54 research outputs found

    Evidence that two phenotypically distinct mouse PKD mutations, bpk and jcpk, are allelic

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    Evidence that two phenotypically distinct mouse PKD mutations, bpk and jcpk, are allelic. Numerous mouse models of polycystic kidney disease (PKD) have been described. All of these diseases are transmitted as single recessive traits and in most, the phenotypic severity is influenced by the genetic background. However, based on their genetic map positions, none of these loci appears to be allelic and none are candidate modifier loci for any other mouse PKD mutation. Previously, we have described the mouse bpk mutation, a model that closely resembles human autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease. We now report that the bpk mutation maps to a 1.6 CM interval on mouse Chromosome 10, and that the renal cystic disease severity in our intersubspecific intercross progeny is influenced by the genetic background. Interestingly, bpk co-localizes with jcpk, a phenotyp-ically-distinct PKD mutation, and complementation testing indicates that the bpk and jcpk mutations are allelic. These data imply that distinct PKD phenotypes can result from different mutations within a single gene. In addition, based on its map position, the bpk locus is a candidate genetic modifier for jck, a third phenotypically-distinct PKD mutation

    Reactome: a knowledge base of biologic pathways and processes

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    Reactome, an online curated resource for human pathway data, can be used to infer equivalent reactions in non-human species and as a tool to aid in the interpretation of microarrays and other high-throughput data sets

    Protein Ontology: Enhancing and scaling up the representation of protein entities

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    The Protein Ontology (PRO; http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/pr) formally defines and describes taxon-specific and taxon-neutral protein-related entities in three major areas: proteins related by evolution; proteins produced from a given gene; and protein-containing complexes. PRO thus serves as a tool for referencing protein entities at any level of specificity. To enhance this ability, and to facilitate the comparison of such entities described in different resources, we developed a standardized representation of proteoforms using UniProtKB as a sequence reference and PSI-MOD as a post-translational modification reference. We illustrate its use in facilitating an alignment between PRO and Reactome protein entities. We also address issues of scalability, describing our first steps into the use of text mining to identify protein-related entities, the large-scale import of proteoform information from expert curated resources, and our ability to dynamically generate PRO terms. Web views for individual terms are now more informative about closely-related terms, including for example an interactive multiple sequence alignment. Finally, we describe recent improvement in semantic utility, with PRO now represented in OWL and as a SPARQL endpoint. These developments will further support the anticipated growth of PRO and facilitate discoverability of and allow aggregation of data relating to protein entities

    Non-perturbative dynamics of hot non-Abelian gauge fields: beyond leading log approximation

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    Many aspects of high-temperature gauge theories, such as the electroweak baryon number violation rate, color conductivity, and the hard gluon damping rate, have previously been understood only at leading logarithmic order (that is, neglecting effects suppressed only by an inverse logarithm of the gauge coupling). We discuss how to systematically go beyond leading logarithmic order in the analysis of physical quantities. Specifically, we extend to next-to-leading-log order (NLLO) the simple leading-log effective theory due to Bodeker that describes non-perturbative color physics in hot non-Abelian plasmas. A suitable scaling analysis is used to show that no new operators enter the effective theory at next-to-leading-log order. However, a NLLO calculation of the color conductivity is required, and we report the resulting value. Our NLLO result for the color conductivity can be trivially combined with previous numerical work by G. Moore to yield a NLLO result for the hot electroweak baryon number violation rate.Comment: 20 pages, 1 figur

    Guidelines for the functional annotation of microRNAs using the Gene Ontology.

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    MicroRNA regulation of developmental and cellular processes is a relatively new field of study, and the available research data have not been organized to enable its inclusion in pathway and network analysis tools. The association of gene products with terms from the Gene Ontology is an effective method to analyze functional data, but until recently there has been no substantial effort dedicated to applying Gene Ontology terms to microRNAs. Consequently, when performing functional analysis of microRNA data sets, researchers have had to rely instead on the functional annotations associated with the genes encoding microRNA targets. In consultation with experts in the field of microRNA research, we have created comprehensive recommendations for the Gene Ontology curation of microRNAs. This curation manual will enable provision of a high-quality, reliable set of functional annotations for the advancement of microRNA research. Here we describe the key aspects of the work, including development of the Gene Ontology to represent this data, standards for describing the data, and guidelines to support curators making these annotations. The full microRNA curation guidelines are available on the GO Consortium wiki (http://wiki.geneontology.org/index.php/MicroRNA_GO_annotation_manual).R.P.H. and R.C.L are supported by funding from a British Heart Foundation grant (RG/13/5/30112) and the National Institute for Health Research University College London Hospitals Biomedical Research Centre. M.M. is a Senior Research Fellow of the British Heart Foundation (FS/13/2/29892). A.Z. is an Intermediate Fellow of the British Heart Foundation (FS/13/18/30207). D.S. is supported by a grant awarded to the Mouse Genome Database from the National Human Genome Research Institue at the US National Institutes of Health (HG-00330). P.D’E., M.G., M.O-M. are supported by grants from the US National Institutes of Health (P41 HG003751 and U54 GM114833), Ontario Research Fund, and the European Molecular Biology Laboratory. D.H. is supported by a grant awarded to the Zebrafish Information Network fromthe National Human Genome Research Institute at the US National Institutes of Health (HG002659). A.Z.K. is funded by a NIHR University College London Hospitals Biomedical Research Centre, Research Capability Funding award (RCF) (RCF123). L.M. is a Ragnar Söderberg fellow in Medicine (M-14/55), and received funding from Swedish Heart-Lung-Foundation (20120615, 20130664, 20140186). Huntley, RP 22 R.B. and D.O-S. are supported by R.B. and D.O-S. are supported by a grant awarded to The Gene Ontology Consortium (Principal Investigators: JA Blake, JM Cherry, S Lewis, PW Sternberg and P Thomas) by the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) (#U41 HG22073). V.P. and J.R.S. are supported by a grant from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute on behalf of the National Institutes of Health (HL64541). K.V.A. is supported by a grant awarded to the Gene Ontology Consortium from the National Human Genome Research Institute at the US National Institutes of Health (HG002273). V.W. is supported by a Wellcome Trust grant (104967/Z/14/Z). We would like to thank Leonore Reiser and Tanya Berardini who provided guidance on the plant miRNA processing pathway. Also thanks to David Hill, Harold Drabkin, Judith Blake, Karen Christie, Donghui Li and Pascale Gaudet who contributed to discussions regarding GO curation procedures and to Lisa Matthews and Bruce May who provided helpful feedback on the manuscript. We are very grateful to Tony Sawford and Maria Martin from the European Bioinformatics Institute for access to the online GO curation tool, which is an essential component of this annotation project. Many thanks to members of the GO Editorial Office for useful discussions about the placement and definition of new GO terms. We also thank Alex Bateman and Anton Petrov for being responsive to our feedback regarding RNAcentral functionality. Author contributions: R.C.L. initiated discussions in the GO Consortium regarding miRNA curation guidelines and supervised the project, R.P.H. researched and constructed the guidelines and wrote the manuscript, R.P.H., R.C.L., D.S., R.B., P.D’E., M.G., M.O-M., D.H., V.P., J.R.S., K.V.A. and V.W. contributed to discussions regarding GO curation procedures and provided feedback on the manuscript. D.O-S. provided the expertise on definitions and placements of miRNA-related GO terms and performed the necessary updates and additions to both the GO and to the annotation extension relations used herein. M.M., A.Z., L.M. and A.Z.K. provided guidance with the scientific aspect of the guidelines and provided feedback on the manuscript.This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from Cold Spring Harbor Press via http://dx.doi.org/10.1261/rna.055301.11

    Critical amino acid residues in proteins: a BioMart integration of Reactome protein annotations with PRIDE mass spectrometry data and COSMIC somatic mutations

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    The reversible phosphorylation of serine, threonine and tyrosine hydroxyl groups is an especially prominent form of post-translational modification (PTM) of proteins. It plays critical roles in the regulation of diverse processes, and mutations that directly or indirectly affect these phosphorylation events have been associated with many cancers and other pathologies. Here, we describe the development of a new BioMart tool that gathers data from three different biological resources to provide the user with an integrated view of phosphorylation events associated with a human protein of interest, the complexes of which the protein (modified or not) is a part, the reactions in which the protein and its complexes participate and the somatic mutations that might be expected to perturb those functions. The three resources used are the Reactome, PRIDE and COSMIC databases. The Reactome knowledgebase contains annotations of phosphorylated human proteins linked to the reactions in which they are phosphorylated and dephosphorylated, to the complexes of which they are parts and to the reactions in which the phosphorylated proteins participate as substrates, catalysts and regulators. The PRIDE database holds extensive mass spectrometry data from which protein phosphorylation patterns can be inferred, and the COSMIC database holds records of somatic mutations found in human cancer cells. This tool supports both flexible, user-specified queries and standard (‘canned’) queries to retrieve frequently used combinations of data for user-specified proteins and reactions. We demonstrate using the Wnt signaling pathway and the human c-SRC protein how the tool can be used to place somatic mutation data into a functional perspective by changing critical residues involved in pathway modulation, and where available, check for mass spectrometry evidence in PRIDE supporting identification of the critical residue
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