1,216 research outputs found

    From Edward to Eric Garner and Beyond: The Importance of Constitutional Limitations on Lethal Use of Force in Police Reform

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    Syftet med denna rapport Ă€r att beskriva och analysera statens1 styrning av hĂ€lso- och sjukvĂ„rden, sĂ€rskilt sĂ„dana styrformer dĂ€r sammanstĂ€llning av information (t ex om aktuellt forskningslĂ€ge och om god klinisk praxis) och informationsspridning utgör centrala inslag. SĂ„dana aktiviteter Ă€r inte nya i sjukvĂ„rden, men betraktade som inslag i statens styrning av hĂ€lso- och sjukvĂ„rdssektorn Ă€r de under stark utveckling. Av allt att döma kommer intresset för att nyttja systematiskt sammanstĂ€lld information som ett inslag i styrningen av hĂ€lso- och sjukvĂ„rden att öka, vilket Ă€ven medför behov av aktiviteter som stĂ€rker förutsĂ€ttningarna att lokalt tillgodogöra sig information. Avsikten med rapporten Ă€r att tydliggöra statens roll vid ”kunskapsstyrning” av hĂ€lso- och sjukvĂ„rden.2 Möjligheten att utveckla en nationell strategi för ett mer kunskapsbaserat beslutsfattande i hĂ€lso- och sjukvĂ„rden diskuteras. Analysen har genomförts med hjĂ€lp av vĂ„ra tidigare studier inom omrĂ„det, vilka har kompletterats med litteratur, utredningar m.m. som belyser olika aspekter i anslutning till kunskapsstyrning. VĂ„r beskrivning av relevanta aktörer och pĂ„gĂ„ende aktiviteter inom den svenska sjukvĂ„rdssektorn har varit föremĂ„l för kommentarer frĂ„n berörda parter

    Detailed and simplified non-equilibrium helium ionization in the solar atmosphere

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    Helium ionization plays an important role in the energy balance of the upper chromosphere and transition region. Helium spectral lines are also often used as diagnostics of these regions. We carry out 1D radiation-hydrodynamics simulations of the solar atmosphere and find that the helium ionization is mostly set by photoionization and direct collisional ionization, counteracted by radiative recombination cascades. By introducing an additional recombination rate mimicking the recombination cascades, we construct a simplified 3 level helium model atom consisting of only the ground states. This model atom is suitable for modeling non-equilibrium helium ionization in 3D numerical models. We perform a brief investigation of the formation of the He I 10830 and He II 304 spectral lines. Both lines show non-equilibrium features that are not recovered with statistical equilibrium models, and caution should therefore be exercised when such models are used as a basis in the interpretation of observations.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap

    The Effect of Power Outages and Cheap Talk on Willingness to Pay to Reduce Outages

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    Using an open-ended contingent valuation survey, we analyze how (i) experience of a power outage due to one of the worst storms ever to hit Sweden and (ii) a cheap talk script affect respondents' WTP to avoid power outages. Experience significantly increases and a cheap talk script decreases the proportion of respondents with zero WTP. There is no significant effect in either case on stated WTP conditional on a positive WTP. The paper concludes with a discussion on the use of valuation studies shortly after the occurrence of an undesirable event.contingent valuation, cheap talk, experience, power outages

    Consumer benefits of labels and bans on genetically modified food - An empirical analysis using Choice Experiments

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    Applying an experiment on the choice of consumer goods, we show that Swedish consumers do not regard genetically modified (GM) food as being equivalent to conventional food. A central argument by proponents of GM is that the end products are identical to those where GM has not been used. That respondents in our survey disagree with this argument is supported by two observations. First, a positive significant WTP is found for a mandatory labeling policy. This result confirms previous observations that GM food can be a credence good causing a market failure. Second, consumers are also willing to pay a significantly higher product price to ensure a total ban on the use of GM in animal fodder. Even if scientists and politicians argue that most of today's GM food is indistinguishable from GM-free food, consumers disagree.Institutional and Behavioral Economics,

    Expression of mRNA for phospholipase A(2), cyclooxygenases, and lipoxygenases in cultured human umbilical vascular endothelial and smooth muscle cells and in biopsies from umbilical arteries and veins

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    Arachidonic acid (AA) is released by phospholipase A(2) (PLA(2)) and then converted into vasoactive and inflammatory eicosanoids by cyclooxygenases (COX) and lipoxygenases (LOX). These eicosanoids are important paracrine regulators of vascular permeability, blood flow, local pro- and anticoagulant activity and they play a major role in the local inflammatory response. We have investigated the presence of mRNAs for PLA(2) and for isoforms of COX and LOX in both human endothelial cells (EC) and in human smooth muscle cells (SMC) in culture and in vascular biopsies of human umbilical veins (HUVB) and arteries (HUAB) by using the reversed transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) technique. Results show detectable levels of PLA(2) type IV (cPLA(2)) in cultured EC and SMC and in vascular wall biopsies from HUAB and HUVB. The cultured EC and SMC demonstrate higher levels of both COX-1 and COX-2 with PCR analyses than do vascular wall biopsies from HUAB and HUVB. This indicates a difference in the native expression of COX-1 and COX-2 in cultures of EC and SMC compared to that in biopsies from intact vessel walls. The EC and SMC in culture do not express mRNA for 5-LOX, that was, however, expressed in the vascular wall biopsies. This speaks in favour of a constitutive, i.e, in vivo expression of 5-LOX in SMC in the vascular wall of both umbilical vein and arteries. Thus results from in vitro studies of constitutive COX and LOX expression in EC and vascular SMC in culture cannot simply be extrapolated to represent in vivo conditions

    The Theory of the Interleaving Distance on Multidimensional Persistence Modules

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    In 2009, Chazal et al. introduced Ï”\epsilon-interleavings of persistence modules. Ï”\epsilon-interleavings induce a pseudometric dId_I on (isomorphism classes of) persistence modules, the interleaving distance. The definitions of Ï”\epsilon-interleavings and dId_I generalize readily to multidimensional persistence modules. In this paper, we develop the theory of multidimensional interleavings, with a view towards applications to topological data analysis. We present four main results. First, we show that on 1-D persistence modules, dId_I is equal to the bottleneck distance dBd_B. This result, which first appeared in an earlier preprint of this paper, has since appeared in several other places, and is now known as the isometry theorem. Second, we present a characterization of the Ï”\epsilon-interleaving relation on multidimensional persistence modules. This expresses transparently the sense in which two Ï”\epsilon-interleaved modules are algebraically similar. Third, using this characterization, we show that when we define our persistence modules over a prime field, dId_I satisfies a universality property. This universality result is the central result of the paper. It says that dId_I satisfies a stability property generalizing one which dBd_B is known to satisfy, and that in addition, if dd is any other pseudometric on multidimensional persistence modules satisfying the same stability property, then d≀dId\leq d_I. We also show that a variant of this universality result holds for dBd_B, over arbitrary fields. Finally, we show that dId_I restricts to a metric on isomorphism classes of finitely presented multidimensional persistence modules.Comment: Major revision; exposition improved throughout. To appear in Foundations of Computational Mathematics. 36 page
