854 research outputs found

    The cult of Jupiter Dolichenus in Moesia Superior: mining aspects

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    The cult of Jupiter Dolichenus, of Oriental origin, is evident throughout almost all the territory of the Roman Empire. The followers of the Dolichenus theology, such as soldiers, priests, tradesmen, miners and freedmen dedicated figurative representations as well as numerous inscriptions to the glory of the deity. In the territory of Upper Moesia, a particular frequency of dedications is noticed along the Danube border region/limes. In this study I shall deal with a somewhat particular type of Dolichenus believers, namely those who had a direct or indirect connection with the mining areas of Upper Moesia

    Pre-roman and Roman Dardania historical and geographical considerations

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    This paper on Pre-Roman and Roman Dardania is an attempt to review, in a somewhat restricted article form, several important issues marking the development of the Dardanian areas in a period between the earliest references to the Dardani in written sources and their inclusion in the administrative structure of the Roman Empire. Historical developments preceding the Roman conquest of Dardania are analyzed, as well as its boundaries, and the character and administrative structure of the conquered territory. Changes that Dardanian society underwent are paid special attention, and phases in the development of urban centres and communications outlined


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    Entrepreneurship involves the exploitation of market opportunities that is based on ideas and innovation. The aim of entrepreneurship in insurance companies is to encourage innovation, the creation of new businesses, increase profitability while taking care to society. Corporate social responsibility means that insurance companies, following the premise of corporate entrepreneurship, in its business integrate the care of the environment in which they operate. The aim of the paper is to present the main features of social responsibility in insurance in the entrepreneurial context. In this paper we point to the definition of social responsibility in insurance, to the historical context and the importance of social responsibility as well as the latest law principles of social responsibility of insurance companies at the international level.Preduzetništvo podrazumeva iskorišćavanje tržišnih mogućnosti na osnovu ideja i inovacija. Cilj preduzetništva u osiguravajućim društvima jeste podsticanje inovacija, rađanje novih poslova, uvećanje proftabilnosti uz istovremenu brigu prema društvu. Društveno odgovorno poslovanje podrazumeva da osiguravajuća društva, sledeći premise korporativnog preduzetništva, u svoje poslovanje integrišu brigu o okruženju u kojem posluju. Cilj rada je da ukaže na osnovne karakteristike društvene odgovornosti u osiguranju u preduzetničkom kontekstu. U radu ukazujemo na određenje društvene odgovornosti u osiguranju, na istorijski kontekst i značaj društvene odgovornosti kao i najnovije pravne principe društvene odgovornosti osiguravajućih društava na međunarodnom nivou

    The bronze signum from Timacum Maius and its cultic attribution

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    The bronze signum discussed in this paper was discovered by archaeological ex­cavation on the site of Timacum Maius in 2010. Found in the area of a luxurious Roman-period building, the artefact shows a tapering body with a central conical socket similar to a spearhead socket. It is one of the twenty-three known signa of the so-called classical-type. Most of them were found in the context of the cult of Jupiter Dolichenus, and we also presume the cultic purpose of the bronze signum from Timacum Maius. A similar find comes from Jupiter Dolichenus’ shrine in Egeta on the Danube limes with an inscription that connects it directly with the Dolichenian cult, and with the First Cohort of Cretans (Cohors I Cretum), the unit which had previously been stationed at Timacus Maius. The signum from Timacum Maius is most likely also connected with the cult of Jupiter Dolichenus and chronologically belongs to a period which is much earlier than the Severan age

    Locating the timacum maius station on the roman road lissus-naissus-ratiaria: New archaeological research

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    As the exact location of two Timacum stations remains an open issue, the results of the latest archaeological investigations in the environs of Svrljig, southeast Serbia, seem to offer some corroborative evidence for the hypothesis proposed in our previous contribution that this might be the location of Roman Timacum Maius. A small-scale trial excavation was undertaken on the Roman site at Kalnica in the Niševac village area in July 2008. A trench 4 by 2m was opened in the zone of the site that had yielded plentiful fragments of building debris as well as small finds. A massive wall over 1m thick was found immediately beneath the surface. Built of bro­ken limestone and pebbles bound with lime mortar, it obviously was part of a larger structure. To the northeast of the wall was an area covered with fragmented roof tiles. The discovery of two ceramic tumuli embedded in the wall, indicating a wall-heating system so far unregistered on the representative Roman urban and settlement sites in Serbia, gives additional grounds to presume that this was a larger Roman settlement extending over an area of more than 5ha, possibly Timacum Maius, a station on the Roman road Lissus-Ratiaria-Naissus

    Two-component two-phase critical flow

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    U radu je predstavljen model dvokomponentnog dvofaznog kritičnog strujanja dvofazne mešavine. Model je validiran poređenjem računskih rezultata sa vrednostima izmerenim na PUMA eksperimentalnoj instalaciji. Model je zasnovan na jednodimenzionalnom modifikovanom homogenom izentropskom dvofaznom strujanju tečnosti i gasa. Homogeni model je modifikovan tako što je klizanje između faza uzeto u obzir pri određivanju zapreminskog udela gasne faze u dvofaznoj mešavini, što određuje i gustinu dvofazne mešavine. Klizanje između faza je sračunato na osnovu Chisholm korelacije koja je pogodna za niže vrednosti masenog protočnog udela gasne faze kao i na osnovu Zivi korelacije koja određuje maksimalnu vrednost klizanja između faza. Na mestu kritičnog isticanja brzina dvofazne mešavine je jednaka brzini zvuka i sračunata je na osnovu takozvanog zamrznutog modela dvofaznog strujanja koji ne uzima u obzir fazni prelaz. Ostvareni rezultati su prikazani i upoređeni zajedno sa dobro poznatim Fauske modelom dostupnim u literaturi. Pokazano je da Fauske model daje više vrednosti kritičnog masenog fluksa u odnosu na izmerene vrednosti, dok model prikazan u radu daje prihvatljiva slaganja sa izmerenim podacima.A model of two-component two-phase critical flow is presented. The modelling approach is based on one-dimensional homogeneous gas-liquid two-phase isentropic flow of mixture. The homogeneous model is modified by taking into account the void fraction and two-phase mixture density dependence on velocity slip. The velocity slip is calculated using Chisholm correlation that depends on the gas phase quality and Zivi correlation for the prediction of the maximum velocity slip values. At the location of the critical flow the two-phase mixture velocity equals sonic velocity and it is calculated with the so-called ''frozen sonic velocity' model. The model is validated against data measured in air water flow at the PUMA experimental facility. Obtained results are presented together with the predictions by the well-known Fauske model. It is shown that Fauske model overpredicts measured critical mass fluxes, while the present model shows acceptable agreement with the measured data


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    The status of national minorities, groups and communities in higher education depends on many factors. First of all, it depends on the state in which members of the above minority groups and communities live, i.e., on its willingness to allow the establishment of Universities, in which to educate the members of these nations and, also, others. Equally, their status depends on the agreement between the two states, one in which they live and the other, the mother country. The authors are made an analysis of the status of ethnic minorities, groups and communities in some European countries. Particular attention was paid to the situation in Romania, Hungary, and the former Soviet republics in this area. In addition, attention was paid to institutions of higher education in the Republic of Macedonia, and Kosovo. The main question raised in this article, refers to the fact of independence of these institutions in relation to the educational system, which was established in the territory in which they live these minority groups and communities, and how they can be related to their home countries. This issue is of great importance to the position of Serbs in Kosovo in this field.Položaj nacionalnih manjina, grupa i zajednica u oblasti visokog obrazovanja zavisi od mnogih faktora. Pre svega, zavisi od države u kojoj žive pripadnici navedenih manjina, grupa i zajednica, odnosno, od njene spremnosti da omogući osnivanje univerziteta, na kome bi se obrazovali pripadnici tih nacija, ali i drugi. Isto tako, njihov položaj zavisi i od dogovora dve države, jedne, u kojoj žive i druge, matične države. Autori su, u radu, sačinili jednu analizu položaja nacionalnih manjina, grupa i zajednica u pojedinim evropskim državama. Naročita pažnja je posvećena stanju u Rumuniji, Mađarskoj, kao i bivšim sovjetskim republikama, u ovoj oblasti. Takođe, posvećena je pažnja pojedinim visokoškolskim ustanovama u Republici Makedoniji, kao i na Kosovu. Osnovno pitanje koje se postavlja u ovom članku, odnosi se na činjenicu da li navedene ustanove mogu biti nezavisne u odnosu na prosvetni sistem koji je ustanovljen na teritoriji na kojoj žive navedene manjine, grupe i zajednice, kao i na koji način one mogu biti povezane sa njihovim matičnim državama. Ovo pitanje je od velikog značaja za položaj Srba na Kosovu u ovoj oblasti

    The First Cohort of Cretans, a Roman Military Unit at Timacum Maius

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    Archaeological investigations on the site of Niševac (Timacum Maius) have been conducted over a period of eight successive years by the Institute for Balkan Studies in collaboration with the Centre for Tourism, Culture and Sports of Svrljig and the French Bordeaux-based Ausonius Institute. The 2014 campaign came up with nine Roman bricks stamped with inscriptions of the First Cohort of Cretans (Cohors I Cretum) built into the walls of a Roman bath. The inscriptions provide evi­dence for the character, chronology and history of the Roman settlement

    The Roman Station Timacum Maius (?): Evidence of Urbanization and Communications

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    The 2009 archaeological campaign at Niševac, eastern Serbia, has provided important evidence for the urban growth of a Roman settlement, such as drains and a section of the Roman road traversing the settlement. Along with a sumptuous structure furnished with a wall heating system discovered in 2008, the latest excavation results provide clues as to the importance of the settlement which, containing all elements of Roman urban architecture, offers further corroboration to its presumed identification as the Roman station of Timacum Maius on the Lissus-Naissus-Ratiaria road