147 research outputs found


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    The paper describes basic principles of ad-hoc routes assignment. Each carrier has its own interface called information system KADR with SŽDC for capacity requests management. The paper describes all steps which must be done before train departure

    Calculation of the minimal length of the high-speed line

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    This paper explores the minimum length of continuous sections of the high-speed line. The minimum length is examined in terms of the maximum speed of high-speed vehicles. Both traditional trainsets consisting of traction units and coaches, and train units were selected for examination. The graphs present the difference in the ability of the different vehicles to reach and use the maximumspeed

    Simulation assessment of the headway under the ETCS L3

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    This paper deals with a simulation assessment of the impact of the introduction of ETCS L2 and L3 on the capacity of railway lines. The simulation itself is carried out in the OpenTrack simulation software, especially in the tool headway calculator. For this research, an infrastructure model has been built, which represents a typical layout of lines and stations in the Czech Republic. By successive modifications of the model, the significance of the impact of the implementation of ATP systems on the capacity of lines can be simulated. In the paper, the influence of the implementation of different application levels of ATP systems on the capacity of railway lines is evaluated


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    Článek se zabývá výpočtem vlivu zavedení elektronického mýta na cenu přepravy v ČR pro české i zahraniční dopravce. Je první vypočtenou hodnotou, která zatím není přesná. Tento výpočet bude dále zpřesňován přidáváním dalších vrcholů do matice, což je ovšem velice časově náročné. Tento článek dává návod jak si tento vliv může spočítat každý dopravce v závislosti na svých přepravách.The paper deals with calculation of influence of toll establishment on carriage in Czech Republic for domestic and foreign haulers. The outcome is just first and not very precise, because of small number of nodes (towns). Further will be this volume put more precisely via add of nodes. This work is very time-consuming. This paper can be something like manual for haulers how to count influence of toll establishment

    Calculation Model of Railway Capacity Price in the Czech Republic

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    This paper presents a pricing model of railway infrastructure capacity allocation functioning as a regulatory measure while fulfilling the regulatory requirements on railway infrastructure capacity allocation. The prices of railway infrastructure capacity allocation will be modelled with regard to all economically justifiable costs of railway infrastructure capacity allocation. The structure of model has been developed as a set of calculation sheets in Microsoft Excel. The recommended prices for railway capacity have been found by simulation of a set of variants and the recommendation is done for different operational conditions in an individual way. It analyses different products offered by the railway infrastructure capacity allocator both in the annual working timetable mode, and in the individual ad hoc mode. The aim of the proposed model is to motivate not only railway undertakings, but also the railway infrastructure capacity allocator to submit requests for railway infrastructure capacity in the annual working timetable mode rather than in the individual ad hoc mode. The total price is then verified to the cost of railway infrastructure capacity allocation. This process then ensures the regulation of the demand of railway undertakings on the given route and can influence the decision about the use of the product offered

    Influence of toll establishment in Czech Republic on haulers price's

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    The paper deals with calculation of influence of toll establishment on carriage in Czech Republic for domestic and foreign haulers. The outcome is just first and not very precise, because of small number of nodes (towns). Further will be this volume put more precisely via add of nodes. This work is very time-consuming. This paper can be something like manual for haulers how to count influence of toll establishment


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    Obsah příspěvku je zaměřen na vývoj překládacích zařízení pro překládku kontejnerů ISO zejména v námořních přístavech.  Jedná se o možnost využití tzv. dvojitých spreadrů pro urychlení překládky mezi námořní a pozemní (železniční, silniční) dopravou