1,043 research outputs found

    Controlled quantum evolutions and transitions

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    We study the nonstationary solutions of Fokker-Planck equations associated to either stationary or nonstationary quantum states. In particular we discuss the stationary states of quantum systems with singular velocity fields. We introduce a technique that allows to realize arbitrary evolutions ruled by these equations, to account for controlled quantum transitions. The method is illustrated by presenting the detailed treatment of the transition probabilities and of the controlling time-dependent potentials associated to the transitions between the stationary, the coherent, and the squeezed states of the harmonic oscillator. Possible extensions to anharmonic systems and mixed states are briefly discussed and assessed.Comment: 24 pages, 4 figure

    A stochastic-hydrodynamic model of halo formation in charged particle beams

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    The formation of the beam halo in charged particle accelerators is studied in the framework of a stochastic-hydrodynamic model for the collective motion of the particle beam. In such a stochastic-hydrodynamic theory the density and the phase of the charged beam obey a set of coupled nonlinear hydrodynamic equations with explicit time-reversal invariance. This leads to a linearized theory that describes the collective dynamics of the beam in terms of a classical Schr\"odinger equation. Taking into account space-charge effects, we derive a set of coupled nonlinear hydrodynamic equations. These equations define a collective dynamics of self-interacting systems much in the same spirit as in the Gross-Pitaevskii and Landau-Ginzburg theories of the collective dynamics for interacting quantum many-body systems. Self-consistent solutions of the dynamical equations lead to quasi-stationary beam configurations with enhanced transverse dispersion and transverse emittance growth. In the limit of a frozen space-charge core it is then possible to determine and study the properties of stationary, stable core-plus-halo beam distributions. In this scheme the possible reproduction of the halo after its elimination is a consequence of the stationarity of the transverse distribution which plays the role of an attractor for every other distribution.Comment: 18 pages, 20 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. ST A

    Stochastic collective dynamics of charged--particle beams in the stability regime

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    We introduce a description of the collective transverse dynamics of charged (proton) beams in the stability regime by suitable classical stochastic fluctuations. In this scheme, the collective beam dynamics is described by time--reversal invariant diffusion processes deduced by stochastic variational principles (Nelson processes). By general arguments, we show that the diffusion coefficient, expressed in units of length, is given by λcN\lambda_c\sqrt{N}, where NN is the number of particles in the beam and λc\lambda_c the Compton wavelength of a single constituent. This diffusion coefficient represents an effective unit of beam emittance. The hydrodynamic equations of the stochastic dynamics can be easily recast in the form of a Schr\"odinger equation, with the unit of emittance replacing the Planck action constant. This fact provides a natural connection to the so--called ``quantum--like approaches'' to beam dynamics. The transition probabilities associated to Nelson processes can be exploited to model evolutions suitable to control the transverse beam dynamics. In particular we show how to control, in the quadrupole approximation to the beam--field interaction, both the focusing and the transverse oscillations of the beam, either together or independently.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figure

    Levy-Student Distributions for Halos in Accelerator Beams

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    We describe the transverse beam distribution in particle accelerators within the controlled, stochastic dynamical scheme of the Stochastic Mechanics (SM) which produces time reversal invariant diffusion processes. This leads to a linearized theory summarized in a Shchr\"odinger--like (\Sl) equation. The space charge effects have been introduced in a recent paper~\cite{prstab} by coupling this \Sl equation with the Maxwell equations. We analyze the space charge effects to understand how the dynamics produces the actual beam distributions, and in particular we show how the stationary, self--consistent solutions are related to the (external, and space--charge) potentials both when we suppose that the external field is harmonic (\emph{constant focusing}), and when we \emph{a priori} prescribe the shape of the stationary solution. We then proceed to discuss a few new ideas~\cite{epac04} by introducing the generalized Student distributions, namely non--Gaussian, L\'evy \emph{infinitely divisible} (but not \emph{stable}) distributions. We will discuss this idea from two different standpoints: (a) first by supposing that the stationary distribution of our (Wiener powered) SM model is a Student distribution; (b) by supposing that our model is based on a (non--Gaussian) L\'evy process whose increments are Student distributed. We show that in the case (a) the longer tails of the power decay of the Student laws, and in the case (b) the discontinuities of the L\'evy--Student process can well account for the rare escape of particles from the beam core, and hence for the formation of a halo in intense beams.Comment: revtex4, 18 pages, 12 figure

    L\'evy-Schr\"odinger wave packets

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    We analyze the time--dependent solutions of the pseudo--differential L\'evy--Schr\"odinger wave equation in the free case, and we compare them with the associated L\'evy processes. We list the principal laws used to describe the time evolutions of both the L\'evy process densities, and the L\'evy--Schr\"odinger wave packets. To have self--adjoint generators and unitary evolutions we will consider only absolutely continuous, infinitely divisible L\'evy noises with laws symmetric under change of sign of the independent variable. We then show several examples of the characteristic behavior of the L\'evy--Schr\"odinger wave packets, and in particular of the bi-modality arising in their evolutions: a feature at variance with the typical diffusive uni--modality of both the L\'evy process densities, and the usual Schr\"odinger wave functions.Comment: 41 pages, 13 figures; paper substantially shortened, while keeping intact examples and results; changed format from "report" to "article"; eliminated Appendices B, C, F (old names); shifted Chapters 4 and 5 (old numbers) from text to Appendices C, D (new names); introduced connection between Relativistic q.m. laws and Generalized Hyperbolic law

    Lexical evolution rates by automated stability measure

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    Phylogenetic trees can be reconstructed from the matrix which contains the distances between all pairs of languages in a family. Recently, we proposed a new method which uses normalized Levenshtein distances among words with same meaning and averages on all the items of a given list. Decisions about the number of items in the input lists for language comparison have been debated since the beginning of glottochronology. The point is that words associated to some of the meanings have a rapid lexical evolution. Therefore, a large vocabulary comparison is only apparently more accurate then a smaller one since many of the words do not carry any useful information. In principle, one should find the optimal length of the input lists studying the stability of the different items. In this paper we tackle the problem with an automated methodology only based on our normalized Levenshtein distance. With this approach, the program of an automated reconstruction of languages relationships is completed

    The digitalization of supply chain: A review

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    The emergence of new digital technologies as part of Industry 4.0 has enabled the supply chain to be managed more efficiently. We talk about digitalization of the supply chain and this trend refers to the evolution towards a smarter model that involves digital technologies such as Blockchain, IoT, Machine Learning, etc. These technologies actually increase and enhance the ability to optimize planning, sourcing and procurement strategies. Since this topic is of relevant interest for the scientific community, this paper aims to investigate the main discussion themes related to supply chain digitalization using a keyword-based organizing framework to identify, classify and investigate relevant intellectual contributions in this field. Results showed which are the main issues regarding supply chain digitalization as well as promising future research avenues

    Levy-Student Distributions for Halos in Accelerator Beams

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    We describe the transverse beam distribution in particle accelerators within the controlled, stochastic dynamical scheme of the Stochastic Mechanics (SM) which produces time reversal invariant diffusion processes. This leads to a linearized theory summarized in a Shchr\"odinger--like (\Sl) equation. The space charge effects have been introduced in a recent paper~\cite{prstab} by coupling this \Sl equation with the Maxwell equations. We analyze the space charge effects to understand how the dynamics produces the actual beam distributions, and in particular we show how the stationary, self--consistent solutions are related to the (external, and space--charge) potentials both when we suppose that the external field is harmonic (\emph{constant focusing}), and when we \emph{a priori} prescribe the shape of the stationary solution. We then proceed to discuss a few new ideas~\cite{epac04} by introducing the generalized Student distributions, namely non--Gaussian, L\'evy \emph{infinitely divisible} (but not \emph{stable}) distributions. We will discuss this idea from two different standpoints: (a) first by supposing that the stationary distribution of our (Wiener powered) SM model is a Student distribution; (b) by supposing that our model is based on a (non--Gaussian) L\'evy process whose increments are Student distributed. We show that in the case (a) the longer tails of the power decay of the Student laws, and in the case (b) the discontinuities of the L\'evy--Student process can well account for the rare escape of particles from the beam core, and hence for the formation of a halo in intense beams

    Stochastic collective dynamics of charged-particle beams in the stability regime

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    We introduce a description of the collective transverse dynamics of charged (proton) beams in the stability regime by suitable classical stochastic fluctuations. In this scheme, the collective beam dynamics is described by time--reversal invariant diffusion processes deduced by stochastic variational principles (Nelson processes). By general arguments, we show that the diffusion coefficient, expressed in units of length, is given by λcN\lambda_c\sqrt{N}, where NN is the number of particles in the beam and λc\lambda_c the Compton wavelength of a single constituent. This diffusion coefficient represents an effective unit of beam emittance. The hydrodynamic equations of the stochastic dynamics can be easily recast in the form of a Schr\"odinger equation, with the unit of emittance replacing the Planck action constant. This fact provides a natural connection to the so--called ``quantum--like approaches'' to beam dynamics. The transition probabilities associated to Nelson processes can be exploited to model evolutions suitable to control the transverse beam dynamics. In particular we show how to control, in the quadrupole approximation to the beam--field interaction, both the focusing and the transverse oscillations of the beam, either together or independently

    Controlled quantum evolutions and stochastic mechanics

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    We perform a detailed analysis of the non stationary solutions of the evolution (Fokker-Planck) equations associated to either stationary or non stationary quantum states by the stochastic mechanics. For the excited stationary states of quantum systems with singular velocity fields we explicitely discuss the exact solutions for the HO case. Moreover the possibility of modifying the original potentials in order to implement arbitrary evolutions ruled by these equations is discussed with respect to both possible models for quantum measurements and applications to the control of particle beams in accelerators