6 research outputs found

    Minimal invasive surgery for patients with urolithiasis with early postoperative rehabilitation in Truskavets

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    Introduction. Undoubtedly, technological progress, the "conquest" of civilization leads to a deterioration of the environmental situation. It affects the human body, causing a violation of homeostasis, due to disorders in it.The purpose of the work. In view of the above, the task was to study the peculiarities of the process of the use of minimally invasive techniques in patients with urolithiasis treated in the period from 2012 to 2017 in the urological department of the Truskavets City Hospital and in the private office of lithotripsy Ya.V. Feciak in the complex with the use of medical water "Naftusya" during treatment and in the early postoperative period as a means of metaphysics of recurrent stone formation and quicker rehabilitation of patients.Materials and methods of research. The treatment of 1757 patients with urolithiasis in the urological department of Truskavets city hospital and the private office of lithotripsy Ya.V. Fetsiak for the period of 2012 - 2017. The study included 681 patients with kidney stones, 1045 patients - with ureteric stones and 31 patients with urinary bladder specimens. 357 contact nephrolithotripsy, 491 contact ureterolithotripsy (CULT), 27 contact cystolithotripsy and 2074 extracorporeal shock-wave lithotripsy (ESWL) sessions were performed for these patients. Men were 946 (54%), women 811 (46%). The age of the patients ranged from 18 to 84 years. The size of the concretions localized in the ureter ranged from 0.6 cm to 3.4 cm and, as a rule, was 0.9-1.2 cm. The maximum size of the kidney stone was 9.5 cm, and the average size varied within 1 , 4-27cm.ESWL was performed on the Dornier Compact S machine. In the 882 patients, 2074 procedures were carried out for the ESWL, which was 2.35 procedures per patient. In the planned period, 71% of patients, 29% in urgent (at the height of the renal colic or within the next 30 hours) were treated.Results In the contingent of patients treated with ESWL, medical water "Naftusya" was used before the crushing session and exchange course for 2-3 weeks three times a day at a temperature of 17-20 degrees C in an amount of 10 ml per kilogram of weight per day. Patients, who used contact lithotripsy "Naftusya" were prescribed from the second day after the operation, that is, when in the postoperative period, complete peristalsis of the colon was restored. Doses were identical, as in patients with ESWL.Our long experience in treating patients with urolithiasis has shown recurrence of stone formation in 10-15% of patients with urolithiasis within five years of intervention. The latter is much lower compared to the literature without the use of water "Naftusya".Conclusions1. ESWL - an effective out-patient method of removing concretions from the urinary tract.2. Contact lithotripsy, along with ESWL - modern methods for the elimination of concretions from urinary tract with short bed day and minimization of surgical trauma.3. Therapeutic water "Naftusya" - an effective means of metaphysics of urolithiasis.4. Early postoperative rehabilitation of patients with urolithiasis is possible only on the territory of Truskavets.5. The use of water "Naftusya" can significantly reduce the recurrence of stone formation in patients with urolithiasis, which makes this balneotherapy a "gold standard" in metaphilactics and early post-operative rehabilitation of patients with urolithiasis

    The physiological characteristic system control of working activity in the process of training prospective healthcare professionals

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    In this article the authors O.V. Petryshyn, E.Ya. Shapoval and S.M.Novik claim that nowadays the scientists do not pay enough attention to the development of the essential professional psychophysical qualities of a healthcare professional and do not ascertain the influence of Physical Education on personality features. That is why the study of the problem which provides the adequate level of adaptation, health strengthening and the development of professional psychophysical competence is relevant. Practical research value lies in the development of the program by the authors of the article (which is based on the authentic ideas, henceforth we further will call it as Program) and methodological support material for Physical Education course in order to have an efficient impact on systematic development of students’ psychophysical qualities while using experimental diagnostic methods of estimation of perspective specialists’ technical and tactical background and physical one respectively. We are speaking about the professional physical trainings for students who pursue their degree while studying at the following faculties as Medical Faculty, Pediatrician and Stomatological Faculties where sports playing technics are implemented. The aim - is to define an effectiveness of methodology for diagnostic and estimation of perspective specialists’ physical qualification. Materials and methods. 180 students of UMSA took part in the experiment. They were divided into two groups: the experimental group (EG – 91 students) and the control group (CG – 89 students). To define the level of students’ (EG) readiness index the range of the effective certificated medical biological methods were used. Results. The influence on general physical state index was studied during the implementation of the Program PPPT which stands for Practical Professional Physical Training. This index shows the functional state and psychophysical abilities that is important for professional activity of medical workers. The tests gave us an opportunity to diagnose individual level of physical abilities and control the effectiveness of physical education during PPPT. It is proved that Program implementation propels an improvement of each component of students’ (EG) practical professional physical abilities and functional preparation as well. The effectiveness of given PPPT model was confirmed with the help of statistic changes of general functional preparation. Average index increase is by 25% in students from EG and only by 7,5% in those from CG

    Minimal invasive surgery for patients with urolithiasis with early postoperative rehabilitation in Truskavets

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    Derkach I. A., Priyma O. B., Loskutov A. E., Fetsyak Ya. V., Irodenko V. M., Petryshyn O. Ya., Bosak M. V., Sumtsova O. O., Zukow W. Minimal invasive surgery for patients with urolithiasis with early postoperative rehabilitation in Truskavets. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2017;7(7):101-110. eISSN 2391-8306. DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.823871 http://ojs.ukw.edu.pl/index.php/johs/article/view/4593 https://pbn.nauka.gov.pl/sedno-webapp/works/824464 The journal has had 7 points in Ministry of Science and Higher Education parametric evaluation. Part B item 1223 (26.01.2017). 1223 Journal of Education, Health and Sport eISSN 2391-8306 7 © The Author 2017; This article is published with open access at Licensee Open Journal Systems of Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, Poland Open Access. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author(s) and source are credited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited. The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper. Received: 25.06.2017. Revised: 02.07.2017. Accepted: 05.07.2017. Малоінвазивна хірургія хворих на сечокам’яну хворобу з ранньою післяопераційною реабілітацією в Трускавці Minimal invasive surgery for patients with urolithiasis with early postoperative rehabilitation in Truskavets Деркач І. А., Прийма О. Б., Лоскутов А. Є., Фецяк Я. В., Іроденко В. М., Петришин О. Я., Босак М. В., Сумцова О. О., Zukow W. Derkach I. A., Priyma O. B., Loskutov A. E., Fetsyak Ya. V., Irodenko V. M., Petryshyn O. Ya., Bosak M. V., Sumtsova O. O., Zukow W. КЗ «Трускавецька міська лікарня» Приватний кабінет літотрипсії Я. В. Фецяка Wydział Nauk o Ziemi, Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu Truskavets City Hospital Private office of lithotripsy Ya. V. Fetsyak Department of Earth Sciences, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun Ключові слова: сечокам’яна хвороба, контактна літотрипсія, дистанційна літотрипсія, метафілактика уролітіаза, лікувальна вода «Нафтуся», рецидив каменеутворення, реабілітація. Абстракт Вступ. Безсумнівно, що технологічний прогрес, «завоювання» цивілізації призводять до погіршення екологічної ситуації. Це впливає на організм людини, зумовлюючи порушення гомеостазу, внаслідок розладів у ньому. Мета роботи. З огляду на вищезгадане було поставлено завдання вивчити особливості перебігу процесу із застосування малоінвазивних методик у хворих на уролітіаз, пролікованих у період 2012 – 2017 рр. в урологічному відділенні КЗ «Трускавецької міської лікарні» та приватному кабінеті літотрипсії Я.В. Фецяка у комплексі з використанням лікувальної води «Нафтуся» під час лікування та в ранній післяопераційний період, як засобу метафілактики рецидивного каменеутворення та скорішої реабілітації хворих. Матеріали та методи дослідження. Проаналізовано лікування 1757 хворих на уролітіаз в урологічному відділенні КЗ «Трускавецька міська лікарня» та приватному кабінеті літотрипсії Я.В. Фецяка за період 2012 − 2017 рр. В дослідження включено 681 хворих з каменями нирок, 1045 хворих - з конкрементами сечоводів та 31 хворий - з конкрементами сечового міхура. Цим хворим виконано 357 контактних нефролітотрипсій, 491 контактних уретеролітотрипсій (КУЛТ), 27 контактних цистолітотрипсій та 2074 сеансів екстракорпоральної ударно-хвильової літотрипсії (ЕУХЛ). Чоловіків було 946 (54%), жінок 811 (46%). Вік хворих коливався від 18 до 84 років. Розмір конкрементів, що локалізувалися у сечоводі коливався від 0,6 см до 3,4 см та, як правило, складав 0,9-1,2 см. Максимальний розмір каменя нирки був 9,5 см, а середній розмір коливався в межах 1,4-2,7см. ЕУХЛ виконувалася на апараті Compact S фірми Dornier. 882 хворим виконано 2074 процедур ЕУХЛ, що склало 2,35 процедури на кожного хворого. В плановому терміні лікувалися 71% пацієнтів, 29% в ургентному (на висоті ниркової коліки або в найближчі 30 годин). Результати. У контингенту хворих лікованних методом ЕУХЛ застосовували лікувальну воду «Нафтуся» перед сеансом дроблення та курсовим прийомом протягом 2-3 тижнів тричі на день температури 17-20 градусів С в кількості 10 мл на кілограм ваги на добу. У хворих, у котрих застосовували контактну літотрипсію «Нафтусю» призначали з другої доби після операції, тобто коли в післяопераційному періоді відновлювалася повноцінна перистальтика кішківника. Дози були ідентичні, як у хворих з ЕУХЛ. Наш тривалий досвід лікування хворих на сечокам’яну хворобу засвідчив рецидиви каменеутворення у 10-15% хворих на сечокам’яну хворобу протягом п’яти років після втручання. Останнє значно нижчим в порівнянні з даними літератури без застосування води «Нафтусі». Висновки. ЕУХЛ – дієвий амбулаторний метод видалення конкрементів з сечових шляхів. Контактна літотрипсія разом з ЕУХЛ – сучасні методи елімінації конкрементів з сечових шляхів з коротким ліжко-днем та мінімізацією оперативної травми. Лікувальна вода «Нафтуся» - дієвий засіб метафілактики уролітіазу. Рання післяопераційна реабілітація хворих на сечокам’яну хворобу можлива виключно на теренах Трускавця. Застосування води «Нафтуся» дозволяє значно знизити рецидив каменеутворення хворих на уролітіаз, що робить цю бальнеотерапію «золотим стандартом» у метафілактиці та ранньої післяопераційної реабілітації хворих на сечокам’яну хворобу. Key words: urolithiasis, contact lithotripsy, distant lithotripsy, urology metaphilia, medical water "Naftusya", relapse of stone formation, rehabilitation. Abstract Introduction. Undoubtedly, technological progress, the "conquest" of civilization leads to a deterioration of the environmental situation. It affects the human body, causing a violation of homeostasis, due to disorders in it. The purpose of the work. In view of the above, the task was to study the peculiarities of the process of the use of minimally invasive techniques in patients with urolithiasis treated in the period from 2012 to 2017 in the urological department of the Truskavets City Hospital and in the private office of lithotripsy Ya.V. Feciak in the complex with the use of medical water "Naftusya" during treatment and in the early postoperative period as a means of metaphysics of recurrent stone formation and quicker rehabilitation of patients. Materials and methods of research. The treatment of 1757 patients with urolithiasis in the urological department of Truskavets city hospital and the private office of lithotripsy Ya.V. Fetsiak for the period of 2012 - 2017. The study included 681 patients with kidney stones, 1045 patients - with ureteric stones and 31 patients with urinary bladder specimens. 357 contact nephrolithotripsy, 491 contact ureterolithotripsy (CULT), 27 contact cystolithotripsy and 2074 extracorporeal shock-wave lithotripsy (ESWL) sessions were performed for these patients. Men were 946 (54%), women 811 (46%). The age of the patients ranged from 18 to 84 years. The size of the concretions localized in the ureter ranged from 0.6 cm to 3.4 cm and, as a rule, was 0.9-1.2 cm. The maximum size of the kidney stone was 9.5 cm, and the average size varied within 1 , 4-27cm. ESWL was performed on the Dornier Compact S machine. In the 882 patients, 2074 procedures were carried out for the ESWL, which was 2.35 procedures per patient. In the planned period, 71% of patients, 29% in urgent (at the height of the renal colic or within the next 30 hours) were treated. Results In the contingent of patients treated with ESWL, medical water "Naftusya" was used before the crushing session and exchange course for 2-3 weeks three times a day at a temperature of 17-20 degrees C in an amount of 10 ml per kilogram of weight per day. Patients, who used contact lithotripsy "Naftusya" were prescribed from the second day after the operation, that is, when in the postoperative period, complete peristalsis of the colon was restored. Doses were identical, as in patients with ESWL. Our long experience in treating patients with urolithiasis has shown recurrence of stone formation in 10-15% of patients with urolithiasis within five years of intervention. The latter is much lower compared to the literature without the use of water "Naftusya". Conclusions 1. ESWL - an effective out-patient method of removing concretions from the urinary tract. 2. Contact lithotripsy, along with ESWL - modern methods for the elimination of concretions from urinary tract with short bed day and minimization of surgical trauma. 3. Therapeutic water "Naftusya" - an effective means of metaphysics of urolithiasis. 4. Early postoperative rehabilitation of patients with urolithiasis is possible only on the territory of Truskavets. 5. The use of water "Naftusya" can significantly reduce the recurrence of stone formation in patients with urolithiasis, which makes this balneotherapy a "gold standard" in metaphilactics and early post-operative rehabilitation of patients with urolithiasis

    Revisiting the Issue of Development of the Legal Framework for Cluster Development

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    The article deals with the concept of clusterization of the national economy as a process of creating within the national economy clusters (cluster systems), and other network structures, there highlighted its importance for the development of the national economy (it ensures increasing competitiveness of the national economy, strengthening its innovation component, improving the quality of education, reconciling the interests of government and business structures, etc.). As a result of investigation of the major clusters, there determined the underdevelopment of the legal framework of clusterization and the negative impact of the legislative factor on it. The article presents recommendations for the development of the legal framework for cluster devlopment in four areas: development (adoption) of certain laws and regulations, the introduction of amendments to the existing laws in the field of clustering, changes to a number of legal acts concerning the regulation of the national economy, adherence to the norms of international law

    Higher order nonlinear elliptic equations

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    Computational methods of linear algebra

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