598 research outputs found

    Distribution of some pectic and arabinogalactan protein epitopes during Solanum lycopersicum (L.) adventitious root development

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    Background: The adventitious roots (AR) of plants share the same function as primary and lateral roots (LR), although their development is mainly an adaptive reaction to stress conditions. Regeneration of grafted plants is often accompanied by AR formation thus making the grafting technique a good model for studying AR initiation and development and their means of emergence. Pectins and arabinogalactan proteins (AGP) are helpful markers of particular cellular events, such as programmed cell death (PCD), elongation, proliferation or other differentiation events that accompany AR development. However, little is known about the distribution of pectins and AGPs during AR ontogeny, either in the primordium or stem tissues from which AR arise or their correspondence with these events during LR formation. Results: AR were developed from different stem tissues such as parenchyma, xylem rays and the cambium, depending on the stem age and treatment (grafting versus cutting) of the parental tissue. Immunochemical analysis of the presence of pectic (LM8, LM19, LM20) and AGP (JIM8, JIM13, JIM16) epitopes in AR and AR-associated tissues showed differential, tissue-specific distributions of these epitopes. Two pectic epitopes (LM19, LM20) were developmentally regulated and the occurrence of the LM8 xylogalacturonan epitope in the root cap of the AR differed from other species described so far. AGP epitopes were abundantly present in the cytoplasmic compartments (mainly the tonoplast) and were correlated with the degree of cell vacuolisation. JIM8 and JIM13 epitopes were detected in the more advanced stages of primordium development, whereas the JIM16 epitope was present from the earliest division events of the initial AR cells. The comparison between AR and LR showed quantitative (AGP,) and qualitative (pectins) differences. Conclusion: The chemical compositions of adventitious and lateral root cells show differences that correlate with the different origins of these cells. In AR, developmental changes in the distribution of pectins and AGP suggest the turnover of wall compounds. Our data extend the knowledge about the distribution of pectin and AGP during non-embryogenic root development in a species that is important from an agronomic point of view

    The Star Formation Rate Function of the Local Universe

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    We have derived the bivariate luminosity function for the far ultraviolet (1530Angstroms) and far infrared (60 microns). We used matched GALEX and IRAS data, and redshifts from NED and PSC-z. We have derived a total star formation luminosity function phi(L_{tot}), with L_{tot} = L_{FUV}+L_{FIR}. Using these, we determined the cosmic ``star formation rate'' function and density for the local universe. The total SFR function is fit very well by a log-normal distribution over five decades of luminosity. We find that the bivariate luminosity function phi(L_{FUV},L_{FIR}) shows a bimodal behavior, with L_{FIR} tracking L_{FUV} for L_{TOT}< 10^10 L_sun, and L_{FUV} saturating at 10^10 L_sun, while L_{TOT} L_{FIR} for higher luminosities. We also calculate the SFR density and compare it to other measurements.Comment: This paper will be published as part of the Galaxy Evolution Explorer (GALEX) Astrophysical Journal Letters Special Issue. Links to the full set of papers will be available at http:/www.galex.caltech.edu/PUBLICATIONS/ after November 22, 200

    UV emission and Star Formation in Stephan's Quintet

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    we present the first GALEX UV images of the well known interacting group of galaxies, Stephan's Quintet (SQ). We detect widespread UV emission throughout the group. However, there is no consistent coincidence between UV structure and emission in the optical, H\alpha, or HI. Excluding the foreground galaxy NGC7320 (Sd), most of the UV emission is found in regions associated with the two spiral members of the group, NGC7319 and NGC7318b, and the intragroup medium starburst SQ-A. The extinction corrected UV data are analyzed to investigate the overall star formation activity in SQ. It is found that the total star formation rate (SFR) of SQ is 6.69+-0.65 M_\sun/yr. Among this, 1.34+-0.16 M_sun/yr is due to SQ-A. This is in excellent agreement with that derived from extinction corrected H\alpha luminosity of SQ-A. The SFR in regions related to NGC 7319 is 1.98+-0.58 M_\sun/yr, most of which(68%) is contributed by the disk. The contribution from the 'young tail' is only 15%. In the UV, the 'young tail' is more extended (~100 kpc) and shows a loop-like structure, including the optical tail, the extragalactic HII regions recently discovered in H\alpha, and other UV emission regions discovered for the first time. The UV and optical colors of the 'old tail' are consistent with a single stellar population of age t ~10^{8.5+-0.4} yrs. The UV emission associated with NGC 7318b is found in a very large (~80 kpc) disk, with a net SFR of 3.37+-0.25 M_sun/yr. Several large UV emission regions are 30 -- 40 kpc away from the nucleus of NGC7318b. Although both NGC7319 and NGC7318b show peculiar UV morphology, their SFR is consistent with that of normal Sbc galaxies, indicating that the strength of star formation activity is not enhenced by interactions.Comment: This paper will be published as part of the Galaxy Evolution Explorer(GALEX) Astrophysical Journal Letters Special Issue. Links to the full set of papers will be available at http:/www.galex.caltech.edu/PUBLICATIONS/ after November 22, 200

    Recent star formation in nearby galaxies from GALEX imaging:M101 and M51

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    The GALEX (Galaxy Evolution Explorer) Nearby Galaxies Survey is providing deep far-UV and near-UV imaging for a representative sample of galaxies in the local universe. We present early results for M51 and M101, from GALEX UV imaging and SDSS optical data in five bands. The multi-band photometry of compact stellar complexes in M101 is compared to population synthesis models, to derive ages, reddening, reddening-corrected luminosities and current/initial masses. The GALEX UV photometry provides a complete census of young compact complexes on a approximately 160pc scale. A galactocentric gradient of the far-UV - near-UV color indicates younger stellar populations towards the outer parts of the galaxy disks, the effect being more pronounced in M101 than in M51.Comment: This paper will be published as part of the Galaxy Evolution Explorer (GALEX) Astrophysical Journal Letters Special Issue. Full paper available from http://dolomiti.pha.jhu.edu . Links to full set of papers will be available at http://www.galex.caltech.edu/PUBLICATIONS/ after November 22, 200

    UV and FIR selected star-forming galaxies at z=0: differences and overlaps

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    We study two samples of local galaxies, one is UV (GALEX) selected and the other FIR (IRAS) selected, to address the question whether UV and FIR surveys see the two sides ('bright' and 'dark') of the star formation of the same population of galaxies or two different populations of star forming galaxies. No significant difference between the Ltot_{tot} (=L60+LFUV=L_{60}+L_{FUV}) luminosity functions of the UV and FIR samples is found. Also, after the correction for the `Malmquist bias' (bias for flux limited samples), the FIR-to-UV ratio v.s. Ltot_{tot} relations of the two samples are consistent with each other. In the range of 9 \la \log(L_{tot}/L_\sun) \la 12, both can be approximated by a simple linear relation of \log (L_{60}/L_{FUV})=\log(L_{tot}/L_\sun)-9.66. These are consistent with the hypothesis that the two samples represent the same population of star forming galaxies, and their well documented differences in Ltot_{tot} and in FIR-to-UV ratio are due only to the selection effect. A comparison between the UV luminosity functions shows marginal evidence for a population of faint UV galaxies missing in the FIR selected sample. The contribution from these 'FIR-quiet' galaxies to the overall UV population is insignificant, given that the K-band luminosity functions (i.e. the stellar mass functions) of the two samples do not show any significant difference.Comment: 21 pages, 7 figures. Accepted by Ap

    GALEX Ultraviolet Photometry of Globular Clusters in M31

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    We present ultraviolet photometry for globular clusters (GCs) in M31 from 15 square deg of imaging using the Galaxy Evolution Explorer (GALEX). We detect 200 and 94 GCs with certainty in the near-ultraviolet (NUV; 1750 - 2750 Angstroms) and far-ultraviolet (FUV; 1350 - 1750 Angstroms) bandpasses, respectively. Our rate of detection is about 50% in the NUV and 23% in the FUV, to an approximate limiting V magnitude of 19. Out of six clusters with [Fe/H]>-1 seen in the NUV, none is detected in the FUV bandpass. Furthermore, we find no candidate metal-rich clusters with significant FUV flux, because of the contribution of blue horizontal-branch (HB) stars, such as NGC 6388 and NGC 6441, which are metal-rich Galactic GCs with hot HB stars. We show that our GALEX photometry follows the general color trends established in previous UV studies of GCs in M31 and the Galaxy. Comparing our data with Galactic GCs in the UV and with population synthesis models, we suggest that the age range of M31 and Galactic halo GCs are similar.Comment: This paper will be published as part of the Galaxy Evolution Explorer (GALEX) Astrophysical Journal Letters Special Issue. Links to the full set of papers will be available at http://www.galex.caltech.edu/PUBLICATIONS/ after November 22, 200

    GALEX UV Color Relations for Nearby Early-Type Galaxies

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    We use GALEX/optical photometry to construct color-color relationships for early-type galaxies sorted by morphological type. We have matched objects in the GALEX GR1 public release and the first IR1.1 internal release, with the RC3 early-type galaxies having a morphological type -5.5<T<-1.5 with mean error in T<1.5, and mean error on (B-V)T<0.05. After visual inspection of each match, we are left with 130 galaxies with a reliable GALEX pipeline photometry in the far-UV and near-UV bands. This sample is divided into Ellipticals (-5.5<T<-3.5) and Lenticulars (-3.5<T<-1.5). After correction for the Galactic extinction, the color-color diagrams FUV-NUV vs. (B-V)_{Tc} are plotted for the two subsamples. We find a tight anti-correlation between the FUV-NUV and (B-V)_{Tc} colors for Ellipticals, the UV color getting bluer when the (B-V)_{Tc} get redder. This relationship very likely is an extension of the color-metallicity relationship into the GALEX NUV band. We suspect that the main source of the correlation is metal line blanketing in the NUV band. The FUV-NUV vs B-V correlation has larger scatter for lenticular galaxies; we speculate this reflects the presence of low level star formation. If the latter objects (i.e. those that are blue both in FUV-NUV and B-V) are interpreted as harboring recent star formation activity, this would be the case for a few percent (~4%) of Ellipticals and ~15% of Lenticulars; this would make about 10% of early-type galaxies with residual star formation in our full sample of 130 early-type galaxies. We also plot FUV-NUV vs. the Mg_2 index and central velocity dispersion. We find a tight anti-correlation between FUV-NUV and the Mg_2 index(...).Comment: 25 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in ApJS (abstract abridged), typos corrected in section 2.

    The On-Orbit Performance of the Galaxy Evolution Explorer

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    We report the first year on-orbit performance results for the Galaxy Evolution Explorer (GALEX), a NASA Small Explorer that is performing a survey of the sky in two ultraviolet bands. The instrument comprises a 50 cm diameter modified Ritchey-Chretien telescope with a 1.25 degree field of view, selectable imaging and objective grism spectroscopic modes, and an innovative optical system with a thin-film multilayer dichroic beam splitter that enables simultaneous imaging by a pair of photon counting, microchannel plate, delay line readout detectors. Initial measurements demonstrate that GALEX is performing well, meeting its requirements for resolution, efficiency, astrometry, bandpass definition and survey sensitivity.Comment: This paper will be published as part of the Galaxy Evolution Explorer (GALEX) Astrophysical Journal Letters Special Issu

    Ovine trophoblasts express cathelicidin host defence peptide in response to infection

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    Cationic host defence peptides (CHDP; also known as antimicrobial peptides) are key components of the immune response in the female reproductive tract. The role of the placental trophoblast in ovine host defence remains poorly understood. This study characterises expression of genes for cathelicidin and defensin peptides in primary ovine placental tissues, the ovine trophoblast cell line (AH-1) and in response to the TLR-4 ligand LPS, the abortifacient organism Waddlia chondrophila and 1alpha,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3. Using RT-PCR, expression of the CHDP SMAP-29, sBD-1 and sBD-2 was assessed in the AH-1 cell line in response to LPS, 1alpha,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 exposure (a known stimulator of cathelicidin gene expression), or W. chondrophila infection. Expression of cathelicidin in the trophoblast compartment of the ovine placenta and in the ovine trophoblast cell line (AH-1) was also established. AH-1 cells did not upregulate expression of CHDP in response to LPS, but sBD-1 and sBD-2 expression was significantly increased in response to W. chondrophila infection. SMAP-29 expression was not altered by in vitro exposure to 1alpha,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3. This study demonstrates that the ovine trophoblast expresses cathelicidins, but does not upregulate expression of CHDP in response to LPS. Ovine trophoblasts are shown to differentially regulate expression of CHDP and lack a demonstrable vitamin D-mediated cathelicidin response
