113 research outputs found

    On relating multiple M2 and D2-branes

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    Due to the difficulties of finding superconformal Lagrangian theories for multiple M2-branes, we will in this paper instead focus on the field equations. By relaxing the requirement of a Lagrangian formulation we can explore the possibility of having structure constants fABCDf^{ABC}{}_D satisfying the fundamental identity but which are not totally antisymmetric. We exemplify this discussion by making use of an explicit choice of a non-antisymmetric fABCDf^{ABC}{}_D constructed from the Lie algebra structure constants fabcf^{ab}{}_c of an arbitrary gauge group. Although this choice of fABCDf^{ABC}{}_D does not admit an obvious Lagrangian description, it does reproduce the correct SYM theory for a stack of NN D2-branes to leading order in gYM−1g_{YM}^{-1} upon reduction and, moreover, it sheds new light on the centre of mass coordinates for multiple M2-branes.Comment: 9 pages, references added and statements concerning the fundamental identity revise

    Characterization of sixty alkenes in a cat-cracked gasoline naphtha by gas chromatography

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    The alkene-rich petrol fraction from refinery fluid catalytic cracking (FCC) has been characterized by GC and GC-MS. Quantitative proportions and retention data of 52 acyclic and 11 cyclic C5–C7 alkenes are given. Relative retentions are reported for methylsilicone and aluminium oxide stationary phases as methylene units (MU). Applications of mass spectra, single-ion GC-MS monitoring and retention data for identifications are demonstrated

    Sagittal abdominal diameter as a marker of inflammation and insulin resistance among immigrant women from the Middle East and native Swedish women: a cross-sectional study

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    BACKGROUND: Immigrant women from the Middle East have elevated risk of cardiovascular disease. Sagittal abdominal diameter (SAD), a simple marker of intra-abdominal fat, predicts insulin resistance and cardiovascular mortality in men. Its usefulness in immigrant women is however unknown. To investigate the predictive role of SAD compared to other anthropometric measures, we examined a random sample of native-Swedes and immigrant women from the Middle East living in Sweden. METHODS: 157 women participated in the study; 107 immigrants and 50 natives. Anthropometric measurements (SAD, body mass index [BMI], waist circumference [WC] and waist-to-hip ratio [WHR]; all measured in supine position) and cardiovascular risk factors (C-reactive protein [CRP], insulin, glucose, insulin resistance [HOMA-IR], blood pressure and serum lipids) were assessed. The anthropometric measures were compared in their relation to cardiovascular risk factors using linear regression analyses. RESULTS: Overall, SAD showed a slightly higher correlation with most cardiovascular risk factors, especially insulin resistance, insulin, CRP, apolipoprotein B and triglycerides (all P-values < 0.01) than other anthropometric measures. BMI was however a better predictor of HDL cholesterol. SAD explained a greater proportion of the variation of insulin resistance and CRP levels, even independently of the other anthropometric measures. CONCLUSION: SAD identifies insulin resistance, subclinical inflammation or raised serum lipids in a Swedish population with a large proportion of immigrant women from the Middle East. If these results could be confirmed in a larger population, SAD could be a more clinically useful risk marker than other anthropometric measures in women at high risk of cardiovascular disease

    Snowden och supermakterna: Orsaker till asylbeslutet

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    Innan Edward Snowden erbjöds politisk asyl i Ryssland avslogs en liknande ansökan av allt att döma av kinesiska myndigheter nĂ€r Snowden dessförinnan befann sig i Hong Kong. Denna uppsats fokuserar pĂ„ vilka faktorer som kan tĂ€nkas ligga bakom Rysslands beslut att erbjuda Snowden politisk asyl efter att Kina valt att inte göra det. Faktorerna bakom respektive beslut analyseras genom anvĂ€ndandet av de “tre analysnivĂ„erna” – en bred och etablerad statsvetenskaplig metod. I Rysslands fall framstĂ„r regimen - den relativt svaga ekonomin till trots – benĂ€gen att aktivt jobba för ett mer multipolĂ€rt system och dess starke president Vladimir Putin verkar dessutom ha efterstrĂ€vat en ökning i popularitet för sitt motstĂ„nd mot den egna statens gamle antagonist USA. I Kinas fall kan en försiktighet som bygger pĂ„ en kombination av landets ekonomiska systems sammankoppling med USA, potentiella krav pĂ„ sociala reformer, och dess ledares relativt svaga position tĂ€nkas vara avgörande

    Anisotropic Vapor HF etching of silicon dioxide for Si microstructure release

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    Damages are created in a sacrificial layer of silicon dioxide by ion implantation to enhance the etch rate of silicon-dioxide in liquid and vapor phase hydrofluoric acid. The etch rate ratio between implanted and unimplanted silicon dioxide is more than 150 in vapor hydrofluoric acid (VHF). This feature is of interest to greatly reduce the underetch of microelectromechanical systems anchors. Based on the experimentally extracted etch rate of unimplanted and implanted silicon dioxide, the patterning of the sacrificial layer can be predicted by simulation

    Police officer involved shootings – retrospective study of situational characteristics

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    The study analyzed the situational characteristics of 112 incidents where police used firearms to handle high threat situations. Most shooting incidents emanated from usually uneventful tasks, e.g., handling burglaries or disturbances. The assailants were commonly armed with firearms (26%), sharp (27%) or blunt objects (10%). The incidents were regularly short-lasting (in 39% were shots fired ≀3 s from threat emerged) and occurred at short distances (in 42% at distances ≀3 m). Predominantly, the first responders had to address the situation and did so with warning shots or, equally common, with fire-for-effect shots (40%) or a combination thereof. Psychological stress was manifested as feelings of panic at some point and as motor skill alterations, e.g., firing without using sights and with one hand only. Analysis of these incidents shows that all field duty police officers should receive training in handling potentially life-threatening, sudden, close-range attacks

    Sick leave patterns in common musculoskeletal disorders – a study of doctor prescribed sick leave

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    Comparative data on sick leave within musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) is limited. Our objective was to give a descriptive overview of sick leave patterns in different MSDs

    Sociedade da Aprendizagem, Cosmopolitismo, SaĂșde PĂșblica, Prevenção Ă  Criminalidade

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    A “sociedade da aprendizagem” Ă© um conceito que expressa princĂ­pios de uma Humanidade universal e uma promessa de progresso que parece transcender a ideia de Nação. Este artigo indica como essa sociedade Ă© governada em nome de um sujeito cosmopolita ideal que, a despeito de suas pretensĂ”es universalistas, incorpora modos particulares de inclusĂŁo e exclusĂŁo. Isso se deve Ă  inscrição de distinçÔes e diferenciaçÔes entre as caracterĂ­sticas daqueles que incorporam uma razĂŁo cosmopolita e aqueles que nĂŁo incorporam os princĂ­pios de civilidade e normalidade desse cosmopolitismo. Ao mapear a circulação da noção de “sociedade da aprendizagem” no Ăąmbito do sistema de saĂșde e da justiça criminal suecas e nas reformas escolares suecas e americanas, examina-se o modo de vida do cidadĂŁo dessa sociedade: o aprendente, representante de um “cosmopolitismo inacabado”

    Pre-commercial thinning in Norway spruce-birch mixed stands can provide abundant forage for ungulates without losing volume production

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    Mixed stands of Norway spruce and birch have the potential to simultaneously produce timber and provide large ungulates with a significant amount of forage during the regeneration phase. While the growth and yield of such mixtures are well studied, little is known about potential trade-offs between timber and forage production and which management techniques are suitable for meeting both goals. In this study, four different pre-commercial thinning (PCT) strategies were used to study the trade-offs between production and available forage for free-ranging ungulates in a Norway spruce-birch mixture. The four PCT strategies were: 1) retaining 2000 birch stems ha(-1) with 2000 Norway spruce ha(-1), 2) removing all birches within a 0.75 m radius around Norway spruce stems, 3) removing all birches and other broadleaves, and 4) no PCT (control). Growth of Norway spruce was higher in the 2000 birch ha(-1) and full removal treatments compared to the untreated control, but these two treatments did not differ from one another in volume production of Norway spruce. We found a negative effect of PCT on forage availability but no effect on ungulate browsing. Therefore, PCT strategies that provide both sufficient birch forage and maximize volume production of Norway spruce can be implemented
