90 research outputs found

    Computerunterstützte Sacherschließung mit dem Digitalen Assistenten (DA-2)

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    Wir beschreiben den Digitalen Assistenten DA-2, den wir zur Unterstützung der Sacherschliessung im IBS-Verbund implementiert haben. Diese webbasierte Anwendung ist eine vollständige Neuimplementierung, welche die Erkenntnisse des Vorgängersystems bei der Zentralbibliothek Zürich berücksichtigt. Wir stellen Überlegungen zur Zukunft der Sacherschliessung an und geben eine Übersicht über Projekte mit ähnlichen Zielsetzungen, die Sacherschließung mit Computerunterstützung effizienter und besser zu gestalten. We describe the digital assistant DA-2 which we have implemented to support the subject indexing process in the IBS-Verbund. This web-based service is a new implementation from scratch based on the lessons learned with its predecessor used by the Zentralbibliothek Zürich. We also discuss the future of intellectual subject indexing and we give an overview on related projects also aiming at digitizing and economizing this challenging process

    Der Digitale Assistent DA-3: Eine Plattform für die Inhaltserschließung

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    Der "Digitale Assistent" DA-3 ist ein webbasiertes Tool zur maschinellen Unterstützung der intellektuellen verbalen und klassifikatorischen Inhaltserschließung. Im Frühjahr 2016 wurde einer breiteren Fachöffentlichkeit die zunächst für den Einsatz im IBS|BW-Konsortium[1] konzipierte Vorgängerversion DA-2 vorgestellt. Die Community nahm die Entwicklung vor dem Hintergrund der strategischen Diskussionen um zukunftsfähige Verfahren der Inhaltserschließung mit großem Interesse auf. Inzwischen wird das Tool in einem auf drei Jahre angelegten Kooperationsprojekt zwischen der Firma Eurospider Information Technology, dem IBS|BW-Konsortium, der Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin und den beiden Verbundzentralen VZG und BSZ zu einem zentralen und leistungsstarken Service weiterentwickelt. Die ersten Anwenderbibliotheken in SWB und GBV setzen den DA-3 während dieser Projektphase bereits erfolgreich ein, am Ende ist die Überführung in den Routinebetrieb vorgesehen. Der Beitrag beschreibt den derzeitigen Stand und Nutzen des Projekts im Kontext der aktuellen Rahmenbedingungen, stellt ausführlich die Funktionalitäten des DA-3 vor, gibt einen kleinen Einblick hinter die Kulissen der Projektpartner und einen Ausblick auf kommende Entwicklungsschritte.   [1] IBS steht für “Integriertes Bibliothekssystem” - ursprünglich ein Verbund von 54 Universitäts-, Landes- und Hochschulbibliotheken in Baden-Württemberg, die die Bibliothekssoftware aDIS/BMS benutzen, wurde das Konsortium Anfang 2018 auf alle Universitäts-, Landes- und Hochschulbibliotheken von Baden-Württemberg ausgeweitet.Summary: The “digital assistent" DA-3 is a web-based tool to assist intellectual verbal and classificatory subject cataloguing. The preceding version DA-2 was designed for application in the IBS|BW-Konsortium1 and was presented to a broader professional public in spring 2016. Amid strategic discussions about a sustainable content indexing the community received this development with great interest. Currently, the tool is being developed to a pivotal and powerful service in a collaborative project between Eurospider Information Technology, IBS|BW-Konsortium, Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin and VZG and BSZ, the two head offices of GBV and SWB, termed to last for three years. The first client libraries in SWB and GBV are successfully working with the DA-3, while it is still under development. The transition to routine use is scheduled for the end of the project phase. The article describes the status quo of the project and its benefit in context of current framework conditions. It presents the features of the DA-3 in detail, offers a glance behind the scenes of the project partners and outlines future development steps

    Vergleichsstudie von Systemansätzen für das Schnellladen von Elektrofahrzeugen

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    One of the major challenges for a global success of electric vehicles is to meet customer\u27s expectations to a user–friendly charging infrastructure. The technology of fast charging of electric vehicles offers electric vehicle users the opportunity to travel in excess of the car’s range. Therefore, various system approaches and standards for fast charging of electric vehicles have been developed in several countries and by different manufacturers. Within the scope of this study existing approaches of system designs for fast charging of electric vehicles in different regions (China/Europe/USA/Japan) have been analyzed in terms of their technical, economical and legal feasibility. For this purpose the general system for fast charging has been defined and several evaluation criterions have been determined. Based on the system, the regarded system approaches have been compared due to their different features and abilities. To expedite the comprehensive implementation of the fast charging technology, it is recommended that the proponents of the different system approaches will work together to benefit from their respective experience. Consequently, they are able to accelerate the joint use of the large technically and economically useful potential of fast charging

    Conserved genes and pathways in primary human fibroblast strains undergoing replicative and radiation induced senescence

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    Additional file 3: Figure S3. Regulation of genes of Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy pathway during senescence induction in HFF strains Genes of the “Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy” pathway which are significantly up- (green) and down- (red) regulated (log2 fold change >1) during irradiation induced senescence (120 h after 20 Gy irradiation) in HFF strains. Orange color signifies genes which are commonly up-regulated during both, irradiation induced and replicative senescence

    On the compatibility of retrieval functions, preference relations, and document descriptions

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    Cross-Language Information Retrieval in a Multilingual Legal Domain

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    . We describe here the application of a cross-language information retrieval technique based on similarity thesauri in the domain of Swiss law. We present the theory of similarity thesauri, which are information structures deerived from corpora, and show how they can be used for cross-language retrieval. We also discuss the collections of Swiss legal documents and show how we have used them to construct an environment in which we can directly evaluate the performance of our cross-language retrieval system. Evaluation shows that cross-language retrieval works equally as well as monolingual retrieval in the best case. We conclude that providing cross-language access to digital libraries is already a viable possibility. 1 Introduction One of the great benefits of digital libraries is the ability to make information available to a wide audience without geographic constraints. As large-scale digital libraries contribute to the dismantling of the geographic barriers to information access ho..

    On the expressive power of Query languages

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    Portalspezifische Informationssuche für den Kanton Zürich

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