Study of fossil wood by modern analytical methods: case studies


Silicified woods belonging to the three-dimensional permineralised plants are thoroughly studied by palaeobotanists. Their importance is usually underestimated in other scientific disciplines, their mineralogy/geochemistry is poorly known in close relation to other known scientific data. Stone-like appearance and nature of silicified wood is valued mainly in mineralogical markets. Only a complex analytical view can reveal more about their taphonomic past, palaeoenvironments and mechanisms of their formation and preservation. This PhD thesis aims to uncover the potential of instrumental analyses of permineralised woods and design remarkable procedures of observing the wood samples. I have performed petrographical and geochemical analyses and comparison of samples of the Pennsylvanian (Carboniferous) to the Late Triassic age from several localities in the Czech Republic, Germany, Brazil, Sultanate of Oman, Mongolia, USA - Arizona, France, and Antarctica. The selected samples, in most cases taxonomically determined, were observed in qualitative and quantitative way by instrumental imaging and analytical tools. Bulk (XRD) and detailed point analyses were performed. As the samples are very old, the crystallinity of SiO2 was high (α-quartz was their main constituent according to XRD). A rather rare..

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