43 research outputs found

    Proizvodnja destilata šljive sorte Stenlej

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    This paper shows the distillation process of the husk obtained from Stanley plum and the redistillation of the basic distillate performed on the brandy boiler used for the household production in Serbia. Ethanol concentrations in fractions, distillate and liquid mixture in boiler versus distillate volume were shown.U radu je prikazan proces destilacije komine šljive sorte Stenlej (Stanley) i redestilacije osnovnog destilata na aparaturi kazanskog tipa koja se koristi za proizvodnju rakije u domaćinstvima u Srbiji. Predstavljeni su koncentracioni profili etanola u frakcijama, destilatu i tečnoj smeši u kazanu u zavisnosti od zapremine destilata

    Procena funkcionalnog stanja ćelija jetre kod mlečnih krava na osnovu promena serumske aktinosti AST,ALT,GGT I LDH

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    This study examined the activities of aspartate-amino-transferase (AST), alanine-amino-transferase (ALT), gamma-glutamyl-transferase (GGT) and lactate-dehydrogenase (LDH) in the blood serum of 45 dairy Simmental cows divided into three groups according to production period. The first group (n = 15) consisted of late pregnant dairy cows, the second group (n = 15) cows in the early lactation, and the third group (n = 15) cow in mid lactation. The significant higher activity (P0.05) serum activities in early lactation cows than in the late pregnant and mid lactation cows. The higher serum activities of GGT (P>0.05) and LDH (P0.05) kod krava na početku laktacije u odnosu na grupe krava u zasušenju i u sredini laktacije Veće aktivnosti GGT (P>0.05) i LDH (P<0.05) u krvnom serumu su utvrđene kod krava u ranoj laktaciji u odnosu na aktivnosti ovih enzima u serumu kod zasušenih krava i krava u sredini laktacije. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju na mogućnost blagog stepena oštećenja ćelija jetre, odnosno masnu infiltraciju hepatocita kod krava na početku laktacije. Serumske aktivnosti AST su bile u značajnoj korelaciji (P<0.05) sa aktivnostima ALT, GGT i LDH u krvnom serumu pa AST može biti najosteljiviji indikator u utvrđivanju funkcionalnog stanja jetre kod mlečnih krava tokom tranzicionog perioda i sredine laktacije

    Koncentracije kalcijuma, neorganskog fosfora i magnezijuma u krvnom serumu krava tokom tranzicionog perioda i pune laktacije

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    The objective of this study was to determine blood levels of macronutrients in Simmental cows (n=45) during the transition period and peak lactation. The experimental cows were assigned to three groups: Group A (n=15) including clinically healthy late gestation cows, Group B (n=15) comprising clinically healthy cows in the puerperium, and Group C (n=15) made up of clinically healthy peak lactation cows. Blood samples were collected from all experimental cows. Blood serum samples were analysed for calcium, magnesium and inorganic phosphorus levels using spectrophotometry. Blood levels of macronutrients were within the physiological range in all experimental cows. Blood concentrations of calcium, magnesium and inorganic phosphorus in cows in the puerperium were statistically significantly lower (p<0.05) compared with those in dairy cows during late gestation and peak lactation, which may indicate the increased use of these macronutrients in early lactation for the mammary gland. The results show that the homeostasis of the macronutrients tested in the blood of transition and peak lactation dairy cows was maintained, suggesting their adequate supply from alimentary sources.Cilj ovog rada je bio da se odrede koncentracije kalcijuma (Ca), neorganskog fosfora (P) i magnezijuma (Mg) u krvi, indikatora stanja metabolizma neorganskih materija kod mlečnih krava Simentalske rase (n=45) u tranzicionom periodu i tokom pune laktacije. Ispitivane krave su podeljene u tri grupe. U prvoj grupi (n=15) nalazile su se klinički zdrave visoko gravidne krave, u drugoj grupi klinički zdrave krave (n=15) u puerperiumu, dok su treću grupu (n=15) činile klinički zdrave krave u punoj laktaciji. Od svih ispitivanih krava uzeti su uzorci krvi. Iz dobijenog krvnog seruma određivane su koncentracije kalcijuma, magnezijuma i neorganskog fosfora spektrofotometrijskom metodom. Vrednosti ispitivanih makroelemenata u krvi su bile u fiziološkim granicama kod svih ispitivanih grupa krava. Koncentracije kalcijuma, magnezijuma i neorganskog fosfora u kvnom serumu kod grupe krava u puerperiumu bile su u statistički značajno manjem (p<0.05) u odnosu na vrednosti ovih parametara krvi kod krava u visokom graviditetu i tokom pune laktacije, što može ukazati na pojačano korišćenje ovih makroelemenata iz krvi za potrebe mlečne žlezde na početku laktacije. Rezultati ovih ispitivanja ukazuju na očuvanu homeostazu ispitivanih makro-elemenata u krvi kod krava u tranzicionom periodu i tokom pune laktacije, što može ukazati da ne postoji deficit neorganskih materija, odnosno na adekvatno snabdevanje iz alimentarnih izvora


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    In this project, we recruited a sample of 150 patients with first episode of psychosis with schizophrenia features (FEP) and 100 healthy controls. We assessed the differences between these two groups, as well as the changes between the acute phase of illness and subsequent remission among patients over 18-month longitudinal follow-up. The assessments were divided into four work packages (WP): WP1- psychopathological status, neurocognitive functioning and emotional recognition; WP2- stress response measured by saliva cortisol during a stress paradigm; cerebral blood perfusion in the resting state (with single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) and during activation paradigm (with Transcranial Ultrasonography Doppler (TCD); WP3-post mortem analysis in histologically prepared human cortical tissue of post mortem samples of subjects with schizophrenia in the region that synaptic alteration was suggested by WP1 and WP2; WP4- pharmacogenetic analysis (single gene polymorphisms and genome wide association study (GWAS). We expect that the analysis of these data will identify a set of markers that differentiate healthy controls from patients with FEP, and serve as an additional diagnostic tool in the first episode of psychosis, and prediction tool which can be then used to help tailoring individualized treatment options. In this paper, we describe the project protocol including aims and methods and provide a brief description of planned post mortem studies and pharmacogenetic analysis

    Low VHL mRNA Expression is Associated with More Aggressive Tumor Features of Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma

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    Alterations of the von Hippel-Lindau (VHL) tumor suppressor gene can cause different hereditary tumors associated with VHL syndrome, but the potential role of the VHL gene in papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) has not been characterized. This study set out to investigate the relationship of VHL expression level with clinicopathological features of PTC in an ethnically and geographically homogenous group of 264 patients from Serbia, for the first time. Multivariate logistic regression analysis showed a strong correlation between low level of VHL expression and advanced clinical stage (OR55.78, 95% CI 3.17-10.53, P<0.0001), classical papillary morphology of the tumor (OR52.92, 95% CI 1.33-6.44, P=50.008) and multifocality (OR51.96, 95% CI 1.06-3.62, P=50.031). In disease-free survival analysis, low VHL expression had marginal significance (P=50.0502 by the log-rank test) but did not appear to be an independent predictor of the risk for chance of faster recurrence in a proportion hazards model. No somatic mutations or evidence of VHL downregulation via promoter hypermethylation in PTC were found. The results indicate that the decrease of VHL expression associates with tumor progression but the mechanism of downregulation remains to be elucidated


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    Translations and Backtranslations_Serbia

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    Serbian adaptations of the Dark Triad Dirty Dozen (DTDD) and Short Dark Triad (SD3)

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    We conducted three studies to examine the psychometric properties of the Serbian translations of the Dark Triad Dirty Dozen (Study 1, N = 364) and the Short Dark Triad (Study 2, N = 409), as well as their convergent and discriminant validity in relation to basic HEXACO personality traits and empathy (Study 3, N = 443). The three-factor structure, convergent validity, and discriminant validity were confirmed for both instruments. The main correlates of the traits, from both instruments, were low Honesty-Humility and lack of affective empathy. Also, alpha coefficients for scale scores were satisfactory and scale information was good, with more precision in above-average levels of trait for some of the scales (e.g., psychopathy). Both instruments are recommended to be used in further research

    Some indicators of (un)successful reading

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