680 research outputs found

    CT-PTSD following a COVID-19 ICU admission in the context of unresolved grief, delirium and incurable cancer:a single case design with an older adult client

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    This case study recounts an application of Ehlers and Clark's (2000) cognitive model of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) to post-intensive care unit (post-ICU) PTSD. An AB single case design was implemented. The referred patient, Rosalind (pseudonym), completed several psychometric measures prior to the commencement of therapy (establishing a baseline), as well as during and at the end of therapy. Idiosyncratic measures were also implemented to capture changes during specific phases of treatment. The importance of the therapeutic alliance, particularly in engendering a sense of safety, was highlighted. Findings support the use of cognitive therapy for PTSD (CT-PTSD) with an older adult, in the context of a coronavirus infectious disease (COVID-19)-related ICU admission. This case is also illustrative of the effectiveness of implementing CT-PTSD in the context of co-morbid difficulties and diagnoses of delirium, depression, and complicated grief. Key learning aims (1) To recognise the therapeutic value of CT-PTSD in addressing PTSD following a COVID-19 admission, in the context of complicated grief and delirium. (2) To consider the importance of a strong therapeutic alliance when undertaking CT-PTSD. (3) To understand the intersection of complicated grief and delirium in the context of ICU trauma. (4) To consider the challenges in working with PTSD, whereby the target trauma (COVID-19 ICU admission) is linked with ongoing uncertainty and continuing indeterminate threat.</p

    Mathematical modeling supports the presence of neutrophil depriming in vivo.

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    Abstract Following migration into the intestinal mucosa in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), neutrophils enter the intestinal lumen and are excreted. This provides a basis for quantification of disease activity by measuring excreted label following injection of In-111-labeled neutrophils. In severe pan-colitis, 50% of the injected In-111 is typically recovered in the feces, indicating that 50% of neutrophil turnover is via fecal excretion. Neutrophils have an intravascular lifespan of ~10 h and a distribution volume of ~10 L, so total body neutrophil turnover is 10.N/10 cells/h, where N is the peripheral blood neutrophil count (cells/L). Neutrophil loss via the colon in a patient with 50% fecal In-111 loss is therefore N/120 cells/min. Pan-colonic mucosal-blood flow in pan-colitis is 200 mL/min, which would deliver N/5 neutrophils to the colon per min. Therefore, 5/120, or 4%, of incoming neutrophils undergo migration into inflamed bowel. If the 96% of nonmigrating cells exit in a primed state, then at steady state >90% of circulating neutrophils would be primed if no depriming took place. As the highest level of priming seen in IBD is ~40%, this indicates that depriming within the circulation must take place. Using the above values in the steady state equation relating priming rate to depriming rate plus primed-cell destruction rate gives a mean depriming time of 35 min. We conclude that a very small proportion of neutrophils entering a site of inflammation migrate and that in vivo depriming must take place to limit the numbers of primed neutrophils in the circulation.This study was supported by the Wellcome Trust and the UK‐US Fulbright Commission; CS holds a Wellcome Trust Postdoctoral Clinical Research Fellowship and a Fulbright Scholar award. The work in the Chilvers lab is funded by the Wellcome Trust, MRC, Asthma‐UK, BBSRC, Gates Foundation and NIHR Cambridge BRC.This is the final published version, also available from http://physreports.physiology.org/content/2/3/e00241.long

    Lack of safe drinking water for lake Chapala basin communities in Mexico inhibits progress toward sustainable development goals 3 and 6.

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    Background: Access to safe, affordable and accessible drinking water is a human right and foundational to the third and sixth World Health Organization’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Unsafe drinking water is a risk factor for chronic and enteric diseases. Both chronic kidney disease (CKD) and diarrheal disease are highly prevalent in the Lake Chapala basin, Jalisco, Mexico, suggesting disparities in factors leading to successful achievement of these two SDGs. Methods: This study aimed to assess progress towards SDG three and six in the Lake Chapala basin. Qualitative, quantitative, and geospatial data were collected between May and August of 2019 from three towns within the municipalities of Poncitlán and Chapala. Results: Ninety-nine households participated in this study. Water sampling analyses determined 81.18% of samples from water jugs (garrafones) and 70.05% of samples from tap water were contaminated with total coliform bacteria, often including E. coli. Additionally, 32% of garrafón samples and 61.9% of tap water samples had detectable levels of arsenic. Approximately 97.94% of respondents stated that they believe clean water is a human right, but 78.57% feel the Mexican government does not do enough to make this a reality. Conclusions: This mixed methods approach highlights water quality as a serious issue in communities around Lake Chapala, and demonstrates inadequate drinking water as a key hazard, potentially perpetuating the high disease burden of both CKD and enteric disease in the region.ITESO, A.C

    Creating tangible and intangible hospitality products with a sustainable value – The case of the Altes Land apples

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    This paper focuses on a specific sub-part of hospitality, namely sustainable product creation via regional integration. According to the research question “To what extent does the integration of local apple products contribute to regional sustainable value creation in Altes Land in regard to tourism stakeholders?” this research examined the sustainable value – defined as people, planet, profit – created by one specific regional food speciality, the apples of Altes Land. The region Altes Land, situated close to Hamburg, Germany, is known for its apple products and promotes them as part of the cultural heritage of the region. For this purpose, the concepts were defined as regional value creation, sustainable value creation and regional food products. The primary research was conducted in the form of thirteen interviews with farmers, inhabitants and domestic visitors. In addition, observation was conducted in the area with a focus on the farms. The outcomes of the research highlight multiple values created, where all the different types of interviewees perceived values on all three levels. The apples and their production are seen as both of a high cultural value and also as making an economic and environmental contribution to the region. In economic terms, both visitors and inhabitants are also willing to pay more and specifically look out for these apples when shopping, hence a special value is also attached to them.Keywords: sustainable value creation, local food product

    A compassion focused approach to understanding the mental health of climate scientists

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    As we face a future of rising global temperatures, and associated extreme weather events, distressing emotional responses are understandable. Climate scientists comprise a unique group, in that they must regularly confront the reality, and consequences, of climate change. In this paper, we explore how the principles of Compassion Focused Therapy (CFT) might be applied to comprehend the responses of climate scientists to climate change; by doing so, we aim to gain a deeper understanding of these responses in order to consider fruitful avenues for providing support and investigating this area further. We consider how flows of compassion, and blocks to compassion, might play a role in climate scientists’ experiences. Additionally, we conceptualise a role for compassion towards the wider world and humanity more broadly. Finally, by applying the CFT Three Systems model to current understanding of climate scientists’ emotional experiences, we seek to proffer a potential conceptualisation of them

    The Effects of Snake Venom (<em>Bitis arietans</em>) on Embryonic Development

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    Venomous snake bites in pregnant women can lead to poor survival rates in both the foetus and mother; early bites can precipitate teratogenesis, miscarriages, preterm delivery, foetal death and antepartum haemorrhage. The chicken embryo poses as a valuable research model for venom research due to its advantages such as ease of availability, economic feasibility and its non-invasiveness. This study evaluates the embryotoxic effects of Puff adder venom (Bitis arietans) from Namibia, Kenya, South Africa and non-specified region of Africa at varying concentrations. The venoms were applied to chicken embryos on the fourth day of incubation and assessed on a ninth day, focusing on body weight, heart weight, liver weight and mortality rate. Nile blue staining was also performed to observe the occurrence of apoptosis amongst the venoms at the strongest concentrations. The information provided from our results suggested that there was a regional variation in venom toxicity, with the Kenyan venom producing the largest weight changes, whereas the non-specified African venom proved the most lethal across the concentrations. Further studies to assess venom protein concentrations in comparison with regional diet disparities are required

    Biomechanical Properties of Strictures in Crohn's Disease:Can Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasonography and Magnetic Resonance Enterography Predict Stiffness?

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    Strictures and abdominal pain often complicate Crohn’s disease (CD). The primary aim was to explore whether parameters obtained by preoperative contrast-enhanced (CE) ultrasonography (US) and dynamic CE MR Enterography (DCE-MRE) of strictures associates with biomechanical properties. CD patients undergoing elective small intestinal surgery were preoperatively examined with DCE-MRE and CEUS. The excised intestine was distended utilizing a pressure bag. Luminal and outer bowel wall cross-sectional areas were measured with US. The circumferential stricture stiffness (Young’s modulus E) was computed. Stiffness was associated with the initial slope of enhancement on DCE-MRE (ρ = 0.63, p = 0.007), reflecting active disease, but lacked association with CEUS parameters. For structural imaging parameters, inflammation and stricture stiffness were associated with prestenotic dilatation on US (τ(b) = 0.43, p = 0.02) but not with MRE (τ(b) = 0.01, p = 1.0). Strictures identified by US were stiffer, 16.8 (14.0–20.1) kPa, than those graded as no or uncertain strictures, 12.6 (10.5–15.1) kPa, p = 0.02. MRE global score (activity) was associated with E (ρ = 0.55, p = 0.018). Elastography did not correlate with circumferential stiffness. We conclude that increasing activity defined by the initial slope of enhancement on DCE-MRE and MRE global score were associated with stricture stiffness. Prestenotic dilatation on US could be a potential biomarker of CD small intestinal stricture stiffness

    Butyrate Supplementation Exacerbates Myocardial and Immune Cell Mitochondrial Dysfunction in a Rat Model of Faecal Peritonitis

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    Mitochondrial dysfunction and immune cell dysfunction are commonplace in sepsis and are associated with increased mortality risk. The short chain fatty acid, butyrate, is known to have anti-inflammatory effects and promote mitochondrial biogenesis. We therefore explored the immunometabolic effects of butyrate in an animal model of sepsis. Isolated healthy human volunteer peripheral mononuclear cells were stimulated with LPS in the presence of absence of butyrate, and released cytokines measured. Male Wistar rats housed in metabolic cages received either intravenous butyrate infusion or placebo commencing 6 h following faecal peritonitis induction. At 24 h, splenocytes were isolated for high-resolution respirometry, and measurement of mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP), reactive oxygen species (mtROS), and intracellular cytokines (TNF alpha, IL-10) using flow cytometry. Isolated splenocytes from septic and septic butyrate treated rats were stimulated with LPS for 18 h and the effects of butyrate on cytokine release assessed. Ex vivo, butyrate (1.8 mM) reduced LPS-induced TNF alpha (p = 0.019) and IL-10 (p = 0.001) release by human PBMCs. In septic animals butyrate infusion reduced the respiratory exchange ratio (p &amp;lt; 0.001), consistent with increased fat metabolism. This was associated with a reduction in cardiac output (p = 0.001), and increased lactate (p = 0.031) compared to placebo-treated septic animals (p &amp;lt; 0.05). Butyrate treatment was associated with a reduction in splenocyte basal respiration (p = 0.077), proton leak (p = 0.022), and non-mitochondrial respiration (p = 0.055), and an increase in MMP (p = 0.007) and mtROS (p = 0.027) compared to untreated septic animals. Splenocyte intracellular cytokines were unaffected by butyrate, although LPS-induced IL-10 release was impaired (p = 0.039). In summary, butyrate supplementation exacerbates myocardial and immune cell mitochondrial dysfunction in a rat model of faecal peritonitis

    Employee and partner surveys wave 3 of the Linked-Employer-Employee-Panel (LEEP-B3) Project (DFG – 373090005): Organizational Inequalities and Interdependencies between Capabilities in Work and Personal Life: A Study of Employees in Different Work Organizations. Technical Report

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    Marx C, Abendroth A, Bächmann A-C, et al. Employee and partner surveys wave 3 of the Linked-Employer-Employee-Panel (LEEP-B3) Project (DFG – 373090005): Organizational Inequalities and Interdependencies between Capabilities in Work and Personal Life: A Study of Employees in Different Work Organizations. Technical Report. Bielefeld: Univ., Fak. für Soziologie; 2020

    Pulmonary retention of primed neutrophils: a novel protective host response, which is impaired in the acute respiratory distress syndrome.

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    RATIONALE: Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) affects over 200000 people annually in the USA. Despite causing severe, and often refractory, hypoxaemia, the high mortality and long-term morbidity of ARDS results mainly from extra-pulmonary organ failure; however the mechanism for this organ crosstalk has not been determined. METHODS: Using autologous radiolabelled neutrophils we investigated the pulmonary transit of primed and unprimed neutrophils in humans. Flow cytometry of whole blood samples was used to assess transpulmonary neutrophil priming gradients in patients with ARDS, sepsis and perioperative controls. MAIN RESULTS: Unprimed neutrophils passed through the lungs with a transit time of 14.2 s, only 2.3 s slower than erythrocytes, and with <5% first-pass retention. Over 97% of neutrophils primed ex vivo with granulocyte macrophage colony-stimulating factor were retained on first pass, with 48% still remaining in the lungs at 40 min. Neutrophils exposed to platelet-activating factor were initially retained but subsequently released such that only 14% remained in the lungs at 40 min. Significant transpulmonary gradients of neutrophil CD62L cell surface expression were observed in ARDS compared with perioperative controls and patients with sepsis. CONCLUSIONS: We demonstrated minimal delay and retention of unprimed neutrophils transiting the healthy human pulmonary vasculature, but marked retention of primed neutrophils; these latter cells then 'deprime' and are re-released into the systemic circulation. Further, we show that this physiological depriming mechanism may fail in patients with ARDS, resulting in increased numbers of primed neutrophils within the systemic circulation. This identifies a potential mechanism for the remote organ damage observed in patients with ARDS.This work was supported by the Wellcome Trust, MRC (UK), Papworth Hospital R&D, Intensive Care Society and NIHR Cambridge Biomedical Research Centre.This is the final published version, also available from http://thorax.bmj.com/content/early/2014/04/04/thoraxjnl-2013-204742.full