22 research outputs found

    Sensitivity simulation and measurement of the SKA Band 1 wideband feed package on MeerKAT

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    Advances in wideband feed technology for radio telescopes enable high sensitivity observations over large bandwidths. The wideband quad-ridge flared horn (QRFH) feed package for Band 1 of the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) was optimized for high sensitivity. The 3:1 feed package covers 350-1050 MHz and is a complete room temperature system with low-noise amplifiers integrated inside the ridges of the horn. The QRFH is dual-linear polarized and designed with spline-defined profiles for the horn and ridge shape. Measured feed s-parameters show input reflection less than -11 dB across the band with good port isolation. In this paper we present the first measured sensitivity levels of the Band 1 feed package, which was tested on the SKA precursor reflector MeerKAT. We also present measured aperture efficiency and intrinsic cross-polarization (IXR). The measured results show good agreement with simulations

    Regression Discontinuity Designs Based on Population Thresholds: Pitfalls and Solutions

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    In many countries, important features of municipal government (such as the electoral system, mayors' salaries, and the number of councillors) depend on whether the municipality is above or below arbitrary population thresholds. Several papers have used a regression discontinuity design (RDD) to measure the effects of these threshold-based policies on political and economic outcomes. Using evidence from France, Germany, and Italy, we highlight two common pitfalls that arise in exploiting population-based policies (compound treatment and sorting) and we provide guidance for detecting and addressing these pitfalls. Even when these problems are present, population-threshold RDD may be the best available research design for studying the effects of certain policies and political institutions. </p

    TvĂ„ngets roll i skiftesreformer: Exemplet Halland 1827–76

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    FörÀndringar i skolan de senaste 25 Ären och idrottslÀrares uppfattning om sin undervisning

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    I den empiriska undersökning har fem idrottslÀrare intervjuats om vad det innebÀr att vara idrottslÀrare i dagens skola. För att genomföra undersökningen anvÀnds kvalitativa intervjuer för att kunna komma mer pÄ djupet och förstÄ hur lÀrarna tÀnker, dels angÄende arbetet som lÀrare i stort och dels arbetet som just idrottslÀrare. Alla fem lÀrarna Àr tvÄÀmneslÀrare och alla jobbar i arbetslag. De har ungefÀr samma struktur pÄ sina idrottslektioner. DÀremot skiljer de sig lite nÀr man tittar pÄ betygsbedömningen. Fyra av lÀrarna utgÄr ifrÄn de nationella och de lokala betygskriterierna, medan en inte gör det, för han anser inte att det befintliga betygssystemet Àr objektivt. Svaren frÄn intervjuerna har jag kopplat till de förÀndringar som skett i skolan under de senaste 25 Ären. Detta för att se hur mÄnga av förÀndringarna som Àr genomförda i praktiken