238 research outputs found

    A Comparison of the Functions of Eating Disorder Behaviors to Non-Suicidal, Self-Injury

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    Non-suicidal self-injury and eating disorder behaviors have begun to be linked frequently in recent research. Few studies have examined the functions of either non-suicidal self-injury or eating disorder behaviors and no known studies have examined the function of both behaviors simultaneously. The current study explored the functions of non-suicidal self-injury and compared it to the functions of eating disorder behaviors. It was hypothesized that a factor structure describing the functions of non-suicidal self-injury would also adequately describe the functions of eating disorder behavior. The current study also compared comorbid psychopathology and perfectionism rates among individuals who engaged in non-suicidal self-injury, eating disorder behaviors, and those who engaged in both non-suicidal self-injury and eating disorder behaviors. The study population included 1219 individuals who completed a series of questionnaires on an internet survey pertaining to demographics, functions of the behaviors, comorbid psychopathology, and perfectionism. Results demonstrated that an 11 factor structure adequately described the functions of non-suicidal self-injury and was similar to the 13 scales offered by the Inventory of Statements about Self-Injury. Examining superordinate factors using the original 13 scales demonstrated that a four-factor structure, similar to behavior models represented in previous literature, could describe non-suicidal self-injury. The function of eating disorder behaviors was best described by an eight factor structure, though this was thematically similar to the functions of non-suicidal self-injury. Rates of psychopathology were generally higher among individuals who engaged in both non-suicidal self-injury and eating disorder behaviors than among individuals who engaged in just on behavior. Perfectionism rates were also highest among participants who engaged in both behaviors. Implications of results and suggestions for further research are described


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    The objective of this doctoral project is to understand how Brazilian folkloric rhythms influenced two compositions for piano by Heitor Villa-Lobos (1887-1959): A Lenda do Caboclo [The legend of the caboclo], W. 166, 188, and Ciclo Brasileiro [Brazilian cycle], W. 374. My intent is to describe what these pieces represent, how they can be interpreted through rhythmic analysis, and how Villa-Lobos employs them in his own stylized manner. The discussion will focus on several elements that are found in the traditional Brazilian genres of baião, seresta, choro, maracatu, and frevo. These genres contain distinctive musical styles and rhythms, rich history, and other traits which will be examined. Lastly, other musical aspects linked to the two compositions will be explored, such as performance implications for the pianist

    Jugend im Internat : Eine Untersuchung zum Erleben von Fremd-, Mit- und Selbstbestimmung im Spannungsverhältnis von Jugend- und Organisationsleben

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    Internate sind als Lebensraum von Jugendlichen besondere pädagogische Organisationen, für die es charakteristisch ist, den Alltag ihrer Bewohner*innen umfassend durch Regeln und Routinen als fremdbestimmte Strukturen zu rahmen. Gleichzeitig wachsen die Jugendlichen in Gemeinschaft mit Gleichaltrigen auf, verbringen ihren Alltag gemeinsam und absolvieren dabei Bildungs- und Entwicklungsprozesse, die – zumindest idealtypisch – zu selbstständigen und selbstbestimmten Menschen, die an der Gesellschaft partizipieren, führen. Im Rahmen der Arbeit wurde die mit dem Aufwachsen in Internaten einhergehende Verschränkung von Jugend- und Organisationsleben zu beleuchten, was sowohl im theoretischen wie auch empirischen Teil der Arbeit stattfindet. Hierbei wird ein Spannungsverhältnis angenommen, mit dem sowohl die Jugendlichen als auch die Internate als pädagogische Organisationen umgehen müssen. Im Zentrum der Betrachtung liegen dabei die Konstitution und das Erleben von Fremd-, Mit- und Selbstbestimmung im Internat aus der Perspektive der Jugendlichen. Insgesamt werden sowohl die organisationale Rahmung des Lebens der Bewohner*innen über eine Betrachtung zentraler Regeln und Kontrollstrukturen wie auch Möglichkeiten der Einflussnahme und Entscheidungsspielräume auf das eigene Leben und die Internate selbst beleuchtet. Im Fokus der eigenen Studie liegt die Wahrnehmung und das Erleben der Bewohner*innen. Durch neun Gruppendiskussionen an unterschiedlichen Internaten mit Jugendlichen, die in Anlehnung an die dokumentarische Methode ausgewertet wurden, wird herausgearbeitet, welche Möglichkeiten der Mit- und Selbstbestimmung sowie welche Formen der Fremdbestimmung und damit ggf. einhergehender Kontrolle die Jugendlichen erleben und wie sie diese wahrnehmen. Vor dem Hintergrund des angenommenen Spannungsverhältnisses von Jugend- und Organisationsleben werden damit verbunden (kollektive) Orientierungen im Erleben von Fremd-, Mit- und Selbstbestimmung sowie Praktiken der Bewältigung eines möglichen Spannungsverhältnisses rekonstruiert. Es zeigt sich, dass alle untersuchten Internate gewisse fremdbestimmte Strukturen besitzen, die den Alltag der Jugendlichen prägen, zu denen sich die Jugendlichen aber unterschiedlich verhalten. Dies lässt sich zum einen auf rekonstruierte Gegenwarts- und Zukunftsorientierungen, zum anderen aber auch auf fehlende Wirksamkeitserfahrungen in organisational implementierten Mitbestimmungsgremien u.ä. zurückführen. Neben umfassenden Diskursbeschreibungen wurden durch die Kontrastierung der Ergebnisse letztlich drei Typen gebildet: Typ 1: Die Befürworter*innen von Fremdbestimmung, Typ 2a: Die organisierten Mitbestimmer*innen, Typ 2b: Die informellen Einflussnehmer*innen


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    Este artigo aborda a possibilidade ou impossibilidade de se estabelecer a cláusula compromissória nos contratos administrativos. Será verificado o conceito de contrato administrativo, bem como a possibilidade de disponibilidade ou indisponibilidade do direito público, face aos princípios administrativos. Convém salientar que a Administração Pública está cada vez mais dependente para a consecução de suas finalidades de investimentos externos, sejam de pessoas de direito privado internas ou até mesmo de pessoas de direito privado estrangeira

    The economic and environmental benefits of adopting natural gas in isolated systems of Amazonas state, Brazil

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    The Amazonas state in Brazil faces unique challenges regarding energy planning for its 95 isolated systems, which are remote areas not connected to the national power grid and primarily rely on diesel to generate electricity. These challenges include dense forests, low population density, low overall energy demands, and restrictions on transporting oil derivatives via waterways. However, the discovery of onshore reserves of natural gas in the state and investments in infrastructure, such as the construction of gas pipelines, have provided an opportunity to replace diesel with this cleaner and more cost-effective energy source. This study aims to assess the feasibility of completely replacing diesel-powered generators with natural gas in 14 isolated systems located near the Urucu-Manaus gas pipeline, as well as the Azulão and Japiim production fields. The methodology employed in this study aims to provide a comprehensive assessment of the economic and environmental impact of transitioning from diesel to natural gas in isolated systems. This assessment focuses on two key topics: fuel costs and CO2 emissions resulting from electricity generation. The analysis results indicate that transitioning from diesel to natural gas can bring significant economic and environmental benefits. The switch to natural gas would reduce fuel costs by more than 40% and decrease CO2 emissions from combustion (in one case, 39.6% and in other cities, between 16.75% and 27.10%), promoting savings for additional investments in efficiency and sustainability. Implementing these changes makes it possible to achieve a better quality of life for citizens in isolated communities by providing access to a more reliable and sustainable energy source.</p

    Desenvolvimento de sistema de informações para controle de custos de obras de construção civil [manuscrito]

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    Orientador : Prof. Dr. Ricardo Mendes JúniorDissertaçao (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Tecnologia, Programa de Pós-Graduaçao em Construçao Civil. Defesa: Curitiba, 12/04/2007Inclui bibliografi

    Morfotectônica da Bacia Hidrográfica do Rio Jordão, Região de Guarapuava (PR)

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    Orientador : Prof. Dr. Eduardo SalamuniDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências da Terra, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Geologia. Defesa: Curitiba, 24/08/2016Inclui referências : f. 67-78Linha de pesquisa: Análise multitemporalResumo: A bacia hidrográfica do rio Jordão localiza-se na região centro-sul do estado do Paraná, nas cercanias de Guarapuava, onde afloram os basaltos e traquitos (Tipo Chapecó) da Província Ígnea do Paraná, que por sua vez está inserida na Bacia Sedimentar do Paraná. Essas rochas vulcânicas são da série toleítica e se formaram durante a o Cretáceo Inferior na conjuntura de ruptura do supercontinente Gondwana. Apesar de a Bacia do Paraná se localizar no interior da placa Sul-americana, ela é submetida aos esforços provenientes das bordas da placa, que são conduzidos pelas grandes estruturas presentes no embasamento da bacia. Na bacia do rio Jordão esses esforços foram transmitidos através da Zona de Falha Taxaquara, uma estrutura NE-SW formada durante o Ciclo Brasiliano (Neoproterozoico), mesmo contexto geotectônico de formação da Falha da Lancinha-Cubatão, com a qual se une no leste do estado de São Paulo. A morfotectôncia da bacia hidrográfica do rio Jordão foi estudada por meio de levantamentos de campo, análises morfométricas e interpretação de imagens de sensores remotos. O produto dessas análises permitiu definir ao menos três eventos que contribuíram para a configuração do relevo da bacia hidrográfica do rio Jordão, dois deles provocando reativações na Zona de Falha Taxaquara. Entre o primeiro e o segundo evento desenvolveu-se ao redor do rio Jordão uma superfície aplainada com forma semicircular e relevo suavemente ondulado, provavelmente análoga a superfície de Cristas Médias, formada no Terciário Médio (final no Paleógeno). Essa superfície balizou a idade dos eventos descritos, sendo o primeiro anterior a sua formação e os outros dois posteriores, responsáveis pela sua denudação. O primeiro evento (D1) gerou um sistema de drenagens NE-SW e ENE-WSW e interflúvios paralelos a essas drenagens, a grande maioria desses localizados no interior do pediplano do Jordão. A direção dos esforços compressivos máximos desse evento foi 225/02 (N45E) e foi responsável pela reativação sinistral da Zona de Falha Taxaquara. A idade desse evento não pode ser precisamente definida, apenas como sendo mais antiga que o terciário médio (pela existência do pediplano do Jordão); um evento que possivelmente pode equivaler a esse foi definido nas rochas alcalinas do maciço de Cananéia, sudeste do estado de São Paulo, ocorrido entre o final do Cretáceo e o início do Paleógeno; outra possibilidade é a de ser o mesmo evento que primeiramente deformou os sedimentos das bacias tafrogênicas do sudeste Brasileiro durante o Mioceno. Posteriormente, o evento D2 provocou a formação de lineamentos NNE-SSW, que romperam os interflúvios formados em D1 e capturaram as drenagens NE-SW preexistentes, dentre elas o alto Jordão, gerando o cânion que liga o alto ao baixo Jordão. A direção do paleotensor responsável por esse evento foi 182/11 (N02E) e foi definido em estudos anteriores como de idade entre o Plioceno e Pleistoceno. O evento D3 reativou a Zona de Falha Taxaquara com cinemática dextral e componente normal, por um tensor 275/15 (N85W) que ainda encontra-se ativo. Esse evento formou - paralelamente a Zona de Falha Taxaquara um conjunto de drenagens assimétricas associadas a um sistema de vales que é responsável pela aceleração da denudação do pediplano do Jordão. Palavras-Chave: Zona de Falha Taxaquara; Tectônica Cenozoica; Análise Morfométrica; Província Ígnea do Paraná; Geomorfologia.Abstract: The Jordão watershed is located in the south central part of the Paraná State (South Brazil), next to the city of Guarapuava. The region is characterized by conspicuous outcrops of basalts and trachytes (Chapecó type) that are part of the Paraná Large Igneous Province. The igneous province is associated with an extensive basic volcanic phase that took place during Lower Cretaceous in the intracratonic Paraná Basin. Despite the position of those volcanic rocks in the intracratonic portion of the South American Plate, the landscape of the study area is a result of the balance between the stresses from the edges of the plate, conducted by great shear zones in the basement of the Paraná Sedimentary Basin. The carrier of the stresses that affect the Jordão watershed is the Taxaquara Strike-Slip Shear Zone, a structure generated during the late stages of Gondwana amalgamation associated with the Brazilian Cycle in Late Proterozoic. The deformation events that shaped the landscape of the Jordão watershed were addressed with the use of field surveys and morphometric tools, including studies of drainage patterns and anomalies, as well as remote sensing image analysis. The results allow the interpretation that at least three events contributed to configure the present-day relief of the Jordão watershed, two of them associated with the reactivation of the Taxaquara Strike-Slip Shear Zone. Between the first and second event, an alveolar planation surface developed around the Jordão River. This surface is analog to the Middle Tertiary Cristas Médias surface, which served as chronostratigraphic marker. Drainage patterns of the Jordão watershed have proffered a N60-70E main direction, most of them located in the Jordão surface. These watercourses are sub parallel to the Taxaquara Strike-Slip Shear Zone, and were formed during the first event (D1) with ?1 225/02 (N45E), associated with the reactivation of the shear zone with sinistral movements. The age of this event is uncertain, and it may be the same event that caused deformation of the Cananéia Alkaline Massif (Late Cretaceous to Early Paleogene), or corresponding to the first event of deformation in the tafrogenic basins of the southeastern part of Brazil during the Miocene. Both others events are responsible for the partial denudation of the Jordão surface, and consequently are subsequent of it. D2 caused the formation of several NNE-SSW-trending lineations over the Jordão Surface. During D2, old interfluves were broken, causing the capture of these drainages by the Jordão River, located over the Taxaquara Strike-Slip Shear Zone. The paleotensions responsible for this event had 182/11 (N02E) directions, and their ages are defined as Pliocene-Pleistocene in previous researches. The last reactivation event (D3) still active in present day, and caused the dextral-normal reactivation of the Taxaquara Strike-Slip Shear Zone, with tensions with 275/15 (N85W) direction. This last event is responsible for the formation of ENE-WSW- and WNW-ESE-oriented valleys, and for the acceleration of the processes of denudation of the Jordão surface in the left margin of the watershed. Key words: Taxaquara Strike-Slip Shear Zone; Cenozoic Tectonics, Morphometric Analysis; Paraná Large Igneous Province; Geomorphology

    Resiliencia y estilos educativos maternos de familias monoparentales de las Ciudades Satélites de Brasilia, 2019

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    El objetivo de la presente investigación es determinar la relación existente entre las variables Resiliencia y Estilos educativos de familias monoparentales de las ciudades satélites de Brasilia, 2019. Los instrumentos empleados para la medición de las variables fueron la Escala de Resiliencia diseñada por Wagnid y Young (1993), adaptada en Brasil por Pesce et al. (2005) y la Escala de los Estilos Parentales de Pasquali y Araujo (1986). La muestra estuvo conformada por 82 madres monoparentales y sus respectivos hijos, en seis ciudades satélites de Brasilia- DF: Gama, Taguatinga, Candagolândia, São Sebastião, Vargem Bonita, Ciudade Ocidental. Finalmente, se obtuvo como resultado de la investigación que no existe asociación entre los estilos parentales percibidos por el adolescente y el nivel de resiliencia de la madre (χ2 = 1.61; p>.05). Por lo tanto, se concluye que la resiliencia no tiene relación significativa con los estilos educativos parentales percibidos por los hijos en las familias monoparentales, esto significa que los niveles de resiliencia (baja, moderada o alta), no determinan el estilo parental que las madres ejercen para con sus hijos.LIMAEscuela de PosgradoPsicología social y comunitari