379 research outputs found

    Kan landskapsarkitektur ses som konst?

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    Comparing your own work with art has been an obvious standpoint for landscape architects, especially during the midst of the 20th century. With this as background this essay intends to find out if there are any change to this condition visible today. This essay discusses the two notions of "landscape architecture" and "art" with the intention of describing what they mean. A connection to todays active landscape architects is given through an examinating part of the essay. Four offices of landscape architecture is given the opportunity to communicate through their websites. How they portrait themselves is examined in order to understand how their vocabulary when selling their products. The conclusion of the essay presents an attempt to compare the lessons learned from the discussion parts with the examination of the websites.Att ha ett förhĂ„llningssĂ€tt till konstbegreppet och att jĂ€mföra sitt egna arbete med konst har tidigare varit en sjĂ€lvklarhet för landskapsarkitekter, speciellt under 1900-talets mitt. Uppsatsen Ă€mnar att med det som bakgrund ta reda pĂ„ om vi kan se en förĂ€ndring i landskapsarkitekters förhĂ„llningssĂ€tt till konst, dĂ„ jĂ€mfört med idag. Uppsatsen behandlar de bĂ„da begreppen ”landskapsarkitektur” och ”konst” pĂ„ diskussionsinriktat plan för att försöka bilda klarhet i vad de stĂ„r för och betyder. NĂ„got som visar sig inte vara helt lĂ€tt för en diskussion av denna typ verkar bara föda nya frĂ„gor. Kopplingen till dagens verksamma landskapsarkitekter ges i en granskande del av uppsatsen. Fyra landskapsarkitektkontor fĂ„r komma till tals genom sina hemsidor med mĂ„l att fĂ„ en uppfattning om hur kontoren sĂ€ljer in sina produkter och tjĂ€nster till bestĂ€llare och hur de rubricerar sig sjĂ€lva. I en sammanstĂ€llning ges ett försök till att utifrĂ„n vad diskussionerna kommit fram till jĂ€mföra konstbegreppet med studien av kontorens hemsidor

    The Podcar Way

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    A new system of public transportation that can simplify and shorten the trips made throughout the city, and do that both cheap and environment-friendly. Sounds like good news. This new system, though, require an all new type of infrastructure, differing from what we are used to see in our cities. Podcar, or PRT, as the system is called can become a transport revolution, possibly. If that revolution does happen it is crucial that we beforehand have studied the possible effects it can cause on our city environment, from a spatial point of view. This thesis thoroughly describes the function and essence of the PRT system and presents what is available today and in what forms. By planning a PRT system in Gothenburg a discussion is continuously carried about what problems may arise, what possibilities are at hand and how an addition of this new system can be made in a functional and attractive way, if possible. ************Ett nytt kollektivtransportsystem som kan förenkla och förkorta resor inom staden, dessutom göra det bÄde billigt och miljövÀnligt. Det lÄter som en god nyhet. Det nya systemet innebÀr dock en helt ny typ av infrastruktur som Àr helt olikt vad vi Àr vana vid i en stad. SpÄrtaxi, eller PRT, som systemet kallas kan komma att revolutionera hur vi reser, om det vet vi inte. Men om den revolutionen sker behöver vi innan ha studerat vilken pÄverkan det kan komma att fÄ rumsligt och arkitektoniskt pÄ vÄr omgivning. Denna uppsats beskriver genomgÄende PRT-systemets funktion och inventerar vad som finns tillgÀngligt idag och i vilka skepnader. Genom att sedan planera in ett PRT-system i Göteborg förs en kontinuerlig diskussion om vilka problem som uppstÄr, vilka möjligheter som finns och hur en integrering i stadsbilden kan ske pÄ ett fungerande och tilltalande sÀtt, i den mÄn det anses möjligt

    What is a sustainable event? : Eurovision Song Contest in Malmö spring 2013 in the spotlight

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    HĂ„llbarhet Ă€r ett begrepp som har fĂ„tt en allt större och viktigare betydelse i samband med evenemang. Denna genomslagskraft beror pĂ„ flera skĂ€l sĂ„som etiska, strukturella och marknadsföringsmĂ€ssiga. Tack vare utvecklingen har mĂ„nga organisationer fĂ„tt upp ögonen för detta fenomen och Malmö stad och Region SkĂ„ne, som bĂ€r huvudansvaret för Eurovision Song Contests kringaktiviteter, Ă€r inga undantag. Ett mĂ„l som Malmö stad har under sitt vĂ€rdskap Ă€r att ISO-certifiera organisationens arbete vid kringaktiviteter i samband med musiktĂ€vlingen. Huvudsyftet med denna studie Ă€r att undersöka vad ett hĂ„llbart evenemang Ă€r. I studien identifieras Ă€ven hindrande faktorer för hĂ„llbarhetsarbete i samband med evenemang samt passande nyckeltal för hĂ„llbara evenemang. Detta görs genom en fallstudie bestĂ„ende av en metodkombination som bland annat innehĂ„ller intervjuer med nyckelpersoner samt analys av betydelsefulla dokument. Vidare analyseras materialet ifrĂ„n de kvalitativa intervjuerna och dokumenten varefter de mest relevanta utsagorna för att besvara huvudfrĂ„gestĂ€llningen, Vad Ă€r ett hĂ„llbart evenemang?, lyfts fram. Under intervjuernas gĂ„ng framgick det att den temporĂ€ra organisationen i samband med Eurovision Song Contest hade utgĂ„tt ifrĂ„n liknande tillvĂ€gagĂ„ngsĂ€tt som hade anvĂ€nts i samband med Malmöfestivalens hĂ„llbarhetsarbete Ă„r 2012. Information, kunskap och förstĂ„else visade sig vara tre viktiga ledstjĂ€rnor till att motivera de intervjuade nyckelpersonerna att uppnĂ„ ett fungerande hĂ„llbarhetsarbete. Resultatet av vĂ„r studie tydliggör att det Ă€r viktigt att arrangörsorganisationen ska vara lyhörd, stötta och följa upp hĂ„llbarhetsarbetet under hela processen. Respondenternas svar pĂ„ vad de anser att ett hĂ„llbart evenemang innebĂ€r skiljer sig Ă„t, vilket inte var helt ovĂ€ntat med tanke pĂ„ deras skiftande arbetsroller. Generellt Ă€r fokus pĂ„ ekologiska faktorer bĂ„de i de analyserade dokumenten och i intervjuerna. En gemensam syn inom organisationen pĂ„ vad hĂ„llbarhet innebĂ€r och hur det kan uppnĂ„s utgör en annan viktig grund för ett vĂ€lfungerande hĂ„llbarhetsarbete som lyfts fram. Arrangören av ett hĂ„llbart evenemang bör ha ett vĂ€lfungerande hĂ„llbarhetsarbete i vardagen för att ambitionerna ska vara trovĂ€rdiga. Vidare bör arrangören vara en förebild och leva som den lĂ€r men mĂ„ste ocksĂ„ göra det lĂ€tt för besökarna att göra hĂ„llbara val. Att stĂ€lla krav pĂ„ hĂ„llbarhetsarbete, trots att det tar lĂ€ngre tid och Ă€r mer kostsamt, kan ge hĂ„llbara resultat. Som en del av studiens resultat identifierades Ă€ven sju nyckeltal för hĂ„llbara evenemang. Dessa handlar om allt ifrĂ„n avfall till kunskap för att omfatta hela bredden av evenemangets pĂ„verkan ur ett hĂ„llbarhetsperspektiv. I studien har Ă€ven ett större antal hinder för hĂ„llbarhetsarbete i samband med ESC identifierats. Dessa lyfter bland annat en alltför begrĂ€nsad tidsram, svĂ„righeter i implementeringen av hĂ„llbarhetsarbetet samt bristande tillgĂ„ng eller för lĂ„nga leveranstider pĂ„ hĂ„llbara produkter.Sustainability is a concept that has gotten a bigger and more prominent importance in event planning. This impact is due to ethical, structural and marketable reasons among others. Thanks to this development, this phenomenon has caught the eye of several organizations, and the City of Malmö and SkĂ„ne Regional Council who bear the main responsibility for the Eurovision Song Contest’s belonging round activities, are no exception. One of the goals the City of Malmö has during its hosting is to obtain an ISO certificate for the round activities related to the music contest. The field of study for sustainable events is relatively undiscovered, but the theoretical background used in the study highlights the importance of having sustainability as an ambition throughout every step in the process within an organization. Indicators and key numbers are seen as important tools for estimating the events negative effects and to see if the development is headed in the right direction. The main purpose of this study has been to describe what a sustainable event is. The study also identifies factors which could be an obstruction to working with sustainability in relation to events, and key numbers fitting for such. This is done through a case study that consists of a scientific combination of methods such as interviews with key persons and analysis of significant documents. Furthermore, the material is analyzed through the qualitative interviews and documents, whose most relevant abstracts will be used to answer the main question of this study, What is a sustainable event? During the interviews it was discovered that the temporary organization during the Eurovision Song Contest had come out of similar ways of working during the Malmö festival’s work for sustainability in 2012. Information, knowledge and understanding turned out to be three important guidelines for the interviewed people as motivation for a well working sustainability project. The result of our study clarifies the importance of being attentive, supportive and to follow up the work for sustainability throughout the entire process. The respondents’ answers to what they think a sustainable event is differ from one and other, which was not unexpected considering their different fields of work. The general focus in the analyzed documents and interviews has been the ecological aspects. A mutual agreement within the organization on what sustainability means and how it can be achieved is another important base for a well functioning work process for sustainability. An organizer of a sustainable event should have a well working method for sustainability in the everyday acts of work to raise the credibility for its ambitions. Furthermore, the arranges should be a role model and set a good example while at the same time making it easy for the visitors of an event to make sustainable choices. To have standards and demands on work for sustainability, despite the fact that it is less time- and cost efficient, can give sustainable results. As a part of the result of the study, seven key numbers were identified as important for sustainable events. There were numbers on everything between waste products to knowledge to be able to grasp the width of the event’s effects from a sustainability perspective. The study also highlights and identifies a few obstacles in the work with sustainability in connections to the Eurovision Song Contest. These include a limited timetable, difficulties in the implementation of the work for sustainability and the lack of accessibility for sustainable products

    Theoretical Comments on the Concept of Territorial Capital

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    A novel plasma enhanced CVD (PECVD) technique has been developed in order to combine energetic particle bombardment and high plasma densities found in ionized PVD with the advantages from PECVD such as a high deposition rate and the capability to coat complex and porous surfaces. In this PECVD method, an ionized plasma is generated above the substrate by means of a hollow cathode discharge. The hollow cathode is known to generate a highly ionized plasma and the discharge can be sustained in direct current (DC) mode, or in high-power pulsed (HiPP) mode using short pulses of a few tens of microsecond. The latter option is similar to the power scheme used in high power impulse magnetron sputtering (HiPIMS), which is known to generate a high degree of ionization of the sputtered material, and thus providing new and added means for the synthesis of tailor-made thin films. In this work amorphous carbon coatings containing copper, have been deposited using both HiPP and DC operating conditions. Investigations of the bulk plasma using optical emission spectroscopy verify the presence of Ar+, C+ as well as Cu+ when running in pulsed mode. Deposition rates in the range 30 mu m/h have been obtained and the amorphous, copper containing carbon films have a low hydrogen content of 4- 5 at%. Furthermore, the results presented here suggest that a more efficient PECVD process is obtained by using a superposition of HiPP and DC mode, compared to using only DC mode at the same average input power.Funding Agencies|Swedish Innovation Agency (VINNOVA) and Angpanneforeningens forskningsstiftelse (AForsk)||</p

    70 Gbps 4-PAM and 56 Gbps 8-PAM using an 850 nm VCSEL

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    t We present 56 Gbps unequalized 8-PAM real-time transmission over 50 m of MMF and 70Gbps 4-PAM operation with offline equalization. The experiments were performed with an 850 nm VCSEL with 25 GHz bandwidth and a 22 GHz photoreceiver

    60 Gbits error-free 4-PAM operation with 850 nm VCSEL

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    60 Gbits over 2 m, 50 Gbits over 50 m and 40 Gbits was transmitted over 100 m of OM4 multimode fibre using four-level pulse amplitude modulation and a directly modulated 850 nm vertical cavity surface emitting laser (VCSEL)

    Impact of Damping on High-Speed Large Signal VCSEL Dynamics

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    An investigation of the optimal relaxation oscillation damping for high-speed 850-nm vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser (VCSEL) under large signal operation is presented, using devices with K-factors ranging from 0.1 to 0.4 ns. Time-domain measurements of turn-on transients are used to quantify damping dependent rise times, overshoots, and signal amplitudes. Optical eye diagrams together with timing jitter and bit error rate measurements reveal a tradeoff between the rise time and the duration of the relaxation oscillations. To produce a high-quality eye at a specific data rate, a proper amount of damping is needed to simultaneously obtain sufficiently high bandwidth and low timing jitter. We found that for error-free transmission, a VCSEL with a 0.3 ns K-factor achieved the best receiver sensitivity at 10 and 25 Gb/s, whereas a less damped VCSEL with a 0.2 ns K-factor achieved the best sensitivity at 40 Gb/s

    Impact of Damping on Large Signal VCSEL Dynamics

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    The dependence of large signal VCSEL dynamics on damping is studied through time-domain measurements of turn-on transients and timing jitter for VCSELs having K-factors from 0.1 to 0.4 ns

    Comparison of Intersymbol Interference Power Penalties for OOK and 4-PAM in Short-Range Optical Links

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    We present results of experimental and theoretical investigations of intersymbol interference in 4-PAM transmission in short-range optical communications links based on the power penalty. A test link comprised of a directly modulated 850 nm VCSEL with up to 200 m of multimode fiber and direct detection was used. The link bandwidth was below 10 GHz and the maximum achieved data rate with 4-PAM was 44 Gbps over 100 m of fiber. In the same case and at similar sensitivity, only 32 Gbps could be achieved with OOK. If typical forward error correction could be applied, the sensitivity of the 4-PAM system was improved by up to 4 dB, reaching -10 dBm at 25 Gbps

    High-Speed VCSELs with Strong Confinement of Optical Fields and Carriers

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    We present the design, fabrication, and performance of our latest generation high-speed oxide-confined 850-nm verticalcavity surface-emitting lasers. Excellent high-speed properties are obtained by strong confinement of optical fields and carriers. Highspeed modulation is facilitated by using the shortest possible cavity length of one half wavelength and placing oxide apertures close to the active region to efficiently confine charge carriers. The resulting strong current confinement boosts internal quantum efficiency, leading to low threshold currents, high wall-plug efficiency, and state-of-the-art high-speed properties at low bias currents. The temperature dependent static and dynamic performance is analyzed by current-power-voltage and small-signal modulation measurements
