42 research outputs found


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    Wine grape is cultivar that grows for many years, but every year in the vegetation period creates large number of winter fertile buds from which in the next vegetation new shoots will develop. To keep it’s shape, to plan it’s yield and growth and also the quality of the wine grape it’s necessary to make pruning every year until the start of the vegetation to remove all the unnecessary shoots that developed. Wine grape from the whole assortment in Republic of Macedonia takes place in 70% from the whole grape production.The research is focused on the possibility of using different ways of pruning to have the best results in the yield and quality of the ripped grape and also for introduction of machine pruning and machine harvest. The research is conducted on the wine grape varieties: Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot. On the two researched grape varieties there are 4variants on vine training from which one is Control. On the two researched variants and grape varieties, the percentage of developed shoots is calculated, potential fertility, number of clusters per vine and shoot, cluster mass per bud and variant, grape yield per vine and hectare, total sugars and total acids. Results from the research in 2016 for the grape yield per vine and per bud, yield per vine, chemical analysis for sugar content and total acids show that the best variant from the Cabernet Sauvignon is Variant 2, for the Merlot is Variant 3


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    Table grape production takes considerable place in the total grape production in Republic of Macedonia. Central Povardarie wine regions, especially Tikvesh wine district has good conditions for producing table grape for consumption in fresh state. Obtaining optimal yield and quality table grape demands aplication of suitable ampelotechnical measures such as: yield planning per vine and hectare, pincage of grape cluster, partial defoliation, and use of biostimulators, use of modern packing centers and use of adequate packing for the table grape. The purpose of the research was yield planning with leaving specific numbers of grape clusters per vine to get high yield and high quality table grape. Three Variants were researched with 18, 23 and 27 grape clusters per vine and Standard with leaving of all grape clusters per vine. Measuring of the yield per vine and perhectare was conducted, percentage of packed grape and remnants, mechanical analysis of the grape cluster and berry, pressure resistance of the berry, resistance of cluster stem breakage and chemical analysis. The results and information received from the yield per vine and hectare, percentage of packed grapes and remnants, the chemical analysis of sugar content and total acid content are showing that the best results are achieved at the Variant with 27 grape clusters per vine

    Hypersweeps, Convective Clouds and Reeb Spaces

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    Isosurfaces are one of the most prominent tools in scientific data visualisation. An isosurface is a surface that defines the boundary of a feature of interest in space for a given threshold. This is integral in analysing data from the physical sciences which observe and simulate three or four dimensional phenomena. However it is time consuming and impractical to discover surfaces of interest by manually selecting different thresholds. The systematic way to discover significant isosurfaces in data is with a topological data structure called the contour tree. The contour tree encodes the connectivity and shape of each isosurface at all possible thresholds. The first part of this work has been devoted to developing algorithms that use the contour tree to discover significant features in data using high performance computing systems. Those algorithms provided a clear speedup over previous methods and were used to visualise physical plasma simulations. A major limitation of isosurfaces and contour trees is that they are only applicable when a single property is associated with data points. However scientific data sets often take multiple properties into account. A recent breakthrough generalised isosurfaces to fiber surfaces. Fiber surfaces define the boundary of a feature where the threshold is defined in terms of multiple parameters, instead of just one. In this work we used fiber surfaces together with isosurfaces and the contour tree to create a novel application that helps atmosphere scientists visualise convective cloud formation. Using this application, they were able to, for the first time, visualise the physical properties of certain structures that trigger cloud formation. Contour trees can also be generalised to handle multiple parameters. The natural extension of the contour tree is called the Reeb space and it comes from the pure mathematical field of fiber topology. The Reeb space is not yet fully understood mathematically and algorithms for computing it have significant practical limitations. A key difficulty is that while the contour tree is a traditional one dimensional data structure made up of points and lines between them, the Reeb space is far more complex. The Reeb space is made up of two dimensional sheets, attached to each other in intricate ways. The last part of this work focuses on understanding the structure of Reeb spaces and the rules that are followed when sheets are combined. This theory builds towards developing robust combinatorial algorithms to compute and use Reeb spaces for practical data analysis


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    Tikvesh wine region is located in the centre of the Republic of Macedonia and it’s one of the most important wine regions in this country. The wine production in this region dates back from the 4th century BC, and today it covers around 13,000 ha of vineyards which represents one- third of the total grape production in Republic of Macedonia. From the various locations that are part of this region, our focus and interest was on the three localities: Kavadarci, Negotino and Demir Kapija. This research was made on the white wine varieties Italian and Rhine Riesling which today are increasingly spreading on the territory of Republic of Macedonia. Several parameters were examined including: dynamics of maturation, yield, the mechanical composition of the grapes, the chemical composition of must. The purpose of this research is to determine the technological and production potential of these varieties and to determine which of these localities gives the most suitable results for the further spread, both in the Tikvesh region and beyond

    Acute scrotum in children and the role of Doppler sonography in differential diagnosis

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    Sixty-one patients aged from 2 months to 17 years who were hospitalized between 02.01.2017- 25.05.2019 in the Department of Pediatric Surgery for acute scrotum were investigated by Doppler sonography with Sonoscape2 ultrasound equipped with a high-frequency 7-11 MHz linear transducer.Testicular appendage torsion was reported in 49 children, 6 patients were with testicular torsion and 4 were with orchiectomy. Five patients were diagnosed with orchiepididymitis and three patients were with acute scrotum because of different types of trauma.The present article describes the frequency of acute scrotum, its etiology and importance of Doppler investigation in the differential diagnosis of acute scrotum


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    The afus-ali variety, together with the muscat italia, cardinal, victoria, ribier, and palieri, is the most important table grape variety in the Republic of Macedonia. We studied the dynamics of ripening of the afus-ali table grape variety from two locations Kavadarci and Valandovo where this variety is most commonly cultivated in the Republic of Macedonia. To determine the timing of ripening, we examined the dynamics of ripening by randomised sampling in the period from early August to the ripening of the grapes in early September. Four samples with three repetitions for each sample were taken every 10 days. We analysed the mechanical and chemical composition and mechanical properties of the cluster and berries following the OIV (International Organisation of Vine and Wine) methods. We used statistical analysis of the completely randomised design. The changes that occur during ripening of the afus-ali variety are the indicator of its technological ripeness. The results can be applied in the planning of the vintage depending on the market placement and duration of refrigerator storage of grapes

    Povezanost između prinosa zrna i agronomskih osobina ozimog pivskog ječma

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    Grain yield is one of the most important and complex traits in cereal breeding and depends upon a combination of different plant traits. Therefore, an effective breeding program requires a proper understanding of the relationships between grain yield and agronomic traits. The objectives of this study were the evaluation of two-rowed winter malting barley genotypes and the perceiving of relationships among grain yield and their agronomic and quality traits. The trials with 19 two-rowed winter malting barley genotypes were conducted during three years. The relationships among plant lodging, height, thousand kernel weight, hectolitre mass, grain protein content and grain yield, were studied by PCA biplot analysis. The results showed that the influence of year, genotype and genotype by year interaction on barley grain yield were significant. Further, results indicate that two-rowed winter malting barley grain yield can be improved by selecting plants of average plant height with thousand kernel weight above 41.0 g and grain protein content of about 11.0 g 100-1g dm.Prinos zrna je jedna je od najznačajnijih i najsloženijih osobina u procesu oplemenjivanja strnih žita koja zavisi od većeg broja svojstava biljaka. Uspešni programi oplemenjivanja zahtevaju pravilno poznavanje povezanosti između prinosa i različitih agronomskih osobina. Cilj ovog ispitivanja je bila ocena genotipova ozimog pivskog ječma i asocijacija između pojedinih agronomskih osobina i prinosa zrna. PCA biplot analiza je korištena za proučavanja povezanosti između poleganja, visine, mase hiljadu zrna, hektolitarske mase, sadržaja proteina i prinosa zrna kod 19 genotipova ječma. Rezultati su pokazali značajan uticaj godine, genotipa i interakcije genotip-godina na ispitivane osobine ječma. Takođe, utvrđeno je da se prinos zrna ozimog pivskog ječma može unaprediti odabirom biljaka optimizovane visine otpornih na poleganje sa višom masom hiljadu zrna (preko 41,0 g) i nižim sadržajem proteina u zrna (oko 11,0 g 100-1g dm)

    Evaluation of genetic variance components for some quantitative traits in rapeseed (brassica napus l.)

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    Three hybrid combinations obtained by crossing six winter rapeseed cultivars were analyzed for the impact of genes with additive and dominant effects and their interactions with inheritance of plant height and first lateral branch height. The linkage among the expected progeny means was checked using the scaling test method (Mather, 1949), while the estimates of genetic effects and mode of inheritance was made by the Generation Mean Analysis (Mather and Jinks, 1982). The additive dominant model did not prove adequate for plant height in all three crosses, and for first lateral branch height in the second and third cross. The inadequacy of the model showed epistatic gene effects were also of large importance in the inheritance of these traits. Duplicate epistasis for plant height inheritance was found in all three cross combinations and for inheritance of height of the first lateral branch in second and third cross combination. However, it should be emphasized that duplicate epistasis among dominant positive genes occurred on plant height inheritance in C1 and C3, and on inheritance of first lateral branch height in C3. Duplicate epistasis among dominant negative genes occurred in C2 on the mode of inheritance of both traits

    Sadržaj organske materije u zemljištima AP Vojvodine i mogućnost korišćenja žetvenih ostataka kao obnovljivog izvora energije

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    An analysis of over 77,000 samples of plowland in AP Vojvodina indicated that 39% of the samples belong to the category of low humus soils with the organic matter content ranging from 1% to 3%. The category of soils well provided with humus (3% to 5%) included 60% of the analyzed plowland of Vojvodina. The obtained results are in contradiction with the natural potential of high quality land of Vojvodina and they are consequence of inadequate agricultural practices, insufficient application of organic fertilizers, excessive removal and burning of harvest residues. Organic matter content in Vojvodina soils is under strong anthropogenic influence, and it is not advisable to remove harvest residues and use them as biomass without prior soil analysis. Based on the analysis of organic matter content in agricultural soils in individual municipalities of AP Vojvodina, it is feasible to select locations with quality soils, where it would be possible to construct plants for energy production from harvest residues, while securing minimum transportation costs and preserving the soil quality.Analizom preko 77.000 uzoraka zemljišta pod oranicama AP Vojvodine, utvrđeno je da 39% uzoraka pripada klasi slabo humoznog zemljišta sa sadržajem organske materije od 1% do 3%. U klasi dobre obezbeđenosti sa sadržajem humusa od 3% do 5% nalazi se 59% analiziranih vojvođanskih oranica. Dobijeni rezultati su u suprotnosti sa prirodnim potencijalom visokokvalitetnih vojvođanskih zemljišta i posledica su neadekvatne agrotehnike, nedovoljne primene organskih đubriva, neracionalnog odnošenja i spaljivanja žetvenih ostataka. Sadržaj organske materije u zemljištima Vojvodine pod jakim je antropogenim uticajem, te se bez prethodne analize zemljišta ne savetuje iznošenje žetvenih ostataka i njihova upotreba kao biomase. Na osnovu analize sadržaja organske materije u poljoprivrednom zemljištu u pojedinim opštinama AP Vojvodine, može se izvršiti odabir lokacija sa kvalitetnim zemljištem, gde je moguća izgradnja postrojenja za dobijanje energije iz žetvenih ostataka, uz minimalne troškove transporta i očuvanje zemljišta

    Rezultati višedecenijskog rada na oplemenjivanju strnih žita u Institutu za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo

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    In 2008, the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad will celebrate its 70th anniversary. The Institute's breeding program included small grains from its very foundation back in 1938 and 372 cultivars of these species have been developed since as a result. The highest amount of breeding work has been done on wheat and barley. The dominance of NS wheat and barley cultivars began in the early 1970s and has continued ever since. The IFVC small grains program rests on three basic postulates, namely the definition of breeding goals, development of genetic variability, and identification of superior genotypes. The actual breeding work has consisted in the conception of a specific cultivar ideotype by each breeder and subsequent efforts to attain the desired breeding goals. To create genetic variability, the method of artificially hybridizing two or more genotypes was used. A huge number of parental lines from all continents have been used in the program, with the most notable one being the Russian cultivar Bezostaja 1. Potential for yield has been the most important selection criterion from the very start. Later on in the program, other criteria such as quality and resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses became highly important as well. The last five years have been marked by intensive work on molecular markers, namely microsatellites. In addition to the work on identifying particular traits (genes) in multiple genotypes using known markers, major efforts are under way to utilize microsatellite markers for marker-assisted selection (MAS) as well. .Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo u Novom Sadu u 2008. godini slavi jubilej 70 godina od osnivanja. Od početka, rad se odvijao na strnim žitina i kao rezultat tog dugogodišnjeg rada stvorene su 372 sorte strnih žita. Najviše se radilo na pšenici i ječmu. Dominacija novosadskih sorti pšenice i ječma počinje od ranih 70-tih i traje sve do danas. Kao osnova rada na oplemenjivanju poslužila su tri postulata: definisanje oplemenjivačkih ciljeva, stvaranje genetske varijabilnosti i identifikacija superiornih genotipova. Konkretna selekcija bila je vezana za određen ideotip sorte koji je svaki od oplemenjivača kreirao i težio njegovom ostvarenju. Za stvaranje genetske varijabilnosti korišćen je metod veštačke hibridizacije dva ili više genotipova. U programima oplemenjivanja korišćen je ogroman broj roditelja poreklom sa svih kontinenata, mada ruska sorta Bezostaja 1 ima dominantno mesto. Potencijal rodnosti se od početka rada pojavljuje kao najvažniji selekcioni kriterijum. Kasnije i druga svojstva postaju značajni selekcioni kriterijumi kao što su kvalitet i otpornost na biotičke i abiotičke faktore. U poslednjih pet godina se veoma intenzivno radi na molekularnim markerima i to na mikrosatelitima. Pored identifikacije pojedinih svojstava tj. gena u većem broju genotipova upotrebom poznatih markera, izražena su nastojanja da se mikrosatelitski markeri iskoriste i za marker-asistiranu selekciju (MAS).