151 research outputs found

    The Influence of Wild Boars on the Growth of Forest Trees and Stands: A Case Study of a Wild Boar Game Preserve

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    This research investigated methods for determin ing and quantify ing the impact of wild boars on the increment and growth of forest trees and stands. The influence of wild boars on stand variables was observed in a wild game preserve established in central Slovakia in 2000 practicing intensive wild boar management . Long - term measurements obtained from two long - term research plots of sessile oak trees established in 1969 were used to monitor stand growth. I ncrements of trees were observed on tree ring cores coming from trees surrounded by differently damaged soil surface s . Wild boars rooting the soil surface proved to have neither a positive nor negative influence on the mean diamet er and height of the forest stands. Analysis of radial increments in 9 trees growing on sites with more intense, deeper , and permanent rooting in the soil profile located near a larger mud bath was also carried out. A more distinctive increment depression was found on one oak near the mud bath and on one b eech where deeper soil surface rooting occurred

    Vertical Lift of Handling Equipment for Moving Containers

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    Bakalářská práce je zaměřena na navržení fungujícího mechanismu zdvihu manipulačního zařízení pro přesun kontejnerů ve vodorovném směru. Nejprve se zabývám výpočtem součástí potřebných pro konstrukci, dále navržením pohonu, vytvořením 3D modelu v CAD programu a nakonec tvorbou 2D modelu.The bachelor is focused on design a functional mechanism of lift of handling equipment for moving containers in horizontal directino. At first, I'm concerned with calculation of used components, than drive proposal, making a 3D model in a CAD and creating a 2D model

    „Békés együttélés helyett békés együttműködés” : Kerkai Jenő SJ ún. somogyi terve 1964-ből

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    „Álarcok mögött” : Nagy Töhötöm élete

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    Design of a pylon for the acceleration test stand

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    Cílem diplomové práce je navržení koncepční konstrukce pylonu akceleračního testovacího stanoviště pro zkoušky bezpečnostních prvků auta. Nejprve bude vysvětlena funkce celého testovacího standu, poté bude navrženo několik koncepčních konstrukcí pylonu ve 3D CAD programu. Následně se vybraná verze dopracuje. Nakonec se provedou kontrolní výpočty důležitých částí a na jejich základě se optimalizuje konstrukce.The aim of the diploma thesis is to design a consceptual construction of the pylon for the acceleration test stand for tests of safety car features. First, the function of the entire test stand will be explained, then several conceptual pylon structures will be proposed in the 3D CAD program. The selected version will be finalized. At the end, control calculations of some important parts and optimization of construction will be made