30,626 research outputs found

    Characterizations of linear sufficient statistics

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    A surjective bounded linear operator T from a Banach space X to a Banach space Y must be a sufficient statistic for a dominated family of probability measures defined on the Borel sets of X. These results were applied, so that they characterize linear sufficient statistics for families of the exponential type, including as special cases the Wishart and multivariate normal distributions. The latter result was used to establish precisely which procedures for sampling from a normal population had the property that the sample mean was a sufficient statistic

    Modern Michelson-Morley experiment using cryogenic optical resonators

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    We report on a new test of Lorentz invariance performed by comparing the resonance frequencies of two orthogonal cryogenic optical resonators subject to Earth's rotation over 1 year. For a possible anisotropy of the speed of light c, we obtain 2.6 +/- 1.7 parts in 10^15. Within the Robertson-Mansouri-Sexl test theory, this implies an isotropy violation parameter beta - delta - 1/2 of -2.2 +/- 1.5 parts in 10^9, about three times lower than the best previous result. Within the general extension of the standard model of particle physics, we extract limits on 7 parameters at accuracies down to a part in 10^15, improving the best previous result by about two orders of magnitude

    Two-way coupling of FENE dumbbells with a turbulent shear flow

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    We present numerical studies for finitely extensible nonlinear elastic (FENE) dumbbells which are dispersed in a turbulent plane shear flow at moderate Reynolds number. The polymer ensemble is described on the mesoscopic level by a set of stochastic ordinary differential equations with Brownian noise. The dynamics of the Newtonian solvent is determined by the Navier-Stokes equations. Momentum transfer of the dumbbells with the solvent is implemented by an additional volume forcing term in the Navier-Stokes equations, such that both components of the resulting viscoelastic fluid are connected by a two-way coupling. The dynamics of the dumbbells is given then by Newton's second law of motion including small inertia effects. We investigate the dynamics of the flow for different degrees of dumbbell elasticity and inertia, as given by Weissenberg and Stokes numbers, respectively. For the parameters accessible in our study, the magnitude of the feedback of the polymers on the macroscopic properties of turbulence remains small as quantified by the global energy budget and the Reynolds stresses. A reduction of the turbulent drag by up to 20% is observed for the larger particle inertia. The angular statistics of the dumbbells shows an increasing alignment with the mean flow direction for both, increasing elasticity and inertia. This goes in line with a growing asymmetry of the probability density function of the transverse derivative of the streamwise turbulent velocity component. We find that dumbbells get stretched referentially in regions where vortex stretching or bi-axial strain dominate the local dynamics and topology of the velocity gradient tensor.Comment: 20 pages, 10 Postscript figures (Figures 5 and 10 in reduced quality

    Processing of strong flux trapping high T(subc) oxide superconductors: Center director's discretionary fund

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    Magnetic suspension effect was first observed in samples of YBa2Cu3O7/AgO(Y-123/AgO) composites. Magnetization measurements of these samples show a much larger hysteresis which corresponds to a large critical current density. In addition to the Y-123AgO composites, recently similar suspension effects in other RE-123/AgO, where RE stands for rare-Earth elements, were also observed. Some samples exhibit even stronger flux pinning than that of the Y-123/AgO sample. An interesting observation was that in order to form the composite which exhibits strong flux trapping effect the sintering temperature depends on the particular RE-123 compound used. The paper presents the detailed processing conditions for the formation of these RE-123/AgO composites, as well as the magnetization and critical field data

    On the entropy production of time series with unidirectional linearity

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    There are non-Gaussian time series that admit a causal linear autoregressive moving average (ARMA) model when regressing the future on the past, but not when regressing the past on the future. The reason is that, in the latter case, the regression residuals are only uncorrelated but not statistically independent of the future. In previous work, we have experimentally verified that many empirical time series indeed show such a time inversion asymmetry. For various physical systems, it is known that time-inversion asymmetries are linked to the thermodynamic entropy production in non-equilibrium states. Here we show that such a link also exists for the above unidirectional linearity. We study the dynamical evolution of a physical toy system with linear coupling to an infinite environment and show that the linearity of the dynamics is inherited to the forward-time conditional probabilities, but not to the backward-time conditionals. The reason for this asymmetry between past and future is that the environment permanently provides particles that are in a product state before they interact with the system, but show statistical dependencies afterwards. From a coarse-grained perspective, the interaction thus generates entropy. We quantitatively relate the strength of the non-linearity of the backward conditionals to the minimal amount of entropy generation.Comment: 16 page

    Application opportunities of geographic information systems analysis to support achievement of the UNAIDS 90-90-90 targets in South Africa

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    In an effort to achieve control of the HIV epidemic, 90-90-90 targets have been proposed whereby 90% of the HIV-infected population should know their status, 90% of those diagnosed should be receiving antiretroviral therapy, and 90% of those on treatment should be virologically suppressed. In this article we present approaches for using relatively simple geographic information systems (GIS) analyses of routinely available data to support HIV programme management towards achieving the 90-90-90 targets, with a focus on South Africa (SA) and other high-prevalence settings in low- and middle-income countries. We present programme-level GIS applications to map aggregated health data and individual-level applications to track distinct patients. We illustrate these applications using data from City of Johannesburg Region D, demonstrating that GIS has great potential to guide HIV programme operations and assist in achieving the 90-90-90 targets in SA

    Viewpoint: WHO world mental health surveys international college student initiative: implementation issues in low‐ and middle‐income countries

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    The university system and students are rapidly growing and changing in low‐ and middle‐income countries (LMICs). This growth can facilitate enhanced national productivity yet it can also bring potential risks to student mental health. The World Mental Health Surveys International College Student (WMH‐ICS) initiative could increase information and support in a relatively low‐cost manner for university students in LMICs—a group that is particularly vulnerable to mental health problems and who live in an environment where few targeted resources may be available. Effective implementation of the WMH‐ICS initiative, however, requires long‐term planning and consideration of the specific challenges present in LMIC settings. Planning as to what types of interventions would be needed and achievable in the next 10 to 15 years and consideration of local issues related to uptake, acceptability, appropriateness, feasibility, fidelity, and sustainability from the very beginning would be needed to ensure that the initiative would be useful in the future

    Unconventional carrier-mediated ferromagnetism above room temperature in ion-implanted (Ga, Mn)P:C

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    Ion implantation of Mn ions into hole-doped GaP has been used to induce ferromagnetic behavior above room temperature for optimized Mn concentrations near 3 at.%. The magnetism is suppressed when the Mn dose is increased or decreased away from the 3 at.% value, or when n-type GaP substrates are used. At low temperatures the saturated moment is on the order of one Bohr magneton, and the spin wave stiffness inferred from the Bloch-law T^3/2 dependence of the magnetization provides an estimate Tc = 385K of the Curie temperature that exceeds the experimental value, Tc = 270K. The presence of ferromagnetic clusters and hysteresis to temperatures of at least 330K is attributed to disorder and proximity to a metal-insulating transition.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures (RevTex4