16 research outputs found

    Employee Benefits and Care

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    Bakalářská práce se zabývá zaměstnaneckými benefity a péčí o za-městnance. Teoretické vymezení těchto pojmů je obsaženo v první části práce, která dále popisuje vybrané benefity a zmiňuje aktu-ální trendy v oblasti odměňování zaměstnanců. Praktická část je zaměřena na nabídku zaměstnaneckých výhod advo-kátní kanceláře White & Case. Po představení společnosti je po-zornost věnována jednotlivým benefitům s důrazem na jejich vliv na spokojenost zaměstnanců. Z výsledků dotazníkového šetření jsou formulovány odpovědi na předem určené otázky a vytvořeny návrhy ke zlepšení.The bachelor thesis deals with employee benefits and care of em-ployees. The theoretical definition of these terms is contained in the first part of the thesis, which further describes selected benefits and mentions current trends in the area of remuneration of employees. The practical part is focused on offering employee benefits of the law office White & Case. After introducing the company, at-tention is paid to individual benefits and the effect of benefits on employee satisfaction is examined. From the results of the questionnaire survey are formulated answers to predetermined questions and made suggestions for improvement

    Permo-Carboniferous silicified trunks from Intra-Sudetic and Krkonoše-Piedmont Basins: Taxonomy and Instrumental Analysis

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    Silicified woods of the Permocarboniferous abundantly occur in a Czech part of the Intra Sudetic Basin and Krkonoše Piedmont Basin. They grew in Westphalian and Stephanian, about 300 million years ago. They were firstly mentioned in the second half of the 19th century. Exactly speaking, they represent silicified stems of the Permocarboniferous arborescent plants that belong to five palaeobotanical divisions of evolution grades Pteridophyta and Gymnosperms. There are still a lot of unanswered questions related to the origin of this silicified wood. One aim of this work is to describe the way of silicification which would be best suited to environmental conditions in these two basins. Up to now, the relationship between the actual anatomy of the wood and a specific way of their permineralization has not been clarified from the petrographic point of view. Thin sections of silicified stems were first studied by light and polarized-light microscopy and then cathodoluminescence spectroscopy and electron microscopy with EDX analysis. Differences in quartz crystallinity in individual original plant tissues have been obvious, e.g., macro- and microquartz crystals were present, mostly respecting structures of plant tissues, spherulitic chalcedony sometimes crystallizing irrespectively of these tissues, and...V podkrkonošské pánvi (PKP) a eské ásti vnitrosudetské pánve (VSP) se hojn vyskytují zk emen lá d eva stá í westphal a stephan (cca 300 mil. let), jejichž nálezy jsou poprvé popisovány v pracích z druhé poloviny 19. století. Jedná se o silicifikované stonky permokarbonských rostlin stromovitého habitu, které pat í do p ti paleobotanických odd lení vývojových stup pteridofytních a gymnospermických rostlin. Dodnes z stává mnoho otázek spojených se zp sobem vzniku zk emen lých d ev nezodpov zena. Jedním z cíl práce bylo popsat zp sob silicifikace, který by nejlépe odpovídal podmínkám ve studovaných pánvích. Dosud nap íklad nebyly objasn ny vzájemné vztahy mezi konkrétní anatomií d ev a specifickým zp sobem jejich permineralizace z petrografického hlediska. Výbrusy silicifikovaných stonk proto byly nejprve studovány optickou a polariza ní mikroskopií, poté katodovou luminiscencí a elektronovou mikroskopií s analýzou EDX. Byly zjišt ny patrné rozdíly v krystalinit k emene v r zných p vodních tkáních rostlin, nap . výskyt zrn makrokrystalického a mikrokrystalického k emene v tšinou respektujících strukturu rostlinných pletiv, sférolitického chalcedonu n kdy krystalizujícího bez ohledu na strukturu pletiv a achátovitých struktur v místech beze stop p vodních pletiv. Byla využita i analýza detritických...Institute of Geochemistry, Mineralogy and Mineral ResourcesÚstav geochemie, mineralogie a nerostných zdrojůFaculty of SciencePřírodovědecká fakult

    Studium fosilních dřev pomocí moderních analytických metod: případové studie

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    Silicified woods belonging to the three-dimensional permineralised plants are thoroughly studied by palaeobotanists. Their importance is usually underestimated in other scientific disciplines, their mineralogy/geochemistry is poorly known in close relation to other known scientific data. Stone-like appearance and nature of silicified wood is valued mainly in mineralogical markets. Only a complex analytical view can reveal more about their taphonomic past, palaeoenvironments and mechanisms of their formation and preservation. This PhD thesis aims to uncover the potential of instrumental analyses of permineralised woods and design remarkable procedures of observing the wood samples. I have performed petrographical and geochemical analyses and comparison of samples of the Pennsylvanian (Carboniferous) to the Late Triassic age from several localities in the Czech Republic, Germany, Brazil, Sultanate of Oman, Mongolia, USA - Arizona, France, and Antarctica. The selected samples, in most cases taxonomically determined, were observed in qualitative and quantitative way by instrumental imaging and analytical tools. Bulk (XRD) and detailed point analyses were performed. As the samples are very old, the crystallinity of SiO2 was high (α-quartz was their main constituent according to XRD). A rather rare...Zkřemenělá dřeva, která se řadí mezi permineralizované rostliny v trojrozměrné podobě, jsou odjakživa předmětem studia paleobotaniků. V jiných vědních disciplínách je jejich význam obvykle podceňován, jejich mineralogie a geochemie je málo známá a tudíž není vztahována ani k dalším známým faktům z jiných oborů. Kamenný vzhled a vlastnosti zkřemenělého dřeva jsou ceněny hlavně na mineralogických burzách. Pokud chceme více pochopit tafonomii těchto dřev a mechanismus jejich vzniku a zachování a poznat paleoprostředí, ze kterého tyto fosílie pocházejí, je nutný celostní přístup. Tato disertační práce si klade za cíl odhalit možnosti instrumentálních analýz permineralizovaných dřev a navrhnout nevšední postupy zkoumání vzorků dřev. Petrograficky a geochemicky byly analyzovány a porovnávány vzorky pennsylvanského až pozdně triasového stáří z několika lokalit z České republiky, Německa, Brazílie, Ománu, Mongolska, USA - Arizony, Francie a Antarktidy. Vybrané vzorky, jež byly povětšinou taxonomicky určeny, byly zkoumány kvalitativně a kvantitativně s pomocí detailního zobrazování a analytických metod. Byly prováděny jejich objemové (XRD) a bodové analýzy. Vzhledem k tomu, že jsou studované vzorky vysokého stáří, krystalinita SiO2 v nich obsaženého je taktéž vysoká (podle výsledků z rentgenové difrakce byl...Institute of Geology and PaleontologyÚstav geologie a paleontologieFaculty of SciencePřírodovědecká fakult


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    Ústav geochemie, mineralogie a nerostných zdrojůInstitute of Geochemistry, Mineralogy and Mineral ResourcesPřírodovědecká fakultaFaculty of Scienc

    Study of fossil wood by modern analytical methods: case studies

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    Silicified woods belonging to the three-dimensional permineralised plants are thoroughly studied by palaeobotanists. Their importance is usually underestimated in other scientific disciplines, their mineralogy/geochemistry is poorly known in close relation to other known scientific data. Stone-like appearance and nature of silicified wood is valued mainly in mineralogical markets. Only a complex analytical view can reveal more about their taphonomic past, palaeoenvironments and mechanisms of their formation and preservation. This PhD thesis aims to uncover the potential of instrumental analyses of permineralised woods and design remarkable procedures of observing the wood samples. I have performed petrographical and geochemical analyses and comparison of samples of the Pennsylvanian (Carboniferous) to the Late Triassic age from several localities in the Czech Republic, Germany, Brazil, Sultanate of Oman, Mongolia, USA - Arizona, France, and Antarctica. The selected samples, in most cases taxonomically determined, were observed in qualitative and quantitative way by instrumental imaging and analytical tools. Bulk (XRD) and detailed point analyses were performed. As the samples are very old, the crystallinity of SiO2 was high (α-quartz was their main constituent according to XRD). A rather rare..

    Business valuation of the company C. Bechstein Europe s. r. o.

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    Tato diplomová práce je zaměřena na ocenění podniku C. Bechstein Europe s. r. o. k 1. 1. 2016. Tento podnik se zabývá výrobou a prodejem klavírů a pianin. V první kapitole je provedena finanční analýza za období od roku 2011 do roku 2015. Druhá kapitola obsahuje strategickou analýzu. Následující kapitola je zaměřena na identifikaci a propočet generátorů hodnoty, její výstup tvoří finanční plán. Pro výsledné ocenění v poslední kapitole byly využity metody diskontovaných peněžních toků v podobě cash flow to firm a metoda multiplikační založená na výsledku hospodaření před zdaněním a úroky (EBIT).This Master’s thesis is focused on business valuation of the company C. Bechstein Europe s. r. o. Date of valuation is 1. 1. 2016. This company produces and sells pianos. Financial analysis between 2011 and 2015 is carry out in the first chapter of this thesis. The second chapter contains strategic analysis. Following chapter is focused on identification and calculation of value drivers, output of this analysis represents financial plan. Discounted cash flow method and multiplier method based on Earning Before Interests and Taxes (EBIT) are used for final valuation in the last chapter

    Study of fossil wood by modern analytical methods: case studies

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    Silicified woods belonging to the three-dimensional permineralised plants are thoroughly studied by palaeobotanists. Their importance is usually underestimated in other scientific disciplines, their mineralogy/geochemistry is poorly known in close relation to other known scientific data. Stone-like appearance and nature of silicified wood is valued mainly in mineralogical markets. Only a complex analytical view can reveal more about their taphonomic past, palaeoenvironments and mechanisms of their formation and preservation. This PhD thesis aims to uncover the potential of instrumental analyses of permineralised woods and design remarkable procedures of observing the wood samples. I have performed petrographical and geochemical analyses and comparison of samples of the Pennsylvanian (Carboniferous) to the Late Triassic age from several localities in the Czech Republic, Germany, Brazil, Sultanate of Oman, Mongolia, USA - Arizona, France, and Antarctica. The selected samples, in most cases taxonomically determined, were observed in qualitative and quantitative way by instrumental imaging and analytical tools. Bulk (XRD) and detailed point analyses were performed. As the samples are very old, the crystallinity of SiO2 was high (α-quartz was their main constituent according to XRD). A rather rare..

    Permo-Carboniferous silicified trunks from Intra-Sudetic and Krkonoše-Piedmont Basins: Taxonomy and Instrumental Analysis

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    Silicified woods of the Permocarboniferous abundantly occur in a Czech part of the Intra Sudetic Basin and Krkonoše Piedmont Basin. They grew in Westphalian and Stephanian, about 300 million years ago. They were firstly mentioned in the second half of the 19th century. Exactly speaking, they represent silicified stems of the Permocarboniferous arborescent plants that belong to five palaeobotanical divisions of evolution grades Pteridophyta and Gymnosperms. There are still a lot of unanswered questions related to the origin of this silicified wood. One aim of this work is to describe the way of silicification which would be best suited to environmental conditions in these two basins. Up to now, the relationship between the actual anatomy of the wood and a specific way of their permineralization has not been clarified from the petrographic point of view. Thin sections of silicified stems were first studied by light and polarized-light microscopy and then cathodoluminescence spectroscopy and electron microscopy with EDX analysis. Differences in quartz crystallinity in individual original plant tissues have been obvious, e.g., macro- and microquartz crystals were present, mostly respecting structures of plant tissues, spherulitic chalcedony sometimes crystallizing irrespectively of these tissues, and..


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    Ústav geochemie, mineralogie a nerostných zdrojůInstitute of Geochemistry, Mineralogy and Mineral ResourcesPřírodovědecká fakultaFaculty of Scienc

    Financial analysis and financial plan ALBI Česká republika

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    This bachelor's thesis is focused on financial analysis of the Company ALBI Česká republika a. s., which is performed between 2008 and 2012. The next aim is to outline expected future development. In the first part of this thesis the specific methodology, that will be used in the financial analysis, is described. The second part contains horizontal and vertical analysis, calculation of ratio indicators, including comparison with competitors, testing the financial health with bankruptcy and creditworthy model and finally drawing up a short-term financial plan that includes a planned profit and loss statement and a planned balance sheet