55 research outputs found
Affectivity and Relational Awareness in Pedagogy and Education: moments of hesitation in intersubjective encounters
In this article, we put forward the concept ârelational awarenessâ to describe a conscious awareness of the experience of relational responsivity and dynamics of change in stressful intersubjective encounters in pedagogy and education. This concept is inspired by phenomenology and cultural-historical theory. We introduce the theories of extended affectivity, embodied resonance and intersubjectivity and relate these to cultural-historical psychology in order to explore how people appraise and understand situations related to societal goals, motives, practices and mediating means. Relational awareness, which involves being consciously aware of embodied, pre-reflective relational responsivity, is specific to the cultural context, to the mediating means, and the lived experiences of the person. Relational awareness and responsivity can be objects of reflection and education when educational practices include deliberate work on embodied experience and mediational means to reflect on and change experienced intercorporeity. Relational awareness differs from interpersonal perception in that it involves embodied activity mediated by embodied knowledge and social means of language and discourse.Our conceptualisation of relational awareness is empirically driven by two qualitative studies of preschool teachersâ and teachersâ embodied practices to become presently aware during intersubjective encounters with children in stressful everyday conditions. The embodied practices in the study were inspired by exercises in mindfulness and compassion, which were adjusted according to how the participants experienced their significance. The flexibly adjusted exercises and discourses appeared to provide participants with the mediational embodied and discoursive means to become relationally aware in difficult encounters. Biestaâs conceptualisation of âmoments of hesitationâ contributes to the discussion of ârelational awarenessâ in education and care
Hvordan oplever pÌdagoger Professionel Egenomsorg i institutionslivet? En eksplorativ undersøgelse af, hvordan Professionel Egenomsorg viser sig i pÌdagogers arbejde i dagtilbud
Interest in self-compassion is increasing within the pedagogical field. However, research investigating how pre-school teachers experience caring for themselves and its significance for institutional life is sparse. This paper explores how 24 pre-school teachers who participated in a composite course experience the phenomenon of professional self-care and how it influenced their work. Data consists of group and individual interviews, as well as participants ´ written descriptions which formed the basis for a phenomenologically inspired analysis. The phenomenon is characterised by being associated with an intentional perception of the lived body, which increases the opportunities for changed attitudes in the lived interactions with children and colleagues. In a body-phenomenologically inspired perspective, the findings are discussed with the purpose of contributing to a nuanced understanding of the phenomenon and its influence on both childrenâs and adults´ institutional life.Interessen for self-compassion er stigende inden for det pĂŚdagogiske omrĂĽde, men studier, der undersøger, hvordan pĂŚdagoger oplever at rette omsorg mod dem selv, og hvilken betydning det fĂĽr for institutionslivet, er sparsom. Artiklen her undersøger, hvordan 24 pĂŚdagoger, der har deltaget i et sammensat kursusforløb, oplever fĂŚnomenet Professionel Egenomsorg, og hvordan det viser sig i deres arbejde. Data er indsamlet som gruppe â og individuelle interviews samt deltagernes nedskrevne beskrivelser, som danner udgangspunkt for en fĂŚnomenologisk inspireret analyse. Karakteristisk for fĂŚnomenet er, at det forbindes med en intentionel perception af egen-kroppen, som øger mulighederne for ĂŚndrede attituder i det levede samspil med børn og kollegaer. I et kropsfĂŚnomenologisk inspireret perspektiv diskuteres analysens fund, med henblik pĂĽ at bidrage til en nuanceret forstĂĽelse af fĂŚnomenet, og hvordan det influerer pĂĽ bĂĽde børn og voksnes institutionsliv
Sustainable mobility in the mobile risk society:Designing innovative mobility solutions in Copenhagen
The issue of creating more sustainable mobility systems has been revisited during the past 50 years. So far, we are still waiting for an innovative systemic change that is not simply an iteration of existing technologies. This standstill is to a large degree due to the hegemonic mobility paradigm, working under a “predict and provide”-driven approach, with little attention being paid to environmental and social externalities. This paper calls for a new understanding of mobility transition interlinked with the cultural values of modern societies, deeply rooted in the mobile risk society. To create sustainable mobility practices we need robust, socially coherent, and inclusive mobility systems that are more than just transportation systems and connections. The empirical starting point is a visionary workshop on designing “Sustainable Innovative Mobility Solutions” in three urban areas in Copenhagen. The workshop created a cross-disciplinary space for actors to meet across dominant silos and acknowledge the need for intervention framings to focus on innovation as a matter of interlinking sustainable mobilities practices within everyday living in a mobile risk society
Mobility-as-a-Service og bĂŚredygtig mobilitet i hverdagen:Konklusioner og anbefalinger fra SIMS
Dette er den afsluttende rapport fra forsknings- og udviklingsprojektet âSustainable Innovative Mobility Solutionsâ (SIMS), som har vĂŚret støttet af Innovationsfondens Grand Solutions program og har løbet fra 2019 til 2023. Projektets formĂĽl har vĂŚret at bidrage med ny viden til udviklingen af bĂŚredygtige og multimodale mobilitetsløsninger, som er tilpasset borgernes hverdagsliv og ses i sammenhĂŚng med byens fysiske indretning og sociale relationer. I denne rapport prĂŚsenteres hovedpointer og anbefalinger fra SIMS
Physical activity to improve cognition in older adults: can physical activity programs enriched with cognitive challenges enhance the effects? A systematic review and meta-analysis
: EPHPP quality rating scores (DOCX 38 kb
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