456 research outputs found

    Jelena Krmpotić-Nemanić (1921–2008): Contributions to Human Neuroanatomy

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    Jelena Krmpoti}-Nemani} (1921–2008) was a world-famous anatomist, internationally distinguished otolaryngologist, a member of the Croatian Academy of Sciences & Arts and appreciated professor at the School of Medicine University of Zagreb. The founding influence in her scientific career came from her mentor Drago Perovi} who was a student of Ferdinand Hochstetter, the leading authority in the field of human developmental neuroanatomy and embryology. Such an influence was obviously important in early shaping of the research agenda of Jelena Krmpoti}-Nemani}, and it remains important in a long series of studies on developing human telencephalon initiated by Ivica Kostovi} and his collaborators – with an always present and active support of Jelena Krmpoti}-Nemani}. The aim of this mini review is to briefly describe her numerous contributions to the anatomy of the human peripheral and central nervous system

    Functional neuroanatomy of nociception and pain

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    Pain is a complex sensory state based on the integration of a variety of nociceptive inputs processed centrally through many parallel and overlapping neural systems. The traditional anatomical concept implies that nociceptive information is dominantly used to generate and regulate perception of pain through one major sensory pathway. It becomes recognized that experiencing the affective component of the pain is at least as important as perception. Also, nociceptive information is strongly influencing brain centers for regulating homeostasis. So, understanding neuroanatomical organization of central processing of nociceptive information is of great clinical importance. There is an attempt to simplify this complex set of interacting networks to a core set of brain regions or a generalizable pain signature. Herewith we wish to give a short overview of recent advances by presenting principles about neuroanatomical organization for processing various aspects of nociceptive inputs

    Microencapsulation of dronedarone hydrochloride by spray drying

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    Microencapsulation is a method often used in various industries and one of the many advantages is that controlled release of the active ingredient can be achieved. The aim of this study was to prepare microcapsules by spray drying by changing the process conditions and ratios of the used components, polymer excipient poly(vinyl alcohol) and active ingredient dronedarone hydrochloride. Dosage forms of poly(vinyl alcohol) and dronedarone hydrochloride were prepared in 1:1, 2:1 and 3:1 weight ratios and the solutions were dried in a laboratory spray dryer at four different atomization flowrates. The morphology of the obtained microcapsules was examined using a scanning electron microscope (SEM). The release kinetics of the active ingredient from the microcapsules were examined by in vitro laboratory testing and the resulting release profiles were described using the Weibull model. The results showed that the change of weight ratio has influence on the morphology of microcapsules, the efficiency of microencapsulation and drug release

    Microencapsulation of dronedarone hydrochloride by spray drying

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    Microencapsulation is a method often used in various industries and one of the many advantages is that con-trolled release of the active ingredient can be achieved. The aim of this study was to prepare microcapsules by spray drying by changing the process conditions and ratios of the used components, polymer excipient poly(vinyl alcohol) and active ingredient dronedarone hydrochloride. Dosage forms of poly(vinyl alcohol) and dronedarone hydrochloride were prepared in 1:1, 2:1 and 3:1 weight ratios and the solutions were dried in a laboratory spray dryer at four different atomization flowrates. The morphology of the obtained microcapsules was examined using a scanning electron microscope (SEM). The release kinetics of the active ingredient from the microcapsules were examined by in vitro laboratory testing and the resulting release profiles were described using the Weibull model. The results showed that the change of weight ratio has influence on the morphology of microcapsules, the effi-ciency of microencapsulation and drug release

    Primate-Specific Origins and Migration of Cortical GABAergic Neurons

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    Gamma-aminobutyric-acidergic (GABAergic) cells form a very heterogeneous population of neurons that play a crucial role in the coordination and integration of cortical functions. Their number and diversity increase through mammalian brain evolution. Does evolution use the same or different developmental rules to provide the increased population of cortical GABAergic neurons? In rodents, these neurons are not generated in the pallial proliferative zones as glutamatergic principal neurons. They are produced almost exclusively by the subpallial proliferative zones, the ganglionic eminence (GE) and migrate tangentially to reach their target cortical layers. The GE is organized in molecularly different subdomains that produce different subpopulations of cortical GABAergic neurons. In humans and non-human primates, in addition to the GE, cortical GABAergic neurons are also abundantly generated by the proliferative zones of the dorsal telencephalon. Neurogenesis in ventral and dorsal telencephalon occurs with distinct temporal profiles. These dorsal and ventral lineages give rise to different populations of GABAergic neurons. Early-generated GABAergic neurons originate from the GE and mostly migrate to the marginal zone and the subplate. Later-generated GABAergic neurons, originating from both proliferative sites, populate the cortical plate. Interestingly, the pool of GABAergic progenitors in dorsal telencephalon produces mainly calretinin neurons, a population known to be significantly increased and to display specific features in primates. We conclude that the development of cortical GABAergic neurons have exclusive features in primates that need to be considered in order to understand pathological mechanisms leading to some neurological and psychiatric diseases

    Microencapsulation of dronedarone hydrochloride by spray drying

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    Microencapsulation is a method often used in various industries and one of the many advantages is that controlled release of the active ingredient can be achieved. The aim of this study was to prepare microcapsules by spray drying by changing the process conditions and ratios of the used components, polymer excipient poly(vinyl alcohol) and active ingredient dronedarone hydrochloride. Dosage forms of poly(vinyl alcohol) and dronedarone hydrochloride were prepared in 1:1, 2:1 and 3:1 weight ratios and the solutions were dried in a laboratory spray dryer at four different atomization flowrates. The morphology of the obtained microcapsules was examined using a scanning electron microscope (SEM). The release kinetics of the active ingredient from the microcapsules were examined by in vitro laboratory testing and the resulting release profiles were described using the Weibull model. The results showed that the change of weight ratio has influence on the morphology of microcapsules, the efficiency of microencapsulation and drug release

    Prototyping and Integration of Educational Low-Cost Mobile Robot Platform

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    This paper describes the process of designing and prototyping a low-cost robotic platform based on existing equipment and projects that enable extracurricular STEM activities in Croatia and beyond. A robotic platform with a differential drive configuration was chosen for education from an early age due to its simplicity and a wide range of cheap and compatible components from which it can be made. From the aspect of integration into extracurricular or curricular activities, the BBC micro:bit ecosystem was considered, enabling block-based visual programming. Components with printable parts make up the assembly of the educational robot. The main steps in designing and creating a robot prototype are presented, which consist of the modelling, 3D printing of robot parts, and assembly into a functional system. After several stages of testing, an interactive workshop was held with 7th-grade primary school pupils. Further work is planned to create educational material for extracurricular STEM workshops


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    Uloga gramatike i njezina važnost u nastavi stranoga jezika tema je brojnih istraživanja i rasprava. Ovaj rad prikazuje rezultate istraživanja studentskih procjena o važnosti gramatike u razumijevanju i komuniciranju na njemačkome jeziku struke te studentske percepcije o tome koliko je gramatika važna njihovim nastavnicima. Istraživanje donosi rezultate o zadovoljstvu ispitanika načinima podučavanja i uvježbavanja gramatike u nastavi te daje njihove prijedloge u kojoj bi mjeri gramatički sadržaji trebali biti zastupljeni u kolegijima njemačkoga jezika struke. Dobiveni podatci i njihova analiza trebali bi pomoći u pripremi nastave kako bi se očekivanja studenata i nastavnika što više usuglasila, a nastava stranoga jezika struke osuvremenila i prilagodila zahtjevima modernoga poslovnog svijeta.The role of grammar and its importance in the teaching of a foreign language have been extensively investigated and discussed. This paper presents results of a survey of students\u27 evaluation of the importance of grammar for understanding and communicating in German in a specialized field as well as of the students\u27 perception of how important grammar is to their teachers. The results of the survey refer to the satisfaction of students with the methods of teaching and practicing grammar in class and the students\u27 proposals as to the extent to which grammar should be included in the courses of German for specific purposes. The survey results and the analysis of the results should contribute to the development of classes so as to harmonize students\u27 expectation with those of the teachers, leading to a more modern teaching of a foreign language for specific purposes that would adequately prepare students for the contemporary business environment

    Potential applications bacteriocins of lactic acid bacteria in production of dairy products

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    Bakteriocini su peptidi koji se sintetiziraju ribosomalno, a sintetizira ih većina bakterija. Djelovanje im može biti baktriostatsko ili baktericidno, te je najčešće usmjereno na srodne bakterijske vrste ili sojeve iste vrste. Većinu poznatih bakteriocina sintetiziraju bakterije mliječne kiseline, a neki od najbolje istraženih su nizin, pediocin, lakticin i enterocin. Mogu se koristiti kao biokonzervansi u proizvodnji mliječnih proizvoda u cilju sprječavanja rasta i razmnožavanja patogenih bakterija i bakterija uzročnika kvarenja, poboljšanja kvalitete i senzorskih svojstava sira te kao sredstvo za suzbijanje biofilmova u mljekarskim pogonima. Unatoč tome, danas se uz nizin komercijalno proizvodi još jedino pediocin PA-1/AcH, iako postoje i drugi, još nedovoljno istraženi bakteriocini, koji pokazuju potencijal primjene u proizvodnji mliječnih i drugih prehrambenih proizvoda.Bacteriocins are ribosomally synthesized peptides synthesized by most bacteria. Their action can be bacteriostatic or bactericidal, and is usually directed against closely related bacterial species or strains of the same species. Most of the known bacteriocins are synthesized by lactic acid bacteria, while some of the most studied ones are nisin, pediocin, lacticin and enterocin. They can be used as biopreservatives in the production of dairy products to prevent the growth of pathogenic and spoilage bacteria and to improve the quality and sensory properties of cheese. Bacteriocins can be used to control biofilms in dairy plants. Despite that, only pediocin PA-1/AcH is currently produced commercially alongside nisin, although there are other, still underinvestigated bacteriocins, that show potential for application in dairy and other food products