76 research outputs found

    Bedingungen und Ziele fĂŒr eine Reform der Unternehmensbesteuerung

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    Bei einem Vergleich der nominalen UnternehmenssteuersÀtze liegt Deutschland in der internationalen Spitzengruppe. Wie kann diese steuerliche Belastung gesenkt und gleichzeitig den Anforderungen einer steuerlichen Gleichbehandlung aller Rechtsformen entsprochen werden? --

    From the same hymn sheet

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    A pilot scheme led by Hannover Re is exploring the standardisation of communication in property placements across Europe. Professor Volker Gruhn, JĂŒrgen Petzold and Clemens SchĂ€fer explain more

    Comparative and functional genomics provide insights into the pathogenicity of dermatophytic fungi

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    ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Millions of humans and animals suffer from superficial infections caused by a group of highly specialized filamentous fungi, the dermatophytes, which exclusively infect keratinized host structures. To provide broad insights into the molecular basis of the pathogenicity-associated traits, we report the first genome sequences of two closely phylogenetically related dermatophytes, Arthroderma benhamiae and Trichophyton verrucosum, both of which induce highly inflammatory infections in humans. RESULTS: 97% of the 22.5 megabase genome sequences of A. benhamiae and T. verrucosum are unambiguously alignable and collinear. To unravel dermatophyte-specific virulence-associated traits, we compared sets of potentially pathogenicity-associated proteins, such as secreted proteases and enzymes involved in secondary metabolite production, with those of closely related onygenales (Coccidioides species) and the mould Aspergillus fumigatus. The comparisons revealed expansion of several gene families in dermatophytes and disclosed the peculiarities of the dermatophyte secondary metabolite gene sets. Secretion of proteases and other hydrolytic enzymes by A. benhamiae was proven experimentally by a global secretome analysis during keratin degradation. Molecular insights into the interaction of A. benhamiae with human keratinocytes were obtained for the first time by global transcriptome profiling. Given that A. benhamiae is able to undergo mating, a detailed comparison of the genomes further unraveled the genetic basis of sexual reproduction in this species. CONCLUSIONS: Our results enlighten the genetic basis of fundamental and putatively virulence-related traits of dermatophytes, advancing future research on these medically important pathogens

    Bose-Einstein Correlations of Three Charged Pions in Hadronic Z^0 Decays

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    Bose-Einstein Correlations (BEC) of three identical charged pions were studied in 4 x 10^6 hadronic Z^0 decays recorded with the OPAL detector at LEP. The genuine three-pion correlations, corrected for the Coulomb effect, were separated from the known two-pion correlations by a new subtraction procedure. A significant genuine three-pion BEC enhancement near threshold was observed having an emitter source radius of r_3 = 0.580 +/- 0.004 (stat.) +/- 0.029 (syst.) fm and a strength of \lambda_3 = 0.504 +/- 0.010 (stat.) +/- 0.041 (syst.). The Coulomb correction was found to increase the \lambda_3 value by \~9% and to reduce r_3 by ~6%. The measured \lambda_3 corresponds to a value of 0.707 +/- 0.014 (stat.) +/- 0.078 (syst.) when one takes into account the three-pion sample purity. A relation between the two-pion and the three-pion source parameters is discussed.Comment: 19 pages, LaTeX, 5 eps figures included, accepted by Eur. Phys. J.

    dolls/puppets as miniatures - more than small

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    Weitere Hrsg.: Jana Mikota, Philipp SchmerheimDer Themenschwerpunkt der zweiten Ausgabe von de:do lautet: Puppen als Miniaturen – mehr als klein. Puppen und ihre Kontexte beanspruchen hier, ’mehr’ als nur verkleinerte Varianten oder Repliken menschlicher Lebenswelten zu sein. Nicht von ungefĂ€hr gelten sie als ein ’Fundort der GrĂ¶ĂŸe’ (Bachelard). Als ’kleine Formate’ generieren sie Bilder und Narrative der eigenen Art, die in Funktion und Wirkung offen sind: so bewegen sie sich zwischen Abbildung, Verdichtung und Transformation von RealitĂ€t, sind Ausdruck von SehnsĂŒchten und/oder KontrollbedĂŒrfnissen ihrer ErschafferInnen, lösen Bezauberung, Verwunderung oder Befremden aus und ermöglichen ganzheitliche WeltzugĂ€nge und Erkenntnis ĂŒber innere ZusammenhĂ€nge. Einmal mehr erweisen sich Puppen als Miniaturen und im Kontext miniaturisierter Welten als hybride Objekte, aufgeladen mit vielerlei Symbolik und BedeutungsĂŒberschuss. Die Zusammenschau der höchst unterschiedlichen BeitrĂ€ge im vorliegenden Heft vermittelt eine Ahnung von möglichen SpannungsverhĂ€ltnissen – zwischen ’klein’ und ’groß’, ’Sichtbarem’ und ’Verstecktem’, ’RealitĂ€t’ und ’Fiktion’, ’Mimesis’ und ’Poetik’. Das heterogene Themenspektrum unterstreicht die subtile Bedeutung der Puppe als einem besonderen Markenzeichen der ’kleinen Form’ in vielerlei Disziplinen. Die BeitrĂ€ge stammen aus so unterschiedlichen FĂ€chern bzw. interdisziplinĂ€r offenen Fachkulturen wie ArchĂ€ologie, Anthropologie, Volkskunde, Kinder- und Jugendliteratur, Kunstgeschichte, Spielzeugkunde, Animationsfilm, Bildende Kunst, Mode-Design, Forensik. Ein Interview mit einer jungen KĂŒnstlerin, Miszellen und Rezensionen ergĂ€nzen die Themenvielfalt.The focus topic of the second edition of the journal denkste: puppe / just a bit of: doll (de:do), a multidisciplinary, peer reviewed online journal for human-doll discourses is: dolls/puppets as miniatures - more than small. Dolls/puppets and their contexts claim to be ’more’ than just miniaturized variants or replicas of human worlds. Thus, it is not by chance that they are regarded as a ’place to find greatness’ (Bachelard). As ’small formats’, they generate images and narratives of their own kind which are open in function and effect: they oscillate between representation, condensation and transformation of reality, expressing longings and/or control needs of their creators and triggering enchantment, amazement or alienation while enabling a holistic access to the world and insight into inner contexts. Arguing in this line, dolls/puppets prove to be miniatures and – in the context of miniaturized worlds –hybrid objects, charged with all sorts of symbolism and excess of meaning. The synopsis of the highly diverse contributions in this issue gives us an idea of possible tensions – between ’small’ and ’large’, ’visible’ and ’hidden’, ’reality’ and ’fiction’, ’mimesis’ and ’poetics’. The heterogeneous range of topics underlines the subtle significance of the doll/puppet as a special trademark of the ’small form’ in many disciplines. The contributions come from subjects as diverse as diverse as archeology, anthropology, folklore, children’s and youth literature, art history, toy studies, animated film, fine arts, fashion design, forensics. An interview with a young artist, miscellaneous aspects as well as reviews complete the variety of topics
