65 research outputs found


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    The paper introduces a modified criterion of reduced costs that employs coefficients of operation significance and priority of ohmic loss accounting to allow matching maximum efficiency with minimum reduced costs. Impact of the inflation factor on the criterion of reduced costs is analyzed.Предлагается модификация критерия приведенных затрат за счет использования коэффициентов значимости эксплуатации и приоритета учета активных потерь, что позволяет согласовать максимум КПД и минимум приведенных затрат. Проведен анализ влияния коэффициента инфляции на критерий приведенных затрат.Пропонується модифікація критерію зведених витрат за рахунок використання коефіцієнтів значимості експлуатації та пріоритету врахування активних втрат, що дозволяє узгодити максимум ККД та мінімум зведених витрат. Проведено аналіз впливу коефіцієнту інфляції на критерій зведених витрат

    The effect of cutting conditions on power inputs when machining

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    Any technological process involving modification of material properties or product form necessitates consumption of a certain power amount. When developing new technologies one should take into account the benefits of their implementation vs. arising power inputs. It is revealed that procedures of edge cutting machining are the most energy-efficient amongst the present day forming procedures such as physical and technical methods including electrochemical, electroerosion, ultrasound, and laser processing, rapid prototyping technologies etc, such as physical and technical methods including electrochemical, electroerosion, ultrasound, and laser processing, rapid prototyping technologies etc. An expanded formula for calculation of power inputs is deduced, which takes into consideration the mode of cutting together with the tip radius, the form of the replaceable multifaceted insert and its wear. Having taken as an example cutting of graphite iron by the assembled cutting tools with replaceable multifaceted inserts the authors point at better power efficiency of high feeding cutting in comparison with high-speed cutting

    On the Problem of Wear Resistant Coatings Separation From Tools and Machine Elements

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    The article considers separation of wear resistant coatings of tool and engineering materials which arises both during coating fabrication and use of the product. The cause of this phenomenon is assumed to be related to thermal residual stresses generating on the coatingsubstrate border. These stresses have been analyzed and methods are provided to calculate it after produced composite material is cooled down from the temperature of coating synthesis to the ambient temperature. A no-fracture condition has been stated in relation to coatingsubstrate thicknesses, temperature differences and physical and mechanical properties of combined materials. The issue of intermediate layer incorporation with pre-set parameters has been discussed. A co-effect of thermal residual and functional stresses on the strength of the boundary layer has been considered when heating, tension and compression of a product with wear resistant coating. Conclusions have been made, as well as recommendations to improve fracture strength of products with thin wear resistant coatings

    On Organizing Quick Change-Over Mass Production

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    The terms "type of production" and "coefficient of assigning operations" are analyzed. A new method of calculating the optimum production plan based on profit projections is suggested. We recommend using the cycle time values as initial data for designing and developing technology. On the basis of existing techniques used to convert productions we suggest a new approach to production change-over with the service life of manufacturing facilities equal to the time to product's obsolescence. The factors to maximize profits using this change-over method are indicated, with maximum profits being a condition for the organization of quick change-change mass production

    The effect of cutting conditions on power inputs when machining

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    Any technological process involving modification of material properties or product form necessitates consumption of a certain power amount. When developing new technologies one should take into account the benefits of their implementation vs. arising power inputs. It is revealed that procedures of edge cutting machining are the most energy-efficient amongst the present day forming procedures such as physical and technical methods including electrochemical, electroerosion, ultrasound, and laser processing, rapid prototyping technologies etc, such as physical and technical methods including electrochemical, electroerosion, ultrasound, and laser processing, rapid prototyping technologies etc. An expanded formula for calculation of power inputs is deduced, which takes into consideration the mode of cutting together with the tip radius, the form of the replaceable multifaceted insert and its wear. Having taken as an example cutting of graphite iron by the assembled cutting tools with replaceable multifaceted inserts the authors point at better power efficiency of high feeding cutting in comparison with high-speed cutting

    Автоматизация управления электроприводом обитаемого подводного аппарата

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    Currently, there is an intensive development of manned and unmanned submersibles due to development of offshore oil and gas fields, development of underwater archaeology and exploration activities in transit zones regarding seabed mineral extraction. The depth of immersion and the nature of the underwater technical works performed determine not only the design of the underwater vehicle, its power-to-weight ratio and technical equipment, but also impose high requirements on reliability, survivability, and habitability, if the underwater vehicle implies that the operator is on board inside a pressure hull. The main objectives of the study carried out by the authors were to achieve high reliability and survivability of the main elements of the propulsion-steering complex, which ensure movement of a human-occupied vehicle in the water column, its positioning and retention at a given point in the water area.For this purpose, it was proceeded to development of an automated control system for the electric drive of the propulsive device of manned immersible. The proposed developments include a flowchart of the movement control system, circuitry engineering solutions using power semiconductor devices to maintain operability of the electric drive in extreme and emergency operating conditions, and movement control algorithms. Electromagnetic calculations of the active part of the electric machine were performed by the finite element method, considering the geometric features of the dental zone of the rotor and stator. The proposed mathematical apparatus served to calculate optimal control actions of the electric drive and to quantitatively assess the reduction in electrical losses once optimal control was applied. The calculation of the optimal control parameters was carried out using the maximum principle. The initial conditions for auxiliary functions are determined by the Newton‒ Raphson method. A comparison of various modes of operation of the electric drive was made regarding their influence on duration of the campaign, and other parameters.The calculations did not consider the parameters and geometry of the propulsive device (the propeller) since the developers of electric propulsion systems for manned and unmanned underwater vehicles of various classes often deliberately reduce the efficiency of the propeller to increase speed of the electric motor shaft, resulting in a decrease in the dimensions and weight of the latter.В настоящее время происходит интенсивное развитие обитаемых и необитаемых подводных аппаратов благодаря освоению шельфовых нефтегазовых месторождений, развитию подводной археологии и геологоразведочной деятельности в транзитных зонах относительно добычи полезных ископаемых с морского дна. Глубина погружения и характер выполняемых подводно-технических работ определяют не только конструктивное исполнение подводного аппарата, его энерговооруженность и техническую оснащенность, но и предъявляют высокие требования по надёжности, живучести и обитаемости в случае, если подводный аппарат подразумевает нахождение оператора на борту внутри прочного корпуса. Основные цели проведённого авторами исследования – это достижение высоких показателей надёжности и живучести основных элементов движительно-рулевого комплекса, обеспечивающих движение обитаемого подводного аппарата в толще воды, его позиционирование и удержание в заданной точке акватории.Для этого была проведена разработка автоматизированной системы управления электроприводом движителей обитаемого подводного аппарата. Предложена блок-схема системы управления движением, разработаны схемотехнические решения с использованием силовых полупроводниковых приборов для поддержания работоспособности электропривода в экстремальных и аварийных условиях эксплуатации, разработаны алгоритмы управления движением. Электромагнитные расчёты активной части электрической машины выполнены методом конечных элементов с учётом геометрических особенностей зубцовой зоны ротора и статора. На основе предложенного математического аппарата рассчитаны оптимальные управляющие воздействия электроприводом и дана количественная оценка по снижению электрических потерь при оптимальном управлении. Расчёт оптимальных параметров управления осуществлялся с помощью принципа максимума. Начальные условия для вспомогательных функций определены методом Ньютона–Рафсона. Проведено сравнение различных режимов работы электропривода с их влиянием на продолжительность кампании и другие показатели.В проведённых расчётах не учитывались параметры и геометрия движителя – гребного винта, потому как разработчики систем электродвижения обитаемых и необитаемых подводных аппаратов различного класса часто намеренно идут на снижение коэффициента полезного действия винта в угоду увеличению частоты вращения вала электродвигателя, следствием чего является снижение габаритов и массы последнего

    Estimating the cutting force when skiving with a radius cutter

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    The paper considers the method of determining the components of the cutting force under cutting completed with a radius cutter. The authors provide the design of the experimental study. The authors provide the data on the cutting force change in the process of turning with a radius cutter according to the cutting edge inclination, cutting depth and supply obtained experimentally and calculated analytically. The paper also provides the results of experimental work approximation and theoretical error checking related to experimental data


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    Introduction. The variety of electric drives, the performance characteristics of which correspond to the set requirements of consumers while ensuring reliable and economical operation for a certain time resource, characterizes the variety of circuit solutions, including using matching transformers and reducers. Problem. The use of matching transformers and reducers units significantly changes the performance characteristics of the electric drive. Most articles are devoted to modeling an electric drive without such elements. It is advisable to consider simulations of electric drives using these elements. Methodology. In the models of matching transformers and reducers, the initial data are used, which determine both the functional properties and the mass and size parameters. The latter provide an opportunity to consider the economic aspects of the electric drive. For the correct calculation of the energy balance of the electric drive, the efficiency of the elements under consideration is taken into account. Results. The use of the developed algorithms for modeling the dynamic modes of two induction motors in electric drives operating on a specific load diagram, with the connection of a matching transformer and reducers, is considered. Dependencies of efficiency and power factor of motors have allowed to determine the medium cyclic energy indicators. The mass- size and cost indicators of variants of electric drives were found, which made it possible to calculate the average cyclic reduced costs of electric drives. Practical value. The possibility of choosing the best variant of the drive based on various indicators, including the minimum amount of energy losses per year, is substantiated


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    Purpose. Development of mathematical models of adjustable electrical drives with high-phase order induction motors for their merits analysis at static and dynamical modes. Methodology. At the mathematical modeling main kinds of physical processes taking place in the high-phase order induction motors are considered: electromagnetic, electromechanical, energetic, thermal, mechanical, vibroacoustic ones. Besides, functional as well as mass, frame and value indicators of frequency converters are taking into account which permits to consider technical and economical aspects of the adjustable induction electrical drives. Creation of high-phase order induction motors’ modifications in possible on the base of a stock 3-phase motors of basic design. Polyphase supply of induction motors is guaranteed by a number of the adjustable electrical drives’ power circuits. Results. Modelling of a number of adjustable electrical drives with induction motors of different phase number working on the same load by its character, value and required adjustment range is carried out. At the utilization of the family of characteristics including mechanical ones at different adjustment parameters on which loading mechanism’s characteristics are superimposed regulation curves representing dependences of electrical, energetic, thermal, mechanical, vibroacoustic quantities on the motors’ number of revolutions are obtained. Originality. The proposed complex models of adjustable electrical drives with high-phase order induction motors give a possibility to carry out the grounded choice of the drive’s acceptable variant. Besides, they can be used as design models at the development of adjustable high-phase order induction motors. Practical value. The investigated change of vibroacoustic indicators at static and dynamical modes has been determined decrease of these indicators in the drives with number of phase exceeding 3.Обоснована возможность создания модификаций многофазных асинхронных двигателей на базе серийных трехфазных. Рассмотрен ряд силовых схем регулируемых электроприводов, в которых обеспечивается многофазное питание асинхронных двигателей. Анализируется работа приводов на определенную по величине и характеру нагрузку и заданным диапазоном регулирования. В результате математического моделирования определено, что температуры перегревов обмоток статоров рассматриваемых двигателей не превышают допустимых значений соответственно классу нагревостойкости изоляции. Выполнено сравнение технико-экономических показателей рассматриваемых схем и двигателей, дающее возможность осуществить приемлемый выбор варианта. Установлены закономерности изменения фазных токов многофазных двигателей в диапазоне регулирования. Исследовано изменение виброакустических показателей в статических и динамических режимах. Определено снижение этих показателей в двигателях с числом фаз, превышающим три.Обґрунтовано можливість створення модифікацій багатофазних асинхронних двигунів на базі серійних. Розглянуто ряд силових схем регульованих електроприводів, в яких забезпечується багатофазне живлення асинхронних двигунів. Аналізується робота приводів на визначене за величиною і характером навантаження і заданим діапазоном регулювання. В результаті математичного моделювання визначено, що температури прогріву обмоток статорів розглянутих двигунів не перевищують допустимих значень відповідно до класу ізоляції. Виконано порівняння техніко-економічних показників розглянутих схем і двигунів, що дає можливість здійснити прийнятний вибір варіанта. Встановлено закономірності зміни фазних струмів багатофазних двигунів в діапазоні регулювання. Досліджено зміну віброакустичних показників у статичних та динамічних режимах. Визначено зниження цих показників в двигунах з числом фаз, що перевищує три

    A facility to Search for Hidden Particles (SHiP) at the CERN SPS

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    A new general purpose fixed target facility is proposed at the CERN SPS accelerator which is aimed at exploring the domain of hidden particles and make measurements with tau neutrinos. Hidden particles are predicted by a large number of models beyond the Standard Model. The high intensity of the SPS 400~GeV beam allows probing a wide variety of models containing light long-lived exotic particles with masses below O{\cal O}(10)~GeV/c2^2, including very weakly interacting low-energy SUSY states. The experimental programme of the proposed facility is capable of being extended in the future, e.g. to include direct searches for Dark Matter and Lepton Flavour Violation.Comment: Technical Proposa