64 research outputs found

    Uticaj različitih rokova primene insekticida na suzbijanje kukuruznog plamenca (Ostrinia nubilalis Hbn) u kukuruzu

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    Maize (Zea mays L.) is the most widely grown crop in Serbia, while the European corn borer (Ostrinia nubilalis Hbn) is one of the most detrimental species. The larvae of the Europen corn borer (ECB) feed on almost all parts of maize plants causing severe damage to agricultural production. An integrated pest management approach should be implemented to manage this insect species. However, chemical treatment is the most commonly used method for the control of the ECB. The efficacy of various insecticides deployed for this purpose depend not only by the type of the active ingredient, but also by the used amount, type of application and most importantly application timing. The aim of this study was to evaluate the optimal application timing for achieving the highest efficacy rate against this pest. For this purpose an insecticide based on Chlorantraniliprole + Lambda-cyhalothrin was used in three application timings: one at the beginning of the ECB flight period, labelled as 'early' treatment, the second during the peak flight, labelled as 'regular' treatment, and the third two weeks after the peak flight, labelled as 'late' treatment. The results of the trial showed that the 'early' and 'regular' treatments provided the highest efficacy against the ECB, while the 'late' treatment had a significantly lower efficacy. The highest positive effects on yield were observed in the 'early' treatment. The 'late' treatment had a higher impact on yield in both years when compared to the 'regular' treatment.Kukuruz (Zea mays L.) je najzastupljenija ratarska kultura u Srbiji, a kukuruzni plamenac (Ostrinia nubilalis Hbn) je jedna od najvažnijih štetočina ove biljne vrste. Larve kukuruznog plamenca oštećuju kako vegetativne tako i generativne organe kukuruza, nanoseći velike štete poljoprivrednoj proizvodnji. Suzbijanje se može vršiti primenom integralnih metoda zaštite, korišćenjem bioloških preparata ili aplikacijom predatora i parazitoida, ali tretman insekticidima ostaje najčešći način smanjenja brojnosti ove vrste insekta. Efikasnost insekticida za suzbijanje kukuruznog plamenca umnogome zavisi ne samo od aktivne supstance insekticida i količine, već i od načina i vremena primene. U radu je ispitivan uticaj vremena tretiranja na broj gusenica i oštećenja kao i prinos tokom dve godine. Korišćen je insekticid na bazi hlorantraniliprol + lambda-cihalotrin primenjen u tri različita roka: prvi rok za vreme početka leta druge generacije kukuruznog plamenca ('rani' tretman), drugi rok u vreme maksimuma leta ('redovni' tretman) i treći rok, dve nedelje nakon maksimuma leta ('kasni' tretman). Na osnovu ostvarenih rezultata može se zaključiti da su 'rani' i 'redovni' tretmani pokazali izuzetno visoku efikasnost u vidu smanjenja broja gusenica i oštećenja, dok je 'kasni' tretman ispoljio značajno nižu ili gotovo nikakvu efikasnost. Dok je u odnosu na prinos, najveći uticaj ostvaren pri 'ranom' tretmanu kukuruza. 'Kasni' tretman ispoljio je bolji pozitivni uticaj na prinos od tretmana u vreme maksimuma leta u obe ispitivane godine

    Stanje kvaliteta agrohemikalija u biljnoj proizvodnji Sbije

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    In this paper are presented results of monitoring of pesticide and fertilizers quality during five years (2001-2005). Total number of analyzed pesticide and fertilizer samples were 2203 and 2724 respectively. It was found 5.5 % incorrect pesticide formulations and 11.3 % of incorrect fertilizer formulations. Most often falsificated are herbicides Motivell and Pivot.U radu su prikazani rezultati ispitivanja kvaliteta đubriva i pesticidnih preparata. nastali u intervalu od 2001. do 2005. godine u Laboratoriji za agroekologiju u Zavodu za zemljište agroekologiju i đubriva Naučnog Instituta za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo Novi Sad. Ispitano je 2203 uzorka pesticida i 2724 uzorka đubriva. Nađeno je 5.5 % neispravnih formulacija pesticida i 11.3 % neispravnih formulacija đubriva. Najčešće falsifikovani pesticidi su Motivel i Pivot

    Tracking the Vector of Onchocerca lupi in a Rural Area of Greece

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    During a hot Mediterranean summer, an expedition brought parasitologists from Brazil, France, Greece, Italy, and Serbia to a wooded area near Xanthi, Thrace, northeastern Greece, near the Turkish border, on the track of the vector of the little-known nematode Onchocerca lupi. The scientific purposes of the expedition blended then with stories of humans, animals, and parasites in this rural area

    Importance of multidisciplinary and regional collaboration in integrated West Nile virus surveillance - the "One Health" concept

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    West Nile virus (WNV) danas je jedan od najrasprostranjenijih arbovirusa. U posljednja se dva desetljeća WNV infekcije kontinuirano pojavljuju na području Europe u obliku manjih ili većih epidemija i epizootija. U ovom preglednom radu prikazujemo epidemiološke značajke WNV infekcija koje su dokazane na području Hrvatske i Srbije u kontekstu “Jednog zdravlja”. Prikazani rezultati potvrđuju značaj multidisciplinarne i regionalne suradnje u dijagnostici i praćenju ove (re-)emergentne virusne zoonoze.West Nile virus (WNV) is nowadays one of the most widely distributed arboviruses. In the last two decades, small or large WNV epidemics and epizootics are continuously reported in Europe. In this review, we present the epidemiological characteristics of WNV infections detected in Croatia and Serbia within the "One Health" context. Presented results confirm the importance of multidisciplinary and regional collaboration in the diagnosis and surveillance of this (re-)emerging viral zoonosis

    Groznica zapadnog Nila - značajna vektorska virusna infekcija u Srbiji - aktuelna situacija

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    West Nile virus (WNV) is a neurovirulent mosquito-borne Flavivirus with zoonotic potential. Virus is maintained in nature in an enzootic transmission cycle between avian hosts and mosquito vectors, but occasionally infects other vertebrates. The infection in horses and humans can be asymptomatic or it can have different clinical manifestations ranging from light febrile diseases to fatal meningoencephalitis. Recently, the number, frequency and severity of outbreaks with neurological consequences for birds, humans and horses have increased dramatically throughout central and south Europe, including Serbia, posing a serious veterinary and public health problem. The emergency of WNV infections in Serbia is described through the current epidemiology situation based on recent data on the incidence of WNV infection among virus natural hosts and vectors; sentinel (horses) and other animal species, and in human population. The results of the WNV serology studies conducted on horse blood samples collected in different occasions during the last six years, and the results of the serology studies conducted among other animal species like pigs, wild boars, roe deer and dogs in Serbia are presented and discussed. Also, the results of the first studies on WNV presence in mosquito vectors and in wild birds as virus natural hosts in Serbia are presented and analyzed. In addition, the data on the WNV serology studies conducted in human population in Serbia in the last few years, and the existing data of WNV outbreaks in 2012 and 2013 are included. Regarding the existing knowledge on WNV epidemiology situation, the crucial role of veterinary service in early detection of WNV presence and ongoing national program of WNV surveillance in sentinel animals, mosquitoes and wild birds are discussed.Virus Zapadnog Nila (VZN) je neurovirulentni, komarcima prenosivi flavivirus zoonotskog potencijala. Virus se održava u prirodi u enzootskom ciklusu kruženja između ptica kao domaćina i komaraca kao vektora virusa ali povremeno može inficirati i druge kičmenjake. Infekcija ljudi i konja može proći asimptomatično ili sa različitom kliničkom slikom od blagog febrilnog stanja do letalnog meningoencefalitisa. Poslednjih godina u centralnoj i južnoj Evropi, kao i u Srbiji je dramatično povećan broj, učestalost i težina oboljenja sa neurološkim poremećajima kod ptica, ljudi i konja, predstavljući značajan problem veterinarskog i javnog zdravlja. Značaj problema infekcije VZN u Srbiji je opisan preko trenutne epizootiološko-epidemiološke situacije bazirane na skorašnjim podacima o prisustvu ove infekcije kod prirodnih domaćina i vektora, kod konja kao sentinel životinja i drugih vrsta životinja, kao i u humanoj populaciji. Opisani su rezultati seroloških ispitivanja sprovedenih u Srbiji na uzorcima krvnih seruma konja uzorkovanih u različitim periodima tokom poslednjih 6 godina, kao i rezultati seroloških ispitivanja sprovedenih na uzorcima krvnih seruma drugih životinjskih vrsta, kao što su svinje, divlje svinje, srndaći i psi. Takođe, prikazani su i analizirani rezultati prvih istraživanja prisustva virusa u komarcima vektorima i divljim pticama kao prirodnim domaćinima u Srbiji. Pored toga, predstavljeni su i rezultati seroloških istraživanja sprovedenih u humanoj populaciji u Srbiji tokom poslednjih nekoliko godina, kao i podaci o epidemijama u 2012. i 2013. godini. Na osnovu postojećeg znanja o epidemiološkoj situaciji, istaknuta je presudna uloga veterinarske službe u ranoj detekciji prisustva VZN, kao i tekući nacionalni program nadzora prisustva VZN kod sentinel životinja, komaraca i divljih ptica u Srbiji

    VectorNet Data Series 3: Culicoides Abundance Distribution Models for Europe and Surrounding Regions

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    This is the third in a planned series of data papers presenting modelled vector distributions produced during the ECDC and EFSA funded VectorNet project. The data package presented here includes those Culicoides vectors species first modelled in 2015 as part of the VectorNet gap analysis work namely C. imicola, C. obsoletus, C. scoticus, C. dewulfi, C. chiopterus, C. pulicaris, C. lupicaris, C. punctatus, and C. newsteadi. The known distributions of these species within the Project area (Europe, the Mediterranean Basin, North Africa, and Eurasia) are currently incomplete to a greater or lesser degree. The models are designed to fill the gaps with predicted distributions, to provide a) first indication of vector species distributions across the project geographical extent, and b) assistance in targeting surveys to collect distribution data for those areas with no field validated information. The models are based on input data from light trap surveillance of adult Culicoides across continental Europe and surrounding regions (71.8°N –33.5°S, – 11.2°W – 62°E), concentrated in Western countries, supplemented by transect samples in eastern and northern Europe. Data from central EU are relatively sparse.Peer reviewe