1,487 research outputs found

    Societal Resilience in Belarus and the EU response

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    Societal fragilities and resilience: The emergence of peoplehood in Belarus

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    The article examines societal fragilities and local resilience strategies in Belarus with a particular focus on the notion of peoplehood. Premised on the idea of evolving forms of agency under the Anthropocene, and the emergent complexity-thinking in International Relations, the article draws on these approaches to societal fragilities and community resilience to understand and explain the unprecedented levels of mobilization occurring in Belarus since the disputed presidential election in August 2020. To this end, the article zooms onto the local communities to provide an analytical perspective on the study of resilience as self-organization. In line with complexity-thinking, it argues in favor of history-specific processual identities, shaped by the aspirations of a “good life,” and realized via local support infrastructures which lie at the heart of societal resilience in Belarus. Yet, the potential of all these elements to actualize into a sweeping transformative force, referred to as “peoplehood” in this article, is rare, and comes at a time of unprecedented crises and existential threats to the life of a community. The Belarusian society seems to be undergoing such a moment that not only makes it more resilient and adaptive to change; it also transforms it into a new form of societal being, self-aware of its worth, self-organized, and self-reliant on its inner capabilities to fight for a life of excellence. The article traces these moments of becoming with, and societal being, via a critical discussion of fragilities and the elements of resilience, actualized into peoplehood

    Study of olivines from Omolon and Seymchan meteorites using X-ray diffraction and Mössbauer spectroscopy with a high velocity resolution

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    Study of olivine from Omolon and Seymchan meteorites was performed using X-ray diffraction and Mössbauer spectroscopy with a high velocity resolution. X-ray diffraction patterns were measured at room temperature while Mössbauer spectra were measured at 295 and 90 K. The orthorhombic crystal lattice parameters were evaluated for olivine from Omolon and Seymchan. These parameters appeared to be different for olivines from both meteorites. Mössbauer spectral components related to 57Fe in crystallographically non-equivalent sites M1 and M2 in both olivines were determined and its Mössbauer hyperfine parameters were evaluated. Some differences in the tendencies of temperature dependence of spectral parameters and small variations of 57Fe quadrupole splitting in both M1 and M2 sites of olivines from Omolon and Seymchan were found. On the basis of Mössbauer parameters and chemical data, the temperatures of equilibrium cation distribution were evaluated for both olivines. © 2012 American Institute of Physics

     Preservation of icon-painting heritage in Russia (based on Yaroslavl regional materials) = Сохранение иконописного наследия в России (на материалах Ярославской области)

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    The interaction of government bodies and the Russian Orthodox Church on the question of returning some buildings and other property to the Church became part of state cultural policy in the post-Soviet period. This article investigates the process of returning religious artifacts to the Yaroslavl eparchy in the 1990s-2000

    Relationship between cost of equity capital and voluntary corporate disclosures

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    The relationship between disclosure and cost of equity capital has always been interesting not only for managers, but for investors as well. Economic theory suggests that by increasing the level of corporate reporting firms not only increase their stock market liquidity, but they also decrease the investors’ estimation risk, arising from uncertainty about future returns and payout distributions. Utilizing the Residual Income Valuation Model, the implied cost of capital is estimated for a sample of 121 Swiss listed, non-financial companies adopting a finite horizon version of the residual income valuation model. The results show that firms on the Swiss market can reduce their cost of equity capital by increasing the level of their voluntary corporate disclosures. The results persist even after controlling for various firm specific risks, such as firm size or financial leverage and regardless of company’s reporting strategy (conservative or aggressive)

    Preparation and characterization of Bi26–2xMn2xMo10O69-d and Bi26.4Mn0.6Mo10–2yMe2yO69-d(Me = V, Fe) solid solutions

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    Received: 06.06.2017; accepted: 23.06.2017; published: 14.07.2017.Single phase samples of bismuth molybdate, Bi26Mo10O69, doped with Mn on the bismuth sublattice and V, Fe on the molybdenum sublattice were found to crystallize in the triclinic Bi26Mo10O69 structure at low doping levels and in the monoclinic Bi26Mo10O69 structure - at higher dopant concentration. The assumption that all Mn ions have an oxidation state of +2 was confirmed by means of magnetic measurement results analysis using Curie-Weiss law. Conductivity was investigated using impedance spectroscopy. The conductivity of Bi26.4Mn0.6Mo9.6Fe0.4O69-d was 1.2*10-2 S*cm-1 at 973 K and 2.2*10-4 S*cm-1 at 623 K, and the conductivity of Bi26.4Mn0.6Mo9.2V0.8O69-d was 2.2*10-3 S*cm-1 at 973 K and 2.2*10-5 S*cm-1 at 623 K

    Ефектот на валпроат на кортикалната електрогенеза

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    Да покажеме некои наши клинички искуства за ефектот на хроничниот третман со валпрот на кортикалната електрогенеза, кое досега многу малку е студирано иако лекот е во употреба од 1964 година


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    The results of sociological survey conducted in 2018 to identify the level of social well-being of the population of Ulan-Ude have been presented. The indicators of social well-being, associated with life satisfaction and cognitive characteristics of the respondents, have been analyzed. Conclusions about the optimistic mood of the urban population, due to the unpretentiousness of life strategies and the hope for the effectiveness of the Republic`s new head`s team have been made. At the same time, a problematic field, associated with the high level of migratory moods of residents, determined by serious problems of the socio-economic development of the republic, – has been highlighted. The authors recommend to raise the level and quality of population’s life, to create new jobs with decent wages, to reduce social inequality and contribute to the preservation of a stable inter-ethnic space for change the situation for the bette


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    Every year, in Bulgaria nearly half of the pregnancies end up with an abortion. It is well known that every abortion hides a risk for every woman that had this kind of medical intervention. Also lowers the ability of having another pregnancy, having a healthy carrying and giving a natural childbirth. On other side, abortions are associated with being a significant factor which regulates the demografic features of the population. There is a tendency that most of the Bulgarian women use the abortion like alternative method for contraception. This is due to the fact that since 1956 there isn`t a law that prohibit the performing of abortion by choice of the pregnant woman. For the period from 1967 to 1998, many statistics show that the number of the abortions is significantly higher than the number of the actual childbirths. However, through out the next few years there is a stable tendency of dropping the number of abortions. Overall, in 2014 there is a solid tendency for the decreasing numbers of the abortions in Bulgaria between the period of 2000-2013.Every year, in Bulgaria nearly half of the pregnancies end up with an abortion. It is well known that every abortion hides a risk for every woman that had this kind of medical intervention. Also lowers the ability of having another pregnancy, having a healthy carrying and giving a natural childbirth. On other side, abortions are associated with being a significant factor which regulates the demografic features of the population. There is a tendency that most of the Bulgarian women use the abortion like alternative method for contraception. This is due to the fact that since 1956 there isn`t a law that prohibit the performing of abortion by choice of the pregnant woman. For the period from 1967 to 1998, many statistics show that the number of the abortions is significantly higher than the number of the actual childbirths. However, through out the next few years there is a stable tendency of dropping the number of abortions. Overall, in 2014 there is a solid tendency for the decreasing numbers of the abortions in Bulgaria between the period of 2000-2013