21 research outputs found

    Immune-active microenvironment in small cell carcinoma of the ovary, hypercalcemic type : rationale for immune checkpoint blockade

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    Small cell carcinoma of the ovary, hypercalcemic type (SCCOHT), is a highly aggressive monogenic cancer driven by SMARCA4 mutations. Here, we report responses to anti-PD1 immunotherapy in four patients and characterize the immune landscape of SCCOHT tumors using quantitative immunofluorescence and gene expression profiling. Unexpectedly for a low mutation burden cancer, the majority of the tumors (eight of 11 cases) demonstrated PD-L1 expression with strong associated T-cell infiltration (R2 = 0.60–0.95). PD-L1 expression was detected in both tumor and stromal cells, with macrophages being the most abundant PD-L1-positive cells in some tumors (three of 11 cases). Transcriptional profiling revealed increased expression of genes related to Th1 and cytotoxic cell function in PD-L1-high tumors, suggesting that PD-L1 acts as a pathway of adaptive immune resistance in SCCOHT. These findings suggest that although SCCOHT are low–mutational burden tumors, their immunogenic microenvironment resembles the landscape of tumors that respond well to treatment with PD-1/PD-L1 blockade

    The Testis-Specific Factor CTCFL Cooperates with the Protein Methyltransferase PRMT7 in H19 Imprinting Control Region Methylation

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    Expression of imprinted genes is restricted to a single parental allele as a result of epigenetic regulation—DNA methylation and histone modifications. Igf2/H19 is a reciprocally imprinted locus exhibiting paternal Igf2 and maternal H19 expression. Their expression is regulated by a paternally methylated imprinting control region (ICR) located between the two genes. Although the de novo DNA methyltransferases have been shown to be necessary for the establishment of ICR methylation, the mechanism by which they are targeted to the region remains unknown. We demonstrate that CTCFL/BORIS, a paralog of CTCF, is an ICR-binding protein expressed during embryonic male germ cell development, coinciding with the timing of ICR methylation. PRMT7, a protein arginine methyltransferase with which CTCFL interacts, is also expressed during embryonic testis development. Symmetrical dimethyl arginine 3 of histone H4, a modification catalyzed by PRMT7, accumulates in germ cells during this developmental period. This modified histone is also found enriched in both H19 ICR and Gtl2 differentially methylated region (DMR) chromatin of testis by chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) analysis. In vitro studies demonstrate that CTCFL stimulates the histone-methyltransferase activity of PRMT7 via interactions with both histones and PRMT7. Finally, H19 ICR methylation is demonstrated by nuclear co-injection of expression vectors encoding CTCFL, PRMT7, and the de novo DNA methyltransferases, Dnmt3a, -b and -L, in Xenopus oocytes. These results suggest that CTCFL and PRMT7 may play a role in male germline imprinted gene methylation

    ChIP Analysis of CTCFL Association with the <i>H19</i> ICR and <i>Gtl2</i> DMR

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    <div><p>(A) Diagrams illustrate the regions within <i>H19</i> ICR and <i>Gtl2</i> DMR analyzed by ChIP.</p> <p>(B) Adult testis analysis. Upper panels show agarose gels of real-time PCR products for <i>H19</i> ICR and standard PCR products for <i>Gtl2</i> DMR. A no–DNA control (−)is indicated. Input (In) represents 10% of total amount of samples used. Pre-immune (PI) was used as a control for the enrichment of CTCFL immunoprecipitated with α-CTCFL (α-CL) antibody. For <i>Gtl2</i> DMR, normal rabbit serum (NRS) was used. Lower panel shows real-time PCR analysis of <i>H19</i> ICR. Control represents genomic region lacking CTCF binding consensus sequence.</p> <p>(C) The 15.5-dpc testis analysis. Figure is organized as for (B). In this case, control is included in the upper panel.</p></div

    Immunohistochemistry of CTCFL Expression in Developing Testis

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    <div><p>(A) Characterization of α-CTCFL antibody. Myc-tagged CTCFL expressed in 293T cells was used to assess antibody titer and specificity. First (left) panel shows different anti-sera (dilution 1:1,000); pre-immune; 1: first bleed; 2: second bleed; 3: final bleed. Second panel: verification of myc-tagged CTCFL by α-myc antibody. Third panel: determination of α-CTCFL antibody specificity. The α-CTCFL antibody (dilution 1:10,000) was pre-incubated with GST-N-terminal CTCFL (GA) and GST (G). The antibody, pre-incubated with specific antigen, was neutralized, whereas α-CTCFL pre-incubated with GST alone retained its reactivity. Fourth panel: α-CTCFL reacted with a Western blot of adult testis extract. The black arrow indicates the position of myc epitope-tagged CTCFL, whereas the grey arrow indicates the position of endogenous CTCFL.</p> <p>(B–G) CTCFL expression in developing and adult testis. The pre-immune and adjacent α-CTCFL panels are at the same magnification (400×). A 5× magnification of the α-CTCFL image is given in the rightmost panel.</p> <p>(B) CTCFL is not detected at 13.5 dpc.</p> <p>(C) Mitotically arrested gonocytes (marked with white arrows) exhibit CTCFL staining at 14.5 dpc.</p> <p>(D) A few centrally localized gonocytes and cells at the periphery of seminiferous tubules express CTCFL at 17.5 dpc.</p> <p>(E) CTCFL is localized in gonocytes in newborn mice.</p> <p>(F) At 15 d after birth, nuclei of spermatogonia expressed CTCFL, as did their counterparts in adult testis (G).</p> <p>(H) Immunohistochemical detection of CTCF expression in adult testis. Normal rabbit serum (NRS) (left panel) and α-CTCF are presented as for (B–G). CTCF is expressed uniquely in Sertoli cells (marked with arrows).</p></div

    N-terminal CTCFL Interacts with PRMT7

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    <div><p>(A) Diagrams show the domain structure of the PRMT7 and CTCFL proteins. MTase I and II represent the methyltransferase regions within PRMT7. The position of the recovered yeast two-hybrid clone of PRMT7 is indicated.</p> <p>(B) Reciprocal GST pull-downs of CTCFL and PRMT7. Scheme of the tested interactions is given in diagrams. GST and GST fusion proteins (CMV-GST vector) were co-expressed in 293T cells with myc- or V5-tagged preys. N-ter., N-terminal.</p> <p>(C) Co-immunoprecipitation of CTCFL and PRMT7. The 293T extracts containing over-expressed CTCFL-Myc or CTCFL-Myc&PRMT7-V5 were immunoprecipitated with α-V5 antibody or normal mouse serum (NMS). CTCFL was detected with α-Myc antibody. N-ter., N-terminal.</p> <p>(D) No interaction between CTCF and PRMT7 is detectable by GST pull-downs.</p></div

    Model of <i>H19</i> ICR Methylation

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    <div><p>(A) An initial complex of CTCFL and PRMT7 localizes to the <i>H19</i> ICR, resulting in symmetrical dimethyl modification of arginine residues in histones H2A and H4 composing the adjacent nucleosomes. The localization to ICR is assured by the zinc finger portion of CTCFL, whereas the interactions with histones and PRMT7 are taking place via the N-terminal portion of the protein.</p> <p>(B) Following disengagement of the CTCFL complex, the de novo DNA methyltransferases Dnmt3a and Dnmt3b are recruited by either their PWWP motifs or through a bridging protein to the methylated histones. Dnmt3L is recruited by direct interaction with Dnmt3a and Dnmt3b. Subsequent to their recruitment, the de novo DNA methyltransferases methylate adjacent CpGs, resulting in ICR methylation.</p></div

    CTCFL Interacts with Histones H1, H2A, and H3

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    <div><p>(A) Farwestern analysis. Western blots containing 1-μg and 0.25-μg histones were reacted with transfected 293T cell lysates expressing myc-tagged CTCFL. The presence of CTCFL was detected by α-Myc and α-CTCFL antibodies. Individual histones are indicated. The lower panel shows the ponceau red–stained Western blot. The migration of the individual histones are indicated to the left.</p> <p>(B) N-terminal and full-length CTCFL interacts with histones H1, H2A, and H3. Bacterial-produced GST histone fusion proteins were reacted with lysates from 293T cells transfected with either full-length or N-terminal CTCFL expression vectors. No detectable interaction of PRMT7 with histones is observed.</p></div