246 research outputs found

    Herringbone ordering and lattice distortions in a planar-molecule model for Langmuir monolayers

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    A model of planar molecules, made up of "atoms" interacting by Lennard-Jones potentials and arranged to mimic the cross section of alkyl chains, is used to study the problem of backbone plane ordering in Langmuir monolayers. It is shown that two minima of the interaction energy are reached if molecules lie on the sites of a centered rectangular lattice in a herringbone configuration with two different dihedral angles. These orientationally ordered phases can be related to the so-called herringbone and pseudoherringbone structures, whose lattice distortions qualitatively agree with those determined by means of grazing incidence x-ray diffraction experiments on Langmuir monolayers. A third energy minimum is obtained for a configuration of parallel molecules on an oblique lattice, which has also been observed in some experiments. The competition between the three phases is investigated, upon varying geometric parameters of the model molecules and surface pressure. The effect of temperature is analyzed in a mean field approximation, by taking into account the orientational entropy contribution on a lattice system with variable unit cell parameters. In this framework the transition to an orientationally disordered phase is also pointed out

    A Mouse Model of Post-Arthroplasty Staphylococcus aureus Joint Infection to Evaluate In Vivo the Efficacy of Antimicrobial Implant Coatings

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    Post-arthroplasty infections represent a devastating complication of total joint replacement surgery, resulting in multiple reoperations, prolonged antibiotic use, extended disability and worse clinical outcomes. As the number of arthroplasties in the U.S. will exceed 3.8 million surgeries per year by 2030, the number of post-arthroplasty infections is projected to increase to over 266,000 infections annually. The treatment of these infections will exhaust healthcare resources and dramatically increase medical costs.To evaluate novel preventative therapeutic strategies against post-arthroplasty infections, a mouse model was developed in which a bioluminescent Staphylococcus aureus strain was inoculated into a knee joint containing an orthopaedic implant and advanced in vivo imaging was used to measure the bacterial burden in real-time. Mice inoculated with 5x10(3) and 5x10(4) CFUs developed increased bacterial counts with marked swelling of the affected leg, consistent with an acute joint infection. In contrast, mice inoculated with 5x10(2) CFUs developed a low-grade infection, resembling a more chronic infection. Ex vivo bacterial counts highly correlated with in vivo bioluminescence signals and EGFP-neutrophil fluorescence of LysEGFP mice was used to measure the infection-induced inflammation. Furthermore, biofilm formation on the implants was visualized at 7 and 14 postoperative days by variable-pressure scanning electron microscopy (VP-SEM). Using this model, a minocycline/rifampin-impregnated bioresorbable polymer implant coating was effective in reducing the infection, decreasing inflammation and preventing biofilm formation.Taken together, this mouse model may represent an alternative pre-clinical screening tool to evaluate novel in vivo therapeutic strategies before studies in larger animals and in human subjects. Furthermore, the antibiotic-polymer implant coating evaluated in this study was clinically effective, suggesting the potential for this strategy as a therapeutic intervention to combat post-arthroplasty infections

    Rearrangement processes and structural variations show evidence of selection in oesophageal adenocarcinomas

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    Oesophageal adenocarcinoma (OAC) provides an ideal case study to characterize large-scale rearrangements. Using whole genome short-read sequencing of 383 cases, for which 214 had matched whole transcriptomes, we observed structural variations (SV) with a predominance of deletions, tandem duplications and inter-chromosome junctions that could be identified as LINE-1 mobile element (ME) insertions. Complex clusters of rearrangements resembling breakage-fusion-bridge cycles or extrachromosomal circular DNA accounted for 22% of complex SVs affecting known oncogenes. Counting SV events affecting known driver genes substantially increased the recurrence rates of these drivers. After excluding fragile sites, we identified 51 candidate new drivers in genomic regions disrupted by SVs, including ETV5, KAT6B and CLTC. RUNX1 was the most recurrently altered gene (24%), with many deletions inactivating the RUNT domain but preserved the reading frame, suggesting an altered protein product. These findings underscore the importance of identification of SV events in OAC with implications for targeted therapies

    Uneven focal shoe deterioration in Tourette syndrome.

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    A 31-year-old single man (AB) sought neuropsychiatric consultation for treatment-resistant motor and vocal tics. He described himself expressing a total of 24 different tics, mainly facial twitches (eye blinking, raising eyebrows, mouth opening, lips licking, stereotyped grimacing) and inappropriate utterances (grunting, throat clearing, sniffing), since the age of 7. There appeared to be no family history of tic disorder. He reported occasional utterance of swear words in contextually inappropriate situations (coprolalia), and the urge to copy other people’s movements (echopraxia). Other tic-associated symptoms included self-injurious behaviours and forced touching of objects. A.B. met both DSM-IV-tr and ICD-10 criteria for Tourette syndrome, and also DSM-IV-tr criteria for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (combined type) in childhood

    Landscape homogenization due to agricultural intensification disrupts the relationship between reproductive success and main prey abundance in an avian predator

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    Selecting high-quality habitat and the optimal time to reproduce can increase individual fitness and is a strong evolutionary factor shaping animal populations. However, few studies have investigated the interplay between land cover heterogeneity, limitation in food resources, individual quality and spatial variation in fitness parameters. Here, we explore how individuals of different quality respond to possible mismatches between a cue for prey availability (land cover heterogeneity) and the actual fluctuating prey abundance.Peer reviewe

    Combination of probenecid-sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine for intermittent preventive treatment in pregnancy

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    The antifolate sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine (SP) has been used in the intermittent prevention of malaria in pregnancy (IPTp). SP is an ideal choice for IPTp, however, as resistance of Plasmodium falciparum to SP increases, data are accumulating that SP may no longer provide benefit in areas of high-level resistance. Probenecid was initially used as an adjunctive therapy to increase the blood concentration of penicillin; it has since been used to augment concentrations of other drugs, including antifolates. The addition of probenecid has been shown to increase the treatment efficacy of SP against malaria, suggesting that the combination of probenecid plus SP may prolong the useful lifespan of SP as an effective agent for IPTp. Here, the literature on the pharmacokinetics, adverse reactions, interactions and available data on the use of these drugs in pregnancy is reviewed, and the possible utility of an SP-probenecid combination is discussed. This article concludes by calling for further research into this potentially useful combination

    Ion channel clustering enhances weak electric field detection by neutrophils: apparent roles of SKF96365-sensitive cation channels and myeloperoxidase trafficking in cellular responses

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    We have tested Galvanovskis and Sandblom’s prediction that ion channel clustering enhances weak electric field detection by cells as well as how the elicited signals couple to metabolic alterations. Electric field application was timed to coincide with certain known intracellular chemical oscillators (phase-matched conditions). Polarized, but not spherical, neutrophils labeled with anti-K v 1.3, FL-DHP, and anti-TRP1, but not anti-T-type Ca 2+ channels, displayed clusters at the lamellipodium. Resonance energy transfer experiments showed that these channel pairs were in close proximity. Dose-field sensitivity studies of channel blockers suggested that K + and Ca 2+ channels participate in field detection, as judged by enhanced oscillatory NAD(P)H amplitudes. Further studies suggested that K + channel blockers act by reducing the neutrophil’s membrane potential. Mibefradil and SKF93635, which block T-type Ca 2+ channels and SOCs, respectively, affected field detection at appropriate doses. Microfluorometry and high-speed imaging of indo-1-labeled neutrophils was used to examine Ca 2+ signaling. Electric fields enhanced Ca 2+ spike amplitude and triggered formation of a second traveling Ca 2+ wave. Mibefradil blocked Ca 2+ spikes and waves. Although 10 ΌM SKF96365 mimicked mibefradil, 7 ΌM SKF96365 specifically inhibited electric field-induced Ca 2+ signals, suggesting that one SKF96365-senstive site is influenced by electric fields. Although cells remained morphologically polarized, ion channel clusters at the lamellipodium and electric field sensitivity were inhibited by methyl-ÎČ-cyclodextrin. As a result of phase-matched electric field application in the presence of ion channel clusters, myeloperoxidase (MPO) was found to traffic to the cell surface. As MPO participates in high amplitude metabolic oscillations, this suggests a link between the signaling apparatus and metabolic changes. Furthermore, electric field effects could be blocked by MPO inhibition or removal while certain electric field effects were mimicked by the addition of MPO to untreated cells. Therefore, channel clustering plays an important role in electric field detection and downstream responses of morphologically polarized neutrophils. In addition to providing new mechanistic insights concerning electric field interactions with cells, our work suggests novel methods to remotely manipulate physiological pathways.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/46726/1/249_2005_Article_1.pd
