11 research outputs found

    Strukturiranje domenskega znanja s pomočjo polavtomatske gradnje ontologij

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    In this paper, we present a case in semi-automatic ontology construction from literature. For this, we concentrate on the articles about autism obtained from the PubMed Central database. Our motivation was to investigate how separate parts of articles, such as titles, abstracts and full texts, influence the constructed ontology. Our results confirm the intuitive expectation that constructing ontologies from abstracts is a rational choice when uncovering the structure of a given scientific field. In addition, when compared to general knowledge of autism, ontology concepts from abstracts show the highest similarityV članku opisujemo primer polavtomatske gradnje ontologij iz literature. Članke, ki smo jih uporabili v opisanem primeru, smo pridobili iz baze Pubmed Central. Cilj naše raziskave je bil ugotoviti, kako uporaba posameznih delov člankov – naslovi, povzetki, cela besedila – vplivajo na zgrajeno ontologijo. Dobljeni rezultati potrjujejo intuitivno domnevo, da gradnja ontologije iz povzetkov daje najboljše rezultate pri odkrivanju zakonitosti na izbranem problemskem področju. Koncepti, ki smo jih evidentirali pri gradnji ontologij iz povzetkov člankov s področja avtizma, se najbolj ujemajo s splošnim znanjem o avtizmu

    Predicting future discoveries from current scientific literature

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    Developing a Deeper Understanding of Autism: Connecting Knowledge through Literature Mining

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    In the field of autism, an enormous increase in available information makes it very difficult to connect fragments of knowledge into a more coherent picture. We present a literature mining method, RaJoLink, to search for matched themes in unrelated literature that may contribute to a better understanding of complex pathological conditions, such as autism. 214 full text articles on autism, published in PubMed, served as a source of data. Using ontology construction, we identified the main concepts of what is already known about autism. Then, the RaJoLink method, based on Swanson's ABC model, was used to reveal potentially interesting, but not yet investigated, connections between different concepts in research. Among the more interesting concepts identified with RaJoLink in our study were calcineurin and NF-kappaB. Both terms can be linked to neuro-immune abnormalities in the brain of patients with autism. Further research is needed to provide stronger evidence about calcineurin and NF-kappaB involvement in autism. However, the analysis presented confirms that this method could support experts on their way towards discovering hidden relationships and towards a better understanding of the disorder