7 research outputs found

    Microalgae for Bioenergy: Key Technology Nodes

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    Microalgae have increasingly gained research interest as a source of lipids for biodiesel production. The wet way processing of harvested microalgae was suggested and evaluated with respect to the possible environmental impacts and production costs. This study is focused on the three key steps of the suggested process: flocculation, water recycling, and extraction of lipids. Microalgae strains with high content of lipids were chosen for cultivation and subsequent treatment process. Ammonium hydroxide was tested as the flocculation agent and its efficiency was compared with chitosan. Determined optimal flocculation conditions for ammonium hydroxide enable the water recycling for the recurring microalgae growth, which was verified for the use of 30, 50, and 80% recycled water. For extraction of the wet microalgae hexane, hexane/ethanol and comparative chloroform/methanol systems were applied. The efficiency of hexane/ethanol extraction system was found as comparable with chloroform/methanol system and it seems to be promising owing to its low volatility and toxicity and mainly the low cost

    Characterizing biochar as alternative sorbent for oil spill remediation

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    Biochar (BC) was characterized as a new carbonaceous material for the adsorption of toluene from water. The tested BC was produced from pine wood gasification, and its sorption ability was compared with that of more common carbonaceous materials such as activated carbon (AC). Both materials were characterized in terms of textural features and sorption abilities by kinetic and equilibrium tests. AC and BC showed high toluene removal from water. Kinetic tests demonstrated that BC is characterized by faster toluene removal than AC is. Textural features demonstrated that the porosity of AC is double that of BC. Nevertheless, equilibrium tests demonstrated that the sorption ability of BC is comparable with that of AC, so the materials' porosity is not the only parameter that drives toluene adsorption. The specific adsorption ability (mg sorbed m-2 of surface) of the BC is higher than that of AC: toluene is more highly sorbed onto the biochar surface. Biochar is furthermore obtained from biomaterial thermally treated for making energy; this also makes the use of BC economically and environmentally convenient compared with AC, which, as a manufactured material, must be obtained in selected conditions for this type of application. © 2017 The Author(s)

    Bioprospecting of microalgae: Proper extraction followed by high performance liquid chromatographic-high resolution mass spectrometric fingerprinting as key tools for successful metabolom characterization

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    Currently, the interest in microalgae as a source of biologically active components exploitable as supplementary ingredients to food/feed or in cosmetics continues to increase. Existing research mainly aims to focus on revealing and recovering the rare, cost competitive components of the algae metabolom. Because these components could be of very different physicochemical character, a universal approach for their isolation and characterization should be developed. This study demonstrates the systematic development of the extraction strategy that represents one of the key challenges in effective algae bioprospecting, which predefines their further industrial application. By using of Trachydiscus minutus as a model microalgae biomass, following procedures were tested and critically evaluated in order to develop the generic procedure for microalgae bioprospecting: (i) various ways of mechanical disintegration of algae cells enabling maximum extraction efficiency, (ii) the use of a wide range of extraction solvents/solvent mixtures suitable for optimal extraction yields of polar, medium-polar, and non-polar compounds, (iii) the use of consecutive extractions as a fractionation approach. Within the study, targeted screening of selected compounds representing broad range of polarities was realized by ultra-high performance liquid chromatography coupled with high resolution tandem mass spectrometric detection (UHPLC-HRMS/MS), to assess the effectiveness of undertaken isolation steps. As a result, simple and high-throughput extraction-fractionation strategy based on consecutive extraction with water-aqueous methanol-hexane/isopropanol was developed. Moreover, to demonstrate the potential of the UHPLC-HRMS/MS for the retrospective non-target screening and compounds identification, the collected mass spectra have been evaluated to characterize the pattern of extracted metabolites. Attention was focused on medium-/non-polar extracts and characterization of lipid species present in the T. minutus algae. Such detailed information on the composition of native (non-hydrolyzed) lipids of this microalga has not been published yet

    Modulation of the bacterial virulence and resistance by well-known European medicinal herbs

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    Ethnopharmacological relevance: Salvia officinalis L., Sambucus nigra L., Matricaria chamomilla L., Agrimonia eupatoria L., Fragaria vesca L. and Malva sylvestris L. are plants that have a long tradition in European folk medicine. To this day, they are part of medicinal teas or creams that help with the healing of skin wounds and the treatment of respiratory or intestinal infections. However, so far these plants have not been investigated more deeply than in their direct antibacterial effect.Aim of the study: Our research is focused on adjuvants that inhibit the mechanism of antibiotic resistance or modulate bacterial virulence. Based on a preliminary screening of 52 European herbs, which commonly appear as part of tea blends or poultice. Six of them were selected for their ability to revert the resistant phenotype of nosocomial bacterial strains.Methods: Herbs selected for this study were obtained from commercially available sources. For the extraction of active compounds ethanol was used. Modulation of virulence was observed as an ability to inhibit bacterial cellto-cell communication using two mutant sensor strains of Vibrio campbellii. Biofilm formation, and planktonic cell adhesion was measured using a static antibiofilm test. Ethidium bromide assay was used to checked the potential of inhibition bacterial efflux pumps. The antibacterial activities of the herbs were evaluated against resistant bacterial strains using macro dilution methods.Results: Alcohol extracts had antibacterial properties mainly against Gram-positive bacteria. Of all of them, the highest antimicrobial activity demonstrated Malva sylvestris, killing both antibiotic resistant bacteria; Staphylococcus aureus with MIC of 0.8 g/L and Pseudomonas aeruginosa 0.7 g/L, respectively. Fragaria vesca extract (0.08 g/L) demonstrated strong synergism with colistin (4 mg/L) in modulating the resistant phenotype to colistin of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Similarly, the extract of S. officinalis (0.21 g/L) reverted resistance to gentamicin (1 mg/ L) in S. aureus. However, Sambucus nigra and Matricaria chamomilla seem to be a very promising source of bacterial efflux pump inhibitors.Conclusion: The extract of F. vesca was the most active. It was able to reduce biofilm formation probably due to the ability to decrease bacterial quorum sensing. On the other hand, the activity of S. nigra or M. chamomilla in reducing bacterial virulence may be explained by the ability to inhibit bacterial efflux systems. All these plants have potential as an adjuvant for the antibiotic treatment

    Data_Sheet_1_Whole genome sequencing and characterization of Pantoea agglomerans DBM 3797, endophyte, isolated from fresh hop (Humulus lupulus L.).docx

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    BackgroundThis paper brings new information about the genome and phenotypic characteristics of Pantoea agglomerans strain DBM 3797, isolated from fresh Czech hop (Humulus lupulus) in the Saaz hop-growing region. Although P. agglomerans strains are frequently isolated from different materials, there are not usually thoroughly characterized even if they have versatile metabolism and those isolated from plants may have a considerable potential for application in agriculture as a support culture for plant growth.MethodsP. agglomerans DBM 3797 was cultured under aerobic and anaerobic conditions, its metabolites were analyzed by HPLC and it was tested for plant growth promotion abilities, such as phosphate solubilization, siderophore and indol-3-acetic acid productions. In addition, genomic DNA was extracted, sequenced and de novo assembly was performed. Further, genome annotation, pan-genome analysis and selected genome analyses, such as CRISPR arrays detection, antibiotic resistance and secondary metabolite genes identification were carried out.Results and discussionThe typical appearance characteristics of the strain include the formation of symplasmata in submerged liquid culture and the formation of pale yellow colonies on agar. The genetic information of the strain (in total 4.8 Mb) is divided between a chromosome and two plasmids. The strain lacks any CRISPR-Cas system but is equipped with four restriction-modification systems. The phenotypic analysis focused on growth under both aerobic and anaerobic conditions, as well as traits associated with plant growth promotion. At both levels (genomic and phenotypic), the production of siderophores, indoleacetic acid-derived growth promoters, gluconic acid, and enzyme activities related to the degradation of complex organic compounds were found. Extracellular gluconic acid production under aerobic conditions (up to 8 g/l) is probably the result of glucose oxidation by the membrane-bound pyrroloquinoline quinone-dependent enzyme glucose dehydrogenase. The strain has a number of properties potentially beneficial to the hop plant and its closest relatives include the strains also isolated from the aerial parts of plants, yet its safety profile needs to be addressed in follow-up research.</p