252 research outputs found

    Differential H4K16ac levels ensure a balance between quiescence and activation in hematopoietic stem cells

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    Hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) are able to reconstitute the bone marrow while retaining their self-renewal property. Individual HSCs demonstrate heterogeneity in their repopulating capacities. Here, we found that the levels of the histone acetyltransferase MOF (males absent on the first) and its target modification histone H4 lysine 16 acetylation are heterogeneous among HSCs and influence their proliferation capacities. The increased proliferative capacities of MOF-depleted cells are linked to their expression of CD93. The CD93+ HSC subpopulation simultaneously shows transcriptional features of quiescent HSCs and functional features of active HSCs. CD93+ HSCs were expanded and exhibited an enhanced proliferative advantage in Mof+/− animals reminiscent of a premalignant state. Accordingly, low MOF and high CD93 levels correlate with poor survival and increased proliferation capacity in leukemia. Collectively, our study indicates H4K16ac as an important determinant for HSC heterogeneity, which is linked to the onset of monocytic disorders

    Epigenetic Regulators as the Gatekeepers of Hematopoiesis

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    Hematopoiesis is the process by which both fetal and adult organisms derive the full repertoire of blood cells from a single multipotent progenitor cell type, the hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs). Correct enactment of this process relies on a synergistic interplay between genetically encoded differentiation programs and a host of cell-intrinsic and cell-extrinsic factors. These include the influence of the HSC niche microenvironment, action of specific transcription factors, and alterations in intracellular metabolic state. The consolidation of these inputs with the genetically encoded program into a coherent differentiation program for each lineage is thought to rely on epigenetic modifiers. Recent work has delineated the precise contributions of different classes of epigenetic modifiers to HSC self-renewal as well as lineage specification and differentiation into various cell types. Here, we bring together what is currently known about chromatin status and the development of cells in the hematopoietic system under normal and abnormal conditions

    Histone H4 lysine 16 acetylation controls central carbon metabolism and diet-induced obesity in mice

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    Noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) account for over 70% of deaths world-wide. Previous work has linked NCDs such as type 2 diabetes (T2D) to disruption of chromatin regulators. However, the exact molecular origins of these chronic conditions remain elusive. Here, we identify the H4 lysine 16 acetyltransferase MOF as a critical regulator of central carbon metabolism. High-throughput metabolomics unveil a systemic amino acid and carbohydrate imbalance in Mof deficient mice, manifesting in T2D predisposition. Oral glucose tolerance testing (OGTT) reveals defects in glucose assimilation and insulin secretion in these animals. Furthermore, Mof deficient mice are resistant to diet-induced fat gain due to defects in glucose uptake in adipose tissue. MOF-mediated H4K16ac deposition controls expression of the master regulator of glucose metabolism, Pparg and the entire downstream transcriptional network. Glucose uptake and lipid storage can be reconstituted in MOF-depleted adipocytes in vitro by ectopic Glut4 expression, PPARγ agonist thiazolidinedione (TZD) treatment or SIRT1 inhibition. Hence, chronic imbalance in H4K16ac promotes a destabilisation of metabolism triggering the development of a metabolic disorder, and its maintenance provides an unprecedented regulatory epigenetic mechanism controlling diet-induced obesity

    Enrichment of Grapes with Zinc-Efficiency of Foliar Fertilization with ZnSO4 and ZnO and Implications on Winemaking

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    Grapes and wine are widely consumed in the world, yet their mineral content can be influenced by many factors such as the mineral composition of soils, viticulture practices and environmental conditions. In this context, considering the importance of Zn in the human physiology, the enrichment of Moscatel and Castelão grapes (white and red variety, respectively) with this nutrient prompted this study; further assessment of tissue deposition and some implications for wine production. Using two foliar fertilizers (ZnO or ZnSO4, at 150, 450 and 900 g ha1), decreases in net photosynthesis and stomatal conductance occurred in both varieties, suggesting that the physiological threshold of Zn toxicity was reached without visible symptoms. Following foliar spraying with both fertilizers, the content of Zn in leaves of the Castelão and Moscatel varieties showed higher values in all treatments relative to the control. Moreover, in grapes this tendency occurred only in Castelão. Concerning Cu, Fe, Ca, K, S and P, some significant differences also happened in leaves and grapes among treatments. At harvest, the indexes of Zn enrichment in grapes increased between 2.14- and 8.38-fold and between 1.02- and 1.44-fold in Castelão and Moscatel varieties, respectively. Zinc in the dried skin of Castelão only increased with ZnO and ZnSO4 sprayed at 900 g ha1 (ca. 2.71- and 1.5-fold relative to the control, respectively), but in Moscatel a clear accumulation trend could not be found. The dry weight of grapes ranged (in %) between 16 and 23 (but did not vary significantly among treatments of each variety or in each treatment between varieties), and total soluble solids (e.g., mainly soluble sugars and proteins) and color parameters showed some significant variations. Through winemaking, the contents of Zn increased in both varieties (1.34- and 3.57-fold, in Castelão and Moscatel, respectively) and in all treatments, although non-significantly in Castelão. It is concluded that, to increase the contents of Zn in grapes without reaching the threshold of toxicity ZnO or ZnSO4 can be used for foliar spraying of Castelão and Moscatel varieties until 900 g ha1 and that winemaking augments the level of this nutrientinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Zinc Biofortification in Vitis vinifera: Implications for Quality and Wine Production

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    Nowadays, there is a growing concern about micronutrient deficits in food products, with agronomic biofortification being considered a mitigation strategy. In this context, as Zn is essential for growth and maintenance of human health, a workflow for the biofortification of grapes from the Vitis vinifera variety Fernão Pires, which contains this nutrient, was carried out considering the soil properties of the vineyard. Additionally, Zn accumulation in the tissues of the grapes and the implications for some quality parameters and on winemaking were assessed. Vines were sprayed three times with ZnO and ZnSO4 at concentrations of 150, 450, and 900 g ha1 during the production cycle. Physiological data were obtained through chlorophyll a fluorescence data, to access the potential symptoms of toxicity. At harvest, treated grapes revealed significant increases of Zn concentration relative to the control, being more pronounced for ZnO and ZnSO4 in the skin and seeds, respectively. After winemaking, an increase was also found regarding the control (i.e., 1.59-fold with ZnSO4-450 g ha1). The contents of the sugars and fatty acids, as well as the colorimetric analyses, were also assessed, but significant variations were not found among treatments. In general, Zn biofortification increased with ZnO and ZnSO4, without significantly affecting the physicochemical characteristics of grapesinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Padrões de venação das plantas medicinais do horto da Embrapa Amazônia Oriental, Belém-PA-Brasil.

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    Catalogar e descrever os padrões de venação das folhas são importantes para botânicos e paleobotânicos, pois são relevantes características taxonômicas. O uso de plantas medicinais na Amazônia é bastante difundido e a correta identificação é fundamental para evitar danos à saúde, bem como, para auxiliar as indústrias de fármacos e cosméticos. Dessa forma, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo identificar os padrões de venação das plantas medicinais do horto da Embrapa Amazônia Oriental, a fim de contribuir com estudos taxonômicos e morfológicos dessas plantas, que são amplamente utilizadas por comunidades tradicionais na região amazônica. Foram avaliadas 166 espécies, sendo 108 fora do telado (FT) e 58 dentro do telado (DT), seguindo classificações específicas. Os tipos broquidódroma (FT) e camptódroma (DT) foram os mais expressivos. A família Piperaceae apresentou a maior diversidade de tipos de venação, entre as espécies observadas. Assim, a caracterização dos padrões de venação das espécies medicinais avaliadas irá contribuir com os estudos taxonômicos, morfológicos e ecológicos, que são ferramentas importantes para aumentar o conhecimento sobre as espécies medicinais presentes na Amazônia, considerando as características ambientais inerentes à região

    Smoking increases the risk of relapse after successful tuberculosis treatment

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    Background Recent tobacco smoking has been identified as a risk factor for developing tuberculosis, and two studies which have investigated its association with relapse of tuberculosis after completion of treatment had conflicting results (and did not control for confounding). The objective of this study was to investigate risk factors for tuberculosis relapse, with emphasis on smoking

    The N-terminal half of the peroxisomal cycling receptor Pex5p is a natively unfolded domain

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    Targeting of most newly synthesised peroxisomal matrix proteins to the organelle requires Pex5p, the so-called PTS1 receptor. According to current models of peroxisomal biogenesis, Pex5p interacts with these proteins in the cytosol, transports them to the peroxisomal membrane and catalyses their translocation across the membrane. Presently, our knowledge on the structural details behind the interaction of Pex5p with the cargo proteins is reasonably complete. In contrast, information regarding the structure of the Pex5p N-terminal half (a region containing its peroxisomal targeting domain) is still limited. We have recently observed that the Stokes radius of this Pex5p domain is anomalously large, suggesting that this portion of the protein is either a structured elongated domain or that it adopts a low compactness conformation. Here, we address this issue using a combination of biophysical and biochemical approaches. Our results indicate that the N-terminal half of Pex5p is best described as a natively unfolded premolten globule-like domain. The implications of these findings on the mechanism of protein import into the peroxisome are discussed

    Can foliar pulverization with CaCl2 and Ca(NO3)2 trigger Ca enrichment in solanum tuberosum L. tubers?

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    project PDR2020-101-030719 IDB/00239/2020 UIDP/04035/2020This study aimed to assess the efficiency of Ca enrichment in tubers of three genotypes of Solanum tuberosum L., through foliar spraying with CaCl2 and Ca(NO3)2 solutions. In this context, soil heterogeneity of three potato-growing fields, as well as the implications of Ca accumulation among tissues and some quality parameters were assessed. Three potato varieties (Agria, Picasso and Rossi) were grown in three production fields and during the life cycle, four pulverizations with calcium chloride (3 and 6 kg ha−1) or calcium nitrate (0.5, 2 and 4 kg ha−1) were applied. For screening the potential phytotoxicity, using Agria as a test system, the potential synthesis of photoassimilates was determined, and it was found that after the 3rd Ca application, leaf gas exchanges were moderately (net photosynthesis), to strongly (stomatal conductance) affected, although without impact on Ca accumulation in tubers. At harvest, the average Ca biofortification index varied between 5–40%, 40–35% and 4.3–13% in Agria, Picasso and Rossi, respectively. Moreover, the equatorial region of the tubers in general showed that Ca accumulation prevailed in the epidermis and, in some cases, in inner areas of the potato tubers. Biofortified tubers with Ca also showed some significant changes in total soluble solids and colorimetric parameters. It is concluded that Ca enrichment of potato tubers through foliar spraying complemented the xylem mass flow of Ca from roots, through phloem redistribution. Both fertilizers showed similar efficiency, but Rossi revealed a lower index of Ca accumulation, eventually due to different metabolic characteristics. Although affected by Ca enrichment, potato tubers maintained a high quality for industrial processing.publishersversionpublishe
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