53 research outputs found

    Equinox transition at the magnetic equator in Africa: analysis of ESF ionograms

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    International audienceWe study equatorial night-time F layer behaviour from quarter-hourly ionograms at Korhogo/Ivory Coast (9.2° N, 5° W, dip lat. −2.4°) during local Spring March–April 1995, declining solar flux period, according to the magnetic activity. The height and thickness of the F-layer are found to vary intensely with time and from one day to the next. At time of the equinox transition, by the end of March, a net change of the nightly height-time variation is observed. The regime of a single height peak phase before 22 March changes to up to three main F-layer height phases after 30 March, each associated to a dominant mechanism. The first phase is identified to the post-sunset E×B pulse, the second phase associated to a change in the wind circulation phenomenon and the third one attributed to pre-sunrise phenomena. The influence of the magnetic activity is identified by the increase in the second peak amplitude. After the 21 April magnetic-equinox period, the height-time morphology becomes more irregular suggesting meridional wind abatement. The initiation, the growth and the maintenance of ESF are explored in relation to these nightly variations. The Rayleigh-Taylor instability is clearly identified as main precursor phenomenon. This is followed by the P-type (F-layer peak spread) structures, the whole with no specific dependence on the magnetic activity and on the F-layer phases, in contrast to further I and F-type (Inside and Frequency spread) ESFs. We discuss our results in the light of recent advanced experiments in Peru and the pacific

    Estimation conjointe de moments spectraux d'échos Doppler. Application au cyclone 'Georges'

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    L'objet de ce travail est l'estimation des moments spectraux d'échos Doppler. Dans le cas d'échos proches, les algorithmes classiques basés sur la transformée de Fourier donnent de mauvais résultats du fait de leur manque de résolution. Nous proposons et comparons l'utilisation des méthodes du maximum de vraisemblance stochastique et de sous-espaces (algorithme Weighted Pseudo-Subspace Fitting : WPSF) pour une estimation conjointe des moments spectraux. Les performances statistiques (théorique et empirique par simulations de Monte Carlo) des estimateurs sont comparées à la borne de Cramér-Rao. Les résultats des tests effectués sur les données réelles obtenues lors de la campagne d'étude d'orages, à Arecibo, en Septembre et Octobre 1998 confirment l'intérêt de l'approche proposée

    Lightning Observation with the Strato-Tropospheric UHF and VHF radars at Arecibo.

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    Observations were carried out at National Astronomy and Ionospheric Center (NAIC) in Puerto Rico with a dual-frequency (46.8MHz/430MHz) Strato-Tropospheric radar associated with ground-based precipitation and electrostatic field measurements. This experimental set-up is devoted to provide wind measurements and detection of clear air turbulence. During a thunderstorm event, VHF-UHF radar receivers detected wide frequency band radiation emitted by lightning flashes. We present in this paper observations of a specific storm for which lightning radiation and ionized lightning channel were fortuitously and simultaneously detected. A bi-level structure of the lightning flash channel is observed and is consistent with observations obtained previously by other authors with VHF lightning mapper
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