49 research outputs found

    Supramodal sentence processing in the human brain: fMRI evidence for the influence of syntactic complexity in more than 200 participants

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    This study investigated two questions. One is: To what degree is sentence processing beyond single words independent of the input modality (speech vs. reading)? The second question is: Which parts of the network recruited by both modalities is sensitive to syntactic complexity? These questions were investigated by having more than 200 participants read or listen to well-formed sentences or series of unconnected words. A largely left-hemisphere frontotemporoparietal network was found to be supramodal in nature, i.e., independent of input modality. In addition, the left inferior frontal gyrus (LIFG) and the left posterior middle temporal gyrus (LpMTG) were most clearly associated with left-branching complexity. The left anterior temporal lobe (LaTL) showed the greatest sensitivity to sentences that differed in right-branching complexity. Moreover, activity in LIFG and LpMTG increased from sentence onset to end, in parallel with an increase of the left-branching complexity. While LIFG, bilateral anterior temporal lobe, posterior MTG, and left inferior parietal lobe (LIPL) all contribute to the supramodal unification processes, the results suggest that these regions differ in their respective contributions to syntactic complexity related processing. The consequences of these findings for neurobiological models of language processing are discussed

    Supramodal Sentence Processing in the Human Brain: fMRI Evidence for the Influence of Syntactic Complexity in More Than 200 Participants

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    This study investigated two questions. One is: To what degree is sentence processing beyond single words independent of the input modality (speech vs. reading)? The second question is: Which parts of the network recruited by both modalities is sensitive to syntactic complexity? These questions were investigated by having more than 200 participants read or listen to well-formed sentences or series of unconnected words. A largely left-hemisphere frontotemporoparietal network was found to be supramodal in nature, i.e., independent of input modality. In addition, the left inferior frontal gyrus (LIFG) and the left posterior middle temporal gyrus (LpMTG) were most clearly associated with left-branching complexity. The left anterior temporal lobe showed the greatest sensitivity to sentences that differed in right-branching complexity. Moreover, activity in LIFG and LpMTG increased from sentence onset to end, in parallel with an increase of the left-branching complexity. While LIFG, bilateral anterior temporal lobe, posterior MTG, and left inferior parietal lobe all contribute to the supramodal unification processes, the results suggest that these regions differ in their respective contributions to syntactic complexity related processing. The consequences of these findings for neurobiological models of language processing are discussed

    Evaluation of host-derived volatiles for trapping Culicoides biting midges (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae)

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    Culicoides biting midges (Diptera: Ceratopognidae) cause pain and distress through blood feeding, and transmit viruses that threaten both animal and human health worldwide. There are few effective tools for monitoring and control of biting midges, with semiochemical-based strategies offering the advantage of targeting host-seeking populations. In previous studies, we identified the host preference of multiple Culicoides species, including Culicoides impunctatus, as well as cattle-derived compounds that modulate the behavioral responses of C. nubeculosus under laboratory conditions. Here, we test the efficacy of these compounds, when released at different rates, in attracting C. impunctatus under field conditions in Southern Sweden. Traps releasing 1-octen-3-ol, decanal, phenol, 4-methylphenol or 3-propylphenol, when combined with carbon dioxide (CO2), captured significantly higher numbers of C. impunctatus compared to control traps baited with CO2 alone, with low release rates (0.1 mg h−1, 1 mg h−1) being generally more attractive. In contrast, traps releasing octanal or (E)-2-nonenal at 1 mg h−1 and 10 mg h−1 collected significantly lower numbers of C. impunctatus than control traps baited with CO2 only. Nonanal and 2-ethylhexanol did not affect the attraction of C. impunctatus when compared to CO2 alone at any of the release rates tested. The potential use of these semiochemicals as attractants and repellents for biting midge control is discussed

    Subtle genetic changes enhance virulence of methicillin resistant and sensitive Staphylococcus aureus

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Community acquired (CA) methicillin-resistant <it>Staphylococcus aureus </it>(MRSA) increasingly causes disease worldwide. USA300 has emerged as the predominant clone causing superficial and invasive infections in children and adults in the USA. Epidemiological studies suggest that USA300 is more virulent than other CA-MRSA. The genetic determinants that render virulence and dominance to USA300 remain unclear.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We sequenced the genomes of two pediatric USA300 isolates: one CA-MRSA and one CA-methicillin susceptible (MSSA), isolated at Texas Children's Hospital in Houston. DNA sequencing was performed by Sanger dideoxy whole genome shotgun (WGS) and 454 Life Sciences pyrosequencing strategies. The sequence of the USA300 MRSA strain was rigorously annotated. In USA300-MRSA 2658 chromosomal open reading frames were predicted and 3.1 and 27 kilobase (kb) plasmids were identified. USA300-MSSA contained a 20 kb plasmid with some homology to the 27 kb plasmid found in USA300-MRSA. Two regions found in US300-MRSA were absent in USA300-MSSA. One of these carried the arginine deiminase operon that appears to have been acquired from <it>S. epidermidis</it>. The USA300 sequence was aligned with other sequenced <it>S. aureus </it>genomes and regions unique to USA300 MRSA were identified.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>USA300-MRSA is highly similar to other MRSA strains based on whole genome alignments and gene content, indicating that the differences in pathogenesis are due to subtle changes rather than to large-scale acquisition of virulence factor genes. The USA300 Houston isolate differs from another sequenced USA300 strain isolate, derived from a patient in San Francisco, in plasmid content and a number of sequence polymorphisms. Such differences will provide new insights into the evolution of pathogens.</p

    Managing a cross-institutional setting : a case study of a Western firm's subsidiary in the Ukraine

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    This study explores the development of a Western firm's subsidiary in the Ukraine and sets out to contribute to the theoretical development about the managing of subsidiaries in the Post-Soviet market. The cross-institutional approach to analyse the subsidiary has been adopted to explore influence from the institutional setting of the parent firm and from local institutions. In the theoretical framework, special attention is directed to studies analysing the challenges that Western firms encounter when operating in the Post-Soviet market. Institutional theory therefore serves as a framework for theories on market entries, networks and management transfers.The empirical study is based on a case study conducted in connection to a training project for local employees of a Western firm's subsidiary operating in the Ukraine. Besides being a source of inspiration, the training project provided good access to respondents and insights about the challenges that the subsidiary faced.The analysis shows that the introduction of the Western firm's management in the subsidiary reflects in the local employees' forming of identities. A clear pattern is that local employees' development of identities in line with the Western firm's norms is supported by socialisation in settings dominated by the Western firm. A setting dominated by conflicts between Western and local norms, in contrast, resulted in developments of conflict identities. The analysis of the subsidiary's managing of influences from the local institutional setting indicates that this concerned filtering. Striking was that the subsidiary was successful in managing influences when the filtering conditions were characterised by consonance. Looking into aspects making the filtering of external influences difficult, the analysis points out barter trade and local actors' boundary spanning towards authorities in the Ukrainian society as aspects creating dissonances and vacuum. Thus, influences characterised by dissonance and/or vacuum made it particularly difficult for the subsidiary to manage these influences.One of the major contributions of this thesis is the cross-institutional approach to analyse developments in a subsidiary in the Post-Soviet market. By applying this approach the study suggests that the managing of a cross-institutional setting concerns both internal and external boundary spanning. Of vital importance for the internal boundary spanning are issues influencing local employees' forming of a 'we' with the Western firm's representatives. The standpoint is that this concerns local employees' identity identification, which is a new perspective on management transfers towards a subsidiary in the Post-Soviet market. Concerning the managing of external boundary spanning, the study points towards the importance of observing local actors' ways of dealing with dissonances and vacuum in local networks.digitalisering@um

    Managing a cross-institutional setting : a case study of a Western firm's subsidiary in the Ukraine

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    This study explores the development of a Western firm's subsidiary in the Ukraine and sets out to contribute to the theoretical development about the managing of subsidiaries in the Post-Soviet market. The cross-institutional approach to analyse the subsidiary has been adopted to explore influence from the institutional setting of the parent firm and from local institutions. In the theoretical framework, special attention is directed to studies analysing the challenges that Western firms encounter when operating in the Post-Soviet market. Institutional theory therefore serves as a framework for theories on market entries, networks and management transfers.The empirical study is based on a case study conducted in connection to a training project for local employees of a Western firm's subsidiary operating in the Ukraine. Besides being a source of inspiration, the training project provided good access to respondents and insights about the challenges that the subsidiary faced.The analysis shows that the introduction of the Western firm's management in the subsidiary reflects in the local employees' forming of identities. A clear pattern is that local employees' development of identities in line with the Western firm's norms is supported by socialisation in settings dominated by the Western firm. A setting dominated by conflicts between Western and local norms, in contrast, resulted in developments of conflict identities. The analysis of the subsidiary's managing of influences from the local institutional setting indicates that this concerned filtering. Striking was that the subsidiary was successful in managing influences when the filtering conditions were characterised by consonance. Looking into aspects making the filtering of external influences difficult, the analysis points out barter trade and local actors' boundary spanning towards authorities in the Ukrainian society as aspects creating dissonances and vacuum. Thus, influences characterised by dissonance and/or vacuum made it particularly difficult for the subsidiary to manage these influences.One of the major contributions of this thesis is the cross-institutional approach to analyse developments in a subsidiary in the Post-Soviet market. By applying this approach the study suggests that the managing of a cross-institutional setting concerns both internal and external boundary spanning. Of vital importance for the internal boundary spanning are issues influencing local employees' forming of a 'we' with the Western firm's representatives. The standpoint is that this concerns local employees' identity identification, which is a new perspective on management transfers towards a subsidiary in the Post-Soviet market. Concerning the managing of external boundary spanning, the study points towards the importance of observing local actors' ways of dealing with dissonances and vacuum in local networks.digitalisering@um

    Exploring corporate lobbyists' perception of prospective coalition partners in Brussels

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    Using original data from a survey conducted in 2012, we apply theoretical insights from the literature on strategic alliances to explore Brussels-based corporate lobbyists’ perceptions of prospective political partners. We find these perceptions to be driven primarily by strategic considerations. We also uncover instances where the size and nationality of respondents’ firms influence their partner evaluations. Surprisingly, we find little evidence that respondents’ assessments of lobbying partners are shaped by EU institutional arrangements. Whilst extant literature suggests information and relationships are important preconditions for successful EU lobbying, we expose the specific circumstances when seeking access to these—and other political resources—that can influence corporate lobbyists’ perceptions of their partners. Combined, our findings respond to a concern that scholars of interest coalitions focus on why firms lobby in coalitions whilst overlooking how they select their lobbying partners

    Skaraborg Logistic Center - historien bakom och framtida utvecklingsmöjligheter

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    Transporter som utnyttjar en kombination av olika transportslag, sÄ kallade intermodala transporter, spÄs bli allt viktigare i framtiden och motiveras med bÄde miljömÀssiga som ekonomiska incitament. Kombiterminaler spelar en central roll för denna utveckling och tillvÀxten av antalet kombiterminaler i Sverige har de senaste Ären varit stark. Syftet med den hÀr rapporten Àr att kartlÀgga betydande aspekter vid utvecklingen och etableringen av ett samarbetsprojekt inom logistik pÄ regional nivÄ samt ta reda pÄ hur ett sÄdant projekt pÄverkas av tidigare försök och erfarenheter. För att besvara forskningsfrÄgorna har vi valt att studera Skaraborg Logistic Center (SLC) i Falköping. Genom flertalet intervjuer med personer, som pÄ endera sÀttet varit involverad i utvecklingsarbetet av SLC, har vi redogjort för hur utvecklings- och implementeringsprocessen sett ut. DÄ Falköping för drygt 30 Är sedan gjort en satsning som Àr slÄende lik dagens har vi för att besvara den andra forskningsfrÄgan kartlagt det projektet, som kallades Scand Point, för att Äterkoppla till dagens satsning. I början av 1980-talet beslöt Falköpings kommun sig för att med en storartad satsning pÄ en terminalverksamhet vid namn Scand Point, försöka bryta den negativa trenden som Falköping dÄ befann sig i. Satsningen blev snabbt mycket större Àn vad som först var tanken och kom senare att bli ett misslyckat och för skattebetalarna dyrbart projekt. Endast fem Är senare, efter en rad mÀrkliga turer, sÄlde kommunen verksamheten. Ett decennium efter försÀljningen av Scand Point, 1995, beslöt sig Leif Bigsten pÄ Falköpings kommun för att Äterigen fÄ upp frÄgan pÄ bordet. Efter att en utredning konstaterat att det fanns goda förutsÀttningar för Falköping lades en vision om Falköping som en godsknutpunkt för jÀrnvÀg fram. Till skillnad frÄn Scand Point var nu startstrÀckan lÄng och det dröjde Ànda till 2003 dÄ kommunen gick med i ett EU-projekt och arbetet intensifierades. Trafikverket meddelade att de endast var intresserade av att delfinansiera en kombiterminal i regionen Skaraborg och intresse uppstod dÄ frÄn flera kommuner. Det utmynnade i en dragkamp mellan Falköping och Skövde dÀr de slutligen kom överens om att en lokaliseringsstudie av Handelshögskolan vid Göteborgs Universitet och Chalmers Tekniska Högskola skulle bli styrande för vart etableringen skulle ske. Resultatet visade fördel Falköping gentemot Skövde. Efterföljande tid prÀglades av stiltje och politiska utspel som försenade utvecklingen. Efter mÄnga turer fram och tillbaka meddelades i december 2006 att kombiterminalen skulle byggas i Falköping. Utvecklingsprocessen har varit lÄng och krokig, men Àr idag inne i en positiv trend med en ny virkesterminal som ska byggas under 2012 samt att de nominerades till Ärets transportlösning pÄ Transport & LogistikmÀssan i Göteborg i maj 2012. Vi har kommit fram till att de aspekter som varit betydande för utvecklings- och etableringsarbetet av ett regionalt samarbetsprojekt, i vÄr fallstudie av SLC, överensstÀmmer till stora delar med de aspekter som den befintliga forskningen, som vi tagit del av, lyfter fram. Politiken, komplexiteten i och finansieringen av infrastrukturen, det personliga engagemanget, sÄrbarheten för en försÀmrad konjunktur, vikten av en stor transportköpare i ett initial skede samt EU-projekten som verkat som en katalysator i utvecklingsarbetet. Den aspekt som den befintliga forskningen inte framhÀver, men som i vÄr fallstudie visat sig vara av stor vikt Àr de tidigare erfarenheter som kommunen har av liknande projekt. Det har pÄverkat kommunens förhÄllningssÀtt och hur de har arbetat