144 research outputs found

    The Terrorism Complex

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    Discussing, defining and engaging with ‘terrorism’ has long been limited to the narrowly framed situations in which parties to an asymmetric conflict resort to the use of force and to the legitimacy they have in doing so. The problem with the limited understanding of ‘terrorism’ and ‘counterterrorism’ as ‘facts of objective reality’ is the lack of attention to the role of the extreme asymmetry of power in conflicts involving ‘terrorism’ that does not lend itself to analysis readily. This thesis introduces a new theoretical concept, the Terrorism Complex that signifies the complexity of power/knowledge relations and the complexity of power/knowledge practices that operate on a discursive and non-discursive level through time and are affected by the mechanisms of power that stem from the asymmetry of power between the actors involved in a conflict. The research into the Terrorism Complex involves an ontological and epistemological widening of the research focus to account for these effects of the interplay between power and knowledge on the production, construction and perception of ‘terrorism’. I draw on postmodern scholarship and the Critical Terrorism Studies to present a theoretical and methodological framework that is used to examine the production of knowledge in relation to the asymmetries of power. The Israeli–Palestinian conflict is used as a case study for the study of power asymmetry in the political field that determines who will be labelled a ‘terrorist’ and who will be able to claim the moral high ground. The research also reveals the surprising extent to which the power over discourse obscures the role of the systemic terrorising exercise of state power in inducing ‘terrorism’. The final chapter concentrates on the media’s role in the Terrorism Complex. It applies the findings from other chapters to observe the Terrorism Complex in action.The Leverhulme Trus

    Sherlock Holmes in Interactive Media

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    Sherlock Holmes je eden najbolj znanih detektivov in eden najbolj znanih literarnih likov nasploh. Delo Arhurja Conana Doyla je znano po celem svetu in je služilo kot inspiracija mnogim kasnejšim avtorjem detektivskih zgodb. Liki, ki se pojavljajo v zgodbah o Sherlocku Holmesu, so tako znani, da jih pogosto vidimo v priredbah v popularnih medijih, kot so radijske in gledališke igre, filmi in TV serije. Cilj adaptacij je oživiti lik in ga približati mladi publiki, pogosto pa vključuje nove pristope, da ohrani lik relevanten in zanimiv. Video igre so eden izmed novih medijev. Naloga primerja priredbo Sherlocka Holmesa v video igri z originalnim likom in raziskuje, ali je bila adaptacija uspešna v priredbi zgodb v interaktivnem formatu.Sherlock Holmes is the most famous detective in fiction, and one of the most famous literary characters in general. Arthur Conan Doyle’s collection of four novels and 56 short stories is known all over the world and has served as an inspiration to numerous writers of detective fiction who came after. Due to their fame, Sherlock Holmes’ stories and characters have been adapted frequently in the popular media, ranging from radio and stage plays to on-screen adaptations, such as movies and TV series. The goal of such adaptations is to revive the character and bring him closer to the younger audiences, most commonly with a new twist to keep the adaptation relevant and interesting. Another medium that developed recently are video games. The thesis compares the video game adaptation to the original work, to see whether the adaptation was faithful and successful in adapting the stories into the interactive format

    Design project of aluminium pedestrian bridge and summary of EC9

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    The thesis deals with the calculation and design of aluminum pedestrian bridge, which was executed and placed on the north of Norway, in 2011. First part of the thesis contains global analysis and analysis of action on structure. As the bridge stands on a very exposed area values of actions are correspondingly very high. Specificity of actions is ice load on the structure elements and the effect of wind on truss. Global analysis was made with Oasys GSA. The bridge model was composed of beams and rigid kinematic links. The global analysis was made for normal usage and for all temporary (execution) stages. Calculation was run for ten different analysis stages. Part of the mounting was carried out by helicopter, so special attention was put on this part, since the entire concept of the bridge was highly dependent on the maximum load capacity of the helicopter.\ud In second part a more detailed presentation of aluminium design according to standard (EC 9) was made. In this part we presented summary of rules for dimensioning aluminium elements, which are specific only to this material. Instructions are given for the optimal choice of aluminum alloy, according to the requirements that we have. Design and dimensioning of bridge elements and typical bridge joints were made. We took in to account all of relevant standards and Norwegian national annexes.\u


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    Kolangiokarcinom zloćudni je tumor nastao iz epitela žučnog sustava. Anatomski, dijeli se na intrahepatalni kolangiokarcinom, hilarni kolangiokarcinom i distalni ekstrahepatalni kolangiokarcinom. Kolangiokarcinom tumor je s vrlo lošom prognozom i niskim petogodišnjim preživljenjem. Prepoznati su brojni rizični čimbenici povezani s kolangiokarcinomom poput primarnog sklerozirajućeg kolangitisa, hepatolitijaze, infestacije nekim parazitima i ciroze. Klinička slika vrlo često je nespecifična, a najčešće se prezentira bezbolnom žuticom praćenom općim simptomima poput gubitka na težini, gubitka apetita, mučninom i povraćanjem. Povišenje CA 19-9 može ukazivati na zloćudni proces žučnih vodova. Radiološke tehnike poput ultrazvuka, višeslojne kompjuterizirane tomografije, magnetske rezonance te endoskopske retrogradne kolangiopankreatografije, ključne su za postavljanje dijagnoze kolangiokarcinoma. Kirurška resekcija jedina je potencijalno kurativna metoda ovoga tumora. Ukoliko je tumor neresektabilan, može se pokušati drugim oblicima liječenja poput kemoterapije ili radioterapije. U ovom radu prikazana je analiza 28 pacijenata liječenih na Zavodu za hepatobilijarnu kirurgiju i transplantaciju abdominalnih organa Kliničkog bolničkog centra Zagreb u periodu od 2011. do 2015. godine pod dijagnozom kolangiokarcinoma te radiološke tehnike koje su se najčešće koristile za postavljanje dijagnoze. Dobiveni rezultati ukazuju na potrebu za boljim praćenjem međunarodnih smjernica prilikom utvrđivanja dijagnoze kolangiokarcinoma različitim radiološkim tehnikama kako bi se povećala točnost dijagnoze i poboljšao konačni ishod liječenja.Cholangiocarcinoma is a tumor derived from epithelial cells found in biliary system. Classification based on anatomical location includes intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma, hilar cholangiocarcinoma and distal extrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma. Cholangiocarcinoma is a tumor with poor five year survival and very bad outcome. Risk factors such as primary sclerosing cholangitis, hepatolithiasis, parasite infestation and cirrhosis, are being associated with emergence of cholangiocarcinoma. Clinical presentation is often atypical. Most common signs are painless jaundice accompanied by general symptoms such as weight and appetite loss, nausea and vomiting. A raise in CA 19-9 levels may indicate malignancy of biliary origin. Radiologic techniques such as ultrasound, multislice computed tomography, magnetic resonance and endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography are essential in diagnosis of cholangiocarcinoma. Surgical resection is the only potentially curative method for this tumor. If the tumor can`t be removed surgically, other treatments such as chemotherapy or radiotherapy could be used. In this paper we analyzed 28 patients who were treated from 2011 to 2015 under the diagnosis of cholangiocarcinoma and the most common radiologic techniques used for diagnosis in the Department for hepatobiliary surgery and transplantation of abdominal organs of University Hospital Centre Zagreb. Results suggest the need for better implementation of international protocols when diagnosing cholangiocarcinoma with different radiologic techniques. This way, diagnosis may be more accurate and overall outcome much better


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    Kolangiokarcinom zloćudni je tumor nastao iz epitela žučnog sustava. Anatomski, dijeli se na intrahepatalni kolangiokarcinom, hilarni kolangiokarcinom i distalni ekstrahepatalni kolangiokarcinom. Kolangiokarcinom tumor je s vrlo lošom prognozom i niskim petogodišnjim preživljenjem. Prepoznati su brojni rizični čimbenici povezani s kolangiokarcinomom poput primarnog sklerozirajućeg kolangitisa, hepatolitijaze, infestacije nekim parazitima i ciroze. Klinička slika vrlo često je nespecifična, a najčešće se prezentira bezbolnom žuticom praćenom općim simptomima poput gubitka na težini, gubitka apetita, mučninom i povraćanjem. Povišenje CA 19-9 može ukazivati na zloćudni proces žučnih vodova. Radiološke tehnike poput ultrazvuka, višeslojne kompjuterizirane tomografije, magnetske rezonance te endoskopske retrogradne kolangiopankreatografije, ključne su za postavljanje dijagnoze kolangiokarcinoma. Kirurška resekcija jedina je potencijalno kurativna metoda ovoga tumora. Ukoliko je tumor neresektabilan, može se pokušati drugim oblicima liječenja poput kemoterapije ili radioterapije. U ovom radu prikazana je analiza 28 pacijenata liječenih na Zavodu za hepatobilijarnu kirurgiju i transplantaciju abdominalnih organa Kliničkog bolničkog centra Zagreb u periodu od 2011. do 2015. godine pod dijagnozom kolangiokarcinoma te radiološke tehnike koje su se najčešće koristile za postavljanje dijagnoze. Dobiveni rezultati ukazuju na potrebu za boljim praćenjem međunarodnih smjernica prilikom utvrđivanja dijagnoze kolangiokarcinoma različitim radiološkim tehnikama kako bi se povećala točnost dijagnoze i poboljšao konačni ishod liječenja.Cholangiocarcinoma is a tumor derived from epithelial cells found in biliary system. Classification based on anatomical location includes intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma, hilar cholangiocarcinoma and distal extrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma. Cholangiocarcinoma is a tumor with poor five year survival and very bad outcome. Risk factors such as primary sclerosing cholangitis, hepatolithiasis, parasite infestation and cirrhosis, are being associated with emergence of cholangiocarcinoma. Clinical presentation is often atypical. Most common signs are painless jaundice accompanied by general symptoms such as weight and appetite loss, nausea and vomiting. A raise in CA 19-9 levels may indicate malignancy of biliary origin. Radiologic techniques such as ultrasound, multislice computed tomography, magnetic resonance and endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography are essential in diagnosis of cholangiocarcinoma. Surgical resection is the only potentially curative method for this tumor. If the tumor can`t be removed surgically, other treatments such as chemotherapy or radiotherapy could be used. In this paper we analyzed 28 patients who were treated from 2011 to 2015 under the diagnosis of cholangiocarcinoma and the most common radiologic techniques used for diagnosis in the Department for hepatobiliary surgery and transplantation of abdominal organs of University Hospital Centre Zagreb. Results suggest the need for better implementation of international protocols when diagnosing cholangiocarcinoma with different radiologic techniques. This way, diagnosis may be more accurate and overall outcome much better

    Vpliv medijev na oblikovanje prostora in časa v sodobni slovenski dramatiki in gledališču

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    Prispevek izhaja iz misli Patricea Pavisa, da so dramska besedila vedno samo sled določene uprizoritvene prakse, prav zato jih je potrebno brati tako, da si predstavljamo, kako so jih med nastajanjem oblikovale omejitve igre in uprizoritve. V zgodovini drame je imelo pomembno mesto pravilo o enotnosti kraja, časa in dejanja, ki je upoštevalo tako sprejemnikove zmožnosti kot nemožnost hitrih menjav prizorišč in časovnih preskokov. Danes medijska tehnologija omogoča vnosom mediatiziranega, posredovanega v živo uprizoritev gledališča, kar je močno razširilo razumevanje prostora in časa ter vplivalo tudi na pisanje dramskih besedil. Navedene procese bomo prikazali na primerih iz sodobne slovenske dramatike in gledališča (Dušan Jovanović: Razodetja, Simona Semenič: tisočdevetstoenainosemdeset, Neda R. Bric: Eda: Zgodba bratov Rusjan, Andrej E. Skubic: Pavla nad prepadom)

    Slovenske dramatičarke v 21. stoletju: Med teorijo, prakso in inovativno pisavo

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    Čeprav segajo začetki dramskega pisanja že k prvim slovenskim pisateljicam, Luizi Pesjak in Zofki Kveder, so bile dramatičarke v slovenski literarni zgodovini redke. Po letu 2000 je opaziti skokovit prodor dramatičark, njihova pisava pa nastaja in se razvija v tesni povezanosti s praktičnim gledališkim delom. Analiza 37 dramskih besedil 15 avtoric je pokazala, da sodobne slovenske dramatičarke tematizirajo položaj žensk v družini in družbi kot tudi anomalije sodobne družbe in globalne probleme današnje civilizacije. V dramah je prisotna zavest o krizi dramske forme, dramatičarke problematizirajo status drame in raziskujejo nekonvencionalne oblike dramske pisave

    Slovenska slovnica

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    Sto let uprizarjanja Cankarjevih Hlapcev

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    V letu 2019 mineva 100 let od prve uprizoritve Hlapcev, ki jih je Cankar napisal že leta 1909, vse od takrat pa so doživeli številne interpretacije znotraj literarne vede ter raznolike uprizoritve. Čeprav je Cankar že ob nastanku zapisal, da je drama njegovo največje delo, ob izidu in prvih uprizoritvah ni bila deležna tako visokih ocen, do danes pa je postala temeljno delo slovenske dramatike. V prispevku prikažem nekatere interpretacijske poudarke ter novejše uprizoritvene koncepte.In 2019 we mark the centenary of the first staging of the play Hlapci (Serfs), which Cankar wrote in 1909, and which since then has enjoyed different interpretations within literary studies, as well as many different stagings. Although Cankar wrote from the very beginning that this was his greatest work, upon its publication and premiere it did not receive such high ratings, but now it has become a fundamental work of Slovene drama. In this contribution, I present some interpretative emphases and more recent staging concepts