo, during the First Brazilian Expedition to Antarctica. Eye-lens proteins were analysed on cellulose acetate membrane, muscle proteins and esterases on gel of polyaorylamide. Eye-lens proteins showed three types of electropherograms for N. larseni, and two types for N. nudifrons. One of the electropherograms of N. larseni can be readily distinguished from those of N. nudifrons. Electropherograms of muscle proteins of N. larseni and N. nudifrons are very similar and, consist of sixteen to seventeen fractions. Electropherograms of muscle proteins of N. larseni are severely affected by the conservation of the extracts overnight under -20ºC. All N. nudifrons were of the same zymograms of esterases while those of N. larseni varied. Electropherograms of eye-lens and muscle proteins as well as zymograms of esterases of the lanternfish are different from those of nototheniids.Foi realizado um estudo preliminar sobre eletroferogramas de proteínas de cristalino e de músculo esquelético, e zimogramas de esterases de músculo esquelético de dez Notothenia larseni, seis Notothenia nudifrons e de um peixe-lanterna, Electrona antarctica. Os peixes foram coletados pelo N/Oc. "Prof. W. Besnard" do Instituto Oceanográfico da Universidade de São Paulo durante a I Expedição Brasileira à Antártica. As proteinas do cristalino foram analisadas em membranas de acetato de celulose, enquanto que as proteínas e esterases do músculo esquelético, em gel de poliacrilamida. As proteínas do cristalino apresentam três tipos distintos de eletroferogramas para N. larseni, e dois para N. nudifrons. Um dos eletroferogramas de N. larseni, pode ser prontamente distinguido dos de N. nudifrons. Eletrof erogramas de proteínas de músculo de N. larseni e de N. nudifrons são muito semelhantes e consistem de 16 a 17 frações. Os eletroferogramas de proteínas de músculo de N. larseni são severamente afetados pela preservação dos extratos por uma noite a -20ºC. Todos os N. nudifrons apresentam um mesmo zimograma de esterases enquanto que os de N. larseni variam. Tanto os eletroferogramas de proteínas do cristalino e do músculo como os zimogramas de esterases do peixe-lanterna são diferentes dos apresentados pelos nototeniideos


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    Objective: The objective of this study is to investigate the green economy with economic growth and per capita income in Vietnam, to analyze the quantitative relationship among those factors, and to improve long-term green economic development in Vietnam towards sustainable national economic growth.   Theoretical Framework: In this topic, the main concepts and theories that underpin the research are presented. The inverted U-shaped model of Kuznets; Green economy concept and regression model stand out, providing a solid basis for understanding the context of the investigation.   Method: The methodology adopted for this research comprises desk research methods to clarify the theoretical basis of green economy, economic growth, and per capita income; qualitative research methods; and quantitative research methods. Data collection was carried out through the collection of time-series data: Real Gross Domestic Product (GDP), Gross Domestic Product per capita (GDPP), and CO2 emissions from 1995 to 2022 from the World Bank website.   Results and Discussion: The results obtained revealed the positive relationship between economic growth, CO2 emissions, and per capita income in the short term; however, in the long term, when GDP as well as per capita income reach a certain threshold. The level of waste gradually decreases and environmental quality improves. In the discussion section, these results are contextualized in light of the theoretical framework, highlighting the implications and relationships identified. Possible discrepancies and limitations of the study are also considered in this section.   Research Implications: The practical and theoretical implications of this research are discussed, providing insights into how the results can be applied or influence practices in the field of development economics. These implications could encompass many sectors, especially the processing industry.   Originality/Value: This study contributes to the literature by Simon Kuznets - economic growth is not a threat, but rather a means to improve the environment in the future. The relevance and value of this research are evidenced by contributing one more case in Vietnam which approves Kuznets curve on the environment and thus is the basis for future research on this urgent problem all over the world