585 research outputs found

    On the "Causality Argument" in Bouncing Cosmologies

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    We exhibit a situation in which cosmological perturbations of astrophysical relevance propagating through a bounce are affected in a scale-dependent way. Involving only the evolution of a scalar field in a closed universe described by general relativity, the model is consistent with causality. Such a specific counter-example leads to the conclusion that imposing causality is not sufficient to determine the spectrum of perturbations after a bounce provided it is known before. We discuss consequences of this result for string motivated scenarios.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, ReVTeX, to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    The Dilemma of Foraging Herbivores: Dealing with Food and Fear

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    For foraging herbivores, both food quality and predation risk vary across the landscape. Animals should avoid low-quality food patches in favour of high-quality ones, and seek safe patches while avoiding risky ones. Herbivores often face the foraging dilemma, however, of choosing between high-quality food in risky places or low-quality food in safe places. Here, we explore how and why the interaction between food quality and predation risk affects foraging decisions of mammalian herbivores, focusing on browsers confronting plant toxins in a landscape of fear. We draw together themes of plant–herbivore and predator–prey interactions, and the roles of animal ecophysiology, behaviour and personality. The response of herbivores to the dual costs of food and fear depends on the interplay of physiology and behaviour. We discuss detoxification physiology in dealing with plant toxins, and stress physiology associated with perceived predation risk. We argue that behaviour is the interface enabling herbivores to stay or quit food patches in response to their physiological tolerance to these risks. We hypothesise that generalist and specialist herbivores perceive the relative costs of plant defence and predation risk differently and intra-specifically, individuals with different personalities and physiologies should do so too, creating individualised landscapes of food and fear. We explore the ecological significance and emergent impacts of these individual-based foraging outcomes on populations and communities, and offer predictions that can be clearly tested. In doing so, we provide an integrated platform advancing herbivore foraging theory with food quality and predation risk at its core

    Predators Are Attracted to the Olfactory Signals of Prey

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    Background: Predator attraction to prey social signals can force prey to trade-off the social imperatives to communicate against the profound effect of predation on their future fitness. These tradeoffs underlie theories on the design and evolution of conspecific signalling systems and have received much attention in visual and acoustic signalling modes. Yet while most territorial mammals communicate using olfactory signals and olfactory hunting is widespread in predators, evidence for the attraction of predators to prey olfactory signals under field conditions is lacking. Methodology/Principal Findings: To redress this fundamental issue, we examined the attraction of free-roaming predators to discrete patches of scents collected from groups of two and six adult, male house mice, Mus domesticus, which primarily communicate through olfaction. Olfactorily-hunting predators were rapidly attracted to mouse scent signals, visiting mouse scented locations sooner, and in greater number, than control locations. There were no effects of signal concentration on predator attraction to their prey’s signals. Conclusions/Significance: This implies that communication will be costly if conspecific receivers and eavesdropping predators are simultaneously attracted to a signal. Significantly, our results also suggest that receivers may be at greater risk of predation when communicating than signallers, as receivers must visit risky patches of scent to perform their half of th

    Reproductive responses of birds to experimental food supplementation: a meta-analysis

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    Introduction Food availability is an important environmental cue for animals for deciding how much to invest in reproduction, and it ultimately affects population size. The importance of food limitation has been extensively studied in terrestrial vertebrate populations, especially in birds, by experimentally manipulating food supply. However, the factors explaining variation in reproductive decisions in response to food supplementation remain unclear. By performing meta-analyses, we aim to quantify the extent to which supplementary feeding affects several reproductive parameters in birds, and identify the key factors (life-history traits, behavioural factors, environmental factors, and experimental design) that can induce variation in laying date, clutch size and breeding success (i.e., number of fledglings produced) in response to food supplementation. Results Food supplementation produced variable but mostly positive effects across reproductive parameters in a total of 201 experiments from 82 independent studies. The outcomes of the food effect were modulated by environmental factors, e.g., laying dates advanced more towards low latitudes, and food supplementation appeared not to produce any obvious effect on bird reproduction when the background level of food abundance in the environment was high. Moreover, the increase in clutch size following food addition was more pronounced in birds that cache food, as compared to birds that do not. Supplementation timing was identified as a major cause of variation in breeding success responses. We also document the absence of a detectable food effect on clutch size and breeding success when the target species had poor access to the feed due to competitive interactions with other animals. Conclusions Our findings indicate that, from the pool of bird species and environments reviewed, extra food is allocated to immediate reproduction in most cases. Our results also support the view that bird species have evolved different life-history strategies to cope with environmental variability in food supply. However, we encourage more research at low latitudes to gain knowledge on how resource allocation in birds changes along a latitudinal gradient. Our results also emphasize the importance of developing experimental designs that minimise competition for the supplemented food and the risk of reproductive bottle-necks due to inappropriate supplementation timings. &nbsp;</p

    Experimental evaluation of koala scat persistence and detectability with implications for pellet-based fauna census

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    Establishing species distribution and population trends are basic requirements in conservation biology, yet acquiring this fundamental information is often difficult. Indirect survey methods that rely on fecal pellets (scats) can overcome some difficulties but present their own challenges. In particular, variation in scat detectability and decay rate can introduce biases. We studied how vegetation communities affect the detectability and decay rate of scats as exemplified by koalas Phascolarctos cinereus: scat detectability was highly and consistently dependent on ground layer complexity (introducing up to 16% non-detection bias); scat decay rates were highly heterogeneous within vegetation communities; exposure of scats to surface water and rain strongly accelerated scat decay rate and finally, invertebrates were found to accelerate scat decay rate markedly, but unpredictably. This last phenomenon may explain the high variability of scat decay rate within a single vegetation community. Methods to decrease biases should be evaluated when planning scat surveys, as the most appropriate method(s) will vary depending on species, scale of survey and landscape characteristics. Detectability and decay biases are both stronger in certain vegetation communities, thus their combined effect is likely to introduce substantial errors in scat surveys and this could result in inappropriate and counterproductive management decisions

    Activity and movement of small mammal tick hosts at the urban fringes of Sydney, Australia

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    Context. Small mammals may traverse the urban fringe and use both natural and anthropogenic resources. In Australia, human commensal black rats (Rattus rattus) and native long-nosed bandicoots (Perameles nasuta) are important tick hosts, which can be found persisting at the urban fringe, leading to human–wildlife conflict. Aims. We aimed to (1) determine the relative activity of small mammals in yards and associations with yard attributes, (2) compare activity of black rats and long-nosed bandicoots in bushland with activity in yards and (3) determine the proportion of black rats and long-nosed bandicoots that crossed the urban fringe. We predicted that native bandicoots would be more active in bushland habitats and that black rats would be more active in yards. Methods. We used camera trapping in 56 residential yards, 18 of which were paired with adjacent bushland to measure small mammal activity in the two habitats. We recorded yard attributes and examined these associations using generalised linear models. We used isodar analysis to investigate black rat preferences of bushland habitat compared with yards, and we used Rhodamine B baiting to investigate movement at the urban fringe. Key results. We found that black rats were the most active small mammal in residential yards and were detected in more yards than other small mammals, followed by bandicoots. Black rat activity was greater in yards adjacent to bushland, but no other yard attributes were associated with black rat and bandicoot activity. Overall, activity tended to be higher in bushland than in yards at paired locations. Conclusions. Our findings suggest residential yards likely provide high-quality resources for long-nosed bandicoots. Low rates of movement at the urban fringe (6%), and a preference for bushland at low densities suggests that black rats may be synanthropic rather than commensal, occupying an urban niche but not depending on anthropogenic resources as expected. Implications. Residential properties located adjacent to bushland may be exposed to increased black rat activity in yards. Future work should consider how introduced rats may be controlled in bushland to assist urban rat control efforts and avoid non-target impacts. Residential yards are likely to be important habitat for the persistence of long- nosed bandicoots in urban environments

    Effects of the carcinogen methylazoxymethanol acetate on protein synthesis and drug metabolism in rat livers

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/33576/1/0000079.pd

    Protecting prey by deceiving predators: A field experiment testing chemical camouflage and conditioned food aversion

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    Complicated conservation problems may arise if predator numbers increase beyond their natural boundaries due to anthropogenic influence. For example, dramatic declines in ground-nesting birds are linked to increased nest predation by alien or human-subsidized mammals. While predator control can be temporarily effective, it is often laborious and carries ethical issues. Thus, we need alternative, non-lethal methods for reducing predator impact on their prey. We performed a landscape-scale experiment to study whether two non-lethal methods could protect ground-nesting waterfowl from nests predation. We spread either non-rewarding waterfowl odour (chemical camouflage) or eggs containing an aversive agent (conditioned food aversion) in the surroundings of study wetlands located in southern Finland. Predation of artificial waterfowl nests by red foxes decreased in sites with chemical camouflage, while there was no effect on predation by invasive raccoon dogs. Food aversion created less obvious effects than the chemical camouflage, but both methods indicated potential for reducing nest predation. Based on wildlife-camera data mesopredator observations did not, however, decrease near treatment wetlands. This suggests that treatments did not reduce predator activity, but affected foraging behaviour of predators and reduced their ability to find the nests. We conclude that managers considering non-lethal methods should carefully consider the effectiveness of different methods and potential species-specific responses. Nevertheless, our study support calls for wider use of non-lethal methods in reducing predator impacts on prey. These methods offer ethical and potentially effective approaches which keep native predator fauna intact, but create protection for vulnerable prey

    Critical Behavior of the Meissner Transition in the Lattice London Superconductor

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    We carry out Monte Carlo simulations of the three dimensional (3D) lattice London superconductor in zero applied magnetic field, making a detailed finite size scaling analysis of the Meissner transition. We find that the magnetic penetration length \lambda, and the correlation length \xi, scale as \lambda ~ \xi ~ |t|^{-\nu}, with \nu = 0.66 \pm 0.03, consistent with ordinary 3D XY universality, \nu_XY ~ 2/3. Our results confirm the anomalous scaling dimension of magnetic field correlations at T_c.Comment: 4 pages, 5 ps figure
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