6,622 research outputs found

    Reflection at large distance from the central engine in Seyferts

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    We consider the possibility that most of the reflection component, observed in the hard X-ray spectra of Seyfert galaxies, could be formed on an extended medium, at large distance from the central source of primary radiation (e.g. on a torus). Then, the reflector cannot respond to the rapid fluctuations of the primary source. The observed reflected flux is controlled by the time-averaged primary spectrum rather than the instantaneous (observed) one. We show that this effect strongly influence the spectral fits parameters derived under the assumption of a reflection component consistent with the primary radiation. We find that a pivoting primary power-law spectrum with a nearly constant Comptonised luminosity may account for the reported correlation between the reflection amplitude RR and the spectral index Γ\Gamma.Comment: Proceeding of the meeting "X-ray emission from accretion onto black hole" 20-23 June 2001, Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA (style file jhuwkshp.sty included

    The existence of warm and optically thick dissipative coronae above accretion disks

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    In the past years, several observations of AGN and X-ray binaries have suggested the existence of a warm T around 0.5-1 keV and optically thick, \tau ~ 10-20, corona covering the inner parts of the accretion disk. These properties are directly derived from spectral fitting in UV to soft-X-rays using Comptonization models. However, whether such a medium can be both in radiative and hydrostatic equilibrium with an accretion disk is still uncertain. We investigate the properties of such warm, optically thick coronae and put constraints on their existence. We solve the radiative transfer equation for grey atmosphere analytically in a pure scattering medium, including local dissipation as an additional heating term in the warm corona. The temperature profile of the warm corona is calculated assuming it is cooled by Compton scattering, with the underlying dissipative disk providing photons to the corona. Our analytic calculations show that a dissipative thick, (\tau_{cor} ~ 10-12) corona on the top of a standard accretion disk can reach temperatures of the order of 0.5-1 keV in its upper layers provided that the disk is passive. But, in absence of strong magnetic fields, the requirement of a Compton cooled corona in hydrostatic equilibrium in the vertical direction sets an upper limit on the Thomson optical depth \tau_{cor} < 5 . We show this value cannot be exceeded independently of the accretion disk parameters. However, magnetic pressure can extend this result to larger optical depths. Namely, a dissipative corona might have an optical depth up to ~ 20 when the magnetic pressure is 100 times higher that the gas pressure. The observation of warm coronae with Thomson depth larger than ~ 5 puts tights constraints on the physics of the accretion disk/corona systems and requires either strong magnetic fields or vertical outflows to stabilize the system.Comment: 9 pages 6 figure, submitted to A&A, comments are welcom

    A multi-flow model for microquasars

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    We present a new picture for the central regions of Black Hole X-ray Binaries. In our view, these central regions have a multi-flow configuration which consists in (1) an outer standard accretion disc down to a transition radius r_J, (2) an inner magnetized accretion disc below r_J driving (3) a non relativistic self-collimated electron-proton jet surrounding, when adequate conditions for pair creation are met, (4) a ultra relativistic electron-positron beam. This accretion-ejection paradigm provides a simple explanation to the canonical spectral states, from radio to X/gamma-rays, by varying the transition radius r_J and disc accretion rate independently. Large values of r_J and low accretion rate correspond to Quiescent and Hard states. These states are characterized by the presence of a steady electron-proton MHD jet emitted by the disc below r_J. The hard X-ray component is expect to form at the jet basis. When r_J becomes smaller than the marginally stable orbit r_i, the whole disc resembles a standard accretion disc with no jet, characteristic of the Soft state. Intermediate states correspond to situations where r_J ~ r_i. At large accretion rate, an unsteady pair cascade process is triggered within the jet axis, giving birth to flares and ejection of relativistic pair blobs. This would correspond to the luminous intermediate state, with its associated superluminal motions.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures. Proceedings of ``High Energies in the Highlands'', Fort-William, 27 June-1 July 200

    Possible chromospheric activity cycles in AD Leo

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    AD Leo (GJ 388) is an active dM3 flare star extensively observed both in the quiescent and flaring states. Since this active star is near the fully-convective boundary, to study in detail its long-term chromospheric activity could be an appreciable contribution for the dynamo theory. Here, we analyze with the Lomb-Scargle periodogram the Ca II K line-core fluxes derived from CASLEO spectra obtained between 2001 and 2013 and the V magnitude from the ASAS database between 2004 and 2010. From both totally independent time-series, we obtain a possible activity cycle of period ∼7\sim7 years and a less-significant shorter one of ∼2\sim2 years. A tentative interpretation is that a dynamo operating near the surface could be generating the longer cycle, while a second dynamo operating in the deep convection zone could be responsible for the shorter one. Based on the long duration of our observing program at CASLEO and the fact that we observe simultaneously different spectral features, we also analyze the relation between simultaneous measurements of the Na I index (RD′R^{\prime}_D), Hα\alpha and Ca II K fluxes at different activity levels of AD Leo, including flares.Comment: 21 pages, 3 figures.Accepted for publication in ApJ

    BeppoSAX observations of the quasar Markarian 205

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    We present the first BeppoSAX observation (0.1 to 220 keV) of the quasar Mrk 205. We have searched for the unusual Fe line profile claimed in the XMM-Newton spectrum which has been widely discussed in recent literature. We find no evidence for a broad, ionized Fe line component in our data. We detect for the first time a Compton hump in this object. Besides, when this component is included in the fit, the line strength diminishes, in agreement with a recent re-analysis of the XMM-Newton data, but with better constraints on the reflection component thanks to the PDS instrument (15-220 keV). We interpret this fact as another indication for illumination of a distant and cold material rather than reprocessing in the highly ionized inner parts of an accretion disk. We cannot constrain the presence of a high energy cutoff but we confirm the existence of a variable soft excess (one year timescale).Comment: 13 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Gaussian Mixture Reduction for Bayesian Target Tracking in Clutter

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    The Bayesian solution for tracking a target in clutter results naturally in a target state Gaussian mixture probability density function (pdf) which is a sum of weighted Gaussian pdf\u27s, or mixture components. As new tracking measurements are received, the number of mixture components increases without bound, and eventually a reduced-component approximation of the original Gaussian mixture pdf is necessary to evaluate the target state pdf efficiently while maintaining good tracking performance. Many approximation methods exist, but these methods are either ad hoc or use rather crude approximation techniques. Recent studies have shown that a measure-function-based mixture reduction algorithm (MRA) may be used to generate a high-quality reduced-component approximation to the original target state Gaussian mixture pdf. To date, the Integral Square Error (ISE) cost-function-based MRA has been shown to provide better tracking performance than any previously published Bayesian tracking in heavy clutter algorithm. Research conducted for this thesis has led to the development of a new measure function, the Correlation Measure (CM), which gauges the similarity between a full- and reduced-component Gaussian mixture pdf. This new measure function is implemented in an MRA and tested in a simulated scenario of a single target in heavy clutter. Results indicate that the CM MRA provides slightly better performance than the ISE cost-function-based MRA, but only by a small margin

    The oleic acid-ozone heterogeneous reaction system: products, kinetics, secondary chemistry, and atmospheric implications of a model system ? a review

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    International audienceThe heterogeneous processing of organic aerosols by trace oxidants has many implications to atmospheric chemistry and climate regulation. This review covers a model heterogeneous reaction system (HRS): the oleic acid-ozone HRS and other reaction systems featuring fatty acids, and their derivatives. The analysis of the commonly observed aldehyde and organic acid products of ozonolysis (azelaic acid, nonanoic acid, 9-oxononanoic acid, nonanal) is described. The relative product yields are noted and explained by the observation of secondary chemical reactions. The secondary reaction products arising from reactive Criegee intermediates are mainly peroxidic, notably secondary ozonides and ?-acyloxyalkyl hydroperoxide oligomers and polymers, and their formation is in accord with solution and liquid-phase ozonolysis. These highly oxygenated products are of low volatility and hydrophilic which may enhance the ability of particles to act as cloud condensation nuclei (CCN). The kinetic description of this HRS is critically reviewed. Most kinetic studies suggest this oxidative processing is either a near surface reaction that is limited by the diffusion of ozone or a surface based reaction. Internally mixed particles and coatings represent the next stage in the progression towards more realistic proxies of tropospheric organic aerosols and a description of the products and the kinetics resulting from the ozonolysis of these proxies, which are based on fatty acids or their derivatives, is presented. Finally, the main atmospheric implications of oxidative processing of particulate containing fatty acids are presented. These implications include the extended lifetime of unsaturated species in the troposphere facilitated by the presence of solids, semi-solids or viscous phases, and an enhanced rate of ozone uptake by particulate unsaturates compared to corresponding gas-phase organics. Ozonolysis of oleic acid enhances its CCN activity, which implies that oxidatively processed particulate may contribute to indirect forcing of radiation
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