20 research outputs found

    Private Rate of Return on Human Capital Investment in the Czech Republic: Differences by Study Fields

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    The paper is focused on approaches to the measurement of the returns of private investments on human capital in the Czech Republic. In the last ten years, there is observed a significant increase in number ofstudents at Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and an increasing number of HEIs graduates is also expected in the Czech Republic in forthcoming years. Using data from the research project “REFLEX”, fromthe Czech Statistical Office and from EUROSTUDENT IV survey, the paper provides the methodology and the experimental computations of the rates of return on private investment in the tertiary education broken down by study fields

    Students Who Have Unsuccessfully Studied in the Past – Analysis of Causes

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    With the increase in the number of university students, the number of those who do not finish successfully the tertiary education is also increasing. The article uses a specific data source and analyses only a part of the group of unsuccessful students who re-enroll. This is a specific group of students - they did not finish the tertiary study in the past, but after some time they returned to education. The aim of the paper is to find significant factors that influence the decision whether the student changes the studied school or field of study. Factors will be searched using decision trees and binary logistic regression. Both methods were significant for gender and the fact that a student is studying his preferred university. Logistic regression adds to the student's health disadvantage. The data were obtained from the EUROSTUDENT survey, which was held in the Czech Republic in 2016 under the auspices of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports. The results can be used to identify a risky candidate or student at the beginning of tertiary education

    Refining CLAMP - investigations towards improving the Climate Leaf Analysis Multivariate Program

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    CLAMP (Climate Leaf Analysis Multivariate Program) has been used for the past 17 years to estimate palaeoclimatic conditions. The reliability and applicability of this method, based on leaf physiognomic characters of fossil woody dicots, has been widely discussed over the same period. The present study focuses on some technical aspects of CLAMP, mainly on its robustness in the context of the theoretical unimodal requirements of Canonical Correspondence Analysis, and introduces “correction coefficients” for these aspects of the statistical approach as a new way of interpreting and improving on CLAMP estimates. This tool was tested on datasets derived from 17 European fossil floras ranging in age from the Late Oligocene to the Pliocene. Additionally, an objective statistical method for the selection of the best-suited modern vegetation dataset from 144 site (Physg3br) or 173 (Physg3ar) extant biotopes is proposed

    A tribute to Felix Koschin

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    Aspects of Human Capital Development

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    Cílem předkládané disertační práce je komplexní zhodnocení vlivu rozvoje lidského kapitálu. Práce je rozdělena do tří částí. První kapitola je věnována hodnocení datových zdrojů pro odhad úrovně lidského kapitálu. Jsou zde popsány možnosti, jak lze úroveň lidského kapitálu měřit, možné datové zdroje, které lze využít a jsou zde prezentovány i výsledky z jednotlivých datových zdrojů. Druhá kapitola představuje přehled oblastí, které jsou ovlivňovány úrovní lidského kapitálu. Tyto jsou pak dále rozděleny, zejména na vliv úrovně na postavení jedince ve společnosti a na postavení společnosti jako celku. Výsledkem této kapitoly je kvantifikace změny tohoto postavení v závislosti na změně úrovně lidského kapitálu. Třetí kapitola se věnuje predikci vývoje úrovně lidského kapitálu zejména na regionální úrovni.The aim of this dissertation thesis is to compile a complex evaluation of level of human capital development. The thesis is divided into three parts. First chapter is used as classification of sources suitable for estimation of human capital level. Also different types of quantification of human capital level are discussed, data sources and its results. Chapter two is based on a list of areas influenced by human capital level. This areas are divided into personal station and part of society station. Result of this chapter is quantification of change of this station caused by human capital level change. Chapter three is used as a prediction of human capital level, especially in region point of view

    Cohort mortality pattern and its modelling

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    The aim of the thesis is to introduce a simple alternative approach of mortality modeling (future estimates of mortality rates) which is based on cohort mortality patterns. The assumption of constant change of the force of mortality between two following ages across cohorts is the fundamental base of the proposed model. Theoretical aspects of the model are discussed and its assumptions are verified on time series of Swedish data which are long enough for this purpose. Results of the model application are compared with empirical results of already extinct cohorts and some estimates for still living cohorts are made too. Applications on real data showed good results which respected changes in the mortality development. In the last part of the thesis some possible modification are discussed which could cause results less variable. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org

    Reconstruction of time series of deaths and population in the Czech Lands before year 1920

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    Complete time series of number of deaths and number of population exist in the Czech Republic from the year 1920. Till this time there are just incomplete data sets for the Czech Lands but current methods allow reconstruction of historical time series and offer possibility for deeper research those historcial periods with application of modern demographic analysis. Aim of the project is to adjust data sets of number of deaths to the form which enables reconstruction number of population in the period 1870–1919 also in years between censuses because for those years data about population structure is not available. Project includes description of basic data sources, general methodology of reconstruction of this type of data sets, concrete modification of the methodology applied to specific periods and basic results of analysis which uses newly reconstructed data. Final data sets of the number of deaths splitted to the elementary triangles (1870–1919), structure of the population in one year age intervals (1870–1919) and mortality rates for cohorts (1820–1922) are published on the web for free use.Kompletní časová řada počtu zemřelých a stavu populace existuje v České republice až od roku 1920. Do té doby existují na území Českých zemí pouze nekompletní datové sady. Současné metody umožňují rekonstruovat historické datové řady a nabízí tak možnost hlubšího prozkoumání historických období s využitím současných nástrojů demografické analýzy. Cílem práce je úprava datových sad o počtu zemřelých do podoby, která by umožnila rekonstrukci stavu populace v období 1870–1919 i v letech mimo sčítání lidu, kdy údaje o struktuře populace nejsou k dispozici. Práce obsahuje popis základních datových zdrojů, obecnou metodiku rekonstrukce datových sad, konkrétní modifikace aplikované na data a základní výsledky analýzy realizované na rekonstruovaných datech. Výsledné datové sady počtu zemřelých v členění na elementární soubory (1870–1919), struktura populace po jednotkách věku (1870–1919) a ukazatel intenzity úmrtnosti v kohortním uspořádání (kohorty 1820–1922) jsou publikovány na webu k využití dalšími zájemci

    Human Capital in a Statistician´s Perspective: A Praiseworthy Achievement

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