121 research outputs found

    Profili masnih kiselina i antioksidativna svojstva sirovih i suŔenih oraha

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    Background: Walnuts consumption produces beneficial effects on human health. Health-promoting benefits are dedicated to its desirable fatty acid profile and high content of antioxidants. Heat treatment of walnuts may alter their fatty acid composition and antioxidant capacity. Aim: In general the aim of this work was to compare fatty acids profiles and antioxidative properties of raw and dried walnuts at 60 Ā°C for 12 hours. Methodology and results: FA profiles were analyzed using gas chromatography. Antioxidative capacities of walnut samples were determined by DPPH and ABTS tests. There were no significant differences in fatty acid profiles comparing dried and raw walnuts. The most abundant fatty acid was linoleic with mean content of 61.38 Ā± 1.11% in raw and 62.40 Ā± 0.99% in dried walnuts. Walnuts oil contained 10.64 Ā± 0.46% and 10.49 Ā± 0.81% of a-linolenic acid (ALA) in raw and dried walnuts, respectively. Antioxidative capacity of methanolic extracts showed no difference comparing raw and dried walnut by DPPH and ABTS test. Heat treatment at 60 Ā°C for 12h induced no change in fatty acid profiles of walnuts and led to minor decrease in antioxidative capacity measured only by ABTS test. Conclusion: We suggest that drying process in our experiment did not decreased nutritional capacity which is mostly mediated by conservation of fatty acids content in walnuts.Dijetarni unos oraha povezuje se sa brojnim pozitivnim efektima na zdravlje. Svoj efekat na zdravlje orasi ostvaruju zahvaljujući povoljnom masnokiselinskom sastavu i visokom sadržaju antioksidanasa. Zagrevanje oraha moglo bi dovesti do promena u masnokiselinskom sastavu i uticati na antioksidativni kapacitet. Cilj ovog rada bio je da se uporede masnokiselinski profili i antioksidativni status svežih i oraha suÅ”enih na 60 Ā°C u trajanju od 12 sati. Masnokiselinski sastav analiziran je gasnom hromatografijom. Antioksidativni kapaciteti uzoraka oraha odreĆ°ivani su DPPH i ABTS testovima. UtvrĆ°eno je da nije bilo promena u masnokiselinskim profilima posle suÅ”enja oraha na 60 Ā°C u trajanju od 12 sati. Najzastupljenija masna kiselina bila je linolna sa sadržajem od 61.38 Ā± 1.11% u sirovim i 62.40 Ā± 0.99% kod suÅ”enih oraha. Ulje oraha sadržalo je 10.64 Ā± 0.46% i 10.49 Ā± 0.81% a-linolenske kiseline (ALA) u svežim i suÅ”enim orasima, respektivno. DPPH testom nije utvrđeno da postoje razlike u antioksidativnom potencijalu metanolnih ekstrakata oraha suÅ”enih u odnosu na sveže kao ni sa ABTS testom. NaÅ” eksperimet je pokazao da proces suÅ”enja oraha nije smanjio njihov nutritivni kapacitet Å”to je verovatno posredovano očuvanjem sadržaja masnih kiselina

    Effect of Sex Hormones on Plasma Phospholipid Fatty Acid Composition in Intact Rats and Rats With Bilaterally Occluded Carotid Arteries

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    The effects of 8-days treatment with 17 alpha-estradiol (33.3 mu g/kg) and progesterone (1.7 mg/kg) on plasma lipids and fatty acid composition of plasma phospholipids were examined in intact (INT) and bilaterally common carotid arteries occluded (BCO) male Wistar rats. Significant decrease of triglyceride level was found in BCO rats after the estradiol treatment. Both hormones elevated proportion of 18:1n-7 fatty acid in INT, but they failed to have such an effect in BCO. Estradiol increased 22:5n-3 and total n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) in intact, and decreased 18:2n-6 in BCO rats. Significantly lower level of total n-3 was found in progesterone-treated than in estradiol-treated BCO rats. Given that n-3 PUFA have many beneficial effects on cell and tissue function, while n-6 PUFA have mostly the opposite effects, estradiol, rather than progesterone, was seen to improve plasma lipids and phospholipids FA profiles in INT and BCO animals. Estradiol significantly elevated the estimated activity of Delta 9-desaturases and progesterone of Delta 5-desaturase in BCO group, with no effects in INT rats

    Plodnost nerasta - Ŕta je važno znati

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    The most important part in reproductive management is the control of boar fertility. A common division of fertility traits is on the: in vitro (sperm traits) and in vivo (return rate, farrowing rate and litter size traits) fertility. In many studies were found differences between breed in the both groups of fertility traits. Variability of sperm traits of boars during the reproductive exploitation is influenced by various genetic (boar, breed) and paragenetic factors/effects (age, season, intensity of use). Good libido is desirable characteristics in boars, but the knowledge of the correlation of libido and boar fertility traits are limited. Also, there is no standardised procedure or methods for the estimation of libido of the boars. The permanent ranking of boars according to the reproductive efficiency should be performing. Good reproductive management implies the timely identification of boars with the low fertility (or close to the average).Najvažniji segment u reproduktivnom menadžmentu je kontrola plodnosti nerasta. Uobičajena je podela osobina plodnosti na: in vitro (osobine sperme) i in vivo (procenat povađanja, procenat praÅ”enja i osobine veličine legla) plodnost. Mnoga istraživanja pokazala su razlike između rasa u obe grupe osobina plodnosti. Varijabilnost osobina sperme nerasta tokom iskoriŔćavanja pod uticajem je različitih genetskih (nerast, rasa) i paragenetskih (starost, sezona, intenzitet koriŔćenja) faktora. Dobar libido je poželjna karakteristika nerasta, ali saznanja o povezanosti libida i plodnosti nerasta su ograničena. Takođe ne postoji standardizovana procedura ili metod za ocenu libida nerasta. Neophodno je stalno rangiranje nerasta na osnovu reproduktivne efikasnosti. Dobar reproduktivni menadžment podrazumeva pravovremenu identifikaciju nerasta sa niskom plodnoŔću (ili blizu proseka)

    Naslednost i povezanost osobina veličine legla svinja utvrđena REML metodom

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    The aim of this study was to determine the heritability coefficients and the correlation between the number of live born piglets (NBA), the number of stillborn piglets (NSB), the number of total born piglets (NTB) and the number of weaned piglets (NW) in the part of population in Swedish Landrace sows in R. Serbia. The results obtained should enable the selection of litter size traits that would be proposed to be included in the selection - breeding program for this breed. The analysis of parameters was carried out on the basis of data on fertility of 4.061 Swedish Landrace sows and their 15.209 litters realized on two pig farms in R. Serbia. There was a genetic relationship between animals among the farms. Components of variance and covariance of observed traits, the share of additive genetic variance component in the phenotypic and correlation of traits at phenotypic and genetic levels, were evaluated using the method of Restricted Maximum Likelihood (REML) using the Multitrait Model (MM). Heritability estimates for the NBA, NSB, NTB and NW amounted to 6.4, 1.6, 6.7 and 1.1%, respectively. Correlation between the NBA and NTB at the phenotypic and genetic level was complete (rP = 0986, rG = 0938). Correlation between the NBA and NW at the phenotypic level has not been established, while at the genetic level it was weak. We believe that this is the result of the procedure of equalizing of litters after farrowing. In order to obtain objective genetic parameters for NW this procedure should not be applied in pure breed sows.Cilj istraživanja bio je da se utvrde koeficijenti naslednosti i povezanosti između broja živorođene prasadi (NBA), broja mrtvorođene prasadi (NSB), broja ukupno rođene prasadi (NTB) i broja odgajene prasadi (NW) u delu populacije krmača rase Å”vedski landras u R. Srbiji. Dobijeni rezultati treba da omoguće izbor osobina veličine legla koje bi bile predložene za uključivanje u selekcijsko - odgajivački program za ovu rasu. Ocena analiziranih parametara sprovedena je na osnovu podataka o plodnosti 4061 krmača rase Å”vedski landras i njihovih 15209 legala ostvarenih na dve farme svinja u R. Srbiji između kojih postoji genetska povezanost među životinjama. Komponente varijanse i kovarijanse posmatranih osobina, udeo aditivne genetske komponente varijanse u fenotipskoj i povezanost osobina na fenotipskom i genetskom nivou ocenjene su metodom ograničene najveće verovatnoće (REML - Restricted Maximum Likelihood) primenom viÅ”eosobinskog modela (MM - Multitrait Model). Heritabiliteti za NBA, NSB, NTB i NW su iznosili 6.4, 1.6, 6.7 i 1.1 %, respectively. Povezanost NBA i NTB na fenotipskom i na genetskom nivou je bila potpuna (rP = 0.986, rG = 0.938). Povezanost NBA i NW na fenotipskom nivou nije utvrđena, dok je na genetskom bila slaba. Smatramo da je to posledica postupka ujednačavanja legala posle praÅ”enja. Radi dobijanja objektivnih genetskih parametara za NW ovaj postupak ne treba primenjivati kod čistorasnih krmača

    Naslednost i povezanost osobina plodnosti krmača

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    Purpose of this paper was to determine fertility traits heritability coefficients of the sows (number of live born, total number of born, stillborn and reared piglets in the litter) and interconnections between these traits. Heritability coefficients were low and averaged in interval from h2 = 0,056 for number of reared piglets in litter to h2 = 0,142 for total number of born piglets in litter, which is in accordance with heritability values for reproductive traits. Genetic interconnections of these traits had wide variation interval and averaged from r = - 0,221 between number of still born and reared piglets in litter to r = 0,947 between total number of born and number of live born piglets in litter. Coefficients of phenotype correlation varied in interval from r = -0,162 between number of still born and number of live born piglets in litter to r = 0,909 between total number of born and number of live born piglets in litter.Cilj rada bio je da se utvrde koeficijenti naslednosti osobina plodnosti krmača (broj živorođene, ukupno rođene, mrtvorođene i odgajene prasadi u leglu) i međusobna povezanost ovih osobina. Koeficijenti heritabiliteta su bili niski i kretali su se u intervalu od h2 = 0,056 za broj odgajene prasadi u leglu do h2 = 0,142 za broj ukupno rođene prasadi u leglu, Å”to je u skladu sa vrednostima heritabiliteta za reproduktivne osobine. Genetska povezanost ovih osobina imala je Å”irok interval variranja i kretala se od r = -0,221 između broja mrtvorođene i broja odgajene prasadi u leglu, do r = 0,947 između broja ukupno rođene i broja živorođene prasadi u leglu. Koeficijenti fenotipske korelacije kretali su se u intervalu od r = -0,162 između broja mrtvorođene i broja živorođene prasadi u leglu, do r = 0,909 između broja ukupno rođene i broja živorođene prasadi u leglu

    Uticaj pola na karakteristike trbuŔno-rebarnog dela svinja hranjenih sa dodatkom sojinog ulja

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    Total of 40 castrated fatteners of Swedish Landrace breed, divided into two groups based on their gender (20 pigs in each group) were used in the study to determine the effect of gender on share of tissues and chemical composition of the fat taken from the belly carcass part. All pigs were fed diet containing additive of 1.25% of soybean oil. Even though the weight of belly part was similar in animals of both genders, female animals had higher share of muscle tissue (P lt 0.05), whereas male animals had higher share of intermuscular and total fat tissue (P lt 0.01). Addition of soybean oil, with high share of PUFA, to pig nutrition can significantly influence the increase of unsaturated fats. Female fatteners had more extracted fat in fat tissue and higher content of PUFA, however, statistically significant difference was established only in share of SFA, which was considerably lower (P lt 0.05) in comparison to male animals. Consequently, PUFA:SFA ratio was significantly higher in female animals (0.51) compared to male fatteners (0.39). Iodine number/value determined for fat was in the range from 63.00 in males to 64.36 in female animals without statistically significant difference. Based on obtained results it can be concluded that, in regard to the nutritional quality, belly part from female fatteners may provide a balanced fatty acid intake for consumers (PUFA:SFA>0.4). However, in regard to the technological quality, fat (bacon) obtained from female animals had lower sustainability, due to more rapid fat oxidation, and it was of poorer technological quality due to softer fat tissue and more difficult cutting.Ukupno 40 kastriranih tovljenika rase Å”vedski landras, podeljenih u dve grupe u zavisnosti od pola (po 20 svinja u grupi), je iskoriŔćeno za utvrđivanje uticaja pola na udeo tkiva i hemijski sastav masti trbuÅ”no-rebarnog dela. Sve svinje su hranjene sa dodatkom 1,25% sojinog ulja. Pol životinja nije značajno uticao na težinu trbuÅ”no-rebarnog dela, međutim, utvrđeno je da su ženska grla imala veći udeo miÅ”ićnog tkiva (P lt 0,05), dok su muÅ”ka imala veći udeo intermuskularnog i ukupnog masnog tkiva (P lt 0,01). Dodatak sojinog ulja, koje ima visok udeo PUFA, u ishranu svinja, može značajno da utiče na povećanje nezasićenosti masti. Ženski tovljenici su imali viÅ”e ekstrahovane masti u masnom tkivu i veći sadržaj PUFA, međutim statistički značajna razlika je utvrđena samo u udelu SFA, koji je bio značajno niži (P lt 0,05) u odnosu na muÅ”ka grla. Kao posledica toga, odnos PUFA:SFA je bio značajno veći kod ženskih grla (0,51) u odnosu na muÅ”ka (0,39). Jodni broj masti se kretao od 63,00 kod muÅ”kih do 64,36 kod ženskih životinja i nije se statistički značajno razlikovao. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata može se zaključiti da je, u pogledu nutritivnog kvaliteta, trbuÅ”no-rebarni deo ženskih tovljenika kvalitetniji u pogledu masno-kiselinskog sastava (PUFA:SFA>0.4). Međutim, u pogledu tehnoloÅ”kog kvaliteta, slanina dobijena od ženskih životinja bi imala manju održivost, usled brže oksidacije masti, i bila bi loÅ”ijeg tehnoloÅ”kog kvaliteta, zbog mekanog masnog tkiva i otežanog sečenja

    Effects of glucomannan-enriched, aronia juice-based supplement on cellular antioxidant enzymes and membrane lipid status in subjects with abdominal obesity

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    The aim of this study was to analyze the effects of a 4-week-long consumption of glucomannan-enriched, aronia juice-based supplement on anthropometric parameters, membrane fatty acid profile, and status of antioxidant enzymes in erythrocytes obtained from postmenopausal women with abdominal obesity. Twenty women aged 45-65 with a mean body mass index (BMI) of 36.1 Ā± 4.4 kg/m2 and waist circumference of 104.8 Ā± 10.1 cm were enrolled. Participants were instructed to consume 100 mL of supplement per day as part of their regular diet. A significant increase in the content of n-3 (P<0.05) polyunsaturated fatty acids in membrane phospholipids was observed, with a marked increase in the level of docosahexaenoic fatty acid (P<0.05). Accordingly, a decrease in the n-6 and n-3 fatty acids ratio was observed (P<0.05). The observed effects were accompanied with an increase in glutathione peroxidase activity (P<0.05). Values for BMI (P<0.001), waist circumference (P<0.001), and systolic blood pressure (P<0.05) were significantly lower after the intervention. The obtained results indicate a positive impact of tested supplement on cellular oxidative damage, blood pressure, and anthropometric indices of obesity. Ā© 2014 Nevena Kardum et al

    Environmental and Community Stability of a Mountain Destination: An Analysis of Residentsā€™ Perception

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    This study aims to explore the use of the social-ecological system (SES) in tourism of a mountain area. Authors examined residentsā€™ perceptions of tourism impacts on four SES aspects: ecosystems, local knowledge, people and technology and property rights institutions. The aim is to ļ¬nd area that will be a ā€œcommon groundā€ for community and area that can be a source of conļ¬‚ict and will require additional work to solve the differences. Second objective was to examine residentsā€™ perception towards future local development tourism policies (winter tourism, seasonality and environment and culture) and how those policies can affect natural, socio-economic and cultural aspects of mountain area. Residentsā€™ perceptions of sustainable tourism development potential, perceivedtourismimpacts,analysisofcommunityattachmentandemploymentsectorofstakeholder were involved in this study. The authors applied the Q-methodology, as one SES-allied approach, in a small mountain community of Kopaonik, the Republic of Serbia. The results revealed that residentsā€™ agreement/disagreement is connected with two aspects: ecosystem and property rights andthatecosystemcanbesigniļ¬cantlyinļ¬‚uencedbyallthreedevelopmentpolicies. Findingssuggest that development of future natural conservation plans and new cultural attractions can have positive effects on all parts of social-ecological system. Some practical implications of those ļ¬ndings for tourism planning and development are also discussed

    Zastupljenost n-3 polinezasićenih masnih kiselina u fosfolipidima eritrocita i insulinska senzitivnost kod gojaznih osoba pri tipičnoj ishrani podneblja Srbije

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    This study examines the relationship between erythrocyte phospholipid FA composition and insulin sensitivĀ­ity in obese patients on a typical Serbian diet. In 30 patients, two insulin sensitivity groups were formed and their FAs analyzed. The shares of 22:5n-3, 22:6n-3, and total n-3 PUFAs, as well as a measure of Ī”5 desaturase activity (the 20:4n-6/20:3n-6 ratio) were lower in the insulin resistance group compared to the normal glucose tolerance group. The fasting insulin level and HOMA value were inversely related to the percentage of 22:5n-3, 22:6n-3, and total n-3 PUFAs. Our data indicate that the percentage of n-3 PUFAs in erythrocyte phospholipids is linked with insulin sensitivity parameters in obese patients.Masnokiselinski sastav membrana, koji se bar delimično može modifikovati dijetarnim unosom masnih kiselina, igra važnu ulogu u senzitivnosti na insulin. Cilj ove studije bio je ispitivanje veze između senzitivnosti na insulin i masnokiselinskog sastava fosfolipida eritrocita kod gojaznih osoba. Trideset umereno gojaznih/gojaznih nedijabetičara sa hiperlipoproteinemijama (ukupni holesterol gt 5.2 mmol/l, LDL-holesterol gt 3.4 mmol/l) podeljeni su u dve grupe, koristeći HOMA vrednost kao parametar senzitivnosti na insulin: grupu sa normalnom tolerancom na glukozu (NTG) i grupu sa rezistencijom na insulin (IR). Ukupni lipidi eritrocita su estrahovani i fosfolipidi izolovani tankoslojnom hromatografijom. Posle metilovanja masne kiseline analizirane su gasno-tečnom hromatografijom. Zastupljenost 22:5n-3 (p lt 0.01), 22:6n-3 (p lt 0.01), ukupnih n-3 polinezasićenih masnih kiselina (p lt 0.001) i odnos zastupljenosti 20:4n-6/20:3n-6 (pokazatelja aktivnosti delta-5 desaturaze) (p lt 0.05) su sniženi u IR grupi u poređenju sa NGT grupom. Nivo insulina nataÅ”te i HOMA vrednost inverntno su povezani sa zastupljenoŔću 22:5n-3 (p lt 0.05), 22:6n-3 (p lt 0.01) i ukupnim n-3 polinezasićenim kiselinama (p lt 0.01). NaÅ”i rezultati pokazuju da je nivo n-3 masnih kiselina u fosfolipidima eritrocita povezan sa senzitivnoŔću na insulin kod gojaznih osoba na ishrani tipičnoj za podneblje Srbije
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