414 research outputs found

    La filosofía open source en la bioinformática

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    5 Pag., 2 Fig., 2 Fot.Desde hace una década el fenómeno open source o código abierto ha explotado y sus efectos se pueden ver en todas partes y también en la ciencia. Este modelo de software se centra en los beneficios prácticos de compartir el código, más allá de cuestiones morales y filosóficas. Así, en la ciencia, los programas open source permiten que investigadores de todo el mundo pongan a prueba e incluso mejoren soluciones a problemas científicos, como si fueran experimentos a escala global.Bruno Contreras Moreira es Investigador de la Fundación ARAID y desarrolla su trabajo en el Laboratorio de Biología Computacional, Estación Experimental de Aula Dei (Zaragoza), perteneciente al CSIC.Peer reviewe

    Himalayan and Trans-Himalayan Glacier Fluctuations Since AD 1812

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    Historical records of the fluctuations of glaciers in the Himalayas and Trans-Himalayas date back to the early 19th century. Local and regional syntheses of 112 of these fluctuation records are presented in this study. The local syntheses deal with fluctuations of glaciers in Kanchenjunga-Everest, Garwhal, Lahaul-Spiti, Kolahoi, Nanga Parbat, Karakoram (north and south sides), Rakaposhi-Haramosh, Batura Mustagh, and Khunjerab-Ghujerab. Regional syntheses deal with the composite record and the differentiation of records by glacier type (longitudinal versus transverse) and regional setting (Himalayan versus Trans-Himalayan). In a gross regional sense Himalayan and Trans-Himalayan glaciers have been in a general state of retreat since AD 1850. Filtering of the fluctuation records with respect to glacier type and regional setting reveals that the period AD 1870 to 1940 was characterized by alternations in the dominancy of retreat, advance, and standstill regimes

    Lichenometric Distribution of \u3cem\u3eRhizocarpon geographicum\u3c/em\u3e on Mt. Washington: A Relative Dating Tool.

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    Excerpt from summary, p. 83: In addition to marking the distribution of snowpatches and the relative age of patterned ground features, local departures from the regional lichenometric trend may also be used to define and relatively date: changes in the distribution of soils and vegetation, avalanche deposits, and abrasion of hiking trails. Lichenometric studies will be undertaken in the following year to date more precisely features and events on Mount Washington

    Маркшейдерське забезпечення робіт при створенні програмного модуля розкритих, підготовлених і готових до видобування балансово-промислових запасів

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    Розглянуто і досліджено методи визначення і нормування балансово-промислових запасів за ступенем підготовленості до видобування, які призначені для залізорудних корисних копалин і вугілля. Для багатьох видів твердих корисних копалин такі методи не розроблені. Встановлено, що кожний із видів мінеральної сировини має особливості природно-просторового розміщення у надрах, гірничо-технологічні стадії видобутку і переробки, які враховують при підземному способі видобутку, методи визначення стану і рухомості, обліку і нормування підготовленості балансово-промислових запасів за програмним модулем

    Learning shape placements by example

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    We present a method to learn and propagate shape placements in 2D polygonal scenes from a few examples provided by a user. The placement of a shape is modeled as an oriented bounding box. Simple geometric relationships between this bounding box and nearby scene polygons define a feature set for the placement. The feature sets of all example placements are then used to learn a probabilistic model over all possible placements and scenes. With this model, we can generate a new set of placements with similar geometric relationships in any given scene. We introduce extensions that enable propagation and generation of shapes in 3D scenes, as well as the application of a learned modeling session to large scenes without additional user interaction. These concepts allow us to generate complex scenes with thousands of objects with relatively little user interaction

    Edit propagation using geometric relationship functions

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    We propose a method for propagating edit operations in 2D vector graphics, based on geometric relationship functions. These functions quantify the geometric relationship of a point to a polygon, such as the distance to the boundary or the direction to the closest corner vertex. The level sets of the relationship functions describe points with the same relationship to a polygon. For a given query point, we first determine a set of relationships to local features, construct all level sets for these relationships, and accumulate them. The maxima of the resulting distribution are points with similar geometric relationships. We show extensions to handle mirror symmetries, and discuss the use of relationship functions as local coordinate systems. Our method can be applied, for example, to interactive floorplan editing, and it is especially useful for large layouts, where individual edits would be cumbersome. We demonstrate populating 2D layouts with tens to hundreds of objects by propagating relatively few edit operations