191 research outputs found

    The position and tasks of international organizations in the labor migration management

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    Purpose: The purpose of this note is to present the main international organizations involved in the labor migration management, to reveal their position and to evaluate their work in migration macroeconomic processes, identify obstacles to effective control of labor migrants flows at the global level. Design/Methodology/Approach: Methods of expert evaluations, comparison, generalization, classification and analysis were used in the study. The study is based on the legislation analysis of the International labor Organization and other specialized agencies of the United Nations. Findings: The author has investigated the position and tasks in labor force management of key international organizations dealing with labor migration at the global level. An important aspect of their activity is the comprehensive evaluation of migration processes, drawing up a global architecture of the migration, the relationship of the Sustainable Development Goals 2015-2030 with the population migration, as well as the establishment of a dialogue between different countries, the creation of international discussion platforms, the application of human rights norms to the regulation of the migration and the strengthening of the international legal regime in the field of migration. The author investigated the main trends in the global labor migration management, emphasizes the need for the formation of a multi-level migration management system carried out the analysis of the Global Compact for Safe, Regular and Orderly Migration. Practical implications: The results of the research will contribute to study international organizations on the labor migration global management. Originality/Value: Intergovernmental organizations is an important additional tool in building an international system of labor migration management. Donor and recipient countries of migrant workers, as well as international organizations often have different goals and objectives, but they are united by one global goal.peer-reviewe

    Socio-economic consequences and prospective opportunities of the international labour migration as a process of the global labour market development

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    Purpose: The aim is to study the causes, processes and economic consequences of remittances carried out during international labour migrations in the global labour market. Design/Methodology/Approach: The comprehensive analysis of remittances of migrants based on official data of the World Bank is carried out in this article. The systematic approach and logical research methods were used. The paper analyzes data on the remittances dynamics in the XXI century, shows the largest countries of senders and recipients of migrant workers remittances. Authors studied corridors of cash flows, the cost of transfers depending on the region of departure and the main transfer organizations. Findings: Remittances from migrant workers is the significant amount of aid, especially for low-and middle-income countries, and it is the largest source of external financing for them. The economies of the number of countries are highly dependent on these transfers. According to experts, remittances of migrants are many times higher than the volume of the official development assistance to these countries, as well as remittances of migrants surpass the volume of the foreign direct investment. And according to forecasts, the volume of remittances will only grow. Practical implications: The practical significance of the study is to substantiate and highlight the most important methodological and theoretical economic consequences of remittances of international migration flows. Originality/value: The theoretical and applied value of the study is to substantiate the prospect area with better mechanisms for the implementation, accounting and stimulation of remittances by international labour migrants.peer-reviewe


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    The article provides analysis of basic immigration trends in US, with focus on foreign born persons employment, their participation in the American labor force; immigrant’s unemployment. It also examines main peculiarities of US immigration policy

    Evaluation of peak functions on ultra-coarse grids

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    Wages in the U.S. Manufacturing industry

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    Based on data from official American statistics, the issue of wages in the United States of America manufacturing industry has been considered. This study is an important area of study of modern social and economic problems of the United States. Manufacturing plays an important role in the economy of the US, because it creates a material basis for all other industries. The trends and problems in this area have been revealed in the article. For a comprehensive analysis a systematic approach, economic-statistical and logical research methods have been used in the paper. A comprehensive study of wages in the most important sectors of the national economy has been carried out, based on data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the US Department of Labor. Separate attention has been paid to the category of “production workers”, whose share is about 70%. The statistical data on the average annual wage of production workers by industry according to the NAICS have been adduced. The significance of the manufacturing industry in creating, maintaining and returning jobs for the US economy has been shown.The difference in wages depending on the level of education, work experience and profession has been analyzed. The data on the highest paid industrial professions have been adduced. The uneven distribution of the manufacturing industry by states has been shown. It has been noted, that the reduction in the coverage of the trade union movement of American workers is another factor, affecting the level of wages. The correlation between production volume and Gini Coefficient in the USA in the period from 1947 to 2014 has been presented in the article. It has been noticed, that the growth of inequality in the US income and the decline of the manufacturing industry are interrelated

    Dynamics and structural features of employment in the United States of America

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    The purpose of the study is to identify trends and problems of employment in the United States. The main objectives of the article are defined in accordance with the stated goal: to study the dynamics of employment in the 21st century, to assess participation in the labor force by different age groups and socio-demographic characteristics, to consider the problems of youth employment, scientific and engineering personnel, to show the role of small business in providing employment, analyze gender and part-time employment issues in the US labor market. The paper uses the system, economic-statistical, logical, and comparative analysis approaches. The study is based on data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the U.S. Department of Labor. The relevance of the research topic is due to the fact that employment is an integral element of life that has a significant impact on both the socio-economic and political situation in the country and in the world. The analysis made it possible to identify current trends. Among the long-term challenges, there is a decline in the economic activity of the American population. The workforce is aging and transforming. Due to immigrants and the growth of the number of young racial-ethnic groups that identify themselves as multi-racial, there is a trend towards an increase in the multinationality of the United States. The most vulnerable groups of the population are youth, women, as well as people with a low level of education. The correlation between the level of education, unemployment and income is shown. One of the long-term trends is the growth of employment in sectors related to research, introduction of technological innovations and use of scientific and engineering knowledge


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    This paper discusses the main social impact of immigration to the United States. The article uses systems for a comprehensive review of immigration on the most important American institutions and the integration of immigrants and their children into American society. A comprehensive analysis of the socio-demographic characteristics of immigrants is carried out. Theoretical and methodological analysis of Russian and foreign research, information and statistical materials of the U.S. Census Bureau, as well as materials of American research centers, including Gallup, Pew Research Center. Large-scale immigration has led to changes in the country’s racial and ethnic balance, with long-term changes. The growth of the working-age population in the United States is driven by immigrants and their children. The first time in Gallup’s trend that the percentage wanting increased immigration has exceeded the percentage who want decreased immigration

    The impact of new technologies and robotics on employment in the united states

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    An analysis of the impact of new technologies on employment in the United States has been carried out. Various points of view on the prospects of job losses under the influence of automation and robotics have been shown. The paper uses methods of analysis, comparison, and expert evaluations. The study is based on data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the results of sample surveys of the American population. The article gives characteristics of the US labor force, considers its features. Examples of the use of new technologies by the largest American employers have been shown. New technologies are transforming all spheres from healthcare to transportation and manufacturing. New types of jobs are being created and the employment structure is changing. Untypical forms of employment are expanding.The paper provides public opinion survey on the attitude of Americans to artificial intelligence and its impact on their lives and work. The occurence of distance relations between the employee and the employer leads to the formation of a flexible and virtual labour market. The world of work is becoming increasingly digital. This process is causing fundamental changes in the world of work, which entails new challenges for various aspects of social policy. People of all ages will have to adapt to the new situation in the labour market, which is associated with technological changes and structural shifts in the demand for labour force. The importance and possibility of retraining, professional development, and career guidance throughout life have been updated. The study shows the importance of monitoring the impact of new technologies on employment in order to identify areas of risk

    Human development in the USA

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    The article presents a study of human development in the United States. The dynamics of public expenditure on “human resources” is shown. An analysis is made of the changes in the US Human Development Index rankings, showing how they have evolved over the past 30 years. Data are provided on the components of the Index: life expectancy, educational attainment and gross national income per capita. The evolution of the Human Development Index is considered, and a new experimental Index, adjusted for planetary load, is presented. Data on the US labour force structure is given. The key mechanisms created in the US that allow the country to have a very high Human Development Index, are shown. In the case of Russia, the study shows the key role of the state in shaping and developing human potential
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