2,907 research outputs found

    Determination of aspartate kinase activity in maize tissues

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    Lysine, threonine, methionine and isoleucine are synthesized from aspartate in a branched pathway in higher plants. Aspartate kinase plays a key role in the control of the aspartate pathway. The enzyme is very sensitive to manipulation and storage and the hydroxamate assay normally used to determine aspartate kinase activity has to be altered according to the plant species and tissue to be analyzed. We have optimized the assay for the determination of aspartate kinase in maize plants callus cell cultures. Among all the assay parameters tested, the concentration of ATP/Mg and temperature were critical for enzyme activity. In the case of temperature, 35°C was shown to be the optimum temperature for aspartate kinase activity.Lisina, treonina, metionina e isoleucina são derivados do aspartato. Aspartato quinase tem um papel chave no controle da via metabólica do aspartato. A enzima é muito sensível à manipulação e armazenagem e o ensaio enzimático do hidroxamato que é normalmente utilizado para determinar a atividade da aspartato quinase deve ser alterado de acordo com a espécie de planta e tecido vegetal a ser analisado. Nós otimizamos o ensaio para a determinação da atividade da aspartato quinase em culturas celulares de calos de milho. Entre os vários parâmetros testados do ensaio, a concentração de ATP/Mg e temperatura foram críticos para atividade enzimática. No caso da temperatura, 35°C foi a temperatura ótima para atividade da aspartato quinase

    Distribuição de aminoácidos solúveis em endospermas mutantes de milho

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    For human nutrition the main source of vegetable proteins are cereal and legume seeds. The content of total soluble amino acids in mature endosperm of wild-type, opaque and floury maize (Zea mays L.) mutants were determined by HPLC. The total absolute concentration of soluble amino acids among the mutants varied depending on the mutant. The o11 and o13 mutants exhibited the highest average content, whereas o10, fl3 and fl1 exhibited the lowest average content. In general, the mutants exhibited similar concentrations of total soluble amino acids when compared to the wild-type lines, with the clear exception of mutants o11 and fl1, with the o11 mutant exhibiting a higher concentration of total soluble amino acids when compared to its wild-type counterpart W22 and the fl1 mutant a lower concentration when compared to its wild-type counterpart Oh43. For methionine, the mutants o2 and o11 and wild-type Oh43 exhibited the highest concentrations of this amino acid. Significant differences were not observed between mutants for other amino acids such as lysine and threonine. The high lysine concentrations obtained originally for these mutants may be due to the amino acids incorporated into storage proteins, but not those present in the soluble form.A principal fonte de proteínas vegetais para alimentação humana e animal é fornecida pelos grãos de cereais e leguminosas. O conteúdo de aminoácidos solúveis totais foi determinado por HPLC em endospermas de milho (Zea mays L.) normal e mutantes opaco e floury. A concentração de aminoácidos solúveis totais variou entre os mutantes. Os mutantes o11 e o13 se destacaram com médias superiores, enquanto que mutantes o10, fl3 e fl1 apresentaram as menores médias. De maneira geral, para a concentração total de aminoácidos solúveis, os grãos dos mutantes foram similares aos seus tipos selvagens com exceção dos mutantes o11 e fl1 sendo que o primeiro apresentou valor maior que seu tipo selvagem W22, enquanto que o fl1 teve valor menor que o Oh43. Para metionina, os mutantes o2 e o11 e o tipo selvagem Oh43 apresentaram as mais altas concentrações deste aminoácido. Valores similares foram observados entre os mutantes e os tipos selvagens para concentração de outros aminoácidos analisados, tais como lisina e treonina. As altas concentrações sugeridas originalmente para estes mutantes devem ser devidas aos níveis destes aminoácidos incorporados nas proteínas de reserva, mas não na forma solúvel.9196Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq

    Distribuição de aminoácidos solúveis em endospermas mutantes de milho

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    A principal fonte de proteínas vegetais para alimentação humana e animal é fornecida pelos grãos de cereais e leguminosas. O conteúdo de aminoácidos solúveis totais foi determinado por HPLC em endospermas de milho (Zea mays L.) normal e mutantes opaco e floury. A concentração de aminoácidos solúveis totais variou entre os mutantes. Os mutantes o11 e o13 se destacaram com médias superiores, enquanto que mutantes o10, fl3 e fl1 apresentaram as menores médias. De maneira geral, para a concentração total de aminoácidos solúveis, os grãos dos mutantes foram similares aos seus tipos selvagens com exceção dos mutantes o11 e fl1 sendo que o primeiro apresentou valor maior que seu tipo selvagem W22, enquanto que o fl1 teve valor menor que o Oh43. Para metionina, os mutantes o2 e o11 e o tipo selvagem Oh43 apresentaram as mais altas concentrações deste aminoácido. Valores similares foram observados entre os mutantes e os tipos selvagens para concentração de outros aminoácidos analisados, tais como lisina e treonina. As altas concentrações sugeridas originalmente para estes mutantes devem ser devidas aos níveis destes aminoácidos incorporados nas proteínas de reserva, mas não na forma solúvel.For human nutrition the main source of vegetable proteins are cereal and legume seeds. The content of total soluble amino acids in mature endosperm of wild-type, opaque and floury maize (Zea mays L.) mutants were determined by HPLC. The total absolute concentration of soluble amino acids among the mutants varied depending on the mutant. The o11 and o13 mutants exhibited the highest average content, whereas o10, fl3 and fl1 exhibited the lowest average content. In general, the mutants exhibited similar concentrations of total soluble amino acids when compared to the wild-type lines, with the clear exception of mutants o11 and fl1, with the o11 mutant exhibiting a higher concentration of total soluble amino acids when compared to its wild-type counterpart W22 and the fl1 mutant a lower concentration when compared to its wild-type counterpart Oh43. For methionine, the mutants o2 and o11 and wild-type Oh43 exhibited the highest concentrations of this amino acid. Significant differences were not observed between mutants for other amino acids such as lysine and threonine. The high lysine concentrations obtained originally for these mutants may be due to the amino acids incorporated into storage proteins, but not those present in the soluble form

    Ecohydrodynamics of Cold-Water Coral Reefs:A Case Study of the Mingulay Reef Complex (Western Scotland)

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    Ecohydrodynamics investigates the hydrodynamic constraints on ecosystems across different temporal and spatial scales. Ecohydrodynamics play a pivotal role in the structure and functioning of marine ecosystems, however the lack of integrated complex flow models for deep-water ecosystems beyond the coastal zone prevents further synthesis in these settings. We present a hydrodynamic model for one of Earth's most biologically diverse deep-water ecosystems, cold-water coral reefs. The Mingulay Reef Complex (western Scotland) is an inshore seascape of cold-water coral reefs formed by the scleractinian coral Lophelia pertusa. We applied single-image edge detection and composite front maps using satellite remote sensing, to detect oceanographic fronts and peaks of chlorophyll a values that likely affect food supply to corals and other suspension-feeding fauna. We also present a high resolution 3D ocean model to incorporate salient aspects of the regional and local oceanography. Model validation using in situ current speed, direction and sea elevation data confirmed the model's realistic representation of spatial and temporal aspects of circulation at the reef complex including a tidally driven current regime, eddies, and downwelling phenomena. This novel combination of 3D hydrodynamic modelling and remote sensing in deep-water ecosystems improves our understanding of the temporal and spatial scales of ecological processes occurring in marine systems. The modelled information has been integrated into a 3D GIS, providing a user interface for visualization and interrogation of results that allows wider ecological application of the model and that can provide valuable input for marine biodiversity and conservation applications

    Use of the Alaskan Beaufort Sea by Bowhead Whales (Balaena mysticetus) Tagged with Satellite Transmitters, 2006 – 18

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    We used satellite telemetry to examine bowhead whale movement behavior, residence times, and dive behavior in the Alaskan Beaufort Sea, 2006 – 18. We explored the timing and duration of use of three subregions (western, central, eastern) within the Alaskan Beaufort Sea and applied a two-state switching state-space model to infer bowhead whale behavior state as either transiting or lingering. Transiting whales made direct movements whereas lingering whales changed direction frequently and were presumably feeding. In spring, whales migrated across the Alaskan Beaufort Sea in 7.17 ± 0.41 days, primarily off the continental shelf over deep water. During the autumn migration, whales spent over twice as much time crossing the Alaskan Beaufort Sea than in spring, averaging 18.66 ± 2.30 days, spending 10.05 ± 1.22 days in the western subregion near Point Barrow. Most whales remained on the shelf during the autumn migration and frequently dove to the seafloor, where they spent 45% of their time regardless of behavioral state. Consistent dive behavior in autumn suggests that the whales were looking for food while migrating, and the identification of lingering locations likely reflects feeding. The lack of lingering locations in the eastern and central subregions suggests that prey densities are rarely sufficient to warrant whales pausing their migration for multiple days, unlike in the western subregion near Point Barrow, where bowhead whales regularly lingered for long periods of time.À l’aide de la télémétrie satellitaire, nous avons examiné les comportements de déplacement des baleines boréales, leurs temps de séjour et leurs comportements de plongée dans les eaux alaskiennes de la mer de Beaufort entre 2006 et 2018. Nous avons exploré le moment et la durée d’utilisation de trois sous-régions (ouest, centre et est) des eaux alaskiennes de la mer de Beaufort et appliqué un modèle à changement binaire espace-état afin de déduire l’état du comportement des baleines boréales comme étant soit en mode transit, soit en mode flânerie. Les baleines en mode transit se déplaçaient de manière directe, tandis que celles en mode flânerie changeaient souvent de direction et étaient probablement en train de se nourrir. Au printemps, les baleines migraient dans les eaux alaskiennes de la mer de Beaufort en 7,17 ± 0,41 jours, principalement au large du plateau continental, dans les profondeurs. Durant la migration automnale, les baleines passaient plus de deux fois plus de temps à traverser les eaux alaskiennes de la mer de Beaufort qu’au printemps, en moyenne 18,66 ± 2,30 jours, passant 10,05 ± 1,22 jours dans la sous-région de l’ouest, près de Point Barrow. Pendant la migration automnale, la plupart des baleines restaient dans le plateau continental et plongeaient souvent jusqu’au plancher océanique, où elles passaient 45 % de leur temps, peu importe leur état de comportement. À l’automne, le comportement de plongée régulier suggère que les baleines étaient à la recherche de nourriture pendant leur migration, et les lieux où elles flânaient étaient vraisemblablement indicateurs d’un mode d’alimentation. L’absence de lieux de flânerie dans les sous-régions de l’est et du centre suggère que la densité des proies est rarement suffisante pour que les baleines justifient d’interrompre leur migration pendant plusieurs jours, contrairement à la sous-région de l’ouest, près de Point Barrow, où les baleines boréales flânaient régulièrement pendant de longues périodes

    Manipulação de cereais para acúmulo de lisina em sementes

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    A lisina é um aminoácido essencial cuja via de biossíntese faz parte da via metabólica do ácido aspártico, pela qual são também sintetizados os aminoácidos treonina, metionina e isoleucina. Além disso, a lisina é o principal aminoácido limitante em todos os cereais e por cerca de 30 anos a via do ácido aspártico tem sido estudada em plantas, com o intuito de desvendar e caracterizar os principais pontos chave na regulação das vias de biossíntese desses aminoácidos. Duas etapas distintas, uma primeira originada a partir do desenvolvimento da cultura de tecidos (anos 70-80) e a segunda a partir do desenvolvimento de técnicas para a transformação de plantas (anos 90), permitiram que mutantes bioquímicos e plantas trangênicas fossem produzidos com alterações específicas em passos metabólicos chave, levando à superprodução e acúmulo de treonina em vários tecidos das plantas. Entretanto, a acumulação de lisina em sementes não foi obtida. Tal fato, associado a estudos bioquímicos da via de degradação da lisina em cereais e em leguminosas, indicou que a manipulação da degradação seria tão ou mais importante que a manipulação da biossíntese de lisina para o acúmulo deste aminoácido em sementes dos cereais . Em milho, o uso e estudo de outros mutantes tais como o opaco-2 e variedades QPM (Quality Protein Maize) contribuíram significativamente para a compreensão dos eventos regulatórios. As estratégias para a obtenção de materiais ricos em lisina e sua relevância à manipulação de outros aminoácidos são revisados.The nutrition value of a protein is directly related to its amino acid composition. Some of these amino acids, termed essential amino acids, cannot be synthesized by humans and therefore must be supplied in the diet for adults and in particular for infants and children. Lysine is an essential amino acid synthesized via the aspartic acid metabolic pathway, in which threonine, methionine and isoleucine are also endproducts. Moreover, lysine is the first limiting amino acid in all cereal grains. For over 30 years, the aspartic acid metabolic pathway has been studied in higher plants with the aim of identifying and characterizing the key regulatory points controlling the biosynthetic pathway. Two clear distinct time periods, one begining with the development of tissue culture techniques (1970-80's) and the second with the development of plant transformation techniques (90's), has encouraged the production of biochemical mutants and transgenic plants with specific alterations in key enzymes of the pathway, leading to the overproduction and accumulation of threonine in all plant tissues. However, the accumulation of lysine in seeds has been particularly difficult to achieve. Such an observation, associated with the recent biochemical studies on lysine degradation in cereal and legume plant species, has indicated that the manipulation of lysine degradation is as important as the manipulation of lysine synthesis, if the goal of accumulating this amino acid in cereal seeds is to be achieved. In maize, the study and use of other mutants such as the opaque-2 and QPM (Quality Protein Maize) varieties, has contributed significantly to our understanding of the regulatory aspects of the aspartate pathway. The strategies of obtaining cereals rich in lysine and their relevance to the manipulation of other amino acids have been discussed

    The expression of ovine placental lactogen, StAR and progesterone-associated steroidogenic enzymes in placentae of overnourished growing adolescent ewes.

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    Overnourishing pregnant adolescent sheep promotes maternal growth but reduces placental mass, lamb birth weight and circulating progesterone. This study aimed to determine whether altered progesterone reflected transcript abundance for StAR (cholesterol transporter) and the steroidogenic enzymes (Cyp11A1, Hsd3b and Cyp17). Circulating and placental expression of ovine placental lactogen (oPL) was also investigated. Adolescent ewes with singleton pregnancies were fed high (H) or moderate (M) nutrient intake diets to restrict or support placental growth. Experiment 1: peripheral progesterone and oPL concentrations were measured in H (n=7) and M (n=6) animals across gestation (days 7-140). Experiment 2: progesterone was measured to mid- (day 81; M: n=11, H: n=13) or late gestation (day 130; M: n=21, H: n=22), placental oPL, StAR and steroidogenic enzymes were measured by qPCR and oPL protein by immunohistochemistry. Experiment 1: in H vs M animals, term placental (