10 research outputs found

    Virtueller Rundgang durch das Historische Seminar

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    Der virtuelle Rundgang durch das Historische Seminar in der Leibnizstr. 8 stellt eine Art ›Bestandssicherung‹ dar. Die 1970/1972 errichteten Fakultätenblöcke in der Leibnizstraße werden bis 2028 grundsaniert. Der virtuelle Rundgang soll Einblicke in die aktuellen und bald selbst historischen Räumlichkeiten des Seminars geben


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    Der Beitrag führt ein in den Auftaktband der Open-Access-Reihe Kieler Studien zur Universitäts- und Wissenschaftsgeschichte (KSUW). Er beschreibt die Reihe, die im Kieler Universitätsverlag erscheint, in ihrer Genese aus dem Projekt Kieler Gelehrtenverzeichnis. Des Weiteren gibt er einen Überblick über die Ideen und Ziele von KSUW und die behandelten Themen des ersten Bandes.The article introduces the first volume of the Open Access series Kieler Studien zur Universitäts- und Wissenschaftsgeschichte (KSUW). It describes the series, which is published by Universitätsverlag Kiel | Kiel University Publishing, in its genesis from the Kiel Directory of Scholars project. Furthermore, it gives an overview of the the ideas and objectives of KSUW and the topics dealt with in the first volume

    Basics of collaborative research data management: Requirements for a Schleswig-Holstein state initiative on research data management

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    Das Papier "Grundlagen eines partnerschaftlichen Forschungsdatenmanagements - Anforderungen an eine schleswig-holsteinische Landesinitiative zum Forschungsdatenmanagement" umreißt die Anforderungen für eine schleswig-holsteinische Landesinitiative zum Forschungsdatenmanagement (FDM-SH). Hierfür wird zunächst das Umfeld, in dem eine solche Initiative entstehen und agieren soll, beschrieben. So beeinflussen sowohl die Eigenheiten der regionalen Forschungslandschaft wie auch die Entwicklungen im Bereich der Nationalen Forschungsdateninfrastruktur (NFDI) die Ausprägungen von Landesinitiativen. Die speziellen Anforderungen werden durch den Vergleich mit anderen Landesinitiativen, die Analyse von spezifischen Umfrageergebnissen aus Schleswig-Holstein sowie die Berücksichtigung der Anforderungen der NFDI gesammelt. Der Ansatz des partnerschaftlichen Forschungsdatenmanagements (FDM) spiegelt das Anliegen Schleswig-Holsteins wider, die Herausforderungen für ein zeitgemäßes FDM vor Ort gemeinsam zu bewältigen und dabei sowohl Know-how zu teilen als auch Ressourcen zu schonen

    Detailed Mapping and Sampling of the Reykjanes Ridge, Cruise No. MSM75, 29 June 2018 - 8 August 2018, Reykjavik - Reykjavik, REYKJANES

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    Hotspot-influenced spreading axes are characterized by a shallow axis, thickened crust, and possibly by higher-than-normal eruption frequency, all signs of an excess of magma and heat being supplied to such ridges by the hotspot. Despite this, these ridges are also characterized by an apparently lower-than-average incidence of high-temperature hydrothermal venting, raising questions about their thermal budget. The type example for hotspot-ridge interaction is the Reykjanes Ridge south of Iceland, which shows abnormally shallow bathymetry between the Reykjanes Peninsula at ca. 63°N and the Charlie Gibbs Fracture Zone at 53°N.The seafloor surrounding the present spreading axis is also characterized by V-shaped bathymetric ridges, thoughtto be produced by regions of excess melting migrating along the axis through time. Cruise MSM75aimed to produce geological maps of four key areas along the ridge -one with thickened crust where a V-shaped ridge intersects the present-day axis, one with thickened crust but no on-axis V-shaped ridge anomaly, a third with more normal crustal thickness and an axial valley and a fourth at the only known, but up to present unsampled, Reykjanes hydrothermal site Steinaholl. This geological mapping is to be usedto investigate questions of variations in eruption size or frequency away from Iceland, the interplay between magmatism and tectonism, the axial volcanology of V-shaped ridges and how thick crust is cooled in the apparent paucity of high-temperature vent fields

    DOI Workflow Best Practices - Herbarium Kiel: IGSN Registration Workflow

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    The Best Practice session will showcase some examples from DataCite Members who have implemented workflows that enable connection metadata to be included when they register DataCite DOIs. The connection metadata properties in the DataCite Metadata Schema are nameIdentifiers (e.g., ORCIDs), affiliationIdentifiers (e.g., RORs), relatedIdentifiers (e.g., DOIs), and fundingReferences (e.g., Crossref funder IDs). Connecting DataCite DOIs to other PIDs is essential for discovery and reuse of the underlying content and for making sure researchers get credit for sharing their outputs. Join this session to understand how DataCite Members adopt best practices for connecting metadata in their research outputs. Speaker: Thorge Peterson (IT Developer Research Data Management, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel

    Leveraging IGSN to Enhance Data Management in Research Institutions

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    The International Generic Sample Number (IGSN) is a crucial tool for ensuring the traceability and preservation of physical specimens in the Earth Science community. As a persistent identifier (PID), IGSN serves as a link between published digital data and the physical samples stored in a repository, enabling the creation of synergies with other services through the harvesting of machine-readable data. The IGSN can be assigned to a physical specimen at the time of collection, either on board a research vessel or during a field campaign. This unique identifier will follow the sample through the various stages of processing and analysis. In this use case, we demonstrate how IGSN can be minted for sediment cores directly on board a research vessel and then subsequently linked to relevant research data infrastructures (RDIs) such as DSHIP and PANGAEA. This allows for the traceability and easy identification of the samples as they are transported and stored in different repositories. Incorporating IGSN into a RDI helps to broadcast the existence of physical material and makes it more easily discoverable by researchers. This is especially useful for marine field work, which can be expensive and may not be accessible to all researchers. By making information about samples available as open access, researchers are able to easily locate and reuse existing material, which can be particularly beneficial for smaller research projects or research communities with limited resources. This is especially relevant in times of crisis, when access to certain regions may be restricted and there is an increased demand for the reuse of existing samples. In our research institutions, there is close collaboration between RDI providers and sample curators to manage both the digital data and the physical objects, such as plant samples in a herbarium, rocks and sediment cores, and biological material. In this presentation, we will use our case studies to discuss the successes of sample management in relation to IGSN. In addition, we will address the challenges that we have encountered and how we are working to overcome them. Our goal is to provide reliable services to our communities with a long-term perspective, and we believe that the incorporation of IGSN into RDIs can help to foster cultural change and encourage international collaboration in the Earth Science community. In addition, the use of IGSN and RDIs can contribute to the sustainability and reproducibility of research

    Geo-Quantities: A Framework for Automatic Extraction of Measurements and Spatial Context from Scientific Documents

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    Quantitative information derived from scientific documents provides an important source of data for studies in almost all domains, however, manual extraction of this information is very time consuming. In this paper we will introduce a system Geo-Quantities that supports the automatic extraction of quantitative, spatial and temporal information of a given measurement entity from scientific literature using text mining techniques. The difficulty of automatic measurement recognition is mainly caused by the diverse expressions in the papers. Geo-Quantities offers an interactive interface for the visualization of extracted user-defined information, in particular spatial and temporal context. In our demonstration, we will showcase the capabilities of our system by retrieving measurements such as “mass accumulation rates” and “sedimentation rates” from scientific publications in the field of marine geology, which could have high impact in studies for building global mass accumulation rate maps. For training and evaluation of Geo-Quantities we use a corpus of domain-relevant papers

    Multibeam bathymetry raw data (Kongsberg EM 712 entire dataset) of RV MARIA S. MERIAN during cruise MSM75

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    Multibeam bathymetry raw data was recorded in the North Atlantic during cruise MSM75 that took place between 2018-06-29 and 2018-08-08. The data was collected using the ship's own Kongsberg EM 712. This data is part of the DAM (German Marine Research Alliance) underway research data project. Underway data is collected continuously on German research vessels and can include data from transits or from the entire cruise. Underway data is shared in line with the FAIR principles

    Multibeam bathymetry raw data (Kongsberg EM 122 entire dataset) of RV MARIA S. MERIAN cruise MSM75

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    Multibeam bathymetry raw data was recorded in the North Atlantic Ocean during cruise MSM75 that took place between 2018-06-29 and 2018-08-08. The data was collected using the ship's own Kongsberg EM 122. Sound velocity profiles (SVP) were applied on the data for calibration. SVP data are part of this dataset publication. This data is part of the DAM (German Marine Research Alliance) underway research data project

    Ansatz für ein partnerschaftliches Forschungsdatenmanagement: Konzept für eine schleswig-holsteinische Landesinitiative zum Forschungsdatenmanagement

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    Das Papier „Ansatz für ein partnerschaftliches Forschungsdatenmanagement – Konzept für eine schleswig-holsteinische Landesinitiative zum Forschungsdatenmanagement“ stellt Aufgaben, Arbeitsweise, Organisation sowie Zuständigkeiten für die schleswig-holsteinische Landesinitiative zum Forschungsdatenmanagement FDM-SH vor