534 research outputs found

    The ability to propose legislation leads to an increased vote share for politicians in subsequent elections

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    It is generally accepted that constituents punish and reward their elected representatives at the ballot box for their legislative actions. But there is surprisingly little research on the link between politicians’ legislative activities and their chances of re-election. Using evidence from Canada, and by controlling for other influences on election vote shares, Peter Loewen and Royce Koop find that those MPs that are able to introduce legislation via private members (the ‘power to propose’) bills do reap a small reward in their subsequent elections

    Zur Wirksamkeit von Fortbildungs- und Umschulungsmaßnahmen : eine kritische Auseinandersetzung mit den Untersuchungen des Instituts für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung

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    "Die maßgeblichen Untersuchungen zur Überprüfung der Wirksamkeit von Fortbildungs- und Umschulungsmaßnahmen (FuU) nach dem Arbeitsförderungsgesetz werden vom Institut für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung (IAB) erarbeitet. Der Aufsatz setzt sich detailliert mit diesen Untersuchungen auseinander. Es wird aufgezeigt, daß die (sekundäranalytischen) Arbeiten des IAB abgesicherte Ergebnisse zur Wirksamkeit von FuU nur in sehr eingeschränktem Umfang liefern. Zwei Grundprobleme werden benannt: zum einen die Organisation der Untersuchungen als Stichtagsbetrachtung nach der Maßnahme; zum anderen die nicht befriedigenden Verfahren zur Kontrollgruppenbildung. Dargestellt wird eine zum IAB alternative Vorgehensweise, mit der einige der mit den IAB-Untersuchungen verbundenen Probleme bearbeitet werden können. Erste Ergebnisse einer Untersuchung nach dieser Vorgehensweise werden skizziert. Im Zentrum steht dabei ein Vergleich von Ergebnissen zur Wirksamkeit nach dem Meßkonzept des IAB mit Ergebnissen, die nach einem Meßkonzept erzielt wurden, das höhere Anforderungen an die Prüfung der Wirksamkeit von FuU-Maßnahmen stellt." (Autorenreferat)Weiterbildung - Auswirkungen, Wirkungsforschung, IAB, beruflicher Status

    Inclusive mathematics education

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    Gervasoni A, Peter-Koop A. Inclusive mathematics education. MATHEMATICS EDUCATION RESEARCH JOURNAL. 2020;32(1):1-4

    A novel model to predict the physical state of atmospheric H2SO4/NH3/H2O aerosol particles

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    Colberg CA, Luo BP, Wernli H, Koop T, Peter T. A novel model to predict the physical state of atmospheric H2SO4/NH3/H2O aerosol particles. ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS. 2003;3(4):909-924.The physical state of the tropospheric aerosol is largely unknown despite its importance for cloud formation and for the aerosol's radiative properties. Here we use detailed microphysical laboratory measurements to perform a systematic global modelling study of the physical state of the H2SO4/NH3/H2O aerosol, which constitutes an important class of aerosols in the free troposphere. The Aerosol Physical State Model (APSM) developed here is based on Lagrangian trajectories computed from ECMWF (European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasts) analyses, taking full account of the deliquescence/efflorescence hysteresis. As input APSM requires three data sets: (i) deliquescence and efflorescence relative humidities from laboratory measurements, (ii) ammonia-to-sulfate ratios (ASR) calculated by a global circulation model, and (iii) relative humidities determined from the ECMWF analyses. APSM results indicate that globally averaged a significant fraction (17-57%) of the ammoniated sulfate aerosol particles contain solids with the ratio of solid-containing to purely liquid particles increasing with altitude (between 2 and 10 km). In our calculations the most abundant solid is letovicite, (NH4)(3)H(SO4)(2), while there is only little ammonium sulfate, (NH4)(2)SO4. Since ammonium bisulfate, NH4HSO4, does not nucleate homogeneously, it can only form via heterogeneous crystallization. As the ammonia-to-sulfate ratios of the atmospheric H2SO4/NH3/H2O aerosol usually do not correspond to the stoichiometries of known crystalline substances, all solids are expected to occur in mixed-phase aerosol particles. This work highlights the potential importance of letovicite, whose role as cloud condensation nucleus (CCN) and as scatterer of solar radiation remains to be scrutinized

    Using rank data to estimate health state utility models

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    In this paper we report the estimation of conditional logistic regression models for the Health Utilities Index Mark 2 and the SF-6D, using ordinal preference data. The results are compared to the conventional regression models estimated from standard gamble data, and to the observed mean standard gamble health state valuations. For both the HUI2 and the SF-6D, the models estimated using ordinal data are broadly comparable to the models estimated on standard gamble data and the predictive performance of these models is close to that of the standard gamble models. Our research indicates that ordinal data have the potential to provide useful insights into community health state preferences. However, important questions remain

    Expression and genomic organization of zonadhesin-like genes in three species of fish give insight into the evolutionary history of a mosaic protein

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    BACKGROUND: The mosaic sperm protein zonadhesin (ZAN) has been characterized in mammals and is implicated in species-specific egg-sperm binding interactions. The genomic structure and testes-specific expression of zonadhesin is known for many mammalian species. All zonadhesin genes characterized to date consist of meprin A5 antigen receptor tyrosine phosphatase mu (MAM) domains, mucin tandem repeats, and von Willebrand (VWD) adhesion domains. Here we investigate the genomic structure and expression of zonadhesin-like genes in three species of fish. RESULTS: The cDNA and corresponding genomic locus of a zonadhesin-like gene (zlg) in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) were sequenced. Zlg is similar in adhesion domain content to mammalian zonadhesin; however, the domain order is altered. Analysis of puffer fish (Takifugu rubripes) and zebrafish (Danio rerio) sequence data identified zonadhesin (zan) genes that share the same domain order, content, and a conserved syntenic relationship with mammalian zonadhesin. A zonadhesin-like gene in D. rerio was also identified. Unlike mammalian zonadhesin, D. rerio zan and S. salar zlg were expressed in the gut and not in the testes. CONCLUSION: We characterized likely orthologs of zonadhesin in both T. rubripes and D. rerio and uncovered zonadhesin-like genes in S. salar and D. rerio. Each of these genes contains MAM, mucin, and VWD domains. While these domains are associated with several proteins that show prominent gut expression, their combination is unique to zonadhesin and zonadhesin-like genes in vertebrates. The expression patterns of fish zonadhesin and zonadhesin-like genes suggest that the reproductive role of zonadhesin evolved later in the mammalian lineage

    Plant-Mediated Rhizosphere Oxygenation in the Native Invasive Salt Marsh Grass Elymus athericus

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    In the last decades, the spread of Elymus athericus has caused significant changes to the plant community composition and ecosystem services of European marshes. The distribution of E. athericus was typically limited by soil conditions characteristic for high marshes, such as low flooding frequency and high soil aeration. However, recently the spread of E. athericus has begun to also include low-marsh environments. A high-marsh ecotype and a low-marsh ecotype of E. athericus have been described, where the latter possess habitat-specific phenotypic traits facilitating a better adaption for inhabiting low-marsh areas. In this study, planar optodes were applied to investigate plant-mediated sediment oxygenation in E. athericus, which is a characteristic trait for marsh plants inhabiting frequently flooded environments. Under waterlogged conditions, oxygen (O2) was translocated from aboveground sources to the roots, where it leaked out into the surrounding sediment generating oxic root zones below the sediment surface. Oxic root zones were clearly visible in the optode images, and no differences were found in the O2-leaking capacity between ecotypes. Concentration profiles measured perpendicular to the roots revealed that the radius of the oxic root zones ranged from 0.5 to 2.6 mm measured from the root surface to the bulk anoxic sediment. The variation of oxic root zones was monitored over three consecutive light–dark cycles (12 h/12 h). The O2 concentration of the oxic root zones was markedly reduced in darkness, yet the sediment still remained oxic in the immediate vicinity of the roots. Increased stomatal conductance improving the access to atmospheric O2 as well as photosynthetic O2 production are likely factors facilitating the improved rhizosphere oxygenation during light exposure of the aboveground biomass. E. athericus’ capacity to oxygenate its rhizosphere is an inheritable trait that may facilitate its spread into low-marsh areas. Furthermore, this trait makes E. athericus a highly competitive species in marshes facing the effects of accelerated sea-level rise, where waterlogged sediment conditions could become increasingly pronounced

    Lorentz-Shaped Comet Dust Trail Cross Section from New Hybrid Visual and Video Meteor Counting Technique - Implications for Future Leonid Storm Encounters

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    A new hybrid technique of visual and video meteor observations was developed to provide high precision near real-time flux measurements for satellite operators from airborne platforms. A total of 33,000 Leonids. recorded on video during the 1999 Leonid storm, were watched by a team of visual observers using a video head display and an automatic counting tool. The counts reveal that the activity profile of the Leonid storm is a Lorentz profile. By assuming a radial profile for the dust trail that is also a Lorentzian, we make predictions for future encounters. If that assumption is correct, we passed 0.0003 AU deeper into the 1899 trailet than expected during the storm of 1999 and future encounters with the 1866 trailet will be less intense than. predicted elsewhere

    Conservation implications of <i>Sabellaria spinulosa</i> reef patches in a dynamic sandy-bottom environment

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    Biogenic reefs form biodiversity hotspots and are key components of marine ecosystems, making them priority habitats for nature conservation. However, the conservation status of biogenic reefs generally depends on their size and stability. Dynamic, patchy reefs may therefore be excluded from protection. Here, we studied epibenthos and epifauna density, richness, and community composition of patchy, dynamic Sabellaria spinulosa (ross worm) reefs in the North Sea. This study was conducted by comparing boxcore (endobenthos) and video transect (epifauna) data from two research campaigns in 2017 and 2019 to the Brown Bank area on the Dutch Continental Shelf, where S. spinulosa reefs were first discovered in 2017. The Brown Bank area is characterized by dynamic, migratory bedforms at multiple scales which potentially affect biogenic reef stability. We showed that S. spinulosa habitats had a patchy distribution and alternated with habitats comprised of plain sand. Average S. spinulosa habitat patch size was 5.57 ± 0.99 m and 3.94 ± 0.22 m in 2017 and 2019 respectively (mean ± SE), which especially in 2019 closely resembled the small-scale megaripple bedforms. Contrary to the endobenthos communities that were unaffected by S. spinulosa, epifauna density and species richness were at least two times higher in S. spinulosa habitats compared to sandy habitats, resulting in different community compositions between the two habitat types. We showed that S. spinulosa persisted in the area for almost 2 years. Although the stability of individual patches remained unclear, we demonstrated that even patchy biogenic reefs may promote density and local biodiversity of mobile, epibenthic species, very likely as a result of increased habitat heterogeneity provided by reef habitat patches. This indicates that patchy biogenic reefs that occur in dynamic environments may also have high ecological value and their conservation status should be (re)considered to ensure their protection