995 research outputs found

    Dehydration with a microporous adsorbent of natural gas used as motor fuel. Experimental and modeling study of the adsorption and desorption phases.

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    An experimental and theoretical study of the dehydration of natural gas using microporous silica beds for motor fuel technology in extreme winter climates is described. Analytical solutions to the problem of non-isothermal adsorption and desorption are based on Heaviside’s operational method and Laplace integral transformation. Experimental and modeling distributions of moisture and temperatures of gas at the inlet and outlet of the silica beds for each adsorption - desorption phase at different times are presented. The distribution of moisture within the beds for the full dehydration - regeneration cycle is determined

    Strategia outsourcingu w przedsiębiorstwach sieciowych

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    The purpose of this article is presentation of outsourcing strategy formation in enterprises networks. The analysis of factors affecting outsourcing strategy training in enterprises networks are showed in the article. Specificity of outsourcing strategy compared with insourcing strategy in integrated companies. The role of business outsourcing process in developing strategies for vertically and horizontally integrated companies is described. The research on implementation policy of outsourcing strategy in network companies on the example of companies in Ukraine is analyzed as well.Celem artykułu jest formowanie strategii outsourcingu w przedsiębiorstwach sieciowych. W artykule jest przeprowadzona analiza czynników wpływających na kształcenie strategii outsourcingu w przedsiębiorstwach sieciowych. Pokazana została specyfika strategii outsourcingu w porównaniu ze strategią insourcingu w przedsiębiorstwach zintegrowanych. Określono role procesów biznesowych w tworzeniu strategii outsourcingu dla pionowo i poziomo zintegrowanych przedsiębiorstw. Przeprowadzono badania wdrożenia strategii outsourcingu w przedsiębiorstwach sieciowych na przykładzie przedsiębiorstw na Ukrainie


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    Purpose of Research. The purpose of the research is to find out the features of Herman Isupov's creativity as an artist of ballet and ballet master. Methodology. The methodology of the research includes the following methods: analysis (to systematize of historiographical sources), art criticism method (to find out the particularities of the performing manner and choreography of H. Isupov). They have allowed us to research the figure of H. Isupov in the art space. Scientific Novelty. The scientific novelty of the research is the fact that the author analyses the peculiarities of H. Isupov's performing manner and choreography and proposes the author’s typology of his ballet master's works. Conclusions. The principles of the Leningrad Classical Dance School, which were studied by H. Isupov at the Perm Choreographic Institution, were the condition of the high performing and ballet mastery skills in Lviv Opera and Ballet Theatre in 1963-2000. H. Isupov-dancer formed his own performing style, which had the following features: the technical artificiality, the depth of performing images, expressiveness and a wide range of acting range from a grotesque, a comedy to a psychological drama or a deep tragedy. We should note the part of Spartacus among his ballet parts. This image of the invincible man, free, brave hero was embodied by the virtuoso dance technique. There were many author’s version of the classical ballets in H. Isupov’s ballet master’s works («Swan Lake», «Nutcracker» and «Vain Warning»), the choreographic dramas of the Soviet period («Bakhchisarai Fountain», «Romeo and Juliet») and the choreography performances of the Ukrainian period («Lilia», «The Forest Song»). His ballet «The Seasons of Year» (1980) is the example of his innovations in the ballet. Synthesis of the classical dance lexica and plastics of the contemporary choreography characterize it. H. Isupov as a ballet master worked at the staging of a number of opera performances and always followed the academic ballet traditions

    Mathematical modeling of non-isothermal adsorption mass transfer in nanoporous catalysts

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    Розглянуто математичну модель неізотермічного адсорбційного масопереносу в пласті мікропористого каналізатора з урахуванням впливу температурної складової. Побудовано аналітичний розв’язок запропонованої моделі з використанням інтегральних перетворень Фур’є та Лапласа. Проведено числове моделювання зміни концентрації адсорбтиву в пласті мікропористого середовища на різних стадіях процесу при різних значеннях температуриThe mathematical model of non-isothermal adsorption mass transfer in micro- and nanopores of intraparticle and interparticle spaces catalytic media, which considers effect of temperature during adsorption process, has been considered. The paper is based on the results of previously proposed bi-porous model and takes into account dependence of diffusion and flow temperature changes of environment on concentration profiles of adsorbed components in interparticle space of micro- and nano poreus of crystallites, which is a limiting factor of adsorption process. Mathematical model consists of a system of three partial differential equations, the first equation describing material balance in the interparticle space (gas phase), the second equation describing diffusion heat balance in the media and the third equation is a internal kinetic equation, which establishes connection between gas and solid phases based on the Langmuir-Hinshelwood balance equation. Solution of non-isothermal mass transfer adsorption model is built with the Laplace’s and Fourier’s integral transformations. Obtained analytical solution of model has the advantage over numerical solution due to a significant reduction in the number of iterations that is crucial for use gradients methods of identification to solve problems of kinetic parameters determination from experimental distributions. Numerical model of concentration profiles in micropores particles at different values of temperature as a function of layer thickness coordinate for different moments from the beginning of the adsorption process has been presented. Having analyzed the graphs we see that the concentrations of benzene in the middle of nanopore particles of adsorbent increases from the middle to the edge, and the value depends on the temperature. Thus for different temperatures, characteristics of concentration profiles are the same


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    The Southern Complex is part of the Archean Superior Province in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan and includes a batholithic sized body of Archean high-K megacrystic granitoid rocks informally called the Bell Creek granite. U-Pb zircon ages of the granitoid from previous studies suggest an emplacement age of ~2.6 Ga (Tinkham, 1997). Based on those ages the Bell Creek granite formed around the Archean-Proterozoic transition. This transition is a crucial time period in Earth’s history for crustal growth because of the onset of subduction and increased sedimentary environments at the end of the Archean (Taylor and McLennan, 1995). In this study we tested two models hypothesized for the origin of granitoids. The first model involves juvenile magma from the mantle that undergoes differentiation and the remaining silica-rich melt separates, ascends and cools to form a granitoid; may include assimilation of country rock. The second model involves the partial melting of preexisting lower crustal basement lithologies; may include assimilation of country rock. To test the two models a combination of U-Pb and O-Hf isotopes was employed, in addition to petrological observations. The results of the U-Pb zircon dating suggests a 2.5-2.6 Ga emplacement age for the Bell Creek granite. Inherited zircons range in age from 2.7-4.2 Ga, suggesting that supracrustal material of various ages contributed to the overall petrogenesis of the Bell Creek granite. The δ18O (VSMOW) values of the zircons ranges from +5.0 to +13.0‰, representing a range from mantle (+5.5‰, Valley, 2005), to crustal values (\u3e8.0‰, Valley, 2005). The εHf(t) values range from -20 to -5, and yield a Hf model age of approximately 3.3 Ga, signifying isotopic ingrowth. The high-K nature of the granites suggests that a pelitic material was assimilated during petrogenesis; the range in δ18O values of the zircons with magmatic U-Pb ages is evidence that supports this hypothesis. Hoffman (1987) suggested that the Bell Creek was emplaced in a suite of metasedimentary and metavolcanics rocks, this could be the source of the assimilated pelitic material. Remnants of pelitic material are present in the high-K granites as biotite-chlorite-garnet dominated clots. Hoffman (1987) concluded that the Bell Creek granite is an S-type granite and a product of partial melting of sediments. However, magmatic zircons with mantle-like δ18O values supported by bulk-rock major and trace elements suggest the Bell Creek granite is an I-type. The δ18O isotopic results supports partial melting and assimilation of sedimentary material which is consistent with Hoffman’s (1987) previous conclusion of assimilation. Comparison of the emplacement age of the Bell Creek (2.55 Ga) and the Hf model age (3.3 Ga) supports a hypothesis that the Bell Creek granite is a product of partial melting of a possible amphibolite source rock that was produced 1 Ga prior to emplacement of the granite

    Внесок Наталії Слободян у становлення художніх традицій та формування репертуару львівського балету

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    Purpose of research. The purpose of the research is to reveal the role of Nataliia Slobodian in the development of artistic traditions and the formation of the repertoire of the Lviv ballet. Methodology. Application of a complex of general (analysis, systematization) and special (art studies, cultural studies) methods and approaches allowed to conduct scientifically objective research. Scientific novelty. Having analyzed sources and having studied the creative career of Nataliia Slobodian, we can state that the ballerina, by her own example, created ideals to follow for the young performers. As a result, the ballerina became the founder of the Lviv performing school. Conclusions. The image of N. Slobodian became the embodiment of the patriotic ideal for the modern young generation. Throughout her life, Nataliia Slobodian proved that it is possible to achieve not only recognition as a choreographer without leaving the native country, but even more - it is top professionalism. For that reason, it is sad to become aware of the fact that the values of some contemporary artists do not coincide with the patriotic views of their predecessors. As the national spirit gives more energy for creative work, which soon becomes a part of history. Already in the post-war period, the world learnt about Ukrainian ballet as something different and integral, and stopped perceiving it as part of Russian ballet. Therefore, it is extremely important to preserve, proceed with, and perfect the Ukrainian ballet art, the mastery of which is manifested in the artistic performance, ballet productions, and the national school that has raised world-class stars.Цель исследования – выявить роль Натальи Слободян в становлении художественных традиций и формировании репертуара львовского балета. Методология. Применение комплекса общих (анализ, систематизация) и специальных (искусствоведческий, культурологический) методов и подходов позволило провести научно объективное исследование. Научная новизна. Анализируя источники и изучив творческий путь Натальи Слободян, можем утверждать, что балерина собственным примером формировала идеалы для подражания молодыми исполнителями. Как следствие – она стала основателем львовской исполнительской школы. Выводы. Всей своей жизнью Наталия Слободян доказала, что достичь признания в хореографии, не покидая родного края, возможно. Даже больше – это вершина профессионализма. Поэтому обидно осознавать, что ценности отдельных современных исполнителей не совпадают с патриотическими взглядами их предшественников. Национальный дух дает гораздо больше сил для творчества, которое вскоре становится историей. Еще в послевоенный период мир узнал украинский балет как самостоятельный, целостный феномен и перестал воспринимать его как часть российского. Поэтому чрезвычайно важно сохранять, продолжать и совершенствовать украинское балетное искусство, мастерство которого – в исполнении, постановке балетов и национальной школе, воспитавшей звезд мирового уровня.Мета дослідження – виявити роль Наталії Слободян у становленні художніх традицій та формуванні репертуару львівського балету. Методологія. Застосування комплексу загальних (аналіз, систематизація) та спеціальних (мистецтвознавчий, культурологічний)  методів і підходів дало змогу провести науково об’єктивне дослідження. Наукова новизна. Проаналізувавши джерела та вивчивши творчий шлях Наталії Слободян, можемо стверджувати, що балерина власним прикладом формувала ідеали для наслідування молодими виконавцями, ставши фундатором львівської виконавської школи. Висновки. Своїм життям Наталія Слободян довела, що досягнути визнання у хореографії, не покидаючи рідного краю,  можливо. Навіть більше – це вершина професіоналізму. Тому прикро усвідомлювати, що цінності окремих сучасних виконавців не співпадають з патріотичними поглядами їх попередників. Бо національний дух дає значно більше сил для творчості, яка невдовзі стає історією. Ще в повоєнний період світ пізнав український балет як самостійний, цілісний феномен і перестав сприймати його як частину російського. Тому надзвичайно важливо зберігати, продовжувати та вдосконалювати українське балетне мистецтво, майстерність якого полягає у виконанні, постановці балетів та національній школі, що виховала зірок світового рівня

    Iron oxide nanoparticle enhancement of ionizing radiation cancer therapy

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the use of IONP in combination with fractionated ionizing radiation, with and without magnetically induced mild localized hyperthermia, to enhance conventional fractionated radiation. It has been shown that ionizing radiation combined with hyperthermia can result in a greater therapeutic ratio than radiation or hyperthermia alone. Recent work has also shown that iron oxide nanoparticles may have potential as radiation sensitizers. IONP are additionally interesting because when IONP are exposed to an alternating magnetic field (AMF), a localized hyperthermia can be induced. In 1977 Adams et al. published a study which showed enhanced radiation-induced lymphocyte toxicity caused by the iodine (contrast agent) in angiocardiography patients. Since then, the body of materials shown to modify the toxicity of radiation has grown, including not only high-Z materials, but also nanoparticles, which also may act as carriers for pharmacologic agents. These materials may the reverse radiation resistance, enhance sensitivity, or provide radioprotection of normal tissue. Though largely unexplored, a proposed mechanism for radiation sensitization by IONP includes the increase in production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) when ionizing radiation interacts with IONP. While IONP are just beginning to be investigated as ionizing radiation sensitizers, significant research has been conducted to develop IONP-AMF mediated hyperthermia as a primary or adjuvant cancer therapy. Physiologically meaningful changes due to the combination of mild heat and radiation have been demonstrated in numerous cancer studies using a wide variety of heating techniques (microwave, ultrasound, perfusion and regional/whole body). Previous studies, have shown that raising the temperature of tumors with IONP-mediated hyperthermia can potentiate the efficacy of ionizing radiation. However, these studies have not considered the interaction of the IONP themselves with the ionizing radiation or as part of a fractionated treatment plan