290 research outputs found

    Faire avec l’espace

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    Cet article est une invitation au dĂ©veloppement d’une micro-gĂ©ographie attentive aux individus, Ă  ce qu’ils disent, Ă  ce qu’ils font, et Ă  ce qui lĂ©gitime leur place, celle qu’ils veulent tenir et celle qu’on leur fait tenir, Ă  travers les rapports sociaux qui se nouent et se dĂ©nouent autour des objets. À partir de l’exemple des stĂšles funĂ©raires et des rĂ©cits qui se construisent autour d’elles et avec elles dans le monde chamoniard, on propose ici de poursuivre les recherches engagĂ©es sur la capacitĂ© d’action des objets pour mettre en Ă©vidence leur rĂŽle d’opĂ©rateur spatial des confi­gu­rations sociales en train de se faire.This paper is an invitation to develop a micro-geography that would pay attention to individuals, to what they say and what they do regarding the artefacts. Some artefacts legitimize their social position, as they translate it into the real space. The place they want to hold and the place they are put into by others reveal the social relations that artefacts create around them. The theoretical discussion is followed by the account of the results of a thorough study of grave markers in the French Alps (Chamonix Valley, France), as an example of what can be learned from a micro-geography approach

    Matérialisations du souvenir en montagne les enjeux identitaires des places et des placements

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    Cette thĂšse s’intĂ©resse Ă  un ensemble d’objets qui matĂ©rialisent diffĂ©rents types de souvenirs au sein des Alpes Occidentales. L’originalitĂ© de ces artefacts rĂ©side dans leur nature mĂȘme : ils figurent tous l’idĂ©e de montagne sous diverses formes et pour diffĂ©rents motifs. Il s’agit tout aussi bien de monuments Ă©rigĂ©s au dĂ©tour d’une rue ou sur une place centrale pour commĂ©morer un exploit, une catastrophe ou l’Ɠuvre d’un homme en relation avec la montagne, que de stĂšles funĂ©raires, profilĂ©es..

    Sex-biased dispersal promotes adaptive parental effects

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In heterogeneous environments, sex-biased dispersal could lead to environmental adaptive parental effects, with offspring selected to perform in the same way as the parent dispersing least, because this parent is more likely to be locally adapted. We investigate this hypothesis by simulating varying levels of sex-biased dispersal in a patchy environment. The relative advantage of a strategy involving pure maternal (or paternal) inheritance is then compared with a strategy involving classical biparental inheritance in plants and in animals.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We find that the advantage of the uniparental strategy over the biparental strategy is maximal when dispersal is more strongly sex-biased and when dispersal distances of the least mobile sex are much lower than the size of the environmental patches. In plants, only maternal effects can be selected for, in contrast to animals where the evolution of either paternal or maternal effects can be favoured. Moreover, the conditions for environmental adaptive maternal effects to be selected for are more easily fulfilled in plants than in animals.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The study suggests that sex-biased dispersal can help predict the direction and magnitude of environmental adaptive parental effects. However, this depends on the scale of dispersal relative to that of the environment and on the existence of appropriate mechanisms of transmission of environmentally induced traits.</p

    A vision transformer-based framework for knowledge transfer from multi-modal to mono-modal lymphoma subtyping models

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    Determining lymphoma subtypes is a crucial step for better patients treatment targeting to potentially increase their survival chances. In this context, the existing gold standard diagnosis method, which is based on gene expression technology, is highly expensive and time-consuming making difficult its accessibility. Although alternative diagnosis methods based on IHC (immunohistochemistry) technologies exist (recommended by the WHO), they still suffer from similar limitations and are less accurate. WSI (Whole Slide Image) analysis by deep learning models showed promising new directions for cancer diagnosis that would be cheaper and faster than existing alternative methods. In this work, we propose a vision transformer-based framework for distinguishing DLBCL (Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma) cancer subtypes from high-resolution WSIs. To this end, we propose a multi-modal architecture to train a classifier model from various WSI modalities. We then exploit this model through a knowledge distillation mechanism for efficiently driving the learning of a mono-modal classifier. Our experimental study conducted on a dataset of 157 patients shows the promising performance of our mono-modal classification model, outperforming six recent methods from the state-of-the-art dedicated for cancer classification. Moreover, the power-law curve, estimated on our experimental data, shows that our classification model requires a reasonable number of additional patients for its training to potentially reach identical diagnosis accuracy as IHC technologies

    Designing a paediatric study for an antimalarial drug including prior information from adults

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    International audienceThe objectives of this study were to design a pharmacokinetic (PK) study by using information about adults and evaluate the robustness of the recommended design through a case study of mefloquine. PK data about adults and children were available from two different randomized studies of the treatment of malaria with the same artesunate-mefloquine combination regimen. A recommended design for pediatric studies of mefloquine was optimized on the basis of an extrapolated model built from adult data through the following approach. (i) An adult PK model was built, and parameters were estimated by using the stochastic approximation expectation-maximization algorithm. (ii) Pediatric PK parameters were then obtained by adding allometry and maturation to the adult model. (iii) A D-optimal design for children was obtained with PFIM by assuming the extrapolated design. Finally, the robustness of the recommended design was evaluated in terms of the relative bias and relative standard errors (RSE) of the parameters in a simulation study with four different models and was compared to the empirical design used for the pediatric study. Combining PK modeling, extrapolation, and design optimization led to a design for children with five sampling times. PK parameters were well estimated by this design with few RSE. Although the extrapolated model did not predict the observed mefloquine concentrations in children very accurately, it allowed precise and unbiased estimates across various model assumptions, contrary to the empirical design. Using information from adult studies combined with allometry and maturation can help provide robust designs for pediatric studies

    Lipids or Proteins: Who Is Leading the Dance at Membrane Contact Sites?

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    Understanding the mode of action of membrane contact sites (MCSs) across eukaryotic organisms at the near-atomic level to infer function at the cellular and tissue levels is a challenge scientists are currently facing. These peculiar systems dedicated to inter-organellar communication are perfect examples of cellular processes where the interplay between lipids and proteins is critical. In this mini review, we underline the link between membrane lipid environment, the recruitment of proteins at specialized membrane domains and the function of MCSs. More precisely, we want to give insights on the crucial role of lipids in defining the specificity of plant endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-plasma membrane (PM) MCSs and we further propose approaches to study them at multiple scales. Our goal is not so much to go into detailed description of MCSs, as there are numerous focused reviews on the subject, but rather try to pinpoint the critical elements defining those structures and give an original point of view by considering the subject from a near-atomic angle with a focus on lipids. We review current knowledge as to how lipids can define MCS territories, play a role in the recruitment and function of the MCS-associated proteins and in turn, how the lipid environment can be modified by proteins

    Is it possible to use highly realistic virtual reality in the elderly? A feasibility study with image-based rendering

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    International audienceBackground: Virtual reality (VR) opens up a vast number of possibilities in many domains of therapy. The primary objective of the present study was to evaluate the acceptability for elderly subjects of a VR experience using the image-based rendering virtual environment (IBVE) approach and secondly to test the hypothesis that visual cues using VR may enhance the generation of autobiographical memories.Methods: Eighteen healthy volunteers (mean age 68.2 years) presenting memory complaints with a Mini-Mental State Examination score higher than 27 and no history of neuropsychiatric disease were included. Participants were asked to perform an autobiographical fluency task in four conditions. The first condition was a baseline grey screen, the second was a photograph of a well-known location in the participant’s home city (FamPhoto), and the last two conditions displayed VR, ie, a familiar image-based virtual environment (FamIBVE) consisting of an image-based representation of a known landmark square in the center of the city of experimentation (Nice) and an unknown image-based virtual environment (UnknoIBVE), which was captured in a public housing neighborhood containing unrecognizable building fronts. After each of the four experimental conditions, participants filled in self-report questionnaires to assess the task acceptability (levels of emotion, motivation, security, fatigue, and familiarity). CyberSickness and Presence questionnaires were also assessed after the two VR conditions. Autobiographical memory was assessed using a verbal fluency task and quality of the recollection was assessed using the “remember/know” procedure.Results: All subjects completed the experiment. Sense of security and fatigue were not significantly different between the conditions with and without VR. The FamPhoto condition yielded a higher emotion score than the other conditions (P,0.05). The CyberSickness questionnaire showed that participants did not experience sickness during the experiment across the VR conditions. VR stimulates autobiographical memory, as demonstrated by the increased total number of responses on the autobiographical fluency task and the increased number of conscious recollections of memories for familiar versus unknown scenes (P,0.01).Conclusion: The study indicates that VR using the FamIBVE system is well tolerated by the elderly. VR can also stimulate recollections of autobiographical memory and convey familiarity of a given scene, which is an essential requirement for use of VR during reminiscence therapy

    RĂŽle de l’expĂ©rience professionnelle dans le milieu des soins sur les performances et la motivation des Ă©tudiants en soins infirmiers dans un dispositif hybride

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    Les dispositifs d’enseignement hybride dans la formation en soins infirmiers sont peu reprĂ©sentĂ©s dans la littĂ©rature scientifique (Li et al., 2019). Pourtant le public de cette formation est particulier puisque nombre d’étudiants ont une expĂ©rience professionnelle dans le milieu des soins avant mĂȘme de dĂ©buter leur cursus. Cette Ă©tude se propose d’identifier les variables qui prĂ©disent les performances des Ă©tudiants, notamment en prenant en compte leur expĂ©rience professionnelle. Dans un dispositif hybride alternant un enseignement sous la forme de capsules vidĂ©o, accompagnĂ©es d’évaluations formatives en ligne et des travaux dirigĂ©s en prĂ©sentiel, des variables liĂ©es Ă  la motivation et Ă  la participation sont mesurĂ©es auprĂšs de 143 Ă©tudiants. Les rĂ©sultats montrent que les comportements observables et la motivation des Ă©tudiants influencent diffĂ©remment leurs performances selon qu’ils ont ou non une expĂ©rience professionnelle prĂ©alable. Ces rĂ©sultats sont dĂ©crits et discutĂ©s et pourraient constituer un point d’ancrage Ă  une littĂ©rature scientifique combinant l’enseignement hybride et la formation en soins infirmiers.Blended learning in nursing education is currently hardly represented in the scientific literature (McCutcheon et al., 2015). However, the public of this education is unusual, especially since many of them already have a professional background in the healthcare environment. Using multiple regression models, this study aims to identify predictive variables of student performance according to their professional background. Variables related to motivation and participation were measured among 143 students in a blended course alternating videos, online formative assessments, and face-to-face supervised exercises. Results showed that participation and motivation influence their performance differently depending on whether they have prior professional experience. These results are described and discussed and could be an anchor for a scientific literature combining blended and nursing education
