50 research outputs found
Vector feedback homogeneity and inner layout influence on fluxgate sensor parameters
Vector feedback is a concept which can significantly improve linearity and stability of a magnetic field sensor. The feedback coils effectively cancel the measured magnetic field in the inner volume of the triaxial sensor. Thus, in case of fluxgates, it suppresses one possible source of nonlinearity—cross-field sensitivity error. The triaxial sensor axes orthogonality should be primarily defined by the orientation of the feedback coils, while the sensitivities are defined by feedback coil constants. The influence of the homogeneity of the feedback field and the influence of the sensor inner layout on calibration parameters of a vectorially compensated triaxial fluxgate magnetometer are presented.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author’s final draft
An Improved Version of the Fluxgate Compass Module
Satellite based navigation systems (GPS) are widely used for ground, air and marine navigation. In the case of a malfunction or satellite signal inaccessibility, some back-up navigation system is needed. An electronic compass can provide this function. The compass module described in this paper is designed for precise navigation purposes. The compass module is equipped with electronic tilt error compensation, and includes everything in one package – electronics with digital output, sensors. A typical application of this compass is in underground drilling. A critical parameter in this application is heading accuracy. A reading error of 1 degree can cause a displacement of 1.8 metres in the target area (length of tunnel 100 m). This is not acceptable in an urban conglomeration, and therefore a more accurate heading sensing device must be used. An improved version of this electronic compass is being finished.
Automatic control of aquarium dedicated to simulation of the conditions in rain forest
Práce se zabývá návrhem kompletního vybavení paludária. Výběrem jednotlivých komponent pro simulaci pralesních podmínek a zautomatizováním procesu udržování pralesních podmínek v uzavřeném prostředí. Všechny komponenty v projektu budou automaticky řízeny pro udržení uživatelsky nastavených podmínek uvnitř paludária. Naměřená data budou ukládána na SD kartu.This work deals with designing complete equipment of paludarium. Selection of individual components to simulate jungle conditions and automate the process of maintaining the forest conditions in a closed environment. All components of the project will be automatically controlled to maintain a user-set conditions inside paludariums. The measured data will be stored on the SD card.
Technology design manufacturing plastic worm gear
Diplomová práce se zabývá návrhem vstřikovací formy pro výrobu dvoudílného plastového šneku, který je součástí šnekového soukolí uloženého v objímce. Z počátku byl proveden rozbor zadané součásti s upřesněním její funkce a stanovením kritérií, které musí daná součást splňovat. Dále byl proveden návrh technologie výroby (vstřikování) s následným teoretickým rozborem plastových materiálů, technologie vstřikování a konstrukcí forem. Následně v praktické části byl proveden kompletní návrh vstřikovací formy na základě provedených simulací a technologických výpočtů. Na základě parametrů vstřikovací formy byl vybrán stroj, na kterém by měla být výroba prováděna podle navrhovaného technologického postupu. Závěr práce obsahuje technicko-ekonomické zhodnocení navržené technologie na výrobu výstřiků zadané součásti.The master thesis deals with the design of the injection mold for the production of a plastic two-part worm which is part of the worm gear set in the sleeve. From the beginning, an analysis of the assigned component was performed, specifying its function and specifying the criteria that must be met by the component. In addition, design of the production technology (injection molding) was carried out, followed by theoretical analysis of plastic materials, injection molding technology and mold design. Subsequently, in the practical part, a complete design of the injection mold was made on the basis of simulations and technological calculations. On the basis of the parameters of the injection mold, a machine was chosen, on which production should be carried out according to the proposed technological procedure. The conclusion of the thesis contains a technical and economic evaluation of the proposed technology for the production of Plastics splatter component.
Reduction of the body weight of passenger cars based on material choice
Tato bakalářská práce obsahuje popis nejčastěji využívaných materiálů a výrobních technologií pro karoserie osobních automobilů. Za tímto účelem je v první kapitole popsána karoserie osobního automobilu s bezpečnostními požadavky, které jsou na ni kladeny. Dále jsou rozebrány přínosy celkového snížení hmotnosti automobilu. Práce především uvádí přehled materiálů, jenž se pro stavbu karoserie používají. V poslední kapitole je rozebrána problematika výroby karoserií, kde jsou uvedeny některé výrobní technologie.This bachelor thesis contains a description of the most commonly used materials and manufacturing technology for the body of cars. For this purpose, in the first chapter describes the vehicle body with the safety requirements that are placed on it. There are also analyzed the benefits of the overall reduction in vehicle weight. The following chapter describes the materials which are used for the construction of the body. The last chapter discusses the issue manufacture of bodies, where are analyzed some manufacturing technologies.
Into the Unknown: Exploring the Role of Uncertainty in Threat-Safety Discrimination
Learning to predict the arrival of threat is crucial to survival. Key to this learning process is the ability to discriminate between which stimuli signify safety and which signify threat. The extent to which a threat is uncertain impacts this ability, but which factors of uncertainty are primarily responsible remains unresolved. Uncertainty at the level of the stimulus can be examined in threat learning paradigms by adjusting threat reinforcement rate, referring to the frequency at which a cue is reinforced with an aversive stimulus. Previous research has shown that a continuous (more certain) threat reinforcement is associated with enhanced threat learning, but this could be a product of confounds in the experimental design in those studies. On the level of the individual, variability in sensitivity to uncertainty is measured using the Intolerance of Uncertainty scale (IU). Individual differences in IU scores have been shown to influence threat acquisition, generalization, and extinction processes in threat learning. This suggests the potential for interactive effects of individual and stimulus-level uncertainty on fear learning processes, but this has not been widely studied. This study tested the effects of uncertainty at the level of the stimulus (partial versus continuous reinforcement rate), at the individual level (differences in IU scores), and interactions of the two on threat/safety discrimination capacity. Johnson & Morriss (2023) showed tentative evidence against an effect of reinforcement rate on threat discrimination as well as support for distinct roles of IU’s subscales, Inhibitory and Prospective IU, in threat learning, as indexed by skin conductance response (SCR). Here, we attempted to replicate and extend their findings across additional operationalizations of threat responding. Using a within-participant design, participants (n=36) completed a task in which three different colors were paired with an electrical shock at three different reinforcement rates; 100% (CS+), 50% (CS+), or 0% (CS-). To test response coherence (or, the association of experiential and physiological response during threat acquisition) we collected measures of self-reported threat expectancy and evaluative ratings, an additional physiological fEMG of corrugator supercilii activity, and neurobiological measures of HPA (salivary cortisol) and noradrenergic activity 4 | P a g e (alpha amylase) in addition to SCR. While we found no evidence that reinforcement rate modulates threat discrimination, data showed that individuals scoring highly on IU total, Prospective-IU or Inhibitory IU independently, demonstrated poorer threat discrimination than those scoring low on those scales, as measured using SCR. However, no differential impact on threat discrimination was identified between the subscales. High total IU and high Prospective IU were associated with more negative evaluative ratings of the uncertain threat cue. These results contribute to the growing body of research exploring how uncertainty at the levels of the stimulus and individual affect threat learning, and provide further validity for the use of IU and its subscales as dispositional measures in threat conditioning studies
Tester for space micro-accelerometer
AbstractMicro-accelerometer MAC04 has been developed in order to measure very low accelerations such as those caused to satellites by atmospheric drag and other non-gravitational forces. The instrument uses a cubic proof-mass inside a small cavity. In an open loop the change of capacitance between the cube and 12 electrodes on the inner cavity surface is a measure of the applied acceleration. It is very difficult to ground test and calibrate such a device due to gravity. The tester simulates the change of capacitances (base capacitance 13,5pF, changes in a range of ±1.5pF). Complete closed loop system is presented
Vliv řízené výživy jarního ječmene na dynamiku tvorby výnosu zrna a jeho kvality
The diploma thesis is focused on the evaluation of the influence of graded nitrogen nutrition of spring barley on the production of yield elements, grain yield and its quality by targeted application of non-root nutrition – ListerMo, which currently regulates content of nitrogen substances in grain. The small-lot field trial was based on the grounds of Agrospol Velká Bystřice. After emergence, N-fertilizers were applied at doses of N1 - 80 kg N.ha-1, N2 - 110 kg N.ha-1 and N3 - 140 kg N.ha-1. ListerMo was applied in three different phases of BBCH (25, 30, 45 - 50) during vegetation. Grain yield was comparable at N1 and N2, higher N dose reduced grain yield. Reduced grain yield reflects the effect of lower ears quantity per m2. The effect of ListerMo has been shown to reduce N-content most when applied to BBCH 30