1,692 research outputs found

    International Portfolio Holdings and Swiss Franc Asset Returns

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    Portfolio Choice, Asset Returns, Switzerland

    Why are Returns on Swiss Franc Asset so Low?

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    As is well known, the uncovered interest rate parity fails in the short run but usually holds in the long run. This paper analyses the long and short run interest rate parity of 10 mayor OECD currencies and finds that there is a long run failure of the uncovered interest rate parity condition for the Swiss Franc. After correcting for exchange rate changes, mean returns on Swiss assets have been significantly lower than in other currencies, an anomaly not found in any other major currency. The long run return differential has been stable over the last 20 years, transitory structural breaks are only found in times of currency turmoil. We suggest that the return anomaly may be due to an insurance premium against very rare catastrophic events, such as a major war. Supporting evidence for this hypothesis comes from two empirical findings: First, we show that the return differential is negatively affected by large unexpected geo-political events. Second we examine historical data on interest rates differentials and show that the abnormally low level of Swiss returns arises after the first world war only.

    Why are Returns on Swiss Franc Asset so Low?

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    As is well known, the uncovered interest rate parity fails in the short run but usually holds in the long run. This paper analyses the long and short run interest rate parity of 10 mayor OECD currencies and finds that there is a long run failure of the uncovered interest rate parity condition for the Swiss Franc. After correcting for exchange rate changes, mean returns on Swiss assets have been significantly lower than in other currencies, an anomaly not found in any other major currency. The long run return differential has been stable over the last 20 years, transitory structural breaks are only found in times of currency turmoil. We suggest that the return anomaly may be due to an insurance premium against very rare catastrophic events, such as a major war. Supporting evidence for this hypothesis comes from two empirical findings: First, we show that the return differential is negatively affected by large unexpected geo-political events. Second we examine historical data on interest rates differentials and show that the abnormally low level of Swiss returns arises after the first world war only

    The Demise of the Swiss Interest Rate Puzzle

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    In this paper we analyzed the violations of UIP for the Swiss Franc against the Dollar, the Euro, the Yen, the NEWLINE Pound and the Canadian Dollar using recent data up to fall 2008. This exercise provides the following main NEWLINE results : first the Swiss interest rate puzzle disappeared, i.e. mean returns on Swiss Franc assets are no longer NEWLINE systematically and significantly lower (as in the 1980 – 1998 sample) when compared jointly with other NEWLINE major currencies in the 1999 to 2008 period. Second and in contrast to earlier evidence we failed to find NEWLINE evidence that geopolitical crises lead to an appreciation of the Swiss Franc in the last ten years. Third even NEWLINE the short run validity of UIP cannot be rejected for the Swiss Franc against the five currencies for the 1999 – NEWLINE 2008 sample. Unfortunately our attempt to locate the time of change and the currencies involved by the NEWLINE application of tests for structural breaks with unknown break point did not lead to clear cut conclusion for the NEWLINE Euro and the Dollar, the two most important foreign currencies from a Swiss perspective

    International Portfolio Holdings and Swiss Franc Asset Returns

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    The puzzle of the Swiss interest rate island: Stylized facts and a new interpretation

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    This paper contributes to the debate about the puzzle of the Swiss Interest Rate Island. It starts out by establishing some stylized facts about the nature of the puzzle. First it shows that long run real returns on Swiss Euro Deposits have been significantly lower than in any other major currency. A decomposition of return differentials into deviations from uncovered interest rate parity and deviations from purchasing power parity reveals that the former contributes most to the puzzle. Two implications follow from these stylized facts: (i) since the puzzle is present in Euro Deposit rates it cannot be due to local factors such as banking secrecy, and (ii) solutions to the puzzle have to provide an explanation for a long run failure of uncovered interest rate parity rather than for real appreciation. Historical evidence is presented that suggests the puzzle may be attributed to a reverse peso problem. The paper discusses the consequences of this interpretation for Swiss monetary and exchange rate policy.Diese Arbeit leistet einen Beitrag zu der Debatte über das Rätsel ?Zinsinsel Schweiz? indem es stilisierte Fakten über die Natur dieses Rätsels dokumentiert. Als erstes wird aufgezeigt, dass die langfristigen realen Erträge auf Schweizer Euro Einlagen deutlich niedriger waren als in anderen Hauptwährungen. Eine Zerlegung der Ertragsunterschiede in Abweichungen von der ungedeckten Zinsparität und Abweichungen von Kaufkraftparität enthüllt, dass der erste Faktor den Hauptanteil am Rätsel trägt. Zwei Folgerungen ergeben sich daraus: (i) nachdem sich dieses Rätsel in Euro Einlagen zeigt, kann es nicht durch nationale Eigenschaften wie z.B. das Bankgeheimnis verursacht werden, und (ii) Lösungen für dieses Rätsel müssen eine Erklärung für das langfristige Versagen der ungedeckten Zinsparität liefern und nicht für die reale Wertsteigerung. Aufgrund von historischen Datenreihen folgern wir, dass das Rätsel auf ein ?Peso Problem? zurückzuführen ist und diskutieren die Konsequenzen für die schweizerische Geld- und Wechselkurspolitik

    Influence of culture on strategic human resource management (SHRM) practices in multinational companies (MNC) in Kenya: a critical literature review

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    Presented By proffesor Peter K’ObonyoBeatrice DimbaExtant theories of strategic human resource management (SHRM) practices and cultures have generally adopted on the one hand the assumption that organizations develop a culture of their own that is distinct from the national and industry contexts in which the organization is embedded, thus ignoring the potential impact of external environmental factors on organizational culture. On the other hand, some researchers and scholars have questioned the validity and reliability of national culture-SHRM practices research. The current paper explores the employee cultural values in the Kenyan multinational companies (MNCs) and the influence of culture on SHRM practices. Hofstede’s cultural dimensions of collectivism, power distance, uncertainty avoidance, and femininity are applied. These value dimensions reflect human thinking, and feelings of people, which pose basic problems that any society has to cope with but for which solutions differ.Extant theories of strategic human resource management (SHRM) practices and cultures have generally adopted on the one hand the assumption that organizations develop a culture of their own that is distinct from the national and industry contexts in which the organization is embedded, thus ignoring the potential impact of external environmental factors on organizational culture. On the other hand, some researchers and scholars have questioned the validity and reliability of national culture-SHRM practices research. The current paper explores the employee cultural values in the Kenyan multinational companies (MNCs) and the influence of culture on SHRM practices. Hofstede’s cultural dimensions of collectivism, power distance, uncertainty avoidance, and femininity are applied. These value dimensions reflect human thinking, and feelings of people, which pose basic problems that any society has to cope with but for which solutions differ

    Sclerotinia cirsii-spinosissimi, a new species from the Alps

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    Beatrice Senn-Irlet, Martina Peter (2016): Sclerotinia cirsii-spinosissimi, a new species from the Alps. Ascomycete.org 8 (5): 235-240, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.104018

    Wirkung von Hydropriming in Soja auf Keimrate und Auflaufgeschwindigkeit

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    Die Sojaanbaufläche in Deutschland nimmt stetig zu. In 2015 wurde in Deutschland auf 17.000 ha Soja angebaut, die Anbauschwerpunkte liegen in Bayern und Baden-Württemberg. Züchterisch wird Soja aktuell bearbeitet, um den Anbau auch in ungünstigeren Lagen (kältere Lagen mit kürzerer Vegetationszeit) zu ermöglichen. Daneben gibt es aber auch Verfahren wie das Hydropriming, die ebenfalls ihren Beitrag zur Verkürzung der Vegetationszeit leisten. In der vorliegenden Untersuchung wurden die Wirkung von Hydropriming auf die Keimrate und die Auflaufgeschwindigkeit von fünf verschiedenen Sojasorten in einem Gefäßversuch verfolgt. Für das Hydropriming wurden die Sojabohnen für 4, 8, 12 bzw. 16 Stunden in Gefäße mit destilliertem Wasser gegeben und anschließend 25 Stunden schonend getrocknet. Für den Keimversuch wurden Gefäße mit einem Gemisch aus Sand und Feldboden gefüllt und jeweils drei vorbehandelte Sojabohnen zugegeben. Die Versuche wurden in Klimakammern mit unterschiedlichen Temperaturen (12, 15 und 18°C) durchgeführt, das Wachstum wurde täglich bonitiert. Die Auflaufgeschwindigkeit konnte unter kühlen Bedingungen (12°C) durch das Hydropriming verkürzt werden, was aber zum Teil auch mit einer verringerten Keimfähigkeit verbunden war. Es zeigten sich deutliche Sortenunterschiede. Die Ergebnisse geben wertvolle erste Hinweise zur Wirkung des Hydropriming unter kühlen Bedingungen. In weiteren Versuchen müssen die Ergebnisse verifiziert werden,um eine praktische Empfehlung für das Hydropriming in Soja geben zu können
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