663 research outputs found

    Consumption of wood biomass in Italy: a strategic role based on a weak knowledge

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    Given the growing role of wood biomass as a strategic resource in the European and national renewable energy policies, the paper provides two new estimations of the internal consumption and supply levels, aiming at discussing the real role of this resource in the national energy mix and the implications of this market in terms of forest policies. The first estimation focuses on household consumption and expenditure based on the ISTAT \u201cSurvey on consumption by families\u201d, and the second analyzes how the wood biomass supply is structured and organized; this second estimation has been carried out with an expert panel consultation based on a Delphi-based approach. These two estimations are then compared and discussed with reference to the data and information provided by official sources and other publically-available studies and surveys conducted in recent years. The results provide evidence that wood biomass is the first source of renewable energy in Italy and that official data only partially quantify the consumption levels in the residential sector and domestic supply rates. The paper highlights the need for a new approach in data collection on this fast-growing market; these data are essential for a more effective implementation of the renewable energy policy and other relevant forest-related policies such as those on climate and wood mobilization

    From failure to value: Economic valuation for a selected set of products and services from Mediterranean forests

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    Aim of study: the paper estimates the economic value of a selected range of forest products and services, i.e. roundwood, nonwood forest products (NWFPs), and carbon-related services. Area of study: the research covers 21 Mediterranean countries, distinguished into four sub-regions. Material and methods: data have been gathered from official statistical sources (e.g. FAOSTAT), scientific literature and technical reports. Different estimation approaches based on market-price have been used for different products/services. Main results: the estimated value ranges between \u20ac10,512 and \u20ac11,158 million (M). Wood products represent more than 85% of the total value. Within them, industrial timber is the most relevant component (65%). Figures for NWFPs are likely to be underestimated because data are available only for some products and countries. When using alternative estimates for pine nuts, pine resin and cork, figures show a \u20ac36.8-572 M increase. In geographical terms, the economic value of Mediterranean forests is highly concentrated: North-West Mediterranean countries account for 70%, and nearly 90% is in just four countries (France, Spain, Turkey and Italy). Research highlights: enhancing the offer of Mediterranean forest products and increasing their role in the rural economy could help to reduce the costs of forest protection: a well-structured forest economy ensuring stable flows of incomes can provide a fundamental set of public non-market services and social values to both local people and the whole community. Understanding the true value of natural resources, then, is an essential step for promoting their protection and sustainable use

    Stima dell\u2019andamento della redditivit\ue0 delle piantagioni di pioppo alla luce delle politiche di settore

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    Estimating the profitability trends of poplar plantations under current sectorial public policies. Investments in poplar plantations in the Po valley (Northern Italy), the most important segment of timber production for the Italian forest-based sector, are undergoing a decline since more than two decades. The investment level is influenced by both economic variables directly related to the production, such as timber prices, management costs, and land costs, as well as external variables indirectly related to it, such as the opportunity cost of competitive agricultural productions, environmental restrictions, and the presence of subsidies. This paper presents the results of an analysis of trends in timber investment returns from poplar plantations in the Po Valley. In specific, we estimated how these returns have changed in the last 15 years (2001-2015) as a result of the evolution of the key variables of cost and timber price, and assuming a representative plantation management regime. The results show that, in the considered period, poplar timber investments have had a significant decline, with estimated Internal Rate of Returns dropped of 22.1%-44.2% from 2001 to 2015. In specific, the Internal Rates of Returns, when defined and in the base case scenario, ranged from values between 7.1% and 14.0% (2001) to 4.4%-11.0% (2015). Poplar plantations are offering interesting income opportunities only when average timber prices are high, while in all the other cases the investments are at the threshold of economic viability or even negative. The decreased profitability, together with the high variability of potential financial returns, are negatively influencing the attitude towards the investments in poplar plantations. These results are discussed in the light of the recent sectorial public policies. In particular, we focused on the Measures to support plantations of the regional Rural Development Plans, which often proved to be decisive for establishing new plantations and crucial in (de)stabilizing the sector. The lack of a strategic coordination among the northern Italian Regions and the discontinuity of subsidies schemes have contributed to the destabilization of the market


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    The effects of climate change on natural ecosystems are increasingly more visible. Being moun-tain forest ecosystems the most vulnerable and therefore the most affected ecosystems, they appear to be the most suitable for the assessment of climate change effects on ecosystem services. Accord-ingly, the paper reviews the literature on the economic assessment of climate change impacts in Eu-ropean mountain forests. Initially, the trends in the provision of mountain forest ecosystem services are discussed. The literature review also takes into account the effects on forest structure and trees physiology, being these two effects strictly associated with the capability of the ecosystem to pro-vide services. The results of this first part of the paper have been presented into a table that dis-plays both the trends and the quality and the quantity of the information available. Subsequently, the main methods that can be employed to assess the economic value of the different ecosystem ser-vices have been described. For each method some examples of implementation have been de-scribed. In the conclusion, the main gaps still existing in scientific literature concerning the effects of climate change on ecosystem services provided by mountain forests have been highlighted. Be-cause of the heterogeneity of the considered ecosystems it is of fundamental importance to have a comprehensive view of the phenomenon. Finally, some more remarks about the existing methods for the economic valuation of ecosystem services has been done

    Embedded Deforestation: The Case Study of the Brazilian–Italian Bovine Leather Trade

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    Deforestation and forest degradation driven by Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use (AFOLU) are important sources of carbon emissions. Market globalization and trade liberalization policies reinforce this trend and risk deforestation to be embedded in global value chains. Due to the complexity of global production and trade systems, deforestation risk is also embedded in the supply chains of the products and sectors that are not direct deforestation drivers. Bovine leather is a commodity closely entangled in the debates about deforestation as it is a by-product of cattle. This research focuses on leather trade between Brazil and Italy to demonstrate the channels through which Italian imports of Brazilian leather could possess embedded Amazonian deforestation and related risks. The data employed for the analysis was searched at three different levels for the leather trade between Brazil and Italy: (a) the country level annual leather trade statistics for the years 2014–2018 taken from the Comtrade database; (b) the state level leather trade data, for the years 2014–2018 taken from the Comexstat database; and (c) the exporter–importer level leather trade data for the period of August 2017–August 2018, based on customs declarations. The analysis helps to demonstrate that the Italian leather trade with Brazil possesses the risk of deforestation unless the proper traceability and due diligence systems are in place to claim the opposite. The European and Italian leather industry need to be more proactive in acknowledging the existence of the risk at different levels, putting full traceability systems in place and sending out clear market signals that deforestation is not tolerated, and that sustainability is valued

    Pine Nuts : A Review of Recent Sanitary Conditions and Market Development

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    Pine nuts are non-wood forest products (NWFP) with a constantly growing market notwithstanding a series of phytosanitary issues and related trade problems. The aim of this paper is to review the literature on the relationship between phytosanitary problems and trade development. Production and trade of pine nuts in Mediterranean Europe have been negatively affected by the spreading of Diplodia sapinea (a fungus) associated with an adventive insect Leptoglossus occidentalis (fungal vector), with impacts on forest management, production and profitability and thus in value chain organization. Reduced availability of domestic production in markets with a growing demand has stimulated the import of pine nuts. China has become a leading exporter of pine nuts, but its export is affected by a symptom caused by the nuts of some pine species: pine nut syndrome' (PNS). Most of the studies mentioned in the literature review concern PNS occurrence associated with the nuts of Pinus armandii. We highlight the need for a comprehensive and interdisciplinary approach to the analysis of the pine nuts value chain organization, where research on food properties and clinical toxicology may be connected to breeding and forest management, forest pathology and entomology, and trade development.Peer reviewe

    Exploring the multiple effects of the invasive alien robinia tree: a PhD project presentation

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    The poster explains the background, research questions and objectives and methods of the PhD study on black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia) funded by the Linda Scattolin J:ROBIN project (2016-2019)

    Are non-industrial private forest owners willing to deliver regulation ecosystem services? Insights from an alpine case

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    As non-industrial private forest owners own a large share of forests in Europe, their management choices can largely affect the delivery of forest ecosystem services of different types: provisional, regulation and cultural. The literature is rich in studies exploring the delivery of both provisional services (timber or wood products) and cultural ones (recreation or amenity). However, fewer researches have addressed the delivery of regulation services like regulation of climate, carbon sequestration or preservation of habitats. The paper intends to contribute to this scarce literature with a Southern European case study. It analyses whether non-industrial private forest owners from an Italian alpine region would be willing to deliver additional (i.e. beyond legal requirements) quantities of regulation forest ecosystem services, whether they would do so with or without payment, and what affects such willingness. Three services are analysed: habitat improvement, soil conservation and carbon sequestration. Three multinomial logit models are estimated on a sample of 106 non-industrial forest owners. The results show, among others, that the willingness to deliver regulation forest ecosystem services is enhanced when the service impacts also on the property scale: this result concurs with the literature which shows that non-industrial private forest owners very often maximise not only their profit but also their overall utility by considering the self-consumption of services. The paper concludes by providing indications for targeting and tailoring active forest management policies focused on non-industrial forest owners of Italian alpine regions

    A preliminary review of forest care initiatives for health in italy: identifying models and success factors

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    INTRODUCTION: Forest Care Initiatives (FCIs) \u2013 meant as organized initiatives supporting active and passive interaction with forest ecosystems aimed at increasing levels of human wellbeing and quality of life- are becoming increasingly popular in many countries. On the one side FCIs can be a cost-effective solution to the increasing societal demand for health and well-being services; on the other they can be an opportunity for valuing forest resources and supporting development and social innovation in marginal areas. While the positive effects of contact with trees and forest ecosystems on health are increasingly studied and confirmed by scientific literature, there is a general lack of knowledge about the FCIs management models and their economic and institutional framework. In order to contribute filling this gap, this paper considers the Italian context, where FCIs have been recently introduced and are rapidly growing. The paper aims to present a review of the FCIs for health (FCIH), identifying different management models and the success factors of selected case studies, to support the development of future initiatives and inform policies. METHODS: Through an extended literature review encompassing scientific and grey contributions, formal and informal contacts with experts and practitioners, an updated state-of-the-art of the FCIH in Italy is developed, and representative case studies are selected. Quantitative and qualitative data are collected through interviews and participant observation. The contextual biophysical and institutional conditions and their interplay are presented through a conceptual framework, which helps identifying models and critical success factors (e.g. type and number of partnerships, type and number of services, type of forest ownership and management, target beneficiaries, business model, etc.). RESULTS: FCIH in Italy are quite recent -the first registered project was started in 2013- and still poorly coordinated. At present, the only example of network at national level is \u201cMontagna Terapia\u201d that keeps in connection dozens of different initiatives where forests are used as set for rehabilitation and social inclusion initiatives. Within analysed FCIH the role of forest resources ranges from a simple frame for the activities, to an \u201cactive\u201d instrumental function as a medium, and management activities vary accordingly. The target beneficiaries range from the general population, to people with very special needs and this heterogeneity reflects also on the organizational and business models. Common success factors among FCIH include the level of engagement of public sector agencies and key actors, and the value proposition. CONCLUSIONS: Understanding success factors, business models and the institutional context of FCIs is critical for the replicability and successful implementation of novel solutions. This paper represents a preliminary analysis of selected FCIH in Italy and a testing of the assessment conceptual framework. Although these first results are promising, further research and tests are needed to fine-tune the framework and facilitate the assessment and eventual transfer, up-scaling and innovation of successful models. While supporting the development of FCIs and benefiting the management of forest resource, research in this field might contribute to enhance stakeholders\u2019 awareness about FCIs and get informed about new opportunities for job creation and income diversification
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