16 research outputs found

    Автоматизация доставки, установки и обновления лицензированного программного обеспечения на базе веб-сервиса UTS Marketplace

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    Работа посвящена проектированию и разработке информационной системы для автоматизации процессов лицензирования и доставки программного обеспечения на устройства клиентов, его своевременного обновления и контроля за его исполнением. Разрабатываемая информационная система состоит из web-сервисов, интегрируемых с сервисом цифрового распространения программного обеспечения UTS Marketplace и кроссплатформенного desktop-клиента UTS Launcher. Результаты работы позволят в значительной мере автоматизировать бизнес-процессы компании ООО "Универсальные терминал системы".The work is devoted to the design and development of an information system for automating licensing and software delivery processes to customer devices, its timely updating and monitoring of its execution. The developed information system consists of web services that are integrated with the UTS Marketplace software digital distribution service and the UTS Launcher cross-platform desktop client. The results of the work will significantly automate the business processes of the company Universal Terminal Systems LLC

    Технология и техника сооружения поисково-оценочных скважин на Майском месторождении алмазов (Республика Саха (Якутия))

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    Объектом исследования является кимберлитовая руда на объекте "Майское". Цель работы: составление проекта на бурение поисково-оценочных скважин; геологическое изучение объекта; разработка технологии проведе-ния поисковых работ на участке; разработка управления и организации работ на объекте. В процессе проектирования проводились: выбор бурового оборудования; поверочный расчет выбранного оборудования; расчет режимных параметров; анализ вредных и опасных факторов при проведении геологоразведочных работ и меры по их предупреждению; выбор вспомогательного оборудования и организации работ; сметно-финансовый расчет.The object of the study is kimberlite ore at the Mayskoye facility. The purpose of the work: preparation of the project for the drilling of exploration and evaluation wells; geological study of the object; development of technology for prospecting works on the site; development of management and organization of works on the site. In the process of design were carried out: selection of drilling equipment; calibration calculation of the selected equipment; calculation of operating parameters; analysis of harmful and dangerous factors during exploration and measures to prevent them; selection of auxiliary equipment and organization of wo

    More than Just Two Sexes : the Neural Correlates of Voice Gender Perception in Gender Dysphoria

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    Gender dysphoria (also known as "transsexualism") is characterized as a discrepancy between anatomical sex and gender identity. Research points towards neurobiological influences. Due to the sexually dimorphic characteristics of the human voice, voice gender perception provides a biologically relevant function, e.g. in the context of mating selection. There is evidence for a better recognition of voices of the opposite sex and a differentiation of the sexes in its underlying functional cerebral correlates, namely the prefrontal and middle temporal areas. This fMRI study investigated the neural correlates of voice gender perception in 32 male-to-female gender dysphoric individuals (MtFs) compared to 20 non-gender dysphoric men and 19 non-gender dysphoric women. Participants indicated the sex of 240 voice stimuli modified in semitone steps in the direction to the other gender. Compared to men and women, MtFs showed differences in a neural network including the medial prefrontal gyrus, the insula, and the precuneus when responding to male vs. female voices. With increased voice morphing men recruited more prefrontal areas compared to women and MtFs, while MtFs revealed a pattern more similar to women. On a behavioral and neuronal level, our results support the feeling of MtFs reporting they cannot identify with their assigned sex

    Data from: More than just two sexes: the neural correlates of voice gender perception in gender dysphoria

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    Gender dysphoria (also known as “transsexualism”) is characterized as a discrepancy between anatomical sex and gender identity. Research points towards neurobiological influences. Due to the sexually dimorphic characteristics of the human voice, voice gender perception provides a biologically relevant function, e.g. in the context of mating selection. There is evidence for a better recognition of voices of the opposite sex and a differentiation of the sexes in its underlying functional cerebral correlates, namely the prefrontal and middle temporal areas. This fMRI study investigated the neural correlates of voice gender perception in 32 male-to-female gender dysphoric individuals (MtFs) compared to 20 non-gender dysphoric men and 19 non-gender dysphoric women. Participants indicated the sex of 240 voice stimuli modified in semitone steps in the direction to the other gender. Compared to men and women, MtFs showed differences in a neural network including the medial prefrontal gyrus, the insula, and the precuneus when responding to male vs. female voices. With increased voice morphing men recruited more prefrontal areas compared to women and MtFs, while MtFs revealed a pattern more similar to women. On a behavioral and neuronal level, our results support the feeling of MtFs reporting they cannot identify with their assigned sex

    Characteristics of the sample (mean and standard deviations for age, education, IQ, hormonal level and sexual orientation) and group comparisons.

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    <p>Significant differences are marked in asterisk.</p>A<p>significant difference with respect to all three other groups, <i>p</i> = 0.008 Bonferroni corrected.</p>B<p>significant differences with respect to men and MtF untreated, <i>p</i> = 0.008 Bonferroni corrected.</p>C<p>significant differences with respect to MtF treated, <i>p</i> = 0.008 Bonferroni corrected.</p>D<p>respective data are missing in one man and one woman.</p><p>Characteristics of the sample (mean and standard deviations for age, education, IQ, hormonal level and sexual orientation) and group comparisons.</p

    Comparisons between groups and voice gender.

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    <p>Stronger activation/less deactivation in a) men compared to MtFs and b) women compared to MtFs for the processing of male vs. female original voices with no significant results for the opposite interactions ([MtF 0m > MtF 0w] > [men/women 0m > men/women 0w]; MNI coordinates, p<0.05 Monte Carlo corrected, k =  cluster extension).</p><p>*significant at SPM cluster level (p<0.0125 Bonferroni corrected).</p><p>Comparisons between groups and voice gender.</p

    Behavioral outcome measures.

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    <p>Mean percentage of hits and reaction times (in seconds) for correct responses, discrimination sensitivity (d-prime) and answering bias (log ß) in response to male and female voices of the different morphing steps in semitones (st) for men, women and MtFs.</p><p>Behavioral outcome measures.</p

    Graduate voice gender morphing.

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    <p>A. Contrast estimates of stronger activation in men as compared to women (blue) in the right SFG (peak voxel 15 5 52) for increasing morphing degree plotted for all 8 conditions. B. Contrast estimates of stronger activation in men as compared to MtFs (blue) in the right SFG (peak voxel 27 −1 46) for increasing morphing degree plotted for all 8 conditions (p<0.05 Monte Carlo corrected, extent threshold  = 20 voxels).</p

    Interaction between original voice sex and group (p<0.05 Monte Carlo corrected, extent threshold  = 20 voxels).

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    <p>Male vs. female voices in men compared to MtFs (blue) and in women compared to MtFs (red).Parameter estimates are shown separately for male (0 m) and female (0 w) voices for men, women and MtFs A: left hemisphere, B: right hemisphere.</p